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' A//J 9

Doug and Geri Umbanhowar

Box 15A

Chiengmai, Thailand Dear Christian Friends,


After a very, very busy year of furlough,

time draws close for our return to Thailand.

Tentative departure date is August 9, arriving in Thailand on August lA. We anticipate an exciting new term of service of three years for our Lord in that beautiful country.
Brief reflection on this past year re veals how God has blessed our lives richly, both through His guidance and your continued faithful support. This letter will help you
catch up on our year.

June 10th found me graduating from Michigan State University with a Masters in non-formal education. By devoting fullFORWARDING AGENTS time to study, I was able to complete the requirements for the degree in one year. Eugene and Lydia Johnson Through this program of study we anticipate RFD 1 Box 145 God using the information gained to provide Clarks Hill, Indiana 47930 new insights into reaching people where they are with the love of Christ, Non-formal education is the study of any educational method outside formal institutional schooling, I was parti cularly interested in its application in using it to spread the Gospel to areas where less "traditional" methods of education are used. By combin ing a program of theoretical education with practical approaches, one finds that not only do students learn how to use the material more wisely, but the Gospel is spread at the same time through direct teaching exper ience by the student. Through the use of the Bible Institute at Chiangmai, those studying in classroom situations, coupled with evangelistic and teaching campaigns will facilitate greater results.
"V S.E. fcSlK

It sharing hope to service

has been a privilege to study such a program, and we will be more about it as the years go on. Bat through its application we work with native Christians in helping them help others to greater to the Lord. Thank you for allowing us the time to live and study

in East Lansing this last year.

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Another blessing canie into our lives on January 2, 1978, as most of you know. On that day our long awaited baby daughter was born. Anna Christine made both Mother and Father real happy and her three older

brothers were just as excited.

Anna is doing just fine and already has

given us all much joy through her vivacious spirit,

Charlie completed third grade this year at Spartan Village School, the elementary school located in Michigan State's married housing com plex. And since MSU has a large foreign student population, the element ary school reflects the same trend. We are pleased that Charlie is grow ing up with such exposure to international experiences, both while attending school in Chiangmai as well as here in the USA. Eric spent his year at home helping Mother and Bradly manage their Now four years old, he has become quite an individual with an
We thank God for his precious life and all that he
to us.


independent spirit.

Bradly has grown so much since we have been home in the USA.

He has

learned to walk, run and now learning to talk.

It is amazing how well a

one and a half year old can communicate with others.

Both Charlie and Eric are anxious to return to Thailand to be with

old friends and live in the same house we had when we left Chiangmai. While we were home on furlough, the Paul Parrish family lived in the
house we had rented and were able to hold i t for us. For this we are

grateful as it relieves much tension in finding a house to live in when

we get back to Thailand,

And last but not least, the girl who keeps the family oiled and in top running order is Geri, Her willing attitude and Christ-like spirit
have been a blessing to me as I pursued my education, and to the children

as they mature under the influence of a Christian mother who is genuinely

concerned about their proper development.

We covet your prayers as we all continue to grow in God's grace that each of us might become greater witnesses to His love to the world through Christ Jesus, Weekends found me traveling to churches speaking on behalf of the mission. Many thousands of miles were covered this last year, all the way from Delaware to Nebraska. Also time was spent in DVBS's and Christian

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Service camps sharing with young people the joys as well as frustrations of being a missionary. The experiences are, as they always have been, extremely beneficial in meeting others and seeing how they are serving the Lord, We were able to speak in all our supporting churches except one and see most of the individuals who have unselfishly given of them
selves to send us overseas. Our family thanks you for your Christian

convictions and we pray that as we return to anticipate even greater accomplishments for the Lord that your lives will be blessed as richly
as ours.

We would also like to thank those who have helped in so many other ways this last year as well. Those who provided household items for our use was deeply appreciated, ^ty parents hold a special place in our hearts for doing so much and for providing a home with them before and

after the school year at MSU and where we are staying presently. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Johnson our forwarding agents who give so much of

their time to manage our finances for us deserve more than just thanks.
Appreciation goes to Mrs, Workman of Clarks Hill, and who has helped with our past newsletters. And a big thank you to Mrs, Lybarger, Mrs. Egleston
and Mr. Pickett in Tulsa, Oklahoma as they bring our newsletters now. And to all those who have helped us through a very trying year by their council and instruction, you will long be remembered.

We are excited about returning.

We wish we could share with you

even more on a personal basis how God is blessing the work in S. E. Asia,

In all that we say, in all that we do, may we remember that everything is
done for God's glory and His eternal purposes.

God bless each of you as we labor together in the great task He has
given each of us. We love each of you in the Lord.

Your missionaries to Thailand,

Doug, Geri, Charlie, Eric,

Brad and Anna Umbanhowar

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Contributors to the work in 1977:

Margaret Anglin - Clarks Hill, Indiana

Bangor Church of Christ - Bangor, Michigan M/M Philip Beavers - BluCfton, Indiana
Bethel Church of Christ - Ada, Ohio

M/M Earl Bliss - Henderson, Michigan

Bridgebuilders Class, Bridgetown C. of C. - Cincinnati, Ohio M/M Glenn Caldwell - Cincinnati, Ohio
Christian Church at Seaford - Seaford, Delaware Christview Christian Church - Tulsa, Oklahom Church of Christ at Readstown - Readstown, Wisconsin Clarks Hill Christian Church - Clarks Hill, Indiana Clay Center Christian Church - Clay Center, Nebraska

Countryside Christian Church - Cambridge, Maryland M/M Duane Dunn - East Lansing, Michigan M/M Bryan Eubankd - Columbus, Ohio
Fellowship Christian Church - Cincinnati, Ohio First Christian Church - Anna, Illinois First Christian Church - Coweta, Oklahoma First Church of Christ - Bluffton, Indiana Fruitland Christian Church - Fruitland, Maryland M/M John Hansford - Broken Arrow, Oklahoma M/M Oscar Hanson - Sciota, Illinois

M/M Robert Hargrave - Lansing, Michigan

Henderson Church of Christ - Henderson, Michigan M/M Delmar Hicks - Jamestone, Indiana

M/M Eugene Johnson - Clarks Hill, Indiana

J.O.Y. Class - Clarks Hill, Indiana Kerapton Christian Church - Kempton, Indiana

M/M Joe Medler - Allegan, Michigan Michigan Christian Campus Ministry - East Lansing, Michigan
Mrs. Mildred Newnum - Bangor, Michigan North Christian Church - Advance, Indiana Women's Fellowship, North Christian Church - Advance, Indiana North Highlands Church of Christ - Fort Wayne, Indiana Ocean View Church of Christ - Ocean View, Delaware M/M Frank Peterson - Ada, Ohio Miss Teresa Phillips - Lansing, Michigan Mrs. Mamie Ridgeway - Fairfield, Nebraska

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Rock Lake Christian Assembly - Vestaburg, Michigan Salisbury Church of Christ - Salisbury, Maryland M/M Lloyd Sandstrora - Blandinsville, Illinois
Sciota Christian Church -Sciota, Illinois Russell Shoemaker - Forest Hill, Maryland

Sterling Christian Church - Veedersburg, Indiana

M/M Jack Stevens - Clarks Hill, Indiana
R. L. Tolliver Fairfield, Nebraska

M/M Robert Umbanhowar - Lansing, Michigan M/M S. S. Umbanhowar - Bangor, Michigan University Christian Church - East Lansing, Michigan M/M Rex Van Allen - Clarks Hill, Indiana
M/M Bill Waddell - Frankfort, Indiana M/M Jack Waldridge - Lafayette, Indiana M/M Lyle Welch - Westerville, Ohio

West Lansing Church of Christ - Lansing, Michigan

Mrs. Robert Wooldridge - Sciota, Illinois
You and I Class - Clarks Hill, Indiana

M/M Robert Zantello ~ Lawrence, Michigan


Doug and Geri Umbanhowar

Box 154

Chiangmai, Thailand

* ^^7




Eugene and Lydia Johnson

RFD 1 Box 145

Clarks Hill, Indiana


Doug, Geri, Charlie, Eric,

Bradly and Anna Umbanhowar

Dear Christian Friends,

Greetings from Chiangmai. We pray you are fine and enjoying God's blessings as much as we are. It certainly is wonderful to be back in

Northern Thailand after a year's furlough in the States.

God has richly

provided for us since we decided to come to the mission field in 1974.

We now are anticipating an even greater time of growth and blessing in

the next three years of service. Thank you for making it possible for us to be in Thailand serving Jesus Christ in special ways.

We arrived on August 20th after a three day trip from Chicago. We spent two nights in Hong Kong after the long flight across the Pacific, The much needed rest was appreciated after a hectic time of packing to make the trip, as well as overcoming the dreaded jet-lag. After our arrival in Chiangmai, "settling in" was made much easier as we moved into our house which we had previously rented. Paul and Elaine Parrish,

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who are now back in the States, held it for us this past year. Along with immediately unpacking our barrels which we had stored this past
year, and by already knowing the language and being familiar with the city, the trip to Thailand was made much easier this time than in 1974.

Mrs. Lydia Johnson, our forwarding agent, journeyed with us, for which we were very pleased. Although she could only stay for ten days, we sincerely enjoyed every minute of her visit. She had always wanted
to visit a mission field, and we're glad she chose Thailand. returned to her home in Clarks Hill, Indiana on September 1. mission program. On July 23rd Geri and I were overjoyed when Charlie was immersed into Christ at Bangor, Michigan. Charlie made his decision to accept Christ as his Saviour and followed the Lord's commandment to be baptized.
Words cannot express the feeling in our hearts to see our son become a

She Please feel

free to contact her if you have any questions or special needs for your

Charlie, now in the fourth grade, is enrolled once again in Chiangmai Co-Educational Center. C. C. C. is an international school which is owned by the Presbyterian Church but allows all foreign students in grades K-8 to attend. Not only do missionary children attend, but also children whose parents are in Chiangmai on business, or employed by the United Nations or various governments. Presently there are seventy students, with nine in the fourth grade. We were distressed to find that the one year tuition cost went from $700 to $1,200 this year. But we still feel that as long as there is a school of this
nature available, i t is essential that our children attend. Other missionaries such as the de los Santos, Bemos, Headens, and Morses also

feel the same, as they have their children enrolled as we. We are happy that we can participate, but not without sacrifice, as it does take a large proportion of our salary.

Eric, now four, is still at home and is anxiously waiting for his turn to go to school. Bradly just celebrated his second birthday on September 15, and Anna is busy learning how to cope with her three older

Please pray for our family as we mature. Geri and I are concerned that we bring our children up in love and guidance offered through Christ,

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Being on the mission field brings its own special problems to familygrowth and development. We seek your prayers on our behalf that we

would constantly be aware of God's presence in our lives.

God bless each of you.
Your missionaries to Thailand,

Doug, Geri, Charlie, Eric

Brad and Anna Umbanhowar



"Gwaags", or the rhinoceros

beetle, reach maturity at the end of the rainy season. The beetles are approximately two inches in length.
The males have the distinctive horns

on their heads to fight their enemy. The Thai children catch these beetles, tie them to short sections of sugar
cane and then trade them like base

ball cards. The men also get into the spirit of the season by collect ing and selling them for as much as fifty cents apiece. Pitting two male "gwaags" against each other, such as a cock fight, everyone places bets on the gwaag of their choice. "May the best gwaag win!" Gwaags" are tied to pieces of sugar cane and sold or


Chiangmai Bible Institute, located in Chiangmai, Thailand was established to train young men and women to become leaders in the church. A strong emphasis is placed on Bible knowledge which is

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essential to grounding
native Christians in God*5

Word to the world today.

But also our desire is to

bring these students into the understanding that leadership means servantship, To be a leader for their people does not mean to reach a position in their
life career to exercise control over others.

Rather we are trying to

help students see the vision of serving their own

Teacher Samyong, leading his class in

Life of Christ.

people with humility, understanding, faith, and most of all through the
love of Christ,

This term there are fifteen students enrolled in the teaching pro gram at Chiangmai, as well as a dozen students living in tribal villages. Those in the villages are learning to work with people, share of them selves, and most of all, proclaim the Gospel. Those in the Chiangmai
program are involved in a classroom experience.
Please pray for the success of the CBI pro gram, Please pray for the
teachers that we will be
wise in the vital decisions
that must be made for the

continuation of the pro gram, We sincerely thanK you that you have placed your concern with S.E. Asia, 'May God bless you in that


He has us*

Chiangmai Bible Institute

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