Early English Teaching Practice II

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Name of student teacher: Karla Calderón Yévenes

Name of school: Liceo Obispo Antonio Castro

Number of students: 26 and 28 students

Class: Third and fourth high school grade

Date: May 19th, 2009

Task 1

1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time your guide teacher asked for
your help? How long did it take?
My guide teacher whose name is Carol never asked me for help. Things developed
very naturally, the first activity I done as a teacher assistant was to help some
students to create a formal dialogue about a job interview and it took me like forty

2. What were the students doing before you started helping out? Who gave the
instructions, you or your guide teacher?
They were hardly trying to develop their ideas because English is pretty difficult for
them, in fact they were talking in Spanish between them trying to figure it out when
I decided to come closer and asked them if they needed my help.

3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels
of engagement in the room.
Surprisingly they react quite well. And I referred to it as “surprisingly” because they
do not seem interested in English at all, but when I start giving them a few hints
about how to do the task they listened to me and pay attention to what I was saying.
The atmosphere was very comfortable and they even thanked me afterwards.

4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often?

As I said before, my guide teacher has never asked me for help, every time I had
helped the students with their tasks; it has been because I wanted to. Very often I
have tried to help them to develop some guides or create dialogues.

5. What activities or resources did you propose? Were they used? How effective
were they?
Last class the teacher give the students a Passive voice Guide, they had to translate
sentences in past and present simple to passive voice, therefore I asked them to look
for a past tense guide, the typical guide with three lines, I know it was not such a
creative resource but it helped them to look for the right past participle tense in
order to develop their guide.

6. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material for the
required assignments? How did the student like it?
I have not being asked to prepare anything yet. But I would like to do it as long as
does not interfere with the guide teacher’s schedule.

7. Did your guide teacher provide feedback on your performance in the classroom?
How often? How did you react?
She did not provide any feedback.

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