October Update

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SLO Cru Greek Row!

Sara Fulham Issue #2 October 27, 2012

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- I in them and you in me- so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me! -Jesus in John 17:22-23
Greek Rows first weekly meeting! Praise God!

Hello from

Mira, Troy, Kassie, Alex, Brenna, Brad, Nick, Myself, Melanie, and Lauren at the Greek Row booth at the Cru Weekly Meeting Ministry Fair where 30 new contacts signed up!

Natalie, Lauren, and I had a refreshing day in Avila soaking up the sun, encouraging each other, and reading Galatians 1&2!

October has been full of adventure! Thank you so much for your prayers! God is definitely agreeing because He is answering YES a lot and His Spirit is permeating all things! At our Greek Row meeting last week, 5 new men showed up expressing a desire to seek God and serve, Mira, a friend in Theta accepted Christ this weekend at Fall Retreat, and I see Greeks involved in Greek Row walking in the Spirit! I was so blessed by time with Brenna, Laura, and Morgan this weekend at Fall Retreat! It has been amazing to see the fire that God is igniting in Laura and Morgan, two Sigma Kappas who accepted Christ last year and how Brenna, one of my first friends in Theta and sisters in Christ who I have been able to pour into the past two years, is stepping up to mentor and support them! Brenna thanked me for not giving up on her on the ride home and it was so fun to share Gods perfect heart for her and my imperfect heart yet great love for her! God is the one who never gave up on her; he never gave up on me and His Spirit in me was in pursuit of her even when I failed! I am so humbled that God could extend His amazing grace through me! It has been amazing watching her grow and trust the Lord more and more to take bold steps of faith! God has been teaching me the value of discipleship over the past year but I was given such a tangible reminder through this interaction! One of the sweetest moments this weekend was Morgan sharing that she hasnt felt this clean or accepted in 5 years! She was deeply affected by growing in the knowledge of who God is, how great His love is for her, and who she is in Him! There is so much freedom and peace in the realization of who we were always meant to be as Gods beloved.

Prayer Requests: For Greek Row students to be living in the gospel

Morgan, Brenna, and Laura before our drive to Ventura for Fall Retreat!

and finding identity as sons and daughters of their Father, that God would be our treasure, for humility, for undivided hearts, for increased dependence on and trust in God, unity for the body, that love would abound and people would come to know Jesus, for continued fruit in discipleship and bible studies, for Greek men, for believers who are taking leadership positions in their houses, for Greek Row Fri. at 5, and for the All Greek Mens Bible Study Tues. at 10am!

Morgan and I experiencing inexpressible joy talking about our identity as the spotless, blemish-free brides of Christ because of the cross and resurrection!

490 girls accepted bids on Bid Night of sorority recruitment!

Contact me at sara.fulham@uscm.org or at (626) 388 8344! Much Love!

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