Prop 21

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Save the Redwoods

Date: 7 December 2010 To: Members of Save the Redwoods From: Pete Dangermond, President, Save the Redwoods League Subject: Recommendation for California Proposition 21 Since 1918, Save the Redwoods has saved ancient redwood forests and ecosystems to ensure that current and future generations can see and feel the awe of Earths tallest natural wonders. Californias magnificent coastal redwoods can grow as tall as a 30-story building and can live for more than 2,000 years. Due to real estate development and logging only 5% of the original two million acre redwood forest remains. The purpose of Save the Redwoods is to continue preserving redwoods in California state parks. Save the Redwoods has already protected more than 189,000 acres and helped create 63 redwood reserves and parks. Ballot Title Establishes $18 Annual Vehicle License Surcharge to Help Fund State Parks and Wildlife Programs. Grants Surcharged Certain Vehicles Free Admission to All State Parks. Ballot Initiative Summary Proposition 21 proposes to increase vehicle license fees on 28 million vehicles in the state by $18 a year in order to raise approximately $500 million a year for the states 278 parks. The objective of the ballot initiative is to establish a dedicated and reliable funding stream for state parks and natural resources. Eighty-five percent of the money raised from the new fee would be spent directly on maintaining and operating state parks. The $130 million that the State of California currently spends on state parks would go into the states general fund. The vehicle license surcharge allows most California vehicles free admission and parking at state parks and beaches. The vehicle registration surcharge would apply to all cars, motorcycles, and recreational vehicles. Commercial vehicles, mobile homes, and permanent trailers would be exempt from the surcharge. Analysis of Initiative Intent

Californias 278 state parks and beaches are important economic engines and priceless assets. Proposition 21 keeps state parks and beaches open and safe for public use. Nearly 60 state parks will be shut down part-time because of this years budget cuts. Cuts in lifeguard and ranger positions have increased crime and decreased safety. Crime rates have doubled and thousands of scenic acres are closed to the public because of reductions in park rangers. Destruction and vandalism of the parks themselves has grown fourfold, and beach-goers are often unprotected because of decreases in lifeguards. Budget cuts are starving state parks. Funding has been continually cut by Sacramento politicians placing parks and wildlife at immediate risk. State parks have accumulated a repair backlog of $1.3 billion. 150 state parks were closed part-time or suffered deep service reductions during the past year. Our park facilities are poorly maintained, unsanitary and falling apart. Proposition 21 energizes Californias economy and secures jobs. Funding provides tens of thousands of jobs for state parks and beaches. State parks strengthen the economy by attracting millions of tourists spending $4.32 billion annually in California. In these tough economic times, this measure would ensure the funding needed to keep state parks open, preserve the jobs and revenue they create and assure future generations enjoy the abundant recreational, historical and cultural opportunities of the nations largest parks system. Some of the worlds largest companies rely on California parks. During 2008 and 2009, California parks hosted more than 400 television commercial advertisement shoots. Californias 278 state parks rank as the most popular state-owned location for filming. We must save Californias parks and beaches because they are in peril. Recommendation Yes on Proposition 21. We must save Californias parks and beaches because they are deteriorating. More than 450 groups support Prop. 21 including the California State Parks Foundation and the Nature Conservancy. Prop. 21 saves California state parks and redwoods by establishing a dedicated source of funding. Californias 278 state parks are important economic engines, priceless public assets, and a vital legacy for future generations.

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