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Implementation Document

VCS CUCM Integration for Voice Calls

Version 1.0

Cognizant Technology Solutions

Dimension Data | Implementation Document

Document Control

1. Signoff Author(s) and client sign-off Company Name Rameez Rahim M Author(s): Dimension Data Sriram P Quality Control Client: Dimension Data Cognizant Technology Solutions Manu Phanindra K Signature

2. Document Title Customer: Title: Document Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai Implementation Document VCS CUCM Integration for Voice Calls

3. Preparation Action Prepared by: Updated by: Updated by: Name Rameez Rahim M Date 07.04.2012

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4. Release Version V 1.0 Date Released 07.04.2012 Change Notice NA Pages Affected NA Remarks/Changes First release

5. Distribution List Name Phanindra K Spenser P Manu M Pradeep KA Organisation Cognizant Cognizant Dimension Data Dimension Data Title NSS Team NSS Team Senior Consultant Operations Manager

Copyright and other intellectual property rights Copyright and other Intellectual property rights in any original programs, specifications, reports or other items arising in the course of, or resulting from the project shall remain the property of Dimension Data although Cognizant Technology Solutions shall have a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to all such items for its own purposes. Nothing in this agreement shall enable either party to make use of any intellectual property rights vested in the other party prior to the commencement of this assignment.

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INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................5 ACTIVITY ............................................................................................................................................5 DOWNTIME.........................................................................................................................................5 IMPACT ...............................................................................................................................................5 ASSUMPTION .....................................................................................................................................5 REQUIREMENT ..................................................................................................................................6

ALL TRANSFORMATIONS WOULD BE DONE ONLY IN VCS. .......................................................................6 7 7.1 DESIGN ...............................................................................................................................................7 VCS: ....................................................................................................................................................7 7.1.1 Call flow: ...........................................................................................................................................7 CUCM: .................................................................................................................................................8 Call flow: ...........................................................................................................................................8 CONFIGURATION: .............................................................................................................................9 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 9 10 VCS .....................................................................................................................................................9 Creating Zones in VCS. ...................................................................................................................9 Configuring VCS Search Rules. .....................................................................................................11 Configuring VCS Transformation: ..................................................................................................13 CUCM ................................................................................................................................................14 Configure the SIP Profile................................................................................................................14 Configure the SIP Trunk security profile ........................................................................................16 Configure the SIP Trunk device .....................................................................................................17 Allow numeric dialing from Cisco phones to Cisco VCS ................................................................19 TEST PLAN .......................................................................................................................................20 ROLL BACK ......................................................................................................................................20

7.2 7.2.1 8 8.1

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This document describes the Analysis on the proposed Configuration Change on Cisco VCS, which will enable the VCS to send and receive calls to and from CUCM. Note: This impact analysis applies for VCS Control India.


CTS want to integrate their Cisco Video Infrastructure with their existing CUCM IP Telephony Infrastructure to send and receive calls to and from CUCM.

As such no downtime is required for this change


No Impact on the current Video Infrastructure is expected.


It is assumed, all the configurations on CUCM will be made as per the following Requirement and Design.

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The following requirement of CTS is identified. Calls from IP phones registered to CUCM should be allowed to call to Video Bridges. o The IP Phone users will add the prefix 883 to the Video bridge number while dialing. o The Calls from CUCM will be allowed to only reach numbers starting with 85 on VCS. This is our prefix for the Video bridges. Calls from VCS to IP Phones registered to CUCM. o Video Devices would dial 883 followed by IP Phone DN number to call IP Phones. o As of now, no restriction for calls to CUCM from VCS is required. All transformations would be done only in VCS.

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The following Design would be implemented in CTS.

Primary SIP TRUNK CUCM MEPZ Cisco VCS Control India
Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server


CUCM Cluster

CUCM SRI Secondary/Redundant SIP TRUNK



Two neighbour zones will be configured from VCS, with CTS-MEPZ CUCM as primary neighbour and CTS-SRI CUCM as Secondary neighbour. The search rule will be prioritized to use CUCM-MEPZ as primary.
7.1.1 Call flow:

Outgoing calls to CUCM Video Endpoints will dial 883XXXXXX to call IP phones. XXXXXX is the IP Phone DN. VCS will strip 883 in its search rule and forwards the call to CUCM.

Incoming calls from CUCM VCS should receive the Call with prefix 883 and the Video Bridge Number. Prefix should be removed by VCS. VCS will route the calls with their existing Search rules.

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CUCM will create two SIP trunks to VCS-India. This can be transferred to VCS-US in future if required.
7.2.1 Call flow:

Outgoing calls to VCS IP Phone users will dial 88385XXXXX to call Video Bridge. 85XXXXX is the Video Bridge Number. The calls from IP phones will be restricted only to Video Bridges and not to endpoints directly.

Incoming Calls from VCS Calls from VCS would reach CUCM with just the DN number dailed. The Prefix 883 will be stripped by VCS.

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Follow the below configuration to configure a Neighbour zone to CUCM from VCS.
8.1.1 Creating Zones in VCS.

1. Go to 2. Click on New 3. Enter the following Details Name Type H323 Mode SIP Transport SIP Port Accept Proxied Registrations Peer 1 Address Zone Profile

: : : : : : : :

CUCM-SIP TRUNK - MEPZ Neighbor Off TCP 5060 Deny IP address of CUCM-MEPZ Cisco Unified Communications manager

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4. Click Create Zone 5. Follow similar procedure for another Neighbor zone to CUCM-SIP TRUNK SRI. Name Type H323 Mode SIP Transport SIP Port Accept Proxied Registrations Peer 1 Address Zone Profile : : : : : : : : CUCM-SIP TRUNK - SRI Neighbor Off TCP 5060 Deny IP address of CUCM-SRI Cisco Unified Communications manager

Check the Zone status and it should be as below

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Configuring VCS Search Rules.

The following search rule will also transform the destination alias to the format understood by CUCM, before placing the call on to the neighbour zone. For Example:
883441234 or will be converted to 441234@

1. Go to 2. Enter the following Details Rule Name Priority Source Mode Pattern type Pattern string Pattern behavior Replace string On Successful match Target : : : : : : : : : : Calls to CUCM 105 [Need to freeze this referring the VCS] Any Alias pattern match Regex (883)(\d*)( Replace \2@<IP address of MEPZ CUCM> Continue Select the Zone CUCM-SIP TRUNK - MEPZ

3. Click Create Search Rule

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4. Create another search rule with following details. Rule Name Priority Source Mode Pattern type Pattern string Pattern behavior Replace string On Successful match Target : : : : : : : : : : Calls to CUCM 106 [Need to freeze this referring the VCS] Any Alias pattern match Regex (883)(\d*)( Replace \2@<IP address of SRI CUCM> Continue Select the Zone CUCM-SIP TRUNK - SRI

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Configuring VCS Transformation:

The following Transform has to be created in VCS. This transform will truncate the @<ipaddress> from the received called number from CUCM. Transform: Priority Pattern Type Pattern String : : : 1 Regex (883)(85\d*)@*) *85 in the above string is to restrict the calls only to Video Bridges *Replace \d* with \d{n}, if number of digits followed by 85 has to be limited. *IP address in the above string should be replaced with IP address of VCS Replace \2

Pattern Behavior Replace String

: :

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Follow the below Procedure to configure SIP Trunk in CUCM.

8.2.1 Configure the SIP Profile

1. On CUCM, go to Device > Device Settings > SIP Profile 2. Click Copy the double sheets of paper icon in the table.

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Configure the SIP Trunk security profile

1. On CUCM, go to System > Security > SIP Trunk Security profile. 2. Click Add New. Configure the fields as follows:

3. Click Save.

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Configure the SIP Trunk device

1. On CUCM, go to Device > Trunk. 2. Click Add New. Device Protocol displays SIP. If asked for a Trunk Service Type, select None(Default). 3. Configure the Device Information fields as follows:

4. Configure the Call Routing Information > Inbound Calls fields as follows:

5. Configure the Call Routing Information > Outbound Calls fields as follows:

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Configure the SIP Information fields as follows:

6. Click Save and Reset

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Allow numeric dialing from Cisco phones to Cisco VCS

1. On CUCM, go to Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Route Pattern. 2. Click Add New. 3. Configure a Route Pattern, so that any calls with Prefix 883 should be routed to the SIP trunk to VCS.

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Follow the below procedure to Check whether the Calls to CUCM & Vice-versa works properly. Test the below call scenarios and check the call status in VCS and CUCM.
UAT VCS-CUCM CALLS TEST SCENARIO To From 449555 461281 414049 videohelpdesk @video.cogniz CHNTCO.Benz@vi deo.cognizant. com 449555 N.A N.A N.A 461281 N.A N.A N.A 414049 N.A N.A N.A videohelpdesk@v m 609160020 CHNTCO.Benz@video. 609117132






Follow the below procedure to Roll back the change in case of any issues. 1. Go to 2. Select the 2 search rules created in step 8.1.2 and Disable it.

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