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TSL3104: Phonetics and Phonology

A. Transcribe the following words and place the primary word stress. Identify
the words as nouns (n), verbs (v) and adjectives (adj).
1. TEAcher (n)
2. BEAUtiful
3. VEG(e)table
4. baNAna
5. paPAya
6. spaGHEtti
7. deSSERT
8. DEsert
9. Woman
10. Baby
11. TIger
12. Sexy
13. Happy
14. NAUGHty
15. CLEver
16. imPROVE
17. beGIN
18. deCIDE
19. reWRITE
20. EXport
21. exPORT
22. PREsent
23. preSENT
24. IMport
25. imPORT
26. PROduce
27. proDUCE
28. REfuse
29. reFUSE
30. DEsert
31. deSERT
32. poLLUtion
33. imagiNAtion
34. perMIssion
35. teleVIsion
36. photoGRAphic
37. eLECtric
38. deMOcracy
39. uniVERsity
40. GEOgraphy
41. psyCHOlogy
42. interNAtional
42. PHOtograph
43. underSTAND
44. DIfficult


45. introDUCE
46. toDAY
47. misTAKE
48. Edible
49. spaGHEtti
50. phoTOgrapher ____________________
51. NAtural
52. reLAtionship
53. proFEssional
54. LONdon
55. iMAginary
56. opporTUnity
57. acaDEmic
58. compreHENsion ____________________
59. aPPROpriate
60. surPRISE
61. presenTAtion
62. conDUCT
63. CONduct
64. conTRAST
65. CONtrast
66. deCREASE
67. DEcrease
68. inCREASE
69. INcrease
70. inSULT
71. INsult
72. obJECT
73. OBject
74. perMIT
75. PERmit
76. proGRESS
77. PROgress
78. BLACKboard
79. BASketball
80. GREENhouse ____________________
81. old-FAshioned ____________________
82. bad-TEMpered ____________________
83. semi-FInal
84. underSTAND
85. overFLOW
86. underCUT
87. inVENT
88. reFORM
89. enterTAIN
90. deTERmine

91. poTAto
B. Notes
1. Suffixes that influence stress in the stem. In these examples primary stress is
on the last syllable
of the stem.
-eous ,advantageous
-ion perfection
-graphy photography
-ious injurious
-ial denial
-ty tranquility
-ic climatic
-ive reflexive
2. Suffixes that do not affect stress placement
-able comfortable
-ful wonderful
-age anchorage
-ing amazing
-al refusal, rebuttal
-ish devilish
-en widen
* For verbs with stems containing more than 1 syllable, the stress is always on
the syllable
immediately preceding -ish e.g. replenish
3. Suffixes carrying primary stress the primary stress is on the first syllable of
the suffix. If the
stem consists of more than one syllable then its first syllable will
take a secondary stress
Japan -> ,Japanese
-ese -> portuguese
-ee -> ,refugee
-ette -> ,cigarette
-eer -> ,mountaineer
-esque -> ,picturesque

C. Give a broad phonetic transcription of the sentences given below using

also the weak forms.
1. Small birds fly quickly.
2. Mandy made me a brandy.
3. The tenth and fifth men are wearing filthy garments.
4. Vowels occurring next to a nasal consonant are nasalised.
5. Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the
6. All higher religions recognize a difference between major and minor
7. The wealth of tales in this book will give hours of pleasure to children.

8. Six people died in the mid-afternoon shooting at Red Lake High School.
9. For a donation of $100 you will receive T-Shirts, water bottle and
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