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REQUERIMIENTOS Topics for this program





Power: Students will design a power system for a colony on Mars. Power systems can include but are not limited to wind turbines, nuclear power, and solar panels. We welcome new ideas. Please consider failures, what will happen if your power system fails? What will be your backup power system? Students will present their power system to a panel of judges. If students are stuck, they could make a wind turbine. Wind turbines on Mars will be very different from wind turbines on Earth. Wind turbines: Students will learn the parts of a turbine, how electricity is generated by a turbine, how to measure voltage and amperage, how to calculate power, how to read topographic map, the pros and cons of turbines, and other sources of energy. Students will make a design for their wind turbine, keeping consideration of Mars characteristics, and will provide reasoning for their design. Eventually, students will create their windmill prototype and present it to a panel of judges. Robotics: Students will learn the difference between ROV and RMS, all of the different types of robots (Cartesian/gantry, cylindrical, spherical, SCARA, articulated, and parallel) and what each type is used for and they can explore ROVER NASA to see obstacles that robots may encounter as well. Students will then choose what they would like their robot to be able to do on Mars: Scoop and sift, build/stack, or test PH. If students would like their robot to scoop, they must construct a robot that can scoop 1 lb. of Martian dust and then sift through the dust. Students must find a way to collect the dust on the robot. If student would like their robot to build, they must construct that can pick up and move 1 lb. blocks and stack them. If students would like their robot to test PH, their robot must be able to grasp the PH tester strips and put them into the area testing and take them back out. All robots must be able to maneuver around the Martian

surface for a total of 500 feet. This robot will be no larger than 2 ft. by 2 ft. Students will make their robot prototype and present it to a panel of judges. Please consider failures. Diet: Students will learn about shelf life, freeze-dried food, gluten free diets, vegan diets, hydroponics, recyclable containers, and thermostabilized foods. Students will then study current menus for missions and potential deep space missions and come up with more meal recipes for astronauts, How will you help astronauts on a deep space mission to Mars have the luxury of recyclable food containers, food with five year shelf lives, and a tasty diet. Which foods will you grow? How will you grow it? How will you transport your growing systems? Students will have a three year menu, and present one week of their actual menu to a panel of judges. Please consider failures. What will you do if you get to Mars and the system you had to grow food does not work on Mars? What if you run out of food? Wearable Technology: Design a spacesuit that incorporates some sort of wearable technology that will be beneficial on Mars. IE) Eye sight improvement, footwear, cameras, etc. Think about what will be important for astronauts to have on their spacesuit and how can you incorporate it. Think about the failures associated with this. What will happen if your eye sight improvement technology fails? You will present your spacesuit and wearable technology device to a panel of judges. Waste management: Design a waste management device that can recycle waste in Mars, should be energy efficient, consider what will you do with the non-recyclable waste. Please consider failures. You will present your waste management system to a panel of judges. Clean Water: How will you provide clean water? Create a filter that will you provide clean water for the crew in a Martian habitat. Why do we need clean water? What will we do if your filtering system fails? Will we have technology to be

able to boil on Mars? What is boiling point on Mars? You will present your water filtration and purity system to a panel of judges.

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