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Vicar Rev. Fr. Joy Alappatt Trustees John Koola: 847-668-5795 Manish Joseph: 847-387-9384 Cyric Thattarettu: 773-407-4870 Emmanuel Kurian; 847-826-0144

Show concern for the poor

( Lk 16:19-31) Bible reading for Aug 4th, 2013

19 There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and ne linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich mans table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abrahams side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his nger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this re. 25 But Abraham replied, Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us. 27 He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have ve brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment. 29 Abraham replied, They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them. 30 No, father Abraham, he said, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent. 31 He said to him, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.

Marriage Preparation Course (Pre-Cana)

Pre-Cana course hosted by Mar Thoma Sleeha Cathedral will be held from September 20-22, 2013 (Friday 2:00pm thru Sunday 3:00 pm) at CASA ITALIA (former Sacred Heart Seminary), located at 3800 W. Division St., Stone Park, IL-60165. This is a mandatory course for all Catholic faithful preparing to get married. Advance registration is required before September 10, 2013. Please contact Thomas Moolayil at 630-779-0140 or at for more details and registration.

Mariakutty Peter Pulikkathadathil (83) mother of Joy Peter and Rosly Thomas passed away on Sunday 21st in K. The funeral services took place on Thursday 25th. Let us keep her and the family in our prayers.

It is with deepest regrets to inform you of the demise of one our very own parishioner's, She y Abraham (25). He is survived by his parents, Joy and Mercy Alackal, of Morton Grove, and sisters, Shelly Tom (Abraham) & Sherry Abraham, and brother in law, Tiju Tom.
(07/25/1988- 07/21/2013)



JUL-AUG 2013

29 MONDAY 1Jn 4:7-16 Jn 11:3-26

30 TUESDAY Jas 1:9-11 Mt 18:1-5

31 WEDNESDAY 1Cor 10:31-11:1 Lk 14:25-33

01 THURSDAY Rom 8:1-11 Mk 12:28-33

02 FRIDAY Jam 4:13-17 Lk 9:57-62

03 SATURDAY 2Cor 1:3-7 Mt 9:35-10:1



Sunday August 04 2013

8.00 am Holy Qurbana-Malayalam
Thomas Alumparampil, Santi Thomas

Ward Prayer Ward Prayer


Ward: St .Mathias Res: Thomas & Latha Kalayil Addr: 540 N. Veterans PKWY, Addison, IL 60101 Date: MONDAY, JULY 29th Phone: 630 - 422- 1647 Ward: St .James Res: Wilston & Shaji Puthenveedu Addr: 3N 555 Crown Rd, Elmhurst , IL Date: MONDAY, JULY 29th Phone: 630-903-6412 Ward: St. Jude Res: Joseph and Kunjumol Chandy Addr: 9509 N. Kolmar Skokie, IL 60076 Date: THURSDAY, AUG 1st, 2013 Phone: 847-675-7399 Ward: St.Bartholomew Res: Lali & Paul Paramby Addr: 9213 Ozark AVe, Morton Grove, IL60053 Date: FRIDAY, AUG 9th 2013 Phone: 847-581-9771

9.30 am Holy Qurbana- English

Manoj Neriamparampil George Parayil, Joe Parayil Aswin George, Dylan Kuncheria Tiju Paul, David Peter Lestin Kandakudy, Joel Lovely Je Lovely

11.00 am Holy Qurbana-Malayalam Jose Kadavil, Cheriachan Kizhakkebhagam John Thayilpeedika Scripture Readings: Leviticus 23:38-44 2 Corinthians 12:14-21 Gospel: Luke 16:19-31

5.30 pm Holy Qurbana-Malayalam

Davi Peter, Jeswin Davis

Lord God, giver of life, lead us, guide us,and free to embrace the joy you have planned for us.We open our mind and heart to receive our Lord!

CCD registration is available this week on line. We plan to have adult Catechism also beginning from this year. Those who are interested can register for this wonderful opportunity. You can register for Malayalam Classes also. A Syro Malabar day has been arranged by CYM at Six Flag this summer. Please join this fun lled day.

Our annual Picnic will take place on August 3rd. To add more fun to our Picnic there will be games and demonstrations by the Scout. There is a retreat by Shalom team for youth taking place in Chicago on Aug 24

Eucharistic Ministers & Altar Servers: Baby Malamundackal Thomas Alumparampil Manoj Neriamparampil Santi Thomas Davi Peter

Liturgy Coordinators: Jose Kadavil (Parish Rep) (630) 440-2021 John Thayilpeedika (630) 903-3306 Cheriachan Kizhakkebhagam (773) 414-3995

BULLETIN EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Rev. Fr. Joy Alappatt Thomas Purathoor John Koola
AUG 21, 2013 $4350.00

Pope Francis rst Talk in Brazil

Madam President, Distinguished Authorities, Brethren and Friends! In his loving providence, God wished that the rst international trip of my ponti cate should take me back to my beloved Latin America, speci cally to Brazil, a country proud of its links to the Apostolic See and of its deep sentiments of faith and friendship that have always kept it united in a special way to the Successor of Peter.I am grateful for this divine benevolence. I have learned that, to gain access to the Brazilian people, it is necessary to pass through its great heart; so let me knock gently at this door. I ask permission to come in and spend this week with you. I have neither silver nor gold, but I bring with me the most precious thing given to me: Jesus Christ! I have come in his name, to feed the ame of fraternal love that burns in every heart; and I wish my greeting to reach one and all: The peace of Christ be with you! I cordially greet the President and the distinguished members of her government. I thank her for her warm welcome and for the words by which she expressed the joy of all Brazilians at my presence in their country. I also greet the state governor who is hosting us in the government palace, and the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the government of Brazil, the other authorities present and all those who worked hard to make my visit here a reality. I would like to greet a ectionately my brother bishops, to whom falls the serious task of guiding Gods ock in this vast country, as well as their beloved local churches. With this visit, I wish to pursue the pastoral mission proper to the Bishop of Rome of con rming my brothers in their faith in Christ, of encouraging them to give an account of the reasons for the hope which comes from him, and of inspiring them to o er everyone the inexhaustible riches of his love. As you know, the principal reason for my visit to Brazil goes beyond its borders. I have actually come for World Youth Day. I am here to meet young people coming from all over the world, drawn to the open arms of Christ the Redeemer. They want to nd a refuge in his embrace, close to his heart, to listen again to his clear and powerful appeal: "Go and make disciples of all nations". These young people are from every continent, they speak many languages, they bring with them di erent cultures, and yet they also nd in Christ the answer to their highest aspirations, held in common, and they can satisfy the hunger for a pure truth and an authentic love which binds them together in spite of di erences. Christ o ers them space, knowing that there is no force more powerful than the one released from the hearts of young people when they have been conquered by the experience of friendship with him. Christ has con dence in young people and entrusts them with the very future of his mission, "Go and make disciples". Go beyond the con nes of what is humanly possible and create a world of brothers and sisters! And young people have con dence in Christ: they are not afraid to risk for him the only life they have, because they know they will not be disappointed. As I begin my visit to Brazil, I am well aware that, in addressing young people, I am also speaking to their families, their local and national church communities, the societies they come from, and the men and women upon whom this new generation largely depends. Here it is common for parents to say, "Our children are the apple of our eyes". How beautiful is this expression of Brazilian wisdom, which applies to young people an image drawn from our eyes, which are the window through which light enters into us, granting us the miracle of sight! What would become of us if we didnt look after our eyes? How could we move forward? I hope that, during this week, each one of us will ask ourselves this thought-provoking question. Young people are the window through which the future enters the world, thus presenting us with great challenges. Our generation will show that it can realize the promise found in each young person when we know how to give them space; how to create the material and spiritual conditions for their full development; how to give them a solid basis on which to build their lives; how to guarantee their safety and their education to be everything they can be; how to pass

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on to them lasting values that make life worth living; how to give them a transcendent horizon for their thirst for authentic happiness and their creativity for the good; how to give them the legacy of a world worthy of human life; and how to awaken in them their greatest potential as builders of their own destiny, sharing responsibility for the future of everyone. As I conclude, I ask everyone to show consideration towards each other and, if possible, the sympathy needed to establish friendly dialogue. The arms of the Pope now spread to embrace all of Brazil in its human, cultural and religious complexity and richness. From the Amazon Basin to the pampas, from the dry regions to the Pantanal, from the villages to the great cities, no one is excluded from the Popes a ection. In two days time, God willing, I will remember all of you before Our Lady of Aparecida, invoking her maternal protection on your homes and families. But for now I give all of you my blessing. Thank you for your welcome!

Note: Boys Scout of America will have a booth

at the picnic where there will be games

2013 Syro Malabar Cathedral Picnic

and prizes for kids


Date: Saturday,

Busse Woods Forest Preserve Grove # 29

August 3rd 2013

10am - 6pm

CYM welcome all Parishioners to the picnic.

There will a lot of Games, Fun and
Close to the intersection of Golf Rd and IL -53.

Food for Kids and Adults of all ages.

Google search use destination: Golf/Ring Rd, Elk Grove, IL 60008

Contact:Tobin Thomas: 1 773 512 4373, Sanjo Thuluvath: 1 312 399 1372






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