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J Control Theory Appl 2013 11 (2) 282287 DOI 10.


Robust nonlinear controller design of wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator by using Hamiltonian energy approach
Bing WANG 1,2 , Yanping QIAN 1,2 , Yiming ZHANG 1
1.College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211100, China; 2.Renewable Energy Power Generation Technology Engineering Research Center of Education Ministry, Hohai University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211100, China

Abstract: Based on Hamiltonian energy theory, this paper proposes a robust nonlinear controller for the wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), such that the closed-loop system can achieve its stability. Furthermore, in the presence of disturbances, the closed-loop system is nite-gain L2 stable by the Hamiltonian controller. The Hamiltonian energy approach provides us a physical insight and gives a new way to the controller design. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed method is effective and has its advantage. Keywords: Hamiltonian energy theory; Wind turbine; Doubly fed induction generator; Robust control

1 Introduction
In recent years, with the growing concerns about environment pollution and energy shortage, the demand for renewable energy increases dramatically. A lot of on-shore or off-shore wind farms are being built as a typical result of the policy of good tariff for electricity from natural renewable energy source. At the same time, the research of wind power systems has attracted a lot of attention and made remarkable achievements. The doubly fed induction generation (DFIG) is a common conguration for large and variable-speed wind turbines. The nonlinear control problems of wind turbines with DFIG are studied widely [14]. Many advanced design methods are used to design the controller for DFIG-based wind turbines [57]. As a new design method, the energy-based control method can thoroughly take advantage of the internal structural properties of systems, and make the control design relatively simple. The Hamiltonian energy approach was put forward in [8] for modelling physical systems. Then, there have been several attempts to extend this approach in theoretical and practical aspects. In [9], a new passivity-based control is developed for port-controlled Hamiltonian (PCH) systems. Moreover, in [10], a generalized Hamiltonian realization problem is investigated and the new methods as well as corresponding sufcient conditions are presented. In the practical application, the energy-based controller design is used for the pendubot [11] and the induction motor [12]. In this paper, the control problem of wind turbines with DFIG is investigated. During the process of design, we construct Hamiltonian energy function and obtain PCH system model. The key procedure in using the energy function method is to transform the nonlinear system into a port-

controlled Hamiltonian system with dissipation (PCH-D), which is referred to as dissipative Hamiltonian realization in [12]. We employ a pre-feedback and shape the Hamiltonian function so that the system has a PCH-D structure. Then, by the main theorem, the plant achieves asymptotical stability. In the practical engineering, the problem of disturbance attenuation is very important. Therefore, in the presence of disturbances, we design the robust controller to guarantee the nite-gain L2 stability for the system. Finally, the computer simulation and comparison with the other nonlinear controller show the validity and effectiveness of the Hamiltonian energy approach.

Hamiltonian energy approach

Consider a nonlinear afne system modelled by equations of the form: x (t) = f (x(t)) + G(x(t))u(t), (1) y (t) = h(x(t)), where x Rn is state variable; u Rm , y Rp are control input and output variables, respectively; f : Rn Rn is smooth vector eld, G : Rn Rnm is smooth matrixvalued function, and h : Rn Rp is smooth vector-valued function. Let xe be equilibrium point, that is, f (xe ) = 0. For the integral statement, we present the denition of nitegain L2 stability as follows. Denition 1 [1] A mapping H : L2e L2e is nitegain L2 stable if there exist nonnegative constants and such that (Hu) L2 u L2 + , u L2e , (2) where L2e is extended space of L2 , dened by L2e = {u|u L2 , 0},

Received 11 June 2011; revised 25 February 2012. Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel./fax: +86-13675124767. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51007019), and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (Coastal Development Conservancy). c South China University of Technology and Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

B. Wang et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2013 11 (2) 282287


and u is a truncation of u dened by u (t) = u(t), 0 t 0, t > . ,

Lemma 1 [1] Let xe be an equilibrium point for the nonlinear system (1), when u(t) = 0. Let V : D R be a continuously differentiable positive denite function on a (x) = 0} and suppose that domain D. Let S = {x Rn |V no solutions can stay identically in S , other than the trivial solution. Then, the point xe is asymptotically stable. Assume that there exists a Hamiltonian function H (x), we have an alternative representation of nonlinear systems, called PCH system model: x = H + G(x)u, y = GT (x)H, (3)

resented by (6). Since is a positive denite matrix, there exists an orthogonal matrix Q such that 1 0 0 0 2 0 , QT Q = . . . . . . . . . 0 0 m where i > 0 (i = 1, 2, . . . , m) is the eigenvalue. Therefore, 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 Q = QT . . . . . . . . . 0 0 m 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 Q = QT . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 2 2 0 1 2 Q +QT . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 m 2 2 1 1 T Im + , 2 2 2 1 where > 0 is chosen to make i > 0 (i = 2 2 1, 2, . . . , m). In view of system (6), we have (x) = (T H )R(H ) + (T H )G(x)(v + ) H 1 1 = (T H )R(H ) GT (x)H 2 2 1 1 +(T H )G(x)[v + Im + T GT (x)H ] 2 2 1 + { 2 2 y (x) 2 }. 2 (x) can be rewritten as folUnder the control law (5), H lows: (x) = (T H )R(H ) 1 2 1 GT (x)H 2 H 2 2 1 2 + { 2 y (x) 2 } 2 1 2 { 2 y (x) 2 }. 2 By integration on both sides of the above inequality, we can conclude that the system is nite-gain L2 stable.

where H is the gradient of H (x). In general, the PCH system model for mechano-electrical systems is attainable. However, the key problem is to convert it into the PCH-D form, which is dened as follows: x = (J R)H + G(x)v, y = GT (x)H, (4)

where v Rm is control vector, G : Rn Rnm is smooth function, J is a skew-symmetric matrix and R is a positive semidenite matrix. We improve the relevant results of the former research [1, 1213] into the main theorem. Theorem 1 For the PCH-D system (4), i) if there exists the following control law v = GT (x)H, (5) where is a positive denite matrix, such that no solutions to the closed-loop system can stay identically in (x) = 0}, other than the equilibrium point S = {x Rn |H xe , and then, the system is asymptotically stable; and ii) in the presence of disturbances, assume that the system can be described by x = (J R)H + G(x)(v + ), (6) where Rm is unknown disturbance. Then, the control law (5) guarantees that the closed-loop system is nite-gain L2 stable with respect to disturbance . Proof i) In the case of no disturbances, if the system can be represented in the form of PCH-D system (4), by applying the control (5), the system becomes x = J R G GT H. Hamiltonian function H (x) can be constructed so that H = H (x) H (xe ) 0. Then, (x) = H (x) = (T H )x H = (T H )R(H ) (T H )G GT (H ), where is a positive denite matrix, R is a positive (x) 0 and H (x) semidenite matrix. We conclude that H is a Lyapunov function of this system. The closed-loop system is stable. (x) = 0} can be obThe invariant set S = {x Rn |H tained from H (x) = 0. Based on Lemma 1, the closedloop system is asymptotically stable at the equilibrium point xe S . ii) Suppose there exist disturbances and the system is rep-

Hamiltonian controller design

3.1 Model of wind turbine with DFIG The wind turbine system includes the drive train and DFIG. The drive train of wind turbine system is represented with a one-mass model [14] and the DFIG is modelled by


B. Wang et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2013 11 (2) 282287

a second-order model when the electromagnetic transients of the stator are neglected [1516]. In this paper, the model of the wind turbine with DFIG is a third-order model [6] as follows: ds = Ps Pm = Ed ids Eq iqs Pm , 2Htot dt dEq Lm 1 = ss Ed [Eq (Xs Xs )ids ]+ s vdr , d t T Lrr 0 dEd Lm 1 = ss Eq [Ed +(Xs Xs )iqs ] s vqr , dt T0 Lrr (7) L2 Lrr m ), T0 = , Lrr Rr s is the rotor slip; Htot is the total inertia constant of the turbine and the generator; Ps is the output active power of the stator of the DFIG; Pm is the mechanical power of the wind turbine; Lss is the stator self-inductance; Lrr is the rotor self-inductance; Lm is the mutual inductance; s is the synchronous angle speed; Xs is the stator reactance; Xs is the stator transient reactance; Ed and Eq are the d and q axis voltages behind the transient reactance, respectively; vdr and vqr are the d and q axis rotor voltages, respectively. The model of the wind turbine with DFIG (7) is a system with two inputs in the d-q reference frame. s, Ed and Eq are the states, and vdr and vqr are the inputs. The model of the wind turbine system with DFIG can be described by the following form: ids Pm iqs Eq E 2Htot d 2Htot 2Htot s d 1 ids Eq = Eq ss Ed + (Xs Xs ) dt T0 T0 Ed 1 iqs (Xs Xs ) ss Eq Ed T0 T0 0 0 v Lm dr 0 . (8) + s Lrr Lm vqr 0 s Lrr 3.2 Control design of single-machine system Constructing PCH system. Based on the structure of the system, Hamiltonian energy function can be chosen as 1 Pm 2 1 Pm 2 s2 + (Eq + ) + (Ed + ) . (9) H= 2 2 2iqs 2 2ids where Xs = s Lss , Xs = s (Lss Under this Hamiltonian function, the model of the original system (8) can be represented in PCH form: ids iqs 0 2Htot 2Htot s d 1 = Eq 0 ss H dt T0 Ed 1 0 ss T0 0 ids Pm Pm (Xs Xs ) + + ss + T0 2T0 iqs 2ids iqs Pm Pm (Xs Xs ) + ss T0 2T0 ids 2iqs

0 Lm + s Lrr 0 where H = [ s Eq +

v dr , Lm vqr s Lrr 0 Pm Pm E + ]. 2iqs d 2ids



Since the PCH-D system is required in the following design process, we modify the model of PCH system through pre-feedback control. Transforming PCH system into PCH-D system. In order to complete the dissipative Hamiltonian realization, the control law is employed as follows: u= vdr vqr =K += Kdr dr + . Kqr qr (12)

By analyzing the form of (10), we design the prefeedback control K , which makes the system satisfy PCH-D form. Moreover, will be specially design in next step. We take K = Kdr Kqr

Lrr ids Pm s Pm iqs ( (Xs Xs )+ +( )s) 2T0 iqs 2ids 2Htot s Lm T0 = iqs Pm s Pm ids Lrr ( (Xs Xs )+ ( + )s) s Lm T0 2T0 ids 2iqs 2Htot (13) and substitute (13) into (10). The closed-loop system is changed into the PCH-D form: ids iqs 0 2Htot 2Htot s d iqs 1 = E q ss H dt 2Htot T0 Ed ids 1 ss 2Htot T0 0 0 Lm dr 0 , (14) + s Lrr Lm qr 0 s Lrr where iqs ids 0 0 0 0 2Htot 2Htot 1 iqs 0 0 , 0 ss J = 2H , R = T0 tot 1 i 0 0 ds ss 0 T0 2Htot and J is a skew-symmetric matrix and R is a positive semidene matrix. Therefore, the model (14) satises PCHD form. Here, the output function is given by Lm Pm s Lrr (Eq + 2iqs ) . (15) y = GT H = Lm Pm s (Ed + ) Lrr 2ids Showing the asymptotical stability.

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(x) = 0, we have Due to H H R(H = 0, T H G(x) = 0.



Therefore, the invariant sets can be written as 1 Pm 2 1 Pm 2 (x2 + ) + (x3 + ) = 0}, {x R3 : T0 2iqs T0 2ids and Lm Lm Pm Pm (x2 + ) = 0, s (x3 + ) = 0}, {x R3 : s Lrr 2iqs Lrr 2ids where x1 = s, x2 = Eq , x3 = Ed . The intersection of them is represented by Pm Pm = 0, x3 + = 0}. (17) {x R3 : x2 + 2iqs 2ids From f (xe ) = 0, it is known that the equilibrium point xe belongs to the above set and xe is the only solution that can stay identically in S . Therefore, according to Lemma 1, the system is asymptotically stable. Designing the control law. Based on Theorem 1, the nonlinear controller can be de1 0 , where signed. Let positive denite matrix = 0 2 i > 0(i = 1, 2). The control law v is taken as Lm Pm ( E + ) 1 s q dr Lrr 2iqs . = GT H = = Lm Pm qr (Ed + ) 2 s Lrr 2ids (18) 3.3 Robust control design In the presence of disturbance, the system can be described by ids iqs 0 2Htot 2Htot s 1 d iqs ss H Eq = 2H T0 dt tot ids Ed 1 ss 2Htot T0 0 0 Lm + dr 1 0 + s Lrr , (19) + qr 2 Lm 0 s Lrr where i (i = 1, 2) is disturbance, which comes from modelling simplications and modelling error. According to Theorem 1, we can conclude that under the control law dr Kdr + , u=K += Kqr qr the closed-loop system is nite-gain L2 stable.

To verify its advantage, the simulation results of the Hamiltonian controller are compared with those of the nonlinear controller in [6], which is for the same system model (7). In the simulations of closed-loop systems, the parameters of the wind turbine with DFIG is given as follows: Htot = 3 s, Lm = 2.9 p.u., Lr = 0.156 p.u., Ls = 0.171 p.u., s = 3.14 p.u./rad, and Rr = 0.005 p.u. Figs. 13 show the dynamic response curves of three state variables (s, Eq , Ed ) under two controllers. From the gures, it is shown that the closed-loop systems remain stable and the states converge to the equilibrium point quickly under both of the controllers. Therefore, both of them are effective for DFIG-based wind turbine system. For the convergence time, the nonlinear control in [6] is quicker than Hamiltonian control proposed in this paper. In the presence of disturbances, the simulation results are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Fig. 4 is the results under Hamiltonian controller and Fig. 5 is under the nonlinear controller. From Fig. 4, it is obvious that Hamiltonian controller is still able to render the system stable in the presence of disturbance by adjusting the parameters in the matrix . However in presence of disturbance, Fig. 5 shows that the response curves of the state variables diverge and the closed-loop system is unstable under the nonlinear controller. Therefore, the nonlinear controller becomes invalid when there exist some disturbances in the closed-loop system, and Hamiltonian controller shows better quality of robustness. In summary, Hamiltonian controller is better than the nonlinear controller, which not only guarantees the stability of wind turbine with DFIG but enhances the ability of disturbance attenuation.

Fig. 1 Rotor slip s.

4 Simulations
In order to illustrate the design results, the Hamiltonian controller is implemented in MATLAB. The simulations include two parts: the rst one is DFIG-based wind turbine closed-loop system, and the second one is the closed-loop system with disturbances.

Fig. 2 q -axis voltage Eq .


B. Wang et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2013 11 (2) 282287

tant issue, being worth researching in the future. References

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Fig. 5 Simulation results of nonlinear control.

5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have proposed the robust nonlinear controller for DFIG-based wind turbines based on Hamiltonian energy theory. The closed-loop system without disturbances is asymptotically stable, while the system with disturbances is nite-gain L2 stable. During the energy-based design, the main difculties are in the construction of the Hamiltonian energy function and transformation into the port-controlled Hamiltonian system with dissipation. The Hamiltonian energy approach provides an effective design means to the nonlinear control. In this paper, the robust control problem of single-machine system is investigated. Then, the controller design problem of multimachine system is an impor-

[15] J. B. Ekanayake, L. Holdsworth, N. Jenkins. Comparison of 5th order and 3rd order machine models for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines. Electric Power Systems Research, 2003, 67(3): 207 215. [16] P. Ledesma, J. Usaola. Doubly fed induction generator model for transient stability analysis. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2005, 20(2): 388 397. Bing WANG was born in Jiangsu, China. He received his B.S. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, and Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 1998 and 2006, respectively. He is currently an associate professor with College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University. His research interests include nonlinear control systems, wind power control and renewable energy. E-mail:

B. Wang et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2013 11 (2) 282287

Yanping QIAN was born in Zhejiang, China. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, both in Control Theory and Control Engineering, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. He is currently a lecturer with the College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University. His research interests include control theory applications for wireless communication systems and networks, and renewable energy systems. E-mail:


Yiming ZHANG was born in Jilin, China. He received his B.S. degree from Hohai University in 2010. He is currently a M.S. degree candidate at the College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University. His research interest is nonlinear control of wind turbine. E-mail:

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