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Chapter 16: Cup Forming Simulation

16 Cup Forming Simulation

Summary 247

Introduction 248

Requested Solutions 248

FEM Solutions 248

General Analysis Tips 254

Input File(s) 255

Video 255
CHAPTER 16 247
Cup Forming Simulation

Title Chapter 16: Cup Forming Simulation
Contact features 3-D Shell-Rigid contact
Velocity-Controlled Rigid bodies modeled using NURBS
Friction along deformable-rigid interfaces
Geometry 3-D shell elements (units: mm)
• Blank Radius= 90
• Shell Thickness = 1
Three Rigid Tools
• Punch
• Die
• Holder

Material properties Aluminium alloy with isotropic properties

E sheet = 70000N  mm 2 ,  sheet = 0.3 ,  yo = 191.1 N/mm2

Analysis type Quasi static analysis using

• elasto-plastic material with isotropic work-hardening
• reduced integration shell elements
• nonlinear boundary conditions
Displacement boundary Symmetry displacement constraints (quarter symmetry)
Element type 3-D shell
• 4-noded reduced integration elements
Contact Data Rigid punch moved up by 40 mm into the workpiece
Stationary die and holder with uniform gap of 1 mm between them
coefficient of friction  = 0.05
FE results 1. History plots of contact body forces for punch, die, and holder
2. Plot of equivalent plastic strains and equivalent stresses in the workpiece
3. Distribution of contact normal and friction forces on workpiece

Force (N)
15000 Die Force
5000 Holder Force
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
-5000 Time (s)
-15000 Punch Force
248 MD Demonstration Problems

A cylindrical cup drawing test is simulated with a circular punch and blank. The test is simulated for a 1 mm thick
aluminium sheet modeled by one-point shell elements and using an isotropic elasto-plastic material with work-
hardening. Only a quarter section of the cup is analyzed. A schematic view of the cup drawing process is shown in
Figure 16-1. The simulation demonstrates various capabilities available in MD Nastran SOL 400 to simulate large
strain processes including robust and efficient shell elements, large strain material and geometric nonlinearity, and
automated contact algorithms that can handle large amounts of sliding and friction.

R4 t0


PUNCH R1=50.0, R2=51.25, R3=9.53, R4=7.14
(Unit: mm) (Blank size: Ro = 90.0, to = 1.0)

Figure 16-1 Schematic for Cylindrical Cup Drawing Process

Requested Solutions
The contact forces on the rigid tools, workpiece, and the stress/plastic strain contours in the workpiece are of interest.
The availability of the large-strain shell elements in SOL 400 (by using suitable PSHLN1 extensions to the PSHELL
entry) are demonstrated. Analytical rigid tools that capture curved geometries accurately are modeled and friction
between the workpiece and these rigid tools is simulated. The solutions presented include:
• History plot of the contact forces acting on the rigid punch, die, and holder
• Contact normal forces and friction forces acting on the workpiece
• Plastic strain and equivalent stress contours in the workpiece

FEM Solutions
The contact, material/geometry, convergence and other parameters used for the cup drawing simulated herein are as

Contact Parameters
The contact bodies are shown in Figure 16-2. The first body is the deformable workpiece; the second, third and fourth
bodies are the rigid punch, rigid die, and rigid holder, respectively. The gap between the holder and die is 1 mm. All
CHAPTER 16 249
Cup Forming Simulation

the rigid bodies are defined with analytical surfaces using the NURBS option. Friction coefficient is taken as 0.05 for
all surfaces.
BSURF 7 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 40.

0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

BCBODY with user ID 7 is identified as a three-dimensional deformable body with associated BSURF ID 7. BCBODY
with ID 1 is identified as the rigid punch. It is specified as a velocity controlled body and is moved with a Z velocity
of +40 mm per unit time (identified in red on the BCBODY definition above). BCBODY with ID 2 is identified as the
die and BCBODY with ID 3 is identified as the holder. These are specified as zero velocity bodies and are held
stationary through the analysis.

Figure 16-2 Contact Bodies used For Cup Drawing Simulation

The BCTABLE bulk data entries shown below identify the touching conditions between the bodies:
SLAVE 7 0.0 50. 0.05 0. 0
0 0 0
FBSH 0.95
SLAVE 7 0.0 50. 0.05 0. 0
0 0 0
FBSH 0.95
250 MD Demonstration Problems

SLAVE 7 0.0 50. 0.05 0. 0
0 0 0
FBSH 0.95

BCTABLE with ID 1 is used in conjunction with the BCONTACT = 1 case control option to define the touching
conditions between the bodies in the forming step. Three sets of contact parameters are defined in the above table: the
first set for the workpiece-holder, the second set for the workpiece die, and the third set for the workpiece punch. The
contact parameters for all sets are identical in this problem though they can be varied for each set if needed. The
friction coefficient is defined as 0.05, the bias factor as 0.95, and the separation force as 50 N. The definition of a non-
default separation force bears more explanation - during the sheet forming process, especially at the early stages, nodes
tend to chatter (contact, separate, back into contact, etc.). Using the default separation force (maximum residual force
in the solution) allows a significant amount of chattering and leads to increased iterations and smaller steps. Specifying
a larger separation force reduces this chattering and reduces the number of iterations for the solution. It should be noted
that care should be taken in specifying the non-default separation force; it should not be so large that it prevents
physical phenomena like earing, etc.
The BCPARA bulk data entry defines the general contact parameters to be used in the analysis:
FTYPE 6 BIAS 9.5E-01

Note that ID 0 on the BCPARA option indicates that the parameters specified herein are applied right at the start of the
analysis and are maintained through the analysis unless some of these parameters are redefined through the BCTABLE
option. Important entries under BCPARA option include FTYPE = 6 (bilinear Coulomb friction), BIAS = 0.95
(distance tolerance bias), FNTOL = 50 (separation force). A program calculated default (1/4 of the shell thickness)
is used for the distance tolerance (ERROR) is not defined on the BCPARA option.

Material/Geometry Parameters
An isotropic elasto-plastic material with work-hardening is used for the workpiece. MAT1 is used to define the elastic
properties and MATEP in conjunction with TABLES1 is used to define the initial yield stress and work-hardening
MAT1 1 70000. .3 1.

MATEP 1 Table 1 Isotrop Addmean

$ Stress/Strain Curve : plas

0. 191.1 .0333333249.772 .0666667293.962 .1 327.244

It should be observed that a 2 is used in the third field of the TABLES1 option to indicate that the data corresponds to
stress vs. plastic strain (as opposed to stress vs. total strain). Only the first line of the work-hardening data is indicated
here. The plastic strains are specified up to 1.0 in the actual table. The following should be noted: For the large strain
problem being simulated herein, TABLES1 data is interpreted by the program as Cauchy stress versus true plastic
strain. Also, if the actual plastic strains in the analysis exceed the maximum value in the table, the work-hardening
slope calculated using the last two values of plastic strain is used for extrapolating.
CHAPTER 16 251
Cup Forming Simulation

Reduced integration shell elements are used herein. They are identified by the PSHELL option in conjunction with the
PSHLN1 option.
$ Elements and Element Properties for region : shell
PSHELL 1 1 1. 1 1

where the MAT1 primary material is pointed to by MID1/MID2/MID3 entries of the PSHELL option, a shell thickness
of 1.0 is specified on the PSHELL option, the C4 field DCT of the PSHLN1 option indicates that thick 4 noded shell
elements are to be used and LRIH of the PSHLN1 option indicates that reduced integration elements are to be used.
These elements have three global displacements and three rotations as the nodal degrees of freedom. Bilinear
interpolation is used for the coordinates, displacements, and rotations. MITC4 shell geometry with the ANS (assumed
natural strain) method in conjunction with a physical stabilization scheme in used in the formulation of the reduced
integration element. These elements with a one-point quadrature scheme are able to undergo large rotations without
any artificial correction for warping. The large strain formulation for the element is flagged through the
PARAM,LGDISP,1 in conjunction with the NLMOPTS,LRGSTRN,1 bulk data entries. The former option indicates that
a large displacement analysis with follower force effects is to be conducted. The latter option indicates that additional
large strain parameters are to be flagged for the shell elements. Note that for large strain elasto-plastic applications
using elements pointed by the PSHLN1, PSLDN1, PSHLN2 entries, NLMOPTS,LRGSTRN,1 is a mandatory option.
As is customary for all Nastran shell elements, a material coordinate system is defined herein for each of the shell
elements. This orientation is defined through the THETA/MCID option on the CQUAD4 option:
CQUAD4 19 1 40 22 3 4 0
CQUAD4 20 1 41 23 22 40 0

In the current example, the basic coordinate system (ID 0 indicated in red on the CQUAD4 options above) is projected
onto the plane of the element. The resulting axes define the X-Y-Z orientation of the material coordinate system in the
elemental plane.

Convergence Parameters
The nonlinear procedure used is defined through the NLPARM entry:
NLPARM 1 100 PFNT 0 30 U NO

where 100 indicates the total number of increments; PFNT represents Full Newton-Raphson Technique wherein the
stiffness is reformed at every iteration; KSTEP = 0 in conjunction with PFNT indicates that the program
automatically determines if the stiffness needs to be reformed after the previous load increment is completed and the
next load increment is commenced. 30 is the maximum number of allowed recycles for every increment and. if this
were to be exceeded, the load step would be cut-back and the increment repeated. U indicates that convergence will
be checked on displacements (U). NO indicates that no intermediate output will be produced after every increment. The
second line of NLPARM is omitted here, which implies that default convergence tolerances of 0.01 will be used for U
checking. It should be noted that, by default, the PFNT checking used herein conducts displacement checking over
incremental displacements and is generally more stringent than FNT checking which conducts displacement checking
over weighted total displacements.
252 MD Demonstration Problems

Note that P checking (checking on residuals) has not been conducted in this example. The normal P check in SOL 400
compares the weighted residuals with the weighted external loads and checks that the tolerance (default = 0.01) is
satisfied. In this problem, external loads are absent since the punch imposes displacement boundary conditions on the
workpiece. Under these circumstances, SOL 400 normally checks residuals in the current iteration versus residuals in
previous iterations. However, due to frequent separations, residuals and displacements oscillate significantly and the
check of current weighted residuals versus previous weighted residuals causes a large number of unnecessary recycles.
Due to these reasons, displacement checking alone is conducted in this problem.

Case Control Parameters

Some of the case control entries to conduct these analyses are highlighted as follows: SUBCASE 1 indicates the case
being considered and STEP 1 indicates the step being considered within the case. BCONTACT = 1 is used to indicate
the contact parameters for SUBCASE 1. NLPARM = 1 is used to flag the nonlinear procedure for SUBCASE 1. In
addition to regular output requests like DISPLACEMENTS, STRESSES, the option that is required for contact related
output in the F06 file is BOUTPUT. It should be noted that with the BOUTPUT option, one can obtain normal contact
forces, frictional forces, contact normal stress magnitudes and contact status for the contact nodes.

The history plot of the rigid tool contact forces in the Z direction are presented in Figure 16-3. Two trends are
noteworthy: The contact forces are in equilibrium; i.e., the contact force exerted by the punch on the workpiece is in
equilibrium with the contact forces transferred by the workpiece to the holder and die. Note also that as the punch
pushes the blank upwards (+Z direction), the predominant tendency is for the sheet to contact the die. However,
portions of the sheet separate from the die and make intermittent contact with the holder.
In order to verify the accuracy of the SOL 400 solution, the total punch force obtained from SOL 400 is compared with
the corresponding solution obtained from MSC.Marc in Figure 16-4. It is seen that the history of the forces match quite
well and are within about 2% of each other.

Force (N)
15000 Die Force
5000 Holder Force
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
-5000 Time (s)
-15000 Punch Force

Figure 16-3 History Plot of Contact Tool Forces in Z Direction during Cup Drawing Process
CHAPTER 16 253
Cup Forming Simulation

30000 Total Punch Force (N)


20000 SOL 400



Time (s)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 16-4 Comparison of Total Punch Force vs. Time for MSC.MARC and SOL 400

The equivalent plastic strain contours at the outermost fiber of the workpiece and the corresponding equivalent stress
contours at the end of the cup forming process are plotted in Figure 16-5. It is noted that maximum plastic strains are
of the order of 45% and the peak values occur along the die radius. The portion of the workpiece held between the die
and the holder is the most highly stressed. Also, the circumferential variation of the quantities is negligible, thereby
confirming the axisymmetric nature of the problem being simulated.

Figure 16-5 Equivalent Plastic Strains and Equivalent Stresses in Workpiece at End of Cup Forming

The contact normal force and friction force from the center to the outer edge of the workpiece along a radial line of
nodes is plotted in Figure 16-6. It can be noted that the peak contact normal forces occur at the punch radius and the
next peak is at the die radius. Friction force are of the order of F n , where  is the friction coefficient = 0.05.

30000 Total Punch Force (N)


20000 SOL 400



Time (s)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 16-6 Contact Normal Force and Friction Force as a function of Radial Coordinate for Workpiece
254 MD Demonstration Problems

F06 Output
A number of case control options (DISPLACEMENTS, SPCFORCES, STRESS, NLSTRESS, BOUTPUT) are used (see
nug_16is.dat). This, in conjunction with the YES or NO option for INTOUT on the NLPARM entry, allows
extensive output of relevant quantities in the F06 file:
• Contact normal forces, normal stresses and frictional forces at the contact nodes of the Workpiece are
produced via the BOUTPUT option. BOUTPUT = ALL produces output for all contact nodes. BOUTPUT
= N where N is a set number would restrict output to only those contact nodes that belong to set N.
BOUTPUT = NONE suppresses all contact related output in the F06 file.
• For the nonlinear output format (requested by NLSTRES), average values of the stress components, strain
components, equivalent stress, and equivalent plastic strain are produced for the top and bottom fibers. For
each layer, the integration point values are averaged over the number of integration points and presented in
the F06 file. For the one-point elements used herein, the average is the same as the gauss point value. It
should be noted that for the large-strain elasto-plastic problem simulated herein using the
NLMOPTS,LRGSTRN,1 option, the output stresses are the Cauchy stresses and the output strains are the
logarithmic strains.

General Analysis Tips

• The PSHLN1 option in conjunction with the PSHELL option allows the users to flag the 3-D shell elements.
These elements perform well for large-displacement/large rotation/large strain applications. 3-noded or
4-noded shell topologies and thin-shell or thick-shell formulations can be chosen. 4-noded shell elements
flagged through the C4 field of PSHLN1 offer options of thick-shell full integration, thick-shell reduced
integration, and thin-shell full integration. Reduced integration 4-noded elements are chosen in the present
problem for efficiency and robustness purposes.
• For large strain elasto-plastic applications, use should be made of the NLMOPTS,LRGSTRN,1 option to flag
appropriate element behavior.
• In the present problem, the shell is supported between a die and holder. The uniform gap between the die and
holder matches the original thickness of the workpiece. Any increase in this thickness is prevented by the
rigid tools and normal stresses through the thickness would be introduced. This violates the plane stress
assumption for the shell element. For such double-sided applications, an alternate element to use is the solid
shell element. This element uses continuum element topology while offering the benefits of shell bending. It
can be flagged through the PSOLID option in conjunction with the C8, BEH=SLCOMP, INT=ASTN field on
the PSLDN1 option.
• For deformable-rigid body contact, an important consideration is the definition of the interior and exterior
sides of the rigid body. The rigid body should be aligned such that it’s exterior side is facing the contacting
deformable body. The interior side is the one formed by applying the right-hand rule along a rigid patch. If the
rigid body is incorrectly aligned, it needs to be flipped before running the analysis.
CHAPTER 16 255
Cup Forming Simulation

Input File(s)
File Description
nug_16is.dat 3-D Shell Elements - PSHLN1 used along with PSHELL to flag nonlinear
reduced integration elements. Isotropic elasto-plastic material properties

Click on the image or caption below to view a streaming video of this problem; it lasts approximately 27 minutes and
explains how the steps are performed.

Figure 16-7 Video of the Above Steps

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