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Chapter 53: Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

Chained Analysis: Fan Blade

53 Out with Rotor Dynamics

Summary 1068

Introduction 1069

Modeling Details 1073

Results 1081

Input File(s) 1086

Video 1087
1068 MD Demonstration Problems

Title Chapter 53: Chained Analysis - Fan Blade Out to Rotor Dynamics
Features • Chained implicit -> explicit -> implicit analyses
• Generation of FBO contact forces for loading on blade tips and case
• Transferring the unbalanced geometry of explicit FBO to implicit RD analysis
• Fusing the bearing using a force failure criterion
Geometry Implicit Prestess Explicit FBO Implicit RD


Material properties • Blade & Rotor (Titanium): Elastic- Plastic Material

 = 4.466 g/cm3,  = 0.35, Yield Stress = 1009 MPa
Tangent modulus = 731 MPa, Young’s modulus = 117 GPa
Plastic strain failure limit 0.2
• Case (various materials): Elastic-Plastic Material
Analysis characteristics Nonlinear implicit static, Transient explicit dynamic, and nonlinear implicit transient
Boundary conditions • Prestress Implicit: Fixed at the bearing locations
• FBO Explicit & RD Implicit: Fixed boundary at the mount
Applied loads Prestress Fan at 4500 rpm, Release blade, Rotor dynamics unbalance
Element types 1-node concentrated mass, 2-node beam, 4-node shell, and 8-node solid elements
FE results Unbalanced loading due to blade out




-0.0008 -0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0002 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008





CHAPTER 53 1069
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

This example presents a multi-disciplinary, integrated implicit-explicit-implicit analysis process tailored for more
accurate and efficient simulations of aero engine fan blade-out events using MD Nastran. A Fan Blade Out (FBO)
event can be extremely nonlinear because of the heavy wide chord fan blades incorporated in the new generation of
high by-pass ratio jet engines. These new wide chord blades are used to meet airframe manufacturers’ demand for
higher thrust engines with improved performance and optimum weight. Airframe and engine manufacturers use
computerized analysis procedures to support the design of both the propulsion system and adjacent wing structures.
However, manufacturers, typically, do not share finite element models and, traditionally, construct a new model to suit
their analysis objective. For example, typical FBO models are very detailed and can exceed two or three million
elements whereby a rotor dynamics models is much coarser and can be under 50,000 elements. So the challenge
becomes how to transfer the FBO loads computed by the SOL 700 explicit solver (based on a very fine meshed model)
to a coarse model for rotor dynamics simulation in the SOL 400, all within one common modeling environment.
This example demonstrates the automated, multi-disciplinary simulation capability in MD Nastran to streamline the
FBO event simulation facilitated by SOL 700 and SOL 400 which normally consists of the following separate steps:
1. Pre-stress fan blade using conditions at the maximum rotating speed and including static loads such as gravity
with an implicit solution (SOL 700 implicit solver or SOL 400).
2. An explicit solution for few cycles with release of a fan blade to simulate: damage to the trailing fan blade(s);
fan rubs with the engine case; breakage or damage to the inlet or engine containment case; twisting and bending
of the FAN shaft and/or other rotating shafts.
3. An implicit solution to continue the analysis more rapidly and reach the steady state “windmilling” speed. This
is done by including realistic input forcing functions and damage incurred during the explicit solution.
Techniques to reduce the loads for application to a coarser model are introduced to preserve the solution
4. This integrated MD Nastran SOL 700 explicit and SOL 400 implicit solution with the Nastran rotor dynamics
capability is used to predict the engine unbalance and to extract the whirling diagrams and critical tolerances
(Figure 53-1). This allows the engine manufacturers to share results of the explicit phase with other
manufacturers of modern airframe/propulsion system components seamlessly and without compromising
design secrets, thus achieving higher accuracy and improved productivity with fewer bottlenecks.
1070 MD Demonstration Problems

Prestress – Implicit simulation

Choice of MD Nastran SOL 106/400 or 700 (Implicit)

Initial Condition for

explicit run

FBO/FOD – Explicit simulation

MD Nastran SOL 700 (bird strike)

Simulate damage and extract

mass, inertia and center of gravity
for rotordynamics unbalance

MD Nastran SOL400 RD (Unbalance loading) 0.0008




-0.0008 -0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0002 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008



Extract final displacement after stabilization -0.0006



Figure 53-1 Chained FBO-RD Analysis

The MD Nastran MASTER database is tailored to include only the FBO loads and other relevant information required
for rotor dynamic simulation without compromising the confidentiality of model geometry and modeling details. The
MASTER database can be shared between MD Nastran users from different companies and organizations for follow-
up analysis. For example, after the FBO analysis simulated by SOL 700, the MASTER database can be sent to airframe
manufacturers to use the loads in their rotor dynamics analysis facilitated by SOL 400. The following steps are
completely automated in SOL 400 rotor dynamics simulation:
1. Read the MASTER database generated by SOL 700 to use the FBO loads as a pre-condition to RD analysis.
2. Map the loads onto the coarse finite element model in RD simulation. An advanced search technology is
implemented in SOL 400 to identify the closest element to a given load. The load is then distributed over the
corner nodes of the element.
3. Synchronization of the explicit and implicit timesteps, The explicit timestep is much smaller than the implicit
timestep, so the timesteps need to be “synched up” when the analysis is switched from FBO analysis to RD
simulation. The synchronization is based on Fast Fourier Transformation (see Timestep Control on SOL 400
for details)
CHAPTER 53 1071
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

It is believed that this process can result in much higher levels of accuracy and dramatically reduce the cost of analysis
and design of the propulsion system and wing. The example problem that is used in this example is a representative
finite element model of an engine mounted on a wing.

SOL 700 Entries Included

SOL 700

Loadings Types
The dynamic loads on the engine after the FBO can be classified under two categories:
a. Large amplitude transient impact loads generated inside the engine due to the released blade hitting the
containment and contact with the trailing blade(s).
b. The so-called “Seizure Torque” being applied on the fan rotor due to unbalance caused by the missing
blade. The seizure torque is a result of contact between the tip of the blades and the fan case (rubbing). If
the torque is large enough it could stall the engine causing a “seizure” (see below for more details).
The transient impact loadings are calculated and stored by SOL 700. Only three types of loadings are taken into
1. Impact loads between the broken blade and the case
2. Rubbing loads on fan case
3. Rubbing loads on blade tips
Additionally, this release (MDR3) is limited to the analysis of only one released blade and assumes that there are no
other failed trailing blades. In other words, only the released blade is considered for unbalance. The other types of
loads and unbalances, such as impact loads between the broken blade and remaining blades unbalance generated by
breaking some of the remaining blades due to the impact between the broken and remaining blades and so on, will be
considered in future releases of MD Nastran.
The impact forces contain both a normal component (to the fan case) and tangential components which change with
time as the blade hits various parts of the containment ring. The released blade, pre-determined in the analysis and in
testing, is the only blade which is actually released at the hub and impacts the fan case. In many cases, the trailing
blade will impact the root of the released blade, causing the trailing blade to fail and break at a different location. As
1072 MD Demonstration Problems

a result, one or more trailing blades will behave like shrapnel and will contribute significantly to the impact loads.
These forces and their contact locations are stored in SOL 700 “binout” as well as the MD Nastran database MASTER
file in the Nastran basic coordinate system. The entry BLDOUT in MD Nastran defines blade out force output
information and mapping criteria for a combined SOL 700 – SOL 400 Blade-out analysis (used both in the SOL 700
and subsequent SOL 400 analyses).

During the fan blade out event, as the unbalance forces  M u r 2  on the rotor make it to go off-center and the running
tip-clearance between the rotating blades and the stator structure is eliminated, the tips of the blades will rub against
the enclosure. The rubbing loads are distinguished between those that are applied on the fan case and those that are
located on the blade tips. There are equal and opposite sets of forces on the containment ring and on the blade tips.
The primary difference is that the rubbing loads on the containment ring can be stationary whereas the rubbing loads
on the blade tips are varying as the blades rotate and at any given instant, different blades on the rotor continue to
contact the stator structure in the same location. The rub loads  F rub  have radial and tangential components, with
radial component  F r  acting along the span of the blade and tangential component  F t  opposite to the direction of
motion of the rotor. Using the relationships for tip Coulomb damping with the coefficient of friction  , the magnitude
of the tangential component is computed as: F t = F r . Since the torque on the rotor produced by the frictional force
 Ft  always opposes the motion, its tendency would invariably be to slow-down the spin of the rotor-shaft. These
loads, if severe enough, may even stop it, a phenomenon called “seizure torque”. Thus, rubbing forces have normal
and tangential components  F r  and  F t  , respectively at the points of contact. Similar to impact forces, SOL 700
will compute the contact location and magnitude of the rubbing loads and store them into “binout” as well as the
“MASTER” file. The loads that have zero magnitude are filtered out and are not written to the database to save time
and disk space.

The unbalance force  M u r 2  , which results from the mass  M u  of the missing blade material, occurs whether the
remaining unbroken blades contact the containment ring or not. This force is output by SOL 700 in the Nastran basic
coordinate system and saved in the SOL 700 “binout” file. In addition, the mass of the broken blade will be saved for
use in the subsequent creation of UNBALNC entries for the SOL 400 rotor dynamics analysis.

Time Step Control in SOL 400

The contact forces computed by SOL 700 are stored and transferred to SOL 400. These forcing functions have very
small time intervals and they may unnecessarily increase the analysis time. In order to increase the timestep and
synchronize the explicit and implicit timesteps, a technique based on Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) and Inverse
Fast Fourier Transformation (IFFT) is used to eliminate the high frequencies of the data.
First, the time histories from SOL 700 are changed by FFT from time domain to frequency domain. Next, the
frequency domain histories are processed by a low pass filter in which the low pass frequency can be selected by the
user. Finally, the histories are changed by Inverse FFT from frequency domain back to time domain.
CHAPTER 53 1073
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

Load Mapping Scheme

Distinguishing Rubbing & Impact

using different contac t definitions

Results are stored in binary

output file (binout) and MASTER
Requirement in SOL 700

Generate Rubbing force & impact

force entries in the different files

Pass to SOL 400 via “MASTER”

Read loads in SOL 400 by

Modeling Details
A simplified generic engine model was provided by Boeing for the purpose of this study (Figure 53-2). The engine
model was modified and enhanced by MSC to include realistic fan blades, rotor, three bearings (Figures 53-3 and
53-4)and other components. Typically, full FBO models can easily have millions of elements and degrees of freedom
to represent a realistic jet engine. However, for the purpose of this study, even though the FBO model was constructed
with a much finer mesh density than the rotor dynamics model, it is not as elaborate as the full engine models that are
used by manufacturers in their explicit simulation. The FBO model has 8864 nodes and 8256 shell elements and is
deemed to be sufficiently detailed to capture the physics of the problem and compute the impact and rubbing loads.
The fan blades were constructed by shell elements with various thicknesses across their width and length. The rotor
was made of a hollow rod with varied cross sections across its length and a rotational velocity of 4500 rpm. The
material for both rotor and fan blades is titanium grade with the following properties:

= 4.466 g/cm3 Poisson’s ratio = 0.35

y = 1009 MPa Tangent modulus = 731 MPa
Young’s modulus = 117 GPa Plastic strain failure limit 0.2
1074 MD Demonstration Problems

Figure 53-2 Rotor Dynamics Model

fixed in y and z translational directions

fixed in x, y and z translational directions

fixed in x rotational direction

Figure 53-3 Implicit Prestress Blade and Rotor Model and Location of Bearings on the Rotor
CHAPTER 53 1075
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

Figure 53-4 Explicit FBO Engine Model and Location of Bearings on the Rotor

The bearings were modeled by constructing two concentric rings with pre-determined stiffness properties that can
contact each other. The flange on the bearings prevents the axial movement of the rotor during the fan blade out. The
bearing models and their properties are important design considerations to simulate the “fusing” during the FBO and
rotor dynamics analysis. Fusing is an event where a bearing or other support structure fails as a result of high loads
beyond the design strength of the fusing structure, and its stiffness is reduced to zero.

The simulation consists of three runs. The first run is a prestress analysis that computes the deformations and stresses
due to rotational velocities. This computation is essentially linear static and an implicit solver is selected for the
purpose of computational efficiency. Boundary and initial conditions of the prestress run differ from the FBO run. In
the prestress run the three bearing points are fixed and a force in the circumferential direction is applied to the rotor
and fan blades.
Implicit Prestress Run
Since the entries and details of the prestress input file are quite similar to that of “Bird Strike on rotating fan blades
with prestress” example, explanation of the prestress input will be skipped.
Explicit FBO Run
Since the explicit FBO input is also similar to of the explicit input of “Bird Strike on rotating fan blades with prestress”
example, only additional or different entries will be explained.


BLADEOUT option activates the chaining simulation. All FBO forces assigned in BLDOUT entry will be stored in
“MASTER” file after the simulation.

TSTEPNL 1 300 .1e-3 1 ADAPT 2 10

1076 MD Demonstration Problems

TSTEPNL entry describes the number of Time Steps (300) and Time Increment (1.e-4 seconds) of the simulation. End
time is the product of the two entries (30 ms).

DBEXSSS 111 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 +
+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +
+ 16 17 18 19 20 101

DBEXSSS entry requests the statistics of subsystems. The subsystems are defined by BCPROP entries.

DYPARAM, LSDYNA,DATABASE,SSSTATM parameter requests to store the mass, mass center and mass inertia tensor
of the subsystems which are assigned by DBEXSSS entry. All information will be stored to jid.dytr.ssstat ascii file at
every 0.000008 seconds and will be used for unbalance input in the rotor dynamic simulation.


BCPROP 101 includes the properties of all blades and BCPROP 21 includes only the broken blade properties. These
two subsystem information will be used in UNBALANC and CONM2 entries of SOL 400 rotor dynamics simulation.

$ 01 1 22 remaining all blades to direct contact case (recording)
$ 02 21 22 broken blade to direct contact case (recording)
$ 03 21 1 broken blade to remaining all blades
$ 04 1 remaining all blades (self contact)
$ 05 21 23 broken blade to non-direct contact case
$ 06 22 direct contact case (self contact)
$ 07 1001 1004 bearing point 1 : fuse at 6.0E-3 seconds
$ 08 1002 1005 bearing point 2
$ 09 1003 1006 bearing point 3
SLAVE 1 0. 0. 0.1 0. 0
0 0 0
0.1 SS1WAY
+ 1 1

In the example, 9 contacts are defined. In order to reduce the size of binout file which includes the contact forces, only
the fan case is considered to capture the FBO loads. Only the contact forces between the remaining blades and the fan
case (contact 01) and the broken blade and the fan case (contact 02) are stored in the binout file. To store contact forces
in binout files, two options in BCTABLE and one parameter are required. SPR and MPR options can store the contact
forces on SLAVE and MASTER parts respectively. DYPARAM*,LSDYNA,DATABASE,NCFORC parameter controls
the timestep of contact forces output which are defined in BCTABLE.
CHAPTER 53 1077
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

To define the release mechanism, breakable joints (CSPOT) are used (53-5). These are elements that have coincident
nodes on the hub and the blade roots but are distinct.

Add breakable joints between

the hub and the released blade

Figure 53-5 Adding Breakable Joints

The breakable joints between the hub and the release blade are added using CSPOT. The joints will be released at
0.00001 seconds after the start of FBO simulation.

CSPOT 1111 101 10 1111

CSPOT 1126 116 10 1126

CSPOT entry defines the complex or combined welds. This is used to connect two nodes which are defined by
BCGRID entry and are released (broken) at 0.00001 seconds.

BLDOUT 1 0 1.0E-6 0.0

0.09204 2.90E+1 0.244 12 0 0. 1. 0.
2 4 1 3 1 2 2 2
1 99 3 3 99 99 99 99
1078 MD Demonstration Problems

BLDOUT entry defines the contact force output information and mapping criteria for a sequential SOL 700 FBO and
SOL 400 RD analyses. Using this entry, the all forces can be categorized and stored to MASTER file in the SOL 700
run. All slaves and masters in the BCTABLE must be assigned to BLDOUT entry using six different types of flags in
ISLVi’s and IMASTi’s. In the example, nine ISLVi’s and nine IMASTi’s are required because there are nine contact
definitions in BCTABLE. See MD Nastran Quick Reference Guide for other fields.

SPCD2 1 GRID 123 5 80 -1.

BCGRID 123 20003787THRU 2000386220003867THRU
+ THRU 20004022

The spin down event after the blade out can be defined by using a time-dependent pre-determined rotational speed of
the turbine using SPCD2, BCGRID, and TABLED1 entries.

Rotor Dynamics Run (SOL 400)

The FBO loads computed in SOL 700 are read by SOL 400 by assigning the _FBO.MASTER file to DBSET in the File
Management Section (FMS) of SOL 400 run.

nastran buffsize=65536
nastran dbcfact=4
nastran system(151)=1
init scratch logi=(scratch(9999000))
assign dbloc1='impact_FBO.MASTER'
dblocate datablk=(GEOM3K) logical=dbloc1 ,
where(projno>0 and version=* and wildcard)

SOL 400

SOL 400 executive control entry activates nonlinear static and transient analysis.

Case control commands are defined in the following box.

RGYRO= 100

ANALYSIS=NLTRAN actives “nonlinear transient analysis”.

CHAPTER 53 1079
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

Bulk data starts with BEGIN BULK.

$MATD024 403153 4.14E-4 1.60E+7 0.35000 2.5E5 1.38E5 0.25000
MAT1 101 1.60E+7 0.35000 4.14E-4

In order to use equivalent material properties in SOL 400, all MATD024 materials models used in SOL 700 are
translated to MAT1 and MATEP with slope option.

TSTEPNL 100 4000 1.0E-4 2

1.0E-2 1.0E-2

TSTEPNL entry of SOL 400 controls the convergence criteria and data for nonlinear transient analysis.

ROTORG 10 10 THRU 21
RSPINT 10 11 10 RPM 1000
TABLED1 1000 +
+ 0.0 4500.0 0.012 4255.0 0.016 4096.6 0.028 3834.2 +
+ 0.042 3689.1 0.055 3605.1 0.25 2915.7 0.5 2250.0 +
+ 100. 2250.0 ENDT

ROTORG entry defines the rotor which consists of GRID IDs from 10 to 21. RSPINT entry indicates the rotational
direction which is assigned to the rotational axis from GRID 11 to GRID 10. The rotational speed is defined in
TABLED1, 10 for describing the speed down at various time steps. Note that the magnitude of the rotational velocities
defined in SOL 400 differ from SOL 700. This is because the unit of rotational velocity used in SOL 400 is RPM and
is different to that used by SOL 700 (radian/seconds)
$ impact_FBO.dytr.ssstat
subsystem: 1

total mass of subsystem = 0.91899477E-01

x-coordinate of mass center = 0.16037865E+03
y-coordinate of mass center =-0.28772884E+02
z-coordinate of mass center = 0.10338639E+03
subsystem: 21

total mass of subsystem = 0.59591613E+01

x-coordinate of mass center = 0.16148860E+03
y-coordinate of mass center = 0.41383951E-05
z-coordinate of mass center = 0.10000020E+03

inertia tensor in global coordinates

1080 MD Demonstration Problems

row1= 0.2385E+04 -0.5329E-03 -0.2139E+01

row2= -0.5329E-03 0.1748E+04 -0.1921E-02
row3= -0.2139E+01 -0.1921E-02 0.1748E+04

-> translate

$ blade + hub
CONM2, 2001,12, ,5.959,,,,,+
+, 0.2385E+04,0,0.1748E+04,0,0,0.1748E+04
GRID 12 161.488 0. 100.
The mass, mass center and mass inertia tensors computed in SOL 700 are stored in the impact_FBO.dytr.ssstat
file. These values are then used in SOL 400 to define mass unbalance by UNBALNC and CONM2 entries. As shown in
the box above, the order of the subsystem id numbers in ssstat file is determined by the order of DBEXSSS as
defined in SOL 700. For example, subsystem 1 represents the released blade while subsystem 21 represents all
blades and hub information. The unbalance mass in the UNBALNC entry is the same value of total mass as defined in
subsystem 1. ROFFSET and ZOFFSET of UNBALNC entry are calculated by the difference of the mass locations
between subsystem 1 and 21. In the example, the x-direction in SOL 700 FBO simulation is coincident with the z-
direction of the rotor in SOL 400 RD simulation. In addition, the mass inertia tensor of subsystem 21 is recorded to
Iij fields of CONM2 entry. GRID 12 which describes the mass location of hub and blades is also set to the same center
location of subsystem 21.
In the gyroscopic nonlinear transient analysis, only the additional unbalance mass is considered as opposed to FBO
simulation, where the unbalance mass results from losing mass due to blade out. Therefore, the additional mass must
be added to the opposite side of the location where blade-out occurred. To add the mass to the opposite side of the
blade out, the unbalance is assigned at the location which is measured 180 degrees in the positive direction of the local
unbalance coordinate system.

BLDOUT,1, 1, 1.0E-6, 0.0, 0, 0, 1.0E-3, 1

+,0.0919,2.9000E+1, 1.10995, 12, 0, 0.,1.,0.

BLDOUT entry is also used in SOL400. BLDOUT entry in SOL 400 can control and apply the FBO forces to the
nonlinear transient analysis using different time steps.

CBUSH 101 101 1002 1012 0

PBUSH 101 K 1.0E7 1.0E7

Bearings in SOL 400 are modeled using CBUSH elements. PBUSHT controls the failure criteria. The CBUSH element
is defined to fail at 1.65E5 lbf in radial (y-z) direction.
CHAPTER 53 1081
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

The stress and deformation results between SOL 400 and SOL 700 are within 2% of each other, which is quite
acceptable (see Table 53-1). However, for this particular analysis, which took a few minutes to complete, SOL 400
ran the same model three times faster than the SOL 700 implicit solver.

Results of Prestress Implicit Simulation

SOL 400 SOL 700

Figure 53-6 Displacement Contours on Fan Blades and Rotor – SOL 400 vs. SOL 700
1082 MD Demonstration Problems

SOL 400 SOL 700

Figure 53-7 Stress Contours on Fan Blades and Rotor – SOL 400 vs. SOL 700

Table 53-1 Comparison of SOL 400 vs. SOL 700 Pre-stress Results
SOL400 SOL 700 (refer to SOL 400 results)
Analysis Time 135 seconds 398 seconds 300%

Maximum Resultant Displacement 24.66 mm 24.13 mm 2.2%

(0.971 inch) (0.950 inch)
Maximum Equivalent Stress 710.2 MPa 696.4 MPa 2.0%
(103 ksi) (101 ksi)

The results and typical loads from the FBO analysis are demonstrated in Figures 53-8 to 53-12. The total simulation
time was 30 ms which is about three complete revolutions of the rotor. As explained in Loading Types section of
Introduction, only one blade was released and no trailing blades were broken. The simulation showed that even though
there is an impact between the trailing and the released blade (see Figures 53-8 and 53-9), no other blades are actually
broken. The plastic strains and stresses at t = 3 ms on the fan case are also shown in Figure 53-10.
CHAPTER 53 1083
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

Results of Fan Blade Out (FBO) Explicit Simulation

0.0015 seconds 0.0037 seconds

0.0037 seconds at a different angle

Figure 53-8 Effective Stress Contour

Figure 53-9 Snapshot of Contact Between Released Blade and Containment

1084 MD Demonstration Problems

Plastic Strain Effective Stresses

Figure 53-10 Fan Case t = 3ms

The upper plot in Figure 53-11 shows the impact load and rubbing forces (magnitudes) on the fan case while the lower
plot shows the rubbing forces on the blade tip at a typical location. It is noteworthy to mention that total resultant
tangential rub loads on the case and blade tips should be equal and in opposite directions. However, as shown in
Figure 53-12, these loads are extracted at different locations and are meant as representative loads only. All load
components and their locations (in x, y and z coordinates) are recorded in the database for subsequent search and
mapping to the new rotor dynamics model, with its coarser mesh.

106 Force Magnitude (N) Node 31795 (case)

Impact (Max = 423,418 N) Rubbing Loads

Radial (Max = 78,842 N)
Tangential (Max = 15,767 N)




101 1405440

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (ms)

106 Force Magnitude (N) Node 1405440 (blade)

Rubbing Loads
104 Radial (Max = 75,578 N)
Tangential (Max = 12,024 N)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Ti ( )
Figure 53-11 Loads
CHAPTER 53 1085
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

Figure 53-12 Node 31795 and 1405440 Locations on Case and Blade Tip

Results of Rotor Dynamics Implicit Simulation

In this analysis, the orbit diagrams between SOL 400 and SOL 700 (see Figure 53-13) demonstrate that the whirling
characteristics are similar and deformation magnitudes of the whirl are very close in the z-direction but differ in the
y-direction. The difference could be due to two contributing factors. The first is that the contact forces between the
trailing and released blades were not taken into consideration in the rotor dynamics simulation, but only the impact
and rubbing loads. The contact forces between the blades will have some contribution to the magnitude of the whirling
deformation in the y-direction. The second reason is because the sectional properties of the rotor at the center where
hub is located are approximated in the stick model for the rotor dynamics simulation. Figure 53-13 shows the orbit
diagram of the tip node of the rotor due to mass unbalance and predicts the maximum “whirl” deformations in each

3.0 Z-Displacement (inch)

Sol 700
Sol 400
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Y-Displacement (inch)

Figure 53-13 Comparison of Orbit at the Tip of Rotor

1086 MD Demonstration Problems

In the implicit rotor dynamic analysis, the failure load for bearing 1 is set to 734 kN (1.6E5 lbf). A radial dependence
is specified for the fuse option. Figure 53-14 shows the time history for the force in this bearing. The bearing is found
to fuse in less than a revolution after the FBO event. The time-to-fuse is then used to modify the explicit FBO analysis.
In the FBO analysis, fusing is modeled by deactivating contact between the two rings of the bearing at the analysis
time recorded in the implicit rotor dynamic analysis.

100000 Force-magn


0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01




Figure 53-14 Loadings on the First Bearing and Fusing After 0.004 Seconds

Input File(s)
File Description
nug_53a.dat MD Nastran Input file for prestress implicit analysis.
nug_53b.dat MD Nastran input file for fan blade out explicit analysis.
nug_53d.dat MD Nastran input file for rotor dynamics implicit analysis.

The end time and the time history output interval in the fan blade out simulation were modified in the input deck,
nug_53b.dat, to speed up the calculation. To get the same results as this document, please use the original end time
and time history interval which is suppressed in the input deck.
$ original
$TSTEPNL 1 300 .1e-3 1 ADAPT 2 10
$ modified
TSTEPNL 1 100 .1e-3 1 ADAPT 2 10
CHAPTER 53 1087
Chained Analysis: Fan Blade Out with Rotor Dynamics

Click on the image or caption below to view a streaming video of this problem; it lasts approximately seven minutes
and explains how the steps are performed.





-0.0008 -0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0002 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008






Figure 53-15 Video of the Above Steps

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