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SCECSAL XXI Conference 28th July 1st August 2014

Author Guide to Submitting an Abstract and a Full Paper

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS An abstract should be of approximately 500 words, Times New Roman Font 10; align left, but justify text under your abstract An abstract should have author (s) details (name, occupation, position, organisation, city, country, email address, fax number and mobile number) Title of conference paper (Times New Roman 14; sentence case; centre) Keywords: Maximum seven key words that closely identify key issues addressed in your Paper.

FULL PAPERS Guidelines for preparing a full paper Abstract: Not more than 150 words, include keywords Length of paper: Minimum of 3000 words and maximum of 5000 Words (inclusive of abstract and references) Language: English (UK) and the same spell checker Font size: 12 Font type: Times New Roman Line spacing: 1.5 and full justification Page number: Insert page numbers at the bottom aligned centre Tables and figures: All tables and figures should be numbered sequentially. Paragraphing: using Tab key rather than spacing Heading and sub-headings can be numbered as 1, 1.1, 1.2, etc. Citation and Referencing Style: American Psychological Association (APA) style should be used for all in text citation. A list of references should be produced in alphabetical order (See examples below).

Some Examples of Referencing and Citation in Text References Book - single authorAina, L.O (2004). Library and Information Science Text for Africa. Ibadan: Third World Information Services. Book - more than one author Rowley, J.E., & Farrow, J. (1992). Organising knowledge: An Introduction to Information retrieval. 2nd ed.London: Gower. Journal article - two authors Adekanmbi, A.R. and Boadi, B.Y. (2008).Problems of developing library collections: a study of colleges of education libraries in Botswana. Information Development, Vol. 24 No. 4, pp. 275-88. For further detail, refer to: (Adekanmbi & Boadi, 2008) (Aina, 2004) Citation in Text

(Rowley & Farrow, 1992)

NOTE: Permission should be sought from the owner (s) of the work for reuse or reproducing their work. To avoid issues of plagiarism, Anti-plagiarism software Turnitin or Viper will be used on all articles that will be submitted. Bio-data: Each paper should be submitted with a bio-data note about the author. Other points to remember Papers should be submitted fully formatted according to the guidelines. If you do not send your brief biography, it will be published without it. Full papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceedings which will be availed to the participants at the conference Dead Line for submitting full papers: Important Dates DEADLINES Deadline for submission of abstracts Notification of acceptance of Abstracts Deadline for submission of complete papers Notification of acceptance of paper

DATES 31st October, 2013 30th November, 2013 29th March, 2014 27th June, 2014

All Papers should be sent to the addresses below:

Mr. Geoffrey F. Salanje Librarian Bunda Campus Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Science P.O Box 210 Lilongwe Cell No: (265) 09 99 930892 Tel No : (265) 1 11974112 (Office), (265) 1 277308 (Home) E-mail ads: or Miss Khumbo Ngongola Assistant Librarian Extra-mural Services National Library Service P.O. Box City centre Lilongwe 3 Email ad:

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