The Black Order - Information and FAQ

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The Black Order

Information and FAQ

(NOTE: The Black Order is now Defunct) Authorized for public dissemination by G.M.AAI, The Black Order. Copyright 1996 by The Black Order and Shadowlight Kommunikations. All contents are the sole property of The Black Order, and cannot be reprinted without the express permission of The Black Order and Shadowlight Kommunikations. The Black Order c/-PO Box 1627, Paraparaumu, New Zealand.

This booklet serves as a frank and general introduction to The Black Order. The easy to follow collection of questions and answers cover the subjects most commonly asked regarding the Black Order. For a more in-depth consideration of any of the points addressed in here, the reader is referred to the other publications of The Black Order. If, after reading this, you are interested in joining the Black Order, send an essay of 500 words to the Black Order's Head Quarters, detailing your views on politics, magick, and your personal character and development. If found acceptable you will be sent a membership form, and invited to join. Members receive a copy of the Black Order's principle text The Book of Wyrd, a membership card, and four issues of the internal magazine Erda. Members have the opportunity to join their local Black Order Lodge, if such exists, pursue grade- work, and collaborate internationally with other members and lodges. G.M.AAI TBO 1996 The Black Order c/-PO Box 1627, Paraparaumu, New Zealand.

Ours Is The Law Of Wyrd, Other Than That There Is No Law

What is The Black Order? The Black Order is a group of men and women who desire the attainment of a greater appreciation of the kozmos. We seek to facilitate this affinity within the context of our racial heritage as Europeans, and by exploring the unfrequented and dark world of the unconscious that underlies it. This shadow aspect is expressed in such diverse forms as the pagan gods of our pre-magian pantheons, inspired artists and poets who, whether consciously or unconsciously, drew from this well of pagan heritage, and the various political and cultural move-ments and philosophies that have similarly evoked the spirit of our pagan past. This power is most applicably contained in symbolic forms, whether they be gods, heroes, mythology, or iconography, and these can, therefore, be used to presence this kozmic energy for what ever purpose is foremost in our minds. The forms or structures through which this energy can be transmitted are many and varied, and to some extent dependent solely on the imagination of the individuals concerned. It can be directed through any number of political forms, through artistic and musical expressions, or most significantly, through a way of living that utilizes and manifests these ancient energies on an everyday level. Your symbol appears to be a swastika, why is this, and what does it imply? Our symbol is two Iwaz runes, that are crossed to form the Kozmic Wheel or swastika. Iwaz is the thirteenth rune in the Elder Futhark and is a symbol of life, death and rebirth; as manifested in the yew tree, which it represents. By using it in a circular, wheel form, the cyclic nature of this kozmic- return is further enhanced. The symbol is, thus, a complete synopsis of life and its cycles, and is, consequently, life- affirming, as the swastika has always been. Our symbol is a swastika in that its shape is derived from the same realm of the European psyche that has utilized this imagery since time immemorial. The swastika has been at the heart of European consciousness, and has expressed our soul and nature, for aeons, it has only been in the last fifty or so years that it has been attributed negative implications. Even those who would wish to describe themselves as Aryan or European are often guilty of denigrating this symbol further by using it as a symbol of infantile hatred. It is important for the European people that the swastika rids itself of the negative associations that have been foistered upon it over the last fifty years by the media and those forces that seek to keep the European servile. Thus, by using the Iwaz kozmic wheel as a symbol of life-affirming vigour, The Black Order seeks to reclaim it and so ensure our survival. The swastika will eventually replace the cross and the dollar sign as the symbols of the European spirit. Are you a National Socialist organisation? The Black Order does not subscribe to any single political or philosophical system. Instead, we provide a forum through which National Socialism, and a number of other philosophies can be explored. Among our number we have those who describe themselves as National Socialists, those who call themselves Fascists, and some who prefer to be called Anarchists, but, we also have many that don't use any such definition, and do not advocate any particular political form. National Socialism does have a great deal of significance for The Black Order, because it is from that one particular manifestation of the Shadow side of the European psyche that we trace our most recent history. Thus, an understanding and appreciation of this recent phase of human history, and its modern applicability, or not, will contribute to ones under-standing and appreciation of the kozmos as a whole. However, we do not believe in limiting ourselves in any way, and thus we stop short of totally advocating National Socialism as an absolute philosophy.

What of the spiritual and religious beliefs of the Order? Is there any particular doctrine you subscribe to? What is your relationship with Satanism? Again, there is no particular spiritual or magickal system that is exemplified by The Black Order. Rather, we provide a forum for all manner of different views and beliefs. Most of our members would probably describe themselves as being some kind of pagan, heathen, or similar appellation, in that they find a connection with the gods of their ancestors. There is no constraint on members to believe anything, and there are no particular doctrines that must be adhered to, other than an understanding and love of European culture and history. Many members would also describe themselves as Satanists, however, The Black Order is not a strictly Satanic order. As with National Socialism, Satanism is part of the Shadow side of the European psyche, it represents those elements of our pagan heritage that are often overlooked or ignored, even by many pagans. And as such, Satanism must be explored in order to attain that desired understanding of the kozmos. However, a distinction must be made between the Satanism of The Black Order, and the vacuous Satanism exemplified by the American Church of Satan; which is nothing more than a reflection of the materialist indulgences of capitalism. The Satanism used by The Black Order is part of the authentic Western sinister tradition, as inherited by such groups as the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi and the Order of Nine Angles, which has its roots in pre-magian pagan Europe. While there is no doctrinal belief system, or dogma within the Black Order, there is a particular magickal system which forms the basis for any magickal education, and is practised by the inner echelons of the Order. This system is known as Rokkr magick, and explores the twilight entities of Northern mythology who have often been relegated to mere footnotes in modern paganism. You state that Black Order membership is only for people of European descent. Does this infer that the Black Order is a racist organisation? The Black Order is not a racist organisation by any means, we are simply a European order for Europeans. Because we are involved in the exploration and implementation of the shadow aspect of the European psyche, no one but Europeans are able to do this. It has become very common in contemporary magick to open our traditions and systems to all comers, regardless of their race, or ethnic extraction. This is, fundamentally, a mistake, as all the various forms of magick are not simply societal abstractions, but reflections of the ethos, and the soul of particular peoples and cultures. The needs that each system fulfils are the needs of specific peoples, and races, who carry these needs through their genes. Just as physical, character, and racial traits are inherited from the genes of each individual's forebears, or to speak mystically, through their blood, so the spiritual and religious needs and nature are also inherited. Consequently, a European magickal system will, ultimately, only work for those who carry the specific needs in their genes. There may, initially, be some kind of placebo effect, where the system appears to work, but within a long-term context this will not amount to anything. Therefore, if someone who is not of European descent joins The Black Order they are simply wasting both their time, and ours. They would be better advised to explore their own rich culture, which has been constructed, specifically, for them, and their needs. What of the Order's attitude towards Jews, and their chances for membership? Unlike a number of, particularly American, organisations, we do not perceive there to be a Jewish problem, the problem appears to lie more with those Americans in the movement who cannot see past racial cliches. Depending on their specific extraction, many Jews are now a part of a European subrace, particularly those from Eastern Europe, where the lines have been blurred over the past millennia. Thus, it is impossible for the Black Order to proscribe against Jewish membership, as many of our number may have a few drops of Jewish blood, whether they are aware of it or not. That is not to say that we actively encourage Jewish membership, but we do not have any great aversion to them. Our opposition to Jews would not be dependent on a general racial basis, but with Zionism, and the forces that seek the subversion of European culture. There have been a number of Jews who have played essential roles in the movement, despite their

race. Hitler's one-time bodyguard and chauffeur, Emil Maurice, was Jewish, as were a number of the people associated with Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. Likewise, amongst the American movement, there have been several prominent activists of Jewish roots, including Dan Burros the jointcommander of security for the National Renaissance Party of James Madole. Is The Black Order then opposed to any particular religions, races, beliefs, or lifestyles? The Black Order is essentially positive, and we are not so much opposed to various creeds, as for the continuance and and revitalization of the European culture, and race. Thus, despite those peculiar types of nihilistic misanthropes that we occasionally attract, who delight in expressing a general hate for everything, if the Black Order is opposed to a race or creed, it is on a mature considered basis, rather than on a purely emotive and reactionary one. Consequently, The Black Order is opposed to Christianity, not on a mere rebellious basis, but because it is that creed that has been responsible for the disruption of the Western psyche and soul. Christianity is fundamentally alien to the European mind, it is derived from the taboo-ridden mentality of those ancient superstitious desert tribes of Hebrews, and may be compatible for them, but is not for the clear-minded, proud, and virile European. It is Christianity that has held back the potential of Western civilisation, and is thus, the primary enemy. Similarly, any other religion, or philosophy, that seeks to convert, and subvert, the West can be regarded as an enemy. We are opposed to those economic and social policies that have their foundations in the ethics of Judaeo-Christianity, namely communism and capitalism. In some regards, both these policies, though specifically capitalism, have now replaced Christianity as the most insidious hindrance to the Western soul. As an erudite saying states, the bank has replaced the church, the dollar sign has replaced the cross. Thus, we are diametrically opposed to the greatest promoter of capitalism and materialism, the United States of America. We oppose the imperialism of the New World Order, instigated by president George Bush, during the allied cartel's attacks on Iraq, and recently illustrated by US attempts to dictate international trade and interaction with Cuba, Iraq, Iran, and Libya. This sanctimonious pontificating is the continuation of long-held Judaeo-Christian attempts to halt and stifle the nationalism and sovereignty of independent-minded states. The Black Order is not opposed to any particular race, we instead respect the sovereignty and independence of each and every ethnic group and race. We are ardent supporters of all those cultures who endeavour to gain their independence and autonomy, and we, thus, oppose the forced co-existence often forced upon them by the international community. Many of the international boundaries and countries that exist today were created solely for the purpose of global economics, and were devised with direct opposition and contempt for their ethnic constituency. Consequently, the capitalist cartels of global economics have a vested interest in retaining their markets, rather than allowing for the independence that a nationalist state brings. Unlike many organisations from the political right, we do not promote a single standard life style, that dictates what ones sexuality, image, style, gender role, or musical tastes should be. There is a tendency amongst the Right to be over-reactionary, often expressing an extremely limited concept of what people should be, or how they should act. Often this is borne from nothing more glamourous than basic insecurity, and a desire for a bland conformity in which they can safely submerge. Thus, because the philosophy of The Black Order is based on the pagan acceptance of nature's diversity, instead of the Victorian conservatism held by much of the old Right, we accept, and indeed encourage many of the traditional bug- bears of the Right. We believe that one cannot dictate on a matter in which one has no experience, or personal insights, and thus, we do not presume, as many do, to be able to speak of the role, or the fundamentals of being a woman, a man, of a trans-gender, or a homosexual. Likewise, we do not assail or attack, the predictable, perceived, enemies of the Right, be they feminists, homosexuals, drug users, particular kinds of artists and musicians, or several other manifestations of the individualist spirit; often they are amongst our number, and do not conform, in the least, to the stereotypes held by small-minded bigots. The Black Order is not a refuge for bigots, where they can have their fears and hatred confirmed by

others, and move no further than that. We seek, instead, to challenge those old- aeon misconceptions that continue to hinder the evolutionary development of human kind. What, then, are the aims or goals that The Black Order seeks to achieve? The aims of The Black Order are manifold. On one level, we seek to create a new type of human being, one that is aware of their surroundings and their place in the kozmos, and one that, thus, has a far greater sense of destiny. Through this person, the Nietzschean superhuman, we seek to implement the New Pagan Renaissance, a cultural revolution that is firmly based upon solid ideals, and possesses concerted goals. This New Pagan Renaissance expresses a new aesthetic, and a new, or re-invigorated, set of values, drawing upon the European past to inspire the present. It continues the development of Western and European culture from where it was subverted two millenniums ago. However, instead of endlessly imitating the ancient forms of yesteryear, this new revolution renews and adjusts them to the needs of today. The Black Order seeks to spread the influence of this New Pagan Renaissance through artistic collectives, that produce music, art, and publications reflecting its aesthetics. This is intended to create a network of NPR artists and musicians throughout the world, who can collaborate with international events. Through the promotion of this New Pagan Renaissance, The Black Order is able to expand on its views for a better world, using a cohesive art-form as an example of what the evokation of all facets of the European psyche, and soul, is capable of producing. On a different tangent, The Black Order endeavours, where the situation suggests, to disrupt manifestations of Western distortion, and push them, and therefore, increase the speed of their inevitable decline. This course of action is solely dependent on individual situations, in some places it is not warranted, and can, in fact, be counter-productive, while in others, where a European reinvigoration is not even remotely possible, it is the only viable option. In our goals and aims we are assisted by the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi and the Order of Nine Angles, with whom we have much in common. To aid the creation of the new type of kozmically aware human being, we intend to create esoteric communities, in which a continual magickal existence presences the kozmic energies, or as has been described elsewhere: "enshrines the primal Darkness in their way of living... as a burning torch through the impending Dark Ages." An esoteric community, by its very nature, is the purest expression and manifestation of magick, and such a presence gives a stabilising counter-balance to any activities which push that which is currently falling. The cumulative goal of The Black Order, and our associates is the achievement of Homo Galactica, for therein stands the entire purpose of evolution. What is the meaning behind this ideal of Homo Galactica, and how achievable is it? Humanity, with its modern lack of cohesiveness, is devoid of any authentic goals capable of uniting it for the greater good. The only one that remains is the exploration of space, that god-like chance to reach for the stars. Built into our bodies and our souls is a desire to return to the stars from which we came. It is illustrated no more clearly than in our respective mythologies, which speak to our kozmic origins, and destiny. The attainment of space travel is not only the result of higher evolution, but is the impetus for a greater evolution. Every time humanity reaches beyond this globe, we grow, whether it was the first time we saw our home world in its entirety from space, or the time the first space probe left this solar system. Because we are fundamentally kozmic creatures, all these kozmic activities affect us, whether we are fully aware of them or not. But these are merely partial explorations of our kozmic evolution, we must reach out much further. To evolve into a truly god-like state, humanity has to transform its innate Faustian spark into a desire to seek out new worlds beyond this solar system, to bravely go where our mythology has told us we will one day go. Unfortunately, the human exploration of space is currently in the hands of international governments who lack any such galactic vision, and have been responsible for retarding the achievement of Homo Galactica substantially. The National-Socialist government of Germany, however, possessed a fierce vision of Homo Galactica, it was a central element of their policies. The Third Reich had clearly delineated plans which included landing on the moon, and also the establishment of a space station, all

well before the 1950s; a stark contrast to the uninspired and inward-gazing characteristics of their contemporary states and nations. Unfortunately, as a result of the concerted attack by financiallymotivated forces, the potential of the Third Reich was cut short, and the greatest Faustian leap ever was temporarily restrained. The current scientific position is pessimistic regarding a tenable method of inter-stellar travel, thus suggesting that the ideal of Homo Galactica is not realistic. However, given the fast rate of scientific developments, humankind will, at some stage, attain those capabilities. Eighty years ago, the idea of landing on the moon was a pipe dream, while travel to Mars was well beyond even fantasy, with this spectacular rate of increase, and with considered and concerted efforts, Homo Galactica cannot be far off. In the long run, the feasibility of attaining the state of Homo Galactica is not important. The importance is that Homo Galactica is an ideal, and merely the pursuit of that state, and the striving towards it, is a profound evolutionary act in itself. What does membership in The Black Order offer? Members are given the opportunity to undertake a series of magickal grades, which have been constructed to facilitate the evolution into the kozmic being. This grade system also includes a martial art that was formulated, specifically, to coincide with the magickal energy raised through the grades. Members also receive an internal magazine four times a year, and are able to contribute to both this, and to the external magazine KOAXIAL. We also periodically release booklets and cassette tapes featuring contributions from stalwart members of The Order. Because of our diverse membership, through out much of the pan European world, members are able to network, finding an immediate audience, and potential participants, for anything they wish to pursue along Black Order lines. We also provide a service allowing members to use our facilities and list of contacts to publish books or booklets of significance to the Black Order or the New Pagan Renaissance. We offer a form of awareness that takes into consideration all aspects of being, particularly those that are frequently unexplored, and thus, immensely powerful. We offer the first few steps along the way to an evolution into a kozmic being, whose destiny lies in the stars. ****

-The Ten Articles Of Faith-1We believe in Wyrd, the all-permeating force of destiny within the Norse Kozmos. -2Our ethos and creed is therefore based on the Laws of Nature, as revealed by science, and by living. -3Feelings of affinity with Wyrd and the Kozmos are beyond all concepts of moral dualism, beyond good and evil. -4We hold that all concepts of good and evil are entirely relative, and dependent upon purely individual Wyrd. -5We believe that Nature, the Kozmos, and thus history, is cyclic and is consequently subject to perceivable cycles of birth, growth and decay. This is the cornerstone of all mystery and magick in the West. -6The kozmos functions through the interaction of polarities, an interaction that evokes change and evolution. These polarities are exemplified by Ice and Fire, Feminine and Masculine, Rokkr and sir, Dark and Light. -7One does not need to be a passive observer to the kozmic dance, but through a comprehension of Wyrd, both individual and collective, one can enact Wyrdic change. -8Those attuned to the force of Wyrd permeating Nature and the Kozmos have its energy within them, and are thus linked to the continual evolution of the Kozmos, and thus of human-kind. -9We hold that life on this planet is dependent on the body on which we walk, and thus subject to Her grace. Therefore, respect towards Her is paramount. -10Humanities destiny is to play amongst the stars, the one purpose of all life is that evolution, to advance to become: HOMO GALACTICA

THE BLACK ORDER CONSTITUTION AIMS: A)To study the esoteric currents underlying all aspects of European history and culture, including National Socialism. B)To uncover and study forgotten aspects of Europe's Pagan past, and the religions of our peoples. C)To reimbue them with a new sense of destiny with which to enact change on both causal and acausal levels. D)To presence those Rokkr energies of change, through forms of both ceremonial and hermetic magick, through covert and creative actions, and through propaganda. LEADERSHIP: Leadership is vested in the Grand Master who has ultimate responsibility for the interpretation of this constitution, and for the directions and goals of the Order. Regional Commanders are appointed by the Grand Master upon application. Applicants must present an outline with regards to what they seek to achieve as Commander and the goals they wish to implement. Regional Commanders form a basic advisory council to the Grand Master, and are so expected to act with haste and acuteness in Order matters.

Regional Commanders have the sole responsibility for Order activities in their area, pending initial verification from Head Quarters. However, matters of higher security and risk must be discussed fully with the Grand Master prior to their implementation. National Commanders are appointed in the same procedure as Regional Commanders, but perform a role that is specific to the Wyrd of their Nation. ORGANISATION: The basic unit of organisation is the Lodge. A minimum of three members may form a Lodge, and elect a Mistress/Master, subject to the approval of the Grand Master. The Mistress/ Master should be someone who possesses a clear, and concise, vision of the purpose of the Lodge, and of The Black Order. A Lodge chooses a patron deity, from whom they take their name. A sigil, or logo should also be chosen, and a personal Lodge Book of Wyrd kept and maintained. Separate orders, and affiliated groups can be aligned with The Black Order, while still retaining their own character, and internal structures, pending the complete authorisation by the Grand Master. MEMBERSHIP: Order applicants must be a minimum of 18 years old, and of European descent. All members must be registered with World Head Quarters, for the sake of both order and security. Prospective members may be sponsored by Commanders, or Lodge leaders, but still must apply directly to the Head Quarters. CONDUCT: Order members are expected to conduct themselves according to the precepts outlined in The Black Order's constitution, conducting themselves with integrity, intelligence, honour, and loyalty. A Lodge Master/Mistress may suspend a subordinate, subject to review by the Grand Master. *** "We can not possibly get beyond our present level of culture unless we receive a powerful impetus from our primitive roots. But we shall receive it only if we go back behind our cultural level, thus giving the suppressed primitive man in ourselves a chance to develop. How this is to be done is a problem I have been trying to solve for years.... The existing edifice is rotten. We need some new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilised man and the Germanic barbarian will there come what we need; a new experience of God..." C.G.Jung The pillars rent like crippled parchment, And parchment falls like stoic pillars, The windows shatter into Eternities restless debris. Surety replaced by the bitter winds, rasping, grating upon the stark reality. Through desolate tears and tortured throat, devotees mourn momentarily, lamenting a loss soon forgot. A memory is but what they wish to recall; The else that was everything, confined to an existence of not existing, of being nothing. ****

SHADOWLIGHT KOMMUNIKATIONS KATALOGUE AMANITA WOD: Booklet exploring the Fly Agaric mushroom. Its history and modern shamanic application. :$5.00 US/$5.00 NZ IL IADNAH: Illustrated work of the Enochian Keys. Enochian & English translations, notes are given. :$7.00 US/$10.00 NZ KEY OF ALOCER #3: Articles on Astaroth, Fly Agaric, Lineage of Cain, Hela, and NS. Interview with Stephen Cox of Balder, and with Primordial etc. 48 A4 pgs. :$6.00 US/$10.00 NZ KEY OF ALOCER #4: Articles on Monotheism, Sumerian Mythos, Darkness, Satanism & Fascism and Opium. Interview with First Occult Church, and Spear Of Longinus. :$6.00 US/$10.00 NZ KEY OF ALOCER #5: Articles on NS, Babalon, Fascist Satanism, Lovecraft, Babylonian magick, Drugs. Interviews with Satanic artists in an art special. 52 pgs. :$6.00 US/$10.00 NZ KEY OF ALOCER #6: Articles on Atlantis, Aryans, Drugs, Pagan Satanism, Tradition, Martial Arts and Magick. Interview with Cthulhu Records. 52 A4 pages. :$6.00 US/$10.00 NZ KEY OF ALOCER #7: Articles on Lilith, Martial Arts, Helish Magick, Alternative Sexuality, Physics, Astronomy. Interview with Diamanda Galas. 56 pages. :$6.00 US/$10.00 NZ OBSIDIAN SKY: A celebration of Hela through vision, poetry & art. Regular edition $10.00 US; Deluxe edition $20.00 US RUNEQUEST: Runic pathworkings by founder of The Black Order, shamanism in the Germanic Mysteries. :$9.00US/$15.00 NZ QUESTIONS ANSWERED: An introduction to The Black Order :$5US SHADOWLIGHT PROMO TAPE 1995: Promo tape with six tracks from GOTHI-GYDJA AAI and eight from PANTA RHEI. :$5.00 US XAOS:343 Disunified Field Theory Tape: Collaboration between members of GOTHI-GYDJA AAI & ZENTEN. Two half hr trax of schizophrenic noise and samples. :$6.00 US/4.00/$10.00 NZ SYLVAN MORT: Limited photographick artwerk by AAI. A serene scene from death's gate. Blockmounted, measuring 22cm-16cm. Packed in black wrap. Limited. :$20.00 US/10.00/$45.00 NZ SHADOWLIGHT PENTACLE: Hand-crafted for altars. Measure 22cm, quality wood, in the themes of zodiac, septenary, elements, festivals; or personal designs. :$85us/40. Personal $100us. COMING SOON: Clothed In Shadow Are We book & tape; Mari-Ama cassette LP from GOTHIGYDJA AAI; and long sleeve shirts. Cash only, to: Shadowlight, c/o TBO, PO Box 1627, Paraparaumu, NEW ZEALAND.

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