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Zionist Espionage Operation Attempts to Bully Nick Cannon and Other Celebrity Endorsements to Defame Justice for Trayvon Martin and Million Youth March
Washington- July 20, 2013.The slanderous, criminal, Pro- Israel, Zionist, AntiDefamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) and leader Abraham Foxman, embarked on a futile and baseless campaign aimed at thwarting attendance for the September 7th Million Youth March in Harlem, New York, themed Millions for Trayvon. The ADL shamefully hides the fact that, its beginning membership owned and invested in Black slavery. Leaders of the Bnai Brith publicly ridiculed the struggles of Blacks in Jewish owned publications. Abraham Foxman promotes the illusion that Ashkenazi Jews have been the greatest helpers and friends of Blacks. Abraham Foxman spearheaded the ADL's illegal spy campaign on 1,200 individuals and organizations. Abraham Foxmans organization is guilty of spreading the most dejected, antiBlack stereotypes conceivable. As of 1925, Blacks in America went through some of the most violent, savage, brutal times in history. During this time, the B'nai B'rith Magazine printed racist jokes, and made mockery of Blacks using the title Darktown. The propagation of blackface minstrels was virtually an all Jewish financial enterprise. From that source streamed images from Hollywood that repeatedly

portrayed atrocious images of Black stereotypes. Jewish promotional investments in the infamously racist film Birth of a Nation, became an early recruiting instrument of the Ku Klux Klan. The Jewish movie mogul Louis B. Mayer had such substantial earnings from Birth of a Nation he began the well-known MGM Studios. Abraham Foxman and his ADL are doing their best to play the omnipotent administrators and keep the black celebrities and supporters of our march in check. The Attack on Nick Cannon and other black public figures in the entertainment and business words, by the ADL, is unprincipled, immoral, unfactual and demonic. The attempts by the ADL, to stop the Million Youth March, Millions for Trayvon Movement and the New Black Panther Party, show a bloodthirsty lust to undermine the base of the New Black Panther Party and Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz. The ADLs categorization of the New Black Panther Party as anti-Semitic is the personal campaign of Abraham Foxman, and early counter- intelligence methods to disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of Black Nationalist type organizations, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters. The New Black Panther Party has healthy relationships with Black, Brown, Red, Yellow nationalities from all stations of life. The legitimate need of Black Youth to be defended from all attackers such as George Zimmerman is something that is shared from the richest to the poorest in Black America. Abraham Foxman is trying to crack the whip on Black men and women who sympathize with the plight of Black Youth, but that day is over when psychopathic megalomaniacs types like Abraham Foxman or the ADL, control who black people associate with, support, identify with, respect, or speak out on the behalf of. There is a New Blackman /Woman on scene. The not guilty verdict in the case of George Zimmerman, reached across black economic, class, social, political, spectrums. Abraham Foxmans attempt to bully attendees, supporters, and endorsees must be met with a vehement exposure of how malicious, ill-mannered and criminal Abe Foxman and his Mafioso style organization are. The attempts to stop the Million Youth March will be challenged at every turn. Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz and National Convener of the Million Youth March, founder of Black Lawyers for Justice, National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party had this to say On to September 7th. We want the whole Black world with us in New York. We will have a massive crowd we have massive support and must have a massive response to violence against our youth nationwide we must resist to exist.

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