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Connecticut Organization of Nurse Executives

Annual All-Membership Meeting
Thursday January 8, 2009
Cromwell Crowne Plaza Cromwell, CT

PRESENT: Please see attendance sheets

Topic Discussion / Motion Follow Up Action

Call to order Linda Spivack called the meeting to order at 5:10 pm and invited the
5:10pm membership to a buffet dinner.

Program Introduction Pam Veccherino, on behalf of Program Committee chair Ann Marie Capo,
by Pam Veccherino of introduced featured speaker, Barbara Bennett Jacobs MPH, PhD RN CHPN. Dr
the Program Committee Jacobs is Associate Professor of Nursing at UCONN and is a consultant on
6:00pm ethics for St Francis Hospital, Hartford Hospital and John Dempsey Hospital.
Dr Dempsey spoke for an hour on the topic entitled,
“ Organizational Ethics for Nurse Leaders”
The program which was approved for 1.0 contact hours engaged the audience
to consider the key points-
Ethics becomes critical when a particular moral guide does not “fit” the
situation. Ethics is the action guide to do “the good” for the individual or
Types of Ethics include: Clinical, Research, Normative, Meta ethics and
Organizational Ethics.
Max Sheller, German Philosopher, “ Values are disclosed when feelings are felt”
Plato – Moral audit. “At the end of the day, have I done ‘good” ’”
Nurses can allow an individual to “flourish” even when the individual is in the
dying process.

Program Evaluations were provided for members

President Linda Spivack
called the Business
meeting to order at
• Linda thanked the members of the Board for a productive year. This
Out going President’s annual meeting concludes Linda’s tenure as President ONE-CT.
• The ONE-CT strategic Plan was distributed to all members present.

• Linda relayed that the current schedule of committees meeting just

prior to the main membership meetings is an effective way gather

• Linda recognized Board member Rob Rose of Bristol Hospital as the

newly elected AONE Region I representative for 2009.

• Linda reported that she has attended the AONE Chapter Leaders
meeting for AONE for the past two years and noted that ONE-CT
leaders have been chosen as Region I representatives for two
consecutive years.

• Linda reported that the next membership meeting will be held on

March 19th. The legislative committee will provide a speaker and topic
for that meeting. Program Committee chair Ann Marie Capo has
requested that program evaluations offer suggestions for 2009 topics.
The idea of a “Retreat” has generated interest for a future meeting.
Membership meetings are scheduled for June 11, 2009 and September
10, 2009.

Bev Lyon presented the report. Currently membership is 214 strong. New
Membership Committee
membership drive is targeting institutions (hospitals and academic nursing
programs) with fewer than 5 current members. New Membership and renewal
applications are available at tonight’s meeting.
Legislative Committee Chair Sue Fitzsimons announce the formation of a “Tri-Council” comprised of
ONE-CT, CLN and CTNA. The first meeting is scheduled for January 2009. The
purpose is to present a stronger unified political stance when confronted with
similar interests involving nursing and healthcare legislation.

Sue reported that the Legislative Committee which provides one program per
year is looking to secure a speaker who is nationally known for expertise in
staffing legislation, That program will be offered on March 19, 2009.
We need to “Market” this program and this speaker to promote ONE-CT and to
add members. One idea is to promote the program as a “bring-a- pal”

The Legislative Committee has completed its set of By laws and Operating

Nominating Committee Linda Spivack announce the newly elected slate of Officers:
Colleen Smith moves from President elect to current President
Lee Galuska has been elected President elect
Grace Boucher has been elected Treasurer
Ryan White and Jan Mola have been elected Members at Large
Jan Schboger has been elected chair of the Nominating Committee

New President’s Report Colleen Smith thanked Linda Spivack and the board for its accomplishments
and support throughout the past year. Colleen commented on the board
collegiality and informal style as facilitating forward movement. Colleen
praised the work of Rob Rose, Ryan White and Dale Danowski in completing a
contract to establish the ONE-CT website. Colleen requested volunteers to
form a website management committee so as to keep the website interactive
and current.
Colleen reiterated the need to have an “engaged” membership and announced
several upcoming board related meetings:
March 12, 2009 board meeting to coincide with the AONE Region I meeting.
AONE annual meeting in San Antonio TX 4/14-4/18/09. A show of hands
indicated at least 10 pp from to night’s meeting plan to attend the latter.

Colleen stated the need to develop new nurse leaders into ONE-CT board
positions for succession planning.
Treasurer’s Report Lee Galuska reported a balance of $ $10, 395.00 before accounting for this
evening’s expense and revenues.

Next Board Meeting February 9, 2009

Next all membership meeting will be Thursday March 19, 2009

Respectfully submitted,

Maura McQueeney

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