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Srimad Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4

Professor B Mahadevan
December 28, 2010
Relevance of Gita
Interesting ideas for Management
Dharma and Incarnation are very relevant
principles of long term sustainability &
This manifests in all walks of life
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
This manifests in all walks of life
Switching on the Psychological refinery helps
us build great character and inner strength
We have no business to compete with animals!
Unity in Diversity is a great enabler of
creativity and progress
Relevance of Gita
How is the inner-self & character weakened?
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
l 4 4ll- contain enormous energy. How do we
channelize it properly? That is where l+ 69B comes in
6l5\4l4- 6l5\4l4- 6l5\4l4- 6l5\4l4-
l+ l+ l+ l+-TP TP TP TP-B-4lB 4l- B-4lB 4l- B-4lB 4l- B-4lB 4l-
Sloka 13
Varna Concept
l64'4 P4l B7 TTP|4lH-
6F4 T6lP|9 Pl |4&T6lP-44P+ 4.13.
The four fold varna system was devised by me on
the basis of Guna and Karma. Know me to be non-
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
the basis of Guna and Karma. Know me to be non-
doer and changless
Varna System
Time to clear misconceptions
=-P+l =l46 H- TPTl =l46 |=-
4(l\4l|4 4|9l O =l+l|6 lOT-+
Relevance of Manisha Panchakam
=ltF4-+ B9|-69 FT6l 4l B|4(7=6
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
=ltF4-+ B9|-69 FT6l 4l B|4(7=6
4l Ol|( |99l|Tl-66+9 9l6l =tBl|Tl
B4l( + (744|Ft4|6 (79l|9 4F4l|F6 6
'7llF6 B 6 |=lF6 |t49l P+l9l PP+
Gita Chapter 18.41 18.44
lOT|4|+Hl HlTl 969
TPl|T 9|4l|+ F4l4 94T-+ 18.41
Varna System
Time to clear misconceptions
Based on Guna & Karma No reference to heredity!
Acknowledging the principle of diversity (Father &
Son need not have same composition of Guna)
A mechanism to enable freedom of choice
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
A mechanism to enable freedom of choice
Important principle in Management First known
piece of work in Orgn. Structure Design/Orgn. Theory
It is all but natural
It is dynamic (can evolve over time!)
Do you know the caste of 63 Nayanmars and 12 Alwars?
Do you know that they are worshipped as Gods?
Have you read their divine compositions?
Slokas 14 15
Detached mode of Karma
+ Pl TPl|T |9|-6 + P TPT F9(l
|6 Pl 4l5|=l+l|6 TP|+ B 4\46+ 4.14.
Actions do not taint me nor I have thirst for results
of action. He who knows me thus is unfrettered by
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
of action. He who knows me thus is unfrettered by
94 lt4l T6 TP 94|9 PP|-
T6 TP4 6FPlx4 94- 946 T6P+ 4.15.
Ancient seekers of spiritual freedom performed
action with this knowledge. Therefore, you also do
action the same way as the ancestors
An important metric?
Detachment: An expression of
Evolution of thoughts & actions
Building inner strength & Character
Nature informs this in every possible way
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Nature informs this in every possible way
Green Coconut Vs Ripe Coconut (Copra)
-44T 4=lP( B|- 9|74+P
74l6T|P4 4-+l-Pt4lPl4 Pl5P6l6+
Bala Gangadhara Tilak (Gita Rahasya)
|44Tl B4l Pl T46l +l|F6 T6l
H94l( Hl|~t4 ~lT!Tl =+Tl 4l+
Slokas 16 17
Contemplating deep on Karma concept
|T TP |TPTP|6 T44l5-4 Pl|(6l-
6 TP 944l|P 47lt4l Pl4B5Hl6+ 4.16.
Even sages are bewildered as to what is action and
inaction. I shall tell you what action is so that you
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
inaction. I shall tell you what action is so that you
are freed from evil effects of action
TPTl G|9 4l&-4 4l&-4 |4TPT-
HTPT 4l&-4 (+l TPTl |6-+ 4.17.
Karma is a deep concept, one needs to know what
is action, forbidden action and inaction
Sloka 18
The paradox of Karma
TP'4TP 4- 9746 HTP|T TP 4-
B 4|&Pl-P+!49 B 416- TtF+TPT6+ 4.18.
One who sees action in inaction and inaction in
action is intelligent, composed, doer of all action
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
action is intelligent, composed, doer of all action
You see several examples in real life
Work done with a deep sense of devotion
Work done with selfless love (Mother attending to a child)
Work done with enormous passion (Dr. V of Aravind Eye Hospital)
In a nutshell, all greatest achievers in this world will be part of this list!
Relevance of Gita
Understand the world of paradox
Inaction in action
It is a question of agency & attachment: you take
it out and achieve this state - Otherwise
Work is seen as drudgery
This is anti-
thesis to Gita!
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Work is seen as drudgery
We separate work from joy
Boredom is an issue to be addressed
You need weekend get aways
Ashtavakra Gita:
|+4|t6|9 P7F4 94|t69=l46
94|t6|9 lF4 |+4|t6 T l|+l+
thesis to Gita!
Modern thinking & Mgmt. is about associating all work
with drudgery & seeking pleasure from outside
Boredom is spiritual
emptiness of mind
Relevance of Gita
Understand the world of paradox
Action in Inaction
Purusha Vs Prakriti
BP 6t4 Vs F 6t4
Train runs but not the Diesel (nor even the engine)
Fan rotates but not the electricity
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Fan rotates but not the electricity
Fuel burns but not the effect
(Cause & Effect: Both needs to be understood)
Observer Vs Doer
Mundako Upanishad (3.1.1)
l B9Tl B4=l BGl4l BPl+ 4 9|9F4=l6
64l-4- |9-9 F4l( H|t6 H+7++ H+4- H|lTHl|6+

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