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Shear In Concrete Beams Design for Shear

CE A433 RC Design T. Bart Quimby, P.E., Ph.D. Spring 2009

Concrete is weakest in tension Cracks form NORMAL to the principle tensile stress

Shear Failure in RC Beams

Shear Reinforcing

Ideal configuration but relatively difficult

Shear Reinforcing
Truss Model. Concrete carries compression, steel carries tension like a truss

The Design Inequality

Vu < Vn Reqd Vn = Vu/ < Vn

The preferred layout. Each bar has an area component perp. to crack. Needs bars spaced to cross all potential cracks.

Shear Demand, Vu

Must design for the worst case shear at every location.. Shear Envelopes!

Influence Lines for a Simple Beam

Dead load is everywhere present all the time Live load can be anywhere or nowhere place for maximum effect (influence lines help)

Try writing an expression for max V as a function of x, L, and w. Do it again for min V The influence line tells you where to place LIVE LOAD for max effect you need to remember to add the dead load shear equation into this.

Shear Envelope for a Simple Beam

Shear Envelope Simple Beam, Uniform Load, Half Span

The Reduction Factor,

70.00 60.00 50.00 Vu (k) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00

ACI 318 318-08

= .75
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 x (ft) 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00

See ACI 318318-08 11.1.3

Shear Strength of Rectangular Sections

Concrete Strength by the Simplified Method

ACI 318318-08 11.1.1: Vn = Vc + Vs Strength from Concrete, Vc

Simplified Method: ACI 318318-08 Vc = 2 sqrt sqrt( (f fc) bwd More Detailed Method: ACI 318318-08 11.2.2 Vc = [1.9 sqrt sqrt( (fc)+2500wmin(1,Vud/Mu)] )]b bwd Where Vu and Mu are SIMULTANEOUSLY occurring ACI 318318-08 Vs = Avfyd/s

Strength from Shear Reinforcement, Vs

ACI 318 318-08 Vc = 2 sqrt sqrt( (fc)bwd Assumes a maximum stress [2*sqrt [2* sqrt( (fc)] acting on an effective area, bwd. is a modifier to be used when using lightweight concrete. See ACI 318318-08 8.6.1

d bw

Concrete Strength by the More Detailed Method

Other Requirements

ACI 318318-08 11.2.2 Vc = [1.9 sqrt sqrt( (fc)+2500wmin(1,Vud/Mu)] )]b bwd The maximum stress takes into account the varying values of actual moment and shear along the span as well as the influence of the longitudinal reinforcing. [1.9 sqrt sqrt( (fc)+2500wmin(1,Vud/Mu)] The ratio Vud/Mu considers the relative values of simultaneously occurring shear and moment. Vu is an envelope value, but Mu is the moment that simultaneously occurs with Vu. The effective area is still bwd.

ACI 318 318-08

ACI 318 318-08 11.4.5, Spacing of Reinforcement

Shear reinforcement is to be provided when Vu > .5Vc.

s < d/2 Where Vs exceeds 4*sqrt 4*sqrt( (fc)bwd then s < d/4 Minimum steel limit (ACI 318 318-08 s < Avfy/[max(.75sqrt( /[max(.75sqrt(f fc),50) ),50)b bw]

Shear Reinforcing

Shear Reinforcing Area, Av

Av = Ab

Needs bars spaced to cross all potential cracks. Min slope of a crack is 45 deg, max is greater than that! Limiting spacing to d/2 increase probability that all potential cracks are reinforced

Av is the total As that crosses a crack at a reinforcing location Av = 2 Ab

Shear Diagrams
Half Span Shear Diagrams
70.00 60.00 50.00 Shear (k) Vu 40.00 30.00 20.00
Conc. Shear Strength, Vc Steel Shear Strength, Vs Stirrups reqd by STRENGTH Shear Demand, Vu Shear Capacity, Vn

Design Objective

pVc pVc/2 pVn

10.00 0.00 0.00

Determine the size, location, and spacing of shear stirrups Use smallest diameter bars for shear stirrups (minimizes bend diameters, ACI 318318 -08 7.2, and development lengths) Use where needed (i.e. where Vu > .5Vc).

Stirrups reqd by CODE








Face of Support

X (ft)

Shear Capacity, Vn, Diagram

Choosing Stirrup Spacing

Write the design inequality and solve for s Vu/ < Vc + Avfyd/s s < Avfyd/(Vu/ Vc) Spacing at any location along the beam where it is required (i.e. where Vu > .5Vc) is the minimum over the three limits on spacing s < min( min(A Avfyd/(Vu/ Vc), d/2, Avfy/[max(.75sqrt( /[max(.75sqrt(f fc),50) ),50)b bw]) Graph it!

Reqd Spacing Graph

Max Spacing
12.00 10.00 Spacing (in n) 8 00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 X (ft) Max Spacing Actual Spacing 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00

Draw the Beam Profile & Section

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