Square Cup Deep Drawing Using Forming Limit Diagram

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Chapter 55: Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram

Square Cup Deep Drawing

55 using Forming Limit Diagram

PART 1. Explicit Forming

 Summary

Introduction 1099

Modeling Details 1101

Results 1104

PART 2. Implicit Spring Back

 Introduction

Modeling Details 1108
 Results 1110

Input File(s) 1112

Reference 1112
1098 MD Demonstration Problems

Title Chapter 55: Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram
Features • Failure criterion based on the Forming Limit Diagram
• Springback: Explicit -> Implicit switching




Material properties • Sheet Metal (aluminum sheet): Anisotropic Materials under Plane Stress Conditions
Exx = 71.0 GPa,  = 0.33
Stress constant = 0.0 MPa, Hardening modulus = 576.79 MPa
Strain offset = 0.01658, Exponent for power-law hardening = 0.3593
Lankford parameters: R0 = 0.71, R45 = 0.58, R90 = 0.70
• Punch, Die, and Clamp: Rigid
Analysis characteristics Transient explicit dynamic analysis (SOL 700 explicit single precision)
Nonlinear implicit static analysis (SOL 700 implicit double precision)
Boundary conditions • Explicit: Fixed boundary condition of Die and Clamp
• Implicit Springback: Fixed at the center point of the plate
Element types 4-node shell elements
FE results Stress Contour Plot, Forming Limit Diagram and more

Explicit Forming Implicit Spring Back

Element will fail
at next step FLD at Mid. Surface
FLD with Safety margin

Major True Strain (%)



-30.00% -20.00% -10.00% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00%

Minor True Strain (%)
CHAPTER 55 1099
Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram

PART 1. Explicit Forming

This is a sheet metal forming example of a plate with anisotropic behavior that is drawn through a square hole by
means of a punch. This particular example has experimental results from a verification problem of the 1993
NUMISHEET Conference held in Japan. The results are obtained at single punch depth (20 mm punch travel) for an
aluminum alloy plate. The material is seen to be anisotropic in its planar directions; i.e., the material behavior is
different for all directions in the plane of the sheet metal as well as in the out of plane direction. The data obtained
from the NUMISHEET Conference is as follows:
Aluminum Alloy
Thickness = 0.81 mm
Young’s modulus = 71 GPa
Poisson’s ratio = 0.33
Density = 2700 kg/m3
Yield stress = 135.3 MPa
Stress = 576.79 * (0.01658 + p)0.3593 MPa
Lankford parameters: R0 = 0.71, R45 = 0.58, R90 = 0.70
Friction coefficient = 0.162
The size of the plate modeled was 0.15 x 0.15 (in meters). No strain-rate dependency effects were included in the
material data, so the metal sheet was analyzed without these effects. The dimensions of the plate, die, punch, and clamp
are all given in Figure 55-1.

SOL 700 Entries Included

SOL 700
1100 MD Demonstration Problems

Figure 55-1 Dimensions of Plate, Die, Punch, and Clamp (in Millimeters)
CHAPTER 55 1101
Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram

Modeling Details






Figure 55-2 SOL 700 Model (Exploded View)

The SOL 700 model is shown in Figure 55-2. The main parts in the finite element model are:
• sheet metal
• punch
• die
• clamp

Sheet Metal
The SOL 700 material model for sheet metals is a highly sophisticated model and includes full anisotropic behavior,
strain-rate effects, and customized output options that are dependent on material choice. Since not all of the materials
can be derived from the simplified set given by the NUMISHEET organization, most participants in the conference
used an isotropic material model. In reality, the process is definitely anisotropic and effects due to these differences
can be seen in the transverse direction. For materials displaying in-plane anisotropic behavior, the effect would be even
more noticeable. The parameters on the MAT190 (refer to the MD Nastran Quick Reference Guide) specify planar
anisotropic behavior and are as follows (for the aluminum sheet):
• MATD190 elastic material properties.
• Isotropic behavior was assumed in the elastic range:
Exx = 71.0 GPa
= 0.33
1102 MD Demonstration Problems

• Planar anisotropic yielding and isotropic hardening were assumed in the plastic range:
A = Stress constant = 0.0 MPa
B = Hardening modulus = 576.79 MPa
C = Strain offset = 0.01658
n = Exponent for power-law hardening = 0.3593
• Lankford parameters:
R0 = 0.71
R45 = 0.58
R90 = 0.70

Punch, Die, and Clamp

These three components provide the constraints and driving displacement for the analysis and are modeled as rigid
bodies. Contact is then specified with the metal sheet using the friction coefficient values provided. The three contact
types are specified as following:
• Contact between the punch and the sheet
• Contact between the die and sheet
• Contact between the clamp and sheet
Finally, the punch is given a scaled downward velocity providing the driving displacement for the analysis.

Input File
SOL 700,NLTRAN stop=1

SOL 700 is an executive control entry and activates an explicit nonlinear transient analysis.
Case control section is below:

IC = 1
SPC = 1

The bulk entry section starts:

TSTEPNL 1 20 2.0E-3
CHAPTER 55 1103
Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram

TSTEPNL is a SOL 700 bulk data entry which describes the number of Time Steps (20) and Time Increment (2.00 ms)
of the simulation. The end time is the product of the two entries. Notice here the Time Increment is only used for the
first step. The actual number of Time Increments and the exact value of the Time Steps are determined by SOL 700
during the analysis. The time step is a function of the smallest element dimension during the simulation.
LSDYNA,BINARY,D3PLOT option of DYPARAM entry controls the output time steps of d3plot binary file. The result
plots at every 0.002 seconds are stored in d3plot binary file.
Bulk data entries that define properties for shell elements

PSHELL1 1 1 BLT Gauss +

+ .81

MATD020 2 1.0 210.E9 0.3

1 4 7

The MATD020 entry defines the rigid material property. In the example, the clamp, die, and punch are modeled by the
rigid materials.

MATD190 1 2.7E-4 7.1E7 0.33 2.0 576.79E3.3593 0 +

+ 6.0 .71 .58 .70 .01658 +
+ 2.0 77 +
+ 1.0 0.0 0.0 +
+ 0.0 1.0 0.0

The MATD190 entry defines an anisotropic material developed by Barlat and Lian (1989) for modeling sheets under
plane stress conditions and with Forming Limit Diagram failure criteria. This material allows the use of the Lankford
parameters for the definition of the anisotropy.
In the model, Gosh’s hardening rule is used:
Y  p  = k  0 + p  – p

The forming limit diagram is defined in by TABLED1 as shown above.

All fields are set for the coefficients of equations. See MD Nastran Quick Reference Guide for details.

1104 MD Demonstration Problems

The SPCD2 entry defines imposed nodal motion on a node, a set of nodes or nodes of a rigid body. The rigid punch is
moving downward at 1000 m/s from 0 to 0.02 seconds.

FORCE 9999 MR3 -19.6E6 1.

The FORCE entry defines a force on the grid point as well as rigids. Since the forces on the rigid body are not yet
supported by the Nastran input processor, TODYNA and ENDDYNA entries are used in conjunction with the FORCE
entry to by-pass the IFP (Input File Processor) and directly access SOL 700.

SLAVE 1 0. 0. 0.162 0. 0
0 0 0
0.162 SS1WAY

The BCBODY entry defines a flexible or rigid contact body in 2-D or 3-D. Although SOL 700 only supports flexible
contact in BCTABLE, the rigid contact can be applied using the rigid material of contact bodies. In this example, all
contact body pairs are given 0.162 static and kinetic friction coefficients. The surface-to-surface, one way contact
method is used for all contact definitions.

BSURF 1 1 THRU 1600

The BCBODY entry defines a flexible or rigid contact body in 2-D and 3-D.
The BSURF entry defines a contact surface or body by element IDs. All elements with the specified IDs define a
contact body.

GRID 1 -75. 75. 0.0
GRID 4528 -8.33333-37.0067-75.405
CQUAD4 1 1 1 2 43 42
CQUAD4 4468 63 4527 4273 4274 4528

To verify the result of MD Nastran, the major and minor principal strains at 0.015seconds are compared with those of
Numisheet and Dytran results in Figure 55-3 and Figure 55-4. Left plots of each figure were represented by
CHAPTER 55 1105
Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram

Makinouchi et al. (1993). The data in the plots were obtained from several companies which did the same test. MD
Nastran gave a solution well within the spread of experimental values.

Major Principal Strain






0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance from Center Along Line OB

Figure 55-3 Comparison of Major Principal Strain Along Line OB

(Numisheet and Dytran Results vs. MD Nastran SOL 700)

Minor Principal Strain

0 20 40 60 80 100 120





Distance from Center Along Line OB

Figure 55-4 Comparison of Minor Principal Strain Along Line OB

(Numisheet and Dytran Results vs. MD Nastran SOL 700)
1106 MD Demonstration Problems


Element will fail FLD at Mid. Surface

at next step FLD with Safety margin

Major True Strain (%)



-30.00% -20.00% -10.00% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00%

Minor True Strain (%)

Figure 55-5 Forming Limit Diagram Along Line OB at 0.019 Seconds

CHAPTER 55 1107
Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram

t = 0.000 seconds t = 0.004 seconds

t = 0.008 seconds t = 0.012 seconds

t = 0.016 seconds t = 0.020 seconds

Figure 55-6 Maximum Principal Strain Contour Plots at Mid Surface at Various Times

Note that the FLD diagram correctly predicts the failure of elements at t = 0.019 as shown in the stress fringe plots.
1108 MD Demonstration Problems

PART 2. Implicit Spring Back

Springback refers to an event in which there is elastic strain recovery after the punch is removed. This deformation
can alter the final desired shape significantly. In an explicit dynamic analysis, it can take some time before the
workpiece comes to a rest, so the springback simulation is performed using the implicit solver to speed up this part of
the analysis. Using explicit-implicit switching available in SOL 700, the residual deformations after sheet metal
forming are computed and used as a pre-condition for springback analysis. Because, in this example, there was a
failure at around 0.019 seconds in the sheet metal as shown in Part 1, the explicit simulation was terminated at 0.018
seconds. The initial condition, including the final stresses and deformation and the element connectivity of the explicit
run are transferred to the implicit run. The analysis scheme is described below.

SOL 700 Explicit

(Use SEQROUT Entry)

Generate jid.dytr.nastin

SOL 700 Implicit

(Include jid.dytr.nastin)
(Use SPRBCK Entry)

Figure 55-7 Analysis Scheme

SOL 700 Entries Included

SOL 700

Modeling Details
The model of explicit run is the same as Part 1. In the implicit run, only the sheet metal is used.

Input File
Explicit Input File

TSTEPNL 1 10 1.8E-3
CHAPTER 55 1109
Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram

As mentioned above, the end time of simulation is assigned to 0.018 seconds.


The SEQROUT entry generates the jid.dytr.nastin file at the end of simulation. The nastin file includes the
final deformations and stresses of the assigned part. The nastin file can be used for a subsequent explicit or implicit
SOL 700 run. In the example, only the result for Part 10 which includes the sheet metal is written out to the nastin
Implicit Input File

TSTEPNL 1 10 1.8E-3

As mentioned above, the end time of simulation is assigned to 0.018 seconds.

Because all information of nodes and element connectivity is in jid.dytr.nastin file, Grid and CQUAD entries are
removed in the implicit input. Only one point boundary condition at the center and SPRBCK entry are added in the
input file.
Since MATD190 is not available in the implicit analysis, MATD036 is used instead of MATD190. MATD036 and
MATD190 are identical material models except that FLD is supported only in MATD190.

MATD036 1 2.7E-4 7.1E7 0.33 2.0 576.79E3.3593 0 +

+ 6.0 .71 .58 .70 .01658 +
+ 2.0 +
+ 1.0 0.0 0.0 +
+ 0.0 1.0 0.0

MATD036 is only different in the failure criteria using FLD. Others are the same as MATD190 in the explicit
simulations of Part 1 and 2.

SPRBCK 1 0.005 +
+ 200 0.0 1.00E-3 +
+ 2 1 100 1.0E-2 0.10 +
+ 1 1

SPRBCK activates the implicit spring back analysis. Nonlinear with BFGS updates solver type is used in the example.
See MD Nastran Quick Reference Guide for other fields.

SPC1 1 123456 841

Only one point at the center of the sheet metal is fixed to prevent singular condition in the implicit simulation.
1110 MD Demonstration Problems

The springback simulation from explicit to implicit runs works fine. The results of explicit and implicit analyses are
shown in Figures 55-8 to 55-10. Figure 55-8 shows the displacement contours at the start of analysis and at the end of
analysis. Note that the initial deformation of the plate grids in the implicit analysis is set to zero because the final
deformation of explicit analysis is applied to the initial location of grid points in the springback implicit analysis. In
Figure 55-9 the initial stress condition of springback implicit analysis is perfectly coincident with the final stage of
explicit analysis. The initial stress of implicit analysis causes the additional deformation in the springback implicit

Explicit Simulation

t = 0.000 seconds t = 0.018 seconds (end of explicit run)

Because the final results are applied as

the initial condition for implicit
simulation, the initial deformation of
implicit simulation is set to 0.
Implicit Simulation

Initial condition of implicit run Final result of implicit run

Figure 55-8 Vertical (Z-direction) Displacement Contour Plot
CHAPTER 55 1111
Square Cup Deep Drawing using Forming Limit Diagram

Explicit Simulation

t = 0.000 seconds t = 0.018 seconds (end of explicit run)

Because the final results are applied as the

initial condition of implicit simulation, the
initial stress of implicit simulation is the same
as the final stress of the explicit simulation.
Implicit Simulation

Initial condition of implicit run Final residual stress of implicit run

Figure 55-9 von Mises Stress Contour Plot

The location of each grid point along the diagonal line of the plate at the end of the explicit and the springback analysis
is plotted in Figure 55-10; the maximum difference between these curves is around 0.756 mm. The centers of the
implicit and explicit sheet are positioned to have the same position as a reference, hence the largest differences tend
to appear at the ends of the sheet.
1112 MD Demonstration Problems

at the end of explicit run 5

at the end of implicit run

Deformation to vertical direction

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100




Distance from center

Figure 55-10 Comparison of Vertical Displacements (z-direction) After Explicit and Springback
Simulations Along Diagonal Line of Plate

Input File(s)
File Description
nug_55a.dat MD Nastran input file of explicit square cup deep drawing analysis using
Forming Limit Diagram.
nug_55b.dat MD Nastran explicit input file for springback analysis.
nug_55c.dat MD Nastran implicit input file for springback analysis
nug_55d.dat MD Nastran stress and deformation information of explicit analysis for input
to implicit analysis

Makinouchi, A., Nakamachi, E., Onate, E., and Wagoner, R. H., “Numerical Simulation of 3-D Sheet Metal Forming
Processes, Verification of Simulation with Experiment,” NUMISHEET 1993 2nd International Conference.

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