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Geography Extended Answer Notes - Sustainability

Question 1: The cause of an Urban Problem for Perth/Tokyo (result of interactions and processes) Traffic Congestion Tokyo: Define: Traffic congestion is the slowing of traffic that occurs when a road transport system is not able to effectively handle the number of vehicles passing through it at that time Characteristics - vehicles banked up on critical points of road network, frustrated drivers, increased vehicle accidents, extra traffic noise, pollution, cars moving slowly or stopping Interaction between a high population and a rising standard of living = more private vehicle ownership Centripetal forces causing urbanisation (jobs higher income, shorter working hours , more holidays, high living standards, more goods and services, education, health care) Radial road structure - means that all cars have to pass through the centre of the city to get in another direction. Compact city development (redevelopment) used to tackle urban sprawl = no room for street widening Resistance to land use change Opposition to development of expressways Average vehicle speed 20km/h 900,000 vehicles travel on Tokyos expressways everyday

Question 2 - how planning policies for Perth address urban problems 1970 Corridor Plan 4 transport corridors Self sustaining corridor Each corridor dominated by a main road Greenbelts between each corridor Aimed to relieve traffic congestion in the city - most facilities and amenities in each corridor didnt need to leave 1987 Metroplan Encouraged Urban Consolidation Encouraged Urban Renewal and Redevelopment Aimed to slow down urban sprawl 2004 Network city plan Activity centers (OBDs) TODs Livable neighbourhoods Mandurah Railway line Traffic congestion - TODs, OBDs, railway line less far to travel Water Conservation - Gnangara groundwater protection, water sensitive urban design

Natural Hazard Management - controlled burning etc.

Question 3 - Define the following: Sustainable Development: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable Planning: The planning and management of urban environments so that future generations can enjoy a quality of life. Planning needs to be complex (PEES), ongoing and dynamic.

Question 4 - Identify a stakeholder involved in addressing an urban problem and explain their viewpoint Traffic Congestion Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Government Plans to connect radial roads with ring roads - means traffic does not all have to run through city centre Considering societys want for quicker and more convenient travel Not taking into consideration cost, disruptions to neighbourhoods, clashing with existing land uses Plans to sink expressways underground Would remove blighted roads and create new opportunities for redevelopment on prime land However, is extremely expensive & requires careful planning so it doesnt clash with other services underground (eg. Water pipes) Safe Bicycle Riding Promotion Plan in January 2007. This plan includes four main measures as follows: Reducing illegally-parked bicycles Developing bicycle paths Improving bicycle traffic manners Improving bicycle mechanics Encouraging the use of public transport Tokyo Metropolitan Region, bicycle parking facilities have been developed around most of the heavy rail stations to encourage such trip patterns. The TMG values alternative transport, convenience and time factors of traveling

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