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[6/03/2013 9:31:46 AM] sunita yadav: good morning [6/03/2013 9:31:54 AM] Jessica Pietsch: hi!

[6/03/2013 9:32:21 AM] sunita yadav: did you look at the screen sho i have sent [6/03/2013 9:32:44 AM] sunita yadav: after that i have aligned the contron in ca ll new meeting section [6/03/2013 9:34:13 AM] Jessica Pietsch: great [6/03/2013 9:34:36 AM] Jessica Pietsch: call new meeting still needs a public/pr ivate choice [6/03/2013 9:35:36 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 9:35:44 AM] sunita yadav: i will add [6/03/2013 9:36:03 AM] sunita yadav: tag also [6/03/2013 9:37:34 AM] Jessica Pietsch: cool. [6/03/2013 9:37:48 AM] sunita yadav: are you busy or i can send view all meeting screen also [6/03/2013 9:38:21 AM] Jessica Pietsch: lets do it! [6/03/2013 9:38:26 AM] Jessica Pietsch: not busy at all just replying to emails [6/03/2013 9:39:00 AM] Jessica Pietsch: so would you like me to makr up changes on the screen shots? or ask questions? tell me what I need to do please! [6/03/2013 9:40:01 AM] sunita yadav: means? [6/03/2013 9:40:20 AM] sunita yadav: are we hvaing more screen to do or its si j ust [6/03/2013 9:41:00 AM] sunita yadav: I have soem questions, let em ask then then i will continue and you can do the rest [6/03/2013 9:41:05 AM] *** sunita yadav sent IMG_06032013_094105.png *** [6/03/2013 9:41:15 AM] Jessica Pietsch: ok [6/03/2013 9:41:32 AM] Jessica Pietsch: I don't know if there are more screens t o do I ahve lost track. [6/03/2013 9:41:48 AM] sunita yadav: even i have that question [6/03/2013 9:42:02 AM] Jessica Pietsch: :) [6/03/2013 9:42:07 AM] sunita yadav: i was not able to link the screen on site [6/03/2013 9:42:21 AM] sunita yadav: so wanted to do that first [6/03/2013 9:42:21 AM] Jessica Pietsch: explain? [6/03/2013 9:42:33 AM] Jessica Pietsch: link the screen on site [6/03/2013 9:42:38 AM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 9:42:51 AM] sunita yadav: did you get the image on view all [6/03/2013 9:43:11 AM] sunita yadav: ets open your pdf [6/03/2013 9:43:18 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yes! [6/03/2013 9:43:24 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 9:43:39 AM] sunita yadav: i ave added search option based on columns [6/03/2013 9:44:09 AM] sunita yadav: now my question is we decided to show last six months data only [6/03/2013 9:44:30 AM] Jessica Pietsch: what happens to the rest? [6/03/2013 9:44:39 AM] sunita yadav: thats my point is [6/03/2013 9:44:50 AM] Jessica Pietsch: maybe we should show ALL meetings, but h ave them on pages [6/03/2013 9:44:53 AM] Jessica Pietsch: 1 2 3 4 5 [6/03/2013 9:44:55 AM] sunita yadav: serach should work on entire data base [6/03/2013 9:44:58 AM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 9:45:02 AM] Jessica Pietsch: with 30 records to a page [6/03/2013 9:45:04 AM] Jessica Pietsch: or 20 [6/03/2013 9:45:11 AM] Jessica Pietsch: or whatver fits the screen best [6/03/2013 9:45:27 AM] sunita yadav: lets include paging [6/03/2013 9:45:36 AM] Jessica Pietsch: ok [6/03/2013 9:45:42 AM] sunita yadav: also then serch should be on entire data [6/03/2013 9:45:47 AM] sunita yadav: seach [6/03/2013 9:45:47 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yes [6/03/2013 9:45:54 AM] Jessica Pietsch: and keywrods within the data [6/03/2013 9:46:26 AM] sunita yadav: you mean any text matching in data [6/03/2013 9:46:48 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yes. within agenda or minutes [6/03/2013 9:46:51 AM] sunita yadav: or keywords we are storing

[6/03/2013 9:46:58 AM] Jessica Pietsch: not just the name of the meeting [6/03/2013 9:47:23 AM] sunita yadav: i am confused [6/03/2013 9:47:33 AM] sunita yadav: have you looked at screen [6/03/2013 9:48:02 AM] sunita yadav: i have added serach by meeting anme, locat ion, date, time [6/03/2013 9:48:04 AM] Jessica Pietsch: sorry yes I am looking at is [6/03/2013 9:48:31 AM] sunita yadav: you want me to add another option keyword? [6/03/2013 9:48:41 AM] Jessica Pietsch: sorry i get it, the boxes are for the se arch [6/03/2013 9:48:49 AM] Jessica Pietsch: can't we just have one search box for al l? [6/03/2013 9:49:08 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 9:49:22 AM] sunita yadav: then we can rules about searching [6/03/2013 9:50:17 AM] sunita yadav: like it will search in meeting name, locati on, date , time, keyword, text and any match it will return result [6/03/2013 9:50:27 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yes [6/03/2013 9:50:31 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 9:50:35 AM] sunita yadav: i will do it [6/03/2013 9:52:07 AM] sunita yadav: so its clear regarding functionality. inita illy we wil show all recorsd with paging and when user enter anything and click serach, we will show only those records on the grid [6/03/2013 9:52:43 AM] sunita yadav: shall we add one more button to return to d efault view of all records? [6/03/2013 9:54:10 AM] Jessica Pietsch: 'back to all meetings' [6/03/2013 9:54:15 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yes [6/03/2013 9:54:23 AM] Jessica Pietsch: [clear search] [6/03/2013 9:54:33 AM] Jessica Pietsch: whichever you think [6/03/2013 10:08:13 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 10:08:31 AM] sunita yadav: sorry got disconnected [6/03/2013 10:08:43 AM] Jessica Pietsch: no prob [6/03/2013 10:08:46 AM] sunita yadav: back to all meetings is good [6/03/2013 10:09:16 AM] sunita yadav: now i have question aboout call new meetin g [6/03/2013 10:09:24 AM] Jessica Pietsch: ok [6/03/2013 10:09:56 AM] sunita yadav: first column is meeting [6/03/2013 10:09:58 AM] sunita yadav: name [6/03/2013 10:10:10 AM] sunita yadav: second is group name [6/03/2013 10:10:37 AM] sunita yadav: third is users who need to assign to that group [6/03/2013 10:11:03 AM] sunita yadav: fourth is meting date [6/03/2013 10:11:09 AM] sunita yadav: 5th is meeting time [6/03/2013 10:11:18 AM] Jessica Pietsch: group will look up mailing lists yeah? [6/03/2013 10:12:03 AM] sunita yadav: help desk will create mailing list with th at group name which is mentioned in group field [6/03/2013 10:12:19 AM] Jessica Pietsch: so its a lookup field? [6/03/2013 10:12:37 AM] sunita yadav: no as this will be a new group [6/03/2013 10:12:41 AM] sunita yadav: to be created [6/03/2013 10:12:52 AM] Jessica Pietsch: what about if it is an exitsing group? [6/03/2013 10:13:02 AM] Jessica Pietsch: such as All Staff [6/03/2013 10:13:05 AM] Jessica Pietsch: or Melbourne Office [6/03/2013 10:13:41 AM] sunita yadav: i think then we will add one group field t o meeting lists [6/03/2013 10:14:04 AM] sunita yadav: because this just for creating new meeting [6/03/2013 10:14:48 AM] sunita yadav: tis wwill tell users which group meeting i s assocuated with [6/03/2013 10:15:27 AM] sunita yadav: here we ened to take input from users and mostly group wont be there if its new meeting [6/03/2013 10:16:23 AM] Jessica Pietsch: What about if Group is a lookup but nex t to [Group] it says 'request new group' which opens a helpdesk request> [6/03/2013 10:16:25 AM] Jessica Pietsch: ?

[6/03/2013 10:17:04 AM] sunita yadav: actually i got confused again [6/03/2013 10:17:31 AM] sunita yadav: we have one more screen in pdf which send invitation [6/03/2013 10:18:00 AM] sunita yadav: so i thought this is just for creating new meeting place and sending mail to help desh [6/03/2013 10:18:13 AM] sunita yadav: for creating group and assign users [6/03/2013 10:18:40 AM] Jessica Pietsch: sorry no, that is for generating an out look meeting request. [6/03/2013 10:19:17 AM] Jessica Pietsch: could use for both though [6/03/2013 10:19:59 AM] sunita yadav: then this si for creating meeting then gro up won't be there and we ened to take new group name . am i right? [6/03/2013 10:21:03 AM] sunita yadav: or it is for creating new meeting and schd ule existing meeting also [6/03/2013 10:21:11 AM] sunita yadav: got it [6/03/2013 10:21:32 AM] sunita yadav: then it will be lookup and input both [6/03/2013 10:21:47 AM] Jessica Pietsch: its fo sending the meeting request AND setting up a new agenda/meetingplace [6/03/2013 10:21:57 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yes! If posssible input and lookup [6/03/2013 10:22:47 AM] sunita yadav: when we are creating new meeting place, it will be input and we will also chnage button text " create new meeting place" [6/03/2013 10:23:56 AM] Jessica Pietsch: i'm not sure sorry [6/03/2013 10:23:59 AM] Jessica Pietsch: i dont' get it [6/03/2013 10:24:25 AM] Jessica Pietsch: it will also create a meeting request? [6/03/2013 10:25:01 AM] sunita yadav: initially i thougt it is just for ceating new meeting place and sending email to help desk [6/03/2013 10:25:28 AM] sunita yadav: but then I had question what we meant by s end meeting request on button [6/03/2013 10:26:08 AM] sunita yadav: i was not able to picturise the flow [6/03/2013 10:26:29 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yeah, so i figure if we have the group already ie ALL STAFF [6/03/2013 10:26:34 AM] Jessica Pietsch: we can send a meeting request. [6/03/2013 10:26:52 AM] Jessica Pietsch: but if we don't have the meeting group the helpdesk email is gerneated instead [6/03/2013 10:27:59 AM] sunita yadav: i think we are getting wrong [6/03/2013 10:28:23 AM] sunita yadav: one use of this screen is for creating new meeting place [6/03/2013 10:29:05 AM] sunita yadav: second we can use to schedule anothing mee ting for existing meeting but we cannot send invitation as we dont have agenda a t this stage [6/03/2013 10:29:33 AM] sunita yadav: it will just add meeting in the system for existing meeting place so taht we can add agenda [6/03/2013 10:29:55 AM] Jessica Pietsch: so we can eithe request from IT a NEW M eetingplace or set a new meeting in an EXISTING one? [6/03/2013 10:30:06 AM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 10:30:09 AM] Jessica Pietsch: love it! [6/03/2013 10:30:11 AM] Jessica Pietsch: multifunction [6/03/2013 10:30:33 AM] sunita yadav: in the system only so that people can add agenda and send invitation from other screen [6/03/2013 10:30:50 AM] sunita yadav: for existing meeting place [6/03/2013 10:32:16 AM] sunita yadav: so shall we give radio button to create or schedule so that we can populate all data and they can just chnage date only [6/03/2013 10:32:46 AM] sunita yadav: at the top of screen [6/03/2013 10:33:17 AM] Jessica Pietsch: can it be determined by the meeting nam e screen? lookup or add new [6/03/2013 10:33:59 AM] sunita yadav: then user has to write the big meeting nam e to determine [6/03/2013 10:34:21 AM] sunita yadav: i can do that also if meeting name exists populate data [6/03/2013 10:34:44 AM] Jessica Pietsch: great! [6/03/2013 10:34:50 AM] sunita yadav: ok

[6/03/2013 10:34:57 AM] Jessica Pietsch: which means meeting name cannot be doub le [6/03/2013 10:35:03 AM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 10:35:18 AM] Jessica Pietsch: great! [6/03/2013 10:36:10 AM] sunita yadav: public private, we decided that if meeting is private, it wont be in view all meeting but will visible only to group assig n [6/03/2013 10:36:37 AM] Jessica Pietsch: The meeting name will show up in search es but the Agenda will not be accessible [6/03/2013 10:36:56 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 10:37:12 AM] Jessica Pietsch: New screen could say - This meeting i s accessible only by its attendees, for more infomration see the moderators XXXX X [6/03/2013 10:37:29 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 10:37:43 AM] sunita yadav: now i hvae question regarding moderators [6/03/2013 10:38:15 AM] sunita yadav: this will be users who will be assigned to the meeting group/mailing list. [6/03/2013 10:38:20 AM] sunita yadav: am i right? [6/03/2013 10:38:34 AM] Jessica Pietsch: they must already be in the meeting gro up yes [6/03/2013 10:38:44 AM] Jessica Pietsch: so it can be a picklist mayeb? [6/03/2013 10:38:55 AM] sunita yadav: yes, thats what i want to ask [6/03/2013 10:39:28 AM] sunita yadav: i need to give some way to add users from existing list [6/03/2013 10:39:47 AM] sunita yadav: from this screen [6/03/2013 10:40:04 AM] Jessica Pietsch: so if the group is exitising the modera tors can be picked [6/03/2013 10:40:13 AM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 10:40:21 AM] Jessica Pietsch: if the group is new the help desk reque st mjst specify [6/03/2013 10:40:32 AM] Jessica Pietsch: so we need a new screen for helpdesk re quest [6/03/2013 10:40:34 AM] sunita yadav: bt for new one, we ened to tell so that he lpdesk can create and assign [6/03/2013 10:40:42 AM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 10:41:53 AM] Jessica Pietsch: so our email to helpdesk will be create d when a meeting name is NEW. and it will show atendees, from the box. it will a lso show moderators and add the current user to moderators [6/03/2013 10:42:38 AM] sunita yadav: just quick question [6/03/2013 10:42:43 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yeo [6/03/2013 10:42:46 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yes [6/03/2013 10:43:16 AM] sunita yadav: i thought moderators is users to be assign ed to that group [6/03/2013 10:43:39 AM] sunita yadav: what is difference between attendess/ user s in mailinst and moderators [6/03/2013 10:43:50 AM] sunita yadav: how system will differentitae [6/03/2013 10:45:25 AM] Jessica Pietsch: permissions, moderators will be able to change the high level agenda [6/03/2013 10:45:31 AM] Jessica Pietsch: Attendees cannot [6/03/2013 10:45:34 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 10:45:36 AM] Jessica Pietsch: chair is a moderator [6/03/2013 10:45:41 AM] sunita yadav: got it [6/03/2013 10:45:51 AM] Jessica Pietsch: sometimes meeting have one or two peopl e who take minutes [6/03/2013 10:45:57 AM] Jessica Pietsch: they can both be moderators [6/03/2013 10:46:17 AM] Jessica Pietsch: maximum 3 ? moderators? [6/03/2013 10:46:32 AM] sunita yadav: then we need to separate in fileds [6/03/2013 10:46:39 AM] sunita yadav: moderators and attaneeds [6/03/2013 10:47:06 AM] Jessica Pietsch: but moderators are also attendees [6/03/2013 10:47:13 AM] Jessica Pietsch: just to calirfy

[6/03/2013 10:47:25 AM] sunita yadav: or a check to select which one is morerato r [6/03/2013 10:47:40 AM] Jessica Pietsch: * would be fine too [6/03/2013 10:48:27 AM] sunita yadav: user has to select which oen is moderators when creating nwe emeting [6/03/2013 10:49:21 AM] sunita yadav: so where they are going to add * [6/03/2013 10:49:33 AM] sunita yadav: type in * before name [6/03/2013 10:49:42 AM] sunita yadav: after adding [6/03/2013 10:49:47 AM] Jessica Pietsch: no sorry! Ive confused us [6/03/2013 10:49:51 AM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 10:50:03 AM] sunita yadav: lets add one chcekbox in lits of users [6/03/2013 10:50:11 AM] Jessica Pietsch: ok [6/03/2013 10:50:27 AM] sunita yadav: and he can mark which one of them are mode rators [6/03/2013 10:50:28 AM] Jessica Pietsch: in 'call a new meeting' there is a fiel d for moderators [6/03/2013 10:50:41 AM] Jessica Pietsch: can we make it a lookup based on the gr oup? [6/03/2013 10:50:45 AM] sunita yadav: but that list all users [6/03/2013 10:51:28 AM] sunita yadav: yes in case of exsiting meeing but not for new meeting place [6/03/2013 10:52:25 AM] Jessica Pietsch: so new meeting place make it text [6/03/2013 10:52:32 AM] Jessica Pietsch: and that will get made a part of the em ail to help desk [6/03/2013 10:52:34 AM] sunita yadav: also I am assuming when yes [6/03/2013 10:53:02 AM] sunita yadav: just one more thing [6/03/2013 10:53:27 AM] sunita yadav: suppose we to add new user to meeting grou p, we will send email outside teh system [6/03/2013 10:53:43 AM] sunita yadav: or remove it [6/03/2013 10:53:48 AM] sunita yadav: ? [6/03/2013 10:54:46 AM] sunita yadav: or we can give one screen to send email [6/03/2013 10:55:02 AM] Jessica Pietsch: can you rephrase? [6/03/2013 10:55:29 AM] sunita yadav: suppose we have created a new meeting plac e [6/03/2013 10:55:46 AM] sunita yadav: helpdesk got list of users to add to group [6/03/2013 10:56:02 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yep [6/03/2013 10:56:14 AM] sunita yadav: after few months, we want to add new users to group as they are new joineeds and attend meeting [6/03/2013 10:56:27 AM] Jessica Pietsch: yep [6/03/2013 10:56:50 AM] Jessica Pietsch: same process as now [6/03/2013 10:56:58 AM] sunita yadav: then are we going to contact help desk out side the system [6/03/2013 10:56:59 AM] Jessica Pietsch: IT will need to be emailed i think [6/03/2013 10:57:05 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 10:57:07 AM] Jessica Pietsch: I getcha [6/03/2013 10:57:52 AM] Jessica Pietsch: let me look at the screen shots [6/03/2013 10:57:58 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 10:58:18 AM] sunita yadav: let me start with functional part of view all meetings and call nwe meeting [6/03/2013 10:58:21 AM] sunita yadav: now [6/03/2013 10:58:43 AM] sunita yadav: thanks [6/03/2013 10:58:59 AM] Jessica Pietsch: on page 3 of my pdf [6/03/2013 10:59:12 AM] Jessica Pietsch: page that says WELCOME TO AAAMETINGTITL E [6/03/2013 10:59:16 AM] Jessica Pietsch: there is a box [6/03/2013 10:59:24 AM] Jessica Pietsch: that says Moderator view [6/03/2013 10:59:49 AM] Jessica Pietsch: maybe in there we could have a 'add rem ove attendees' which emails helpdesk. [6/03/2013 11:00:03 AM] sunita yadav: sure [6/03/2013 11:00:15 AM] Jessica Pietsch: it could generate an email with all the

current attendees and allow changes [6/03/2013 11:00:25 AM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 11:00:47 AM] Jessica Pietsch: my experience with sharepoint is that a n admin should be allowed to change site permissions. [6/03/2013 11:00:57 AM] Jessica Pietsch: but I don't know if joel is going to al low that [6/03/2013 11:02:24 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 11:03:23 AM] sunita yadav: but i think these will be at web part leve l so can't be managed through site [6/03/2013 11:03:34 AM] sunita yadav: it will be intrenal to system [6/03/2013 11:04:24 AM] sunita yadav: thanks [6/03/2013 11:04:44 AM] sunita yadav: i think i have enough knowedge to start fu nction part of these screens [6/03/2013 11:05:30 AM] Jessica Pietsch: ok not prob [6/03/2013 11:05:32 AM] Jessica Pietsch: thanks [6/03/2013 11:05:37 AM] Jessica Pietsch: talk soon [6/03/2013 11:05:46 AM] Jessica Pietsch: shoot questions through whenever you ne ed to [6/03/2013 11:05:52 AM] Jessica Pietsch: i will stay near [6/03/2013 11:06:59 AM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 11:07:00 AM] sunita yadav: thanks [6/03/2013 1:10:13 PM] sunita yadav: r u using desktop? [6/03/2013 1:10:20 PM] Jessica Pietsch: yes [6/03/2013 1:10:27 PM] sunita yadav: whats your machine name [6/03/2013 1:11:32 PM] sunita yadav: i will ask admin rights for your machine so that i can setup , you can access live site from my machine [6/03/2013 1:48:04 PM] Jessica Pietsch: sorry I as out to lunch [6/03/2013 1:48:10 PM] Jessica Pietsch: my machine number? [6/03/2013 1:48:24 PM] Jessica Pietsch: I AVI PC33 [6/03/2013 1:48:28 PM] sunita yadav: thanks [6/03/2013 4:09:25 PM] sunita yadav: are we facing any network issues? [6/03/2013 4:09:39 PM] sunita yadav: not able to connect to my system [6/03/2013 4:12:59 PM] Jessica Pietsch: lost internet for a bit [6/03/2013 4:13:50 PM] sunita yadav: ok. may some interupption. is going on and oof [6/03/2013 4:13:53 PM] Jessica Pietsch: so maybr [6/03/2013 4:13:53 PM] Jessica Pietsch: yureed says not really just the internet [6/03/2013 4:14:02 PM] sunita yadav: ok [6/03/2013 4:14:11 PM] sunita yadav: thanks [6/03/2013 5:10:09 PM] Jessica Pietsch: hi Sunita [6/03/2013 5:10:15 PM] Jessica Pietsch: this email just came from andre [6/03/2013 5:10:17 PM] Jessica Pietsch: From: Andre Thomas [] Sent: Wednesday, 6 March 2013 5:09 PM To: All Staff Subject: AVI Internet Issue Importance: High Hi All, Our Internet service provider has informed us that they are experiencing a major interruption in their national network, which is affecting all of our Internet services including: AVI Websites (including webmail) Remote Access (UAG and Metaframe) Webbrowsing and downloading from Melbourne Office or within UAG/Metaframe We will notify staff when the service provider inform us that the issue has been

resolved. Andr Thomas Systems, Network and Communications Administrator Australian Volunteers International PO Box 350 (71 Argyle Street) Fitzroy VIC 3065 Ph: 03 9279 1739 Fax: 03 9419 4280 [6/03/2013 5:11:59 PM] sunita yadav: thanks [6/03/2013 5:12:20 PM] sunita yadav: i mentioned it Joel. Not able to work for l ast one hour or so [6/03/2013 5:12:32 PM] sunita yadav: connection coming and going [6/03/2013 5:12:59 PM] Jessica Pietsch: Well I am off for the day so hopefully w e can start again tomorrow. [6/03/2013 5:13:08 PM] sunita yadav: yes [6/03/2013 5:13:40 PM] sunita yadav: i migrated team leaders data from loutus so was playing with view all meetings [6/03/2013 5:13:57 PM] sunita yadav: have a nice day [6/03/2013 5:14:31 PM] Jessica Pietsch: you too. thanks!

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