Letter To The Editors - Shaffi Mather - 28 July, 2013 - Shaffi Mather - About Wealth (Assets & Investments), Foreign Travel and 108 Ambulance Service Budgetary Allocation

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29 July, 2013 Dear Editor, Yesterday, yet another breaking news attack was launched against me by one TV News

Channel. Yesterday, it was Reporter TV sensationalising about my wealth (and assets) quoting a non-credible website www.indianreader.com to broadcast sensational breaking news about my wealth. It is IMPORTANT to note that each and every item reported both by the website and the TV Channel is from my public disclosure of my wealth (Assets and Liabilities) on the Government website which has been there since Sep, 2012. The channel was fully aware of my disclosures including on the Government website from my communication with them as I have informed all of you also.. Yet, the Channel did not mention that these are part of my disclosures in the public domain from September, 2012 as required under the rules. I understand the need of TV Channels to sensationalise issues in the competitive TRP led Advertising World. But does this mean that basic journalistic ethics and integrity has been buried in Kerala forever? First, on 27th June, 2013 and as follow up stories, Indiavision TV Channel sensationalised news about Ziqitza Health Care Limited, the operator of 108 Ambulance Service in Kerala and alleged that I am involved in corruption engaged by Ziqitza Health Care Limited. The news was without any basis or understanding of how 108 Ambulance Service operates in Kerala and the relevant contractual (agreement) clauses. The Company (Ziqitza Health Care Limited as they have informed me), Mr. Ravi Krishna and I have sent legal notices to Indiavision TV Channel. Separately, I have also sent legal notice to Shri. V S Achuthanandan in regard to the baseless allegations raised by him against me. I shall be filing defamation cases in the coming weeks also in this regard. Second, on 19th, July, 2013, Kairali-People sensationalised apparent denial of my travel records by Immigration Department, Government of India under a RTI filed by them. Though travel records held by Immigration Department, Government of India are purely private information and I had nothing to do with that denial by the Immigration Department, Government of India, the news was telecast by Kairali-People as though I had something to hide of my foreign travel. I informed the concerned Journalist, Anchor and Editor at KairaliPeople (through sms) that they can take photocopies of every page of my Passport (not just when I was in Government but of my entire life) and further that I am willing to give power of attorney and authorization to Kairali-People to submit to Immigration Department, Government of India for them to directly access my travel records from the Immigration Department, Government of India. I appreciate Kairali-People in that they removed the sensationalism of the news as telecast originally about me and clarified that the news was about the technicality of denying information under RTI and nothing to do with me. Third, on 20th July, 2013, Mathrubhumi News sensationalised news about Mather and Company Pvt. Ltd. holding 60625 shares in Ziqitza Health Care Limited (Operator of 108

Ambulance Service) as Mathrubhumi News having found out records to establish my deep connection to Ziqitza Health Care Limited. This was so strange as same Mathrubhumi News had reported my Press release about my connections with Ziqitza Health care Limited on 2nd July, 2013, the day I resigned from GoK. You would have read from my Press Release and the attached Letter to the Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala asking for an urgent inquiry into the allegations raised by Shri. V S Achuthanandan against Ziqitza Health Care Limited in regard to 108 Ambulance Service in Kerala that I had clearly stated I, Shaffi Mather, is a co-founder original promoter and shareholder of Ziqitza Health Care Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956. I was a Director on the company till 25.07.2008 when I resigned from the Directorship. This is a matter of public record. I hold 100 shares in the company which is disclosed in the Asset Disclosure on the Government website www.keralacm.gov.in. Mather and Company Pvt. Ltd. in which I am a shareholder also holds shares in Ziqitza Health Care Limited. As part of my legal practice, I do provide legal advice and legal practice to Ziqitza health Care Limited whenever they call for my advice as I do for my other clients also. Even further, this was reported in Mathrubhumi Daily on 3rd July, 2013 (attached herewith) stating my Press Release that Mather and Company Pvt. Ltd. in which I am a shareholder also holds shares in Ziqitza Health Care Limited. Yet, it was made into sensational breaking news on Mathrubhumi News 17 days after Mathrubhumi Daily had printed my disclosure. How can this be justified? I appreciate Mathrubhumi News also in that they removed this breaking news as telecast originally after they realised the factual situation after I messaged (through sms) the factual situation as above to the concerned people in Mathrubhumi News. Fourth, on 28th July, 2013 (yesterday), Reporter TV sensationalised breaking news of my (Shaffi Mathers) business relations, wealth, investments in companies abroad and my foreign travel. By destiny and Gods will (as a believer in Almighty God), I was born into a fairly wealthy business family in Kerala with the relative wealth of the family tracing back to several generations. My hard work and professional exposure also opened up the network of both Businessmen and Professional CEOs amongst other segments of the society across India and outside India over the years. My personal networks have nothing to do with my 14 month tenure in the Chief Ministers Office. I bring to your notice the following sensationalised reporting by Reporter TV based on posts in a non-credible website www.indianreader.com: 1. My Wealth (Assets) including Investments in Companies Abroad: Assets of Rs. 89.00 Crores I have no idea where the figure of Rs. 89.00 crores came about. Even a wild valuation of my assets will not come anywhere close to Rs. 89.00 crores. My personal estimate is my personal assets should be in the range of about Rs. 20.00 crores. All these assets were acquired before joining the Government of Kerala as Economic Advisor to the Chief Minister, Kerala. More importantly, almost all of land assets were acquired several years (5 10

years) before I joined the Government of Kerala. I dont understand how owning legitimate assets is wrong in any sense? I am willing to jointly appoint an Official Valuer jointly with any of you (Channels and / or Newspapers) to value all my assets so that all of you and the Kerala public get a true picture of the same if any of you are willing to bear the fees for such an exercise. I do agree that my familys (father & mother) wealth is separate and may be higher or lower than this. I do not have a figure as I have never enquired with my parents specifically about their wealth. 100 Shares in my name and 60625 shares in Ziqitza Health Care Limited; Mr. K M Shahjahan claims that I deliberately did not disclose the shares of Mather and Company Pvt. Ltd. on the Government Website. Government rules require a Government Servant (Employee) to disclose assets and liabilities of the individual, spouse and children below the age of 18 years. I have done the same. It is not legally or practically possible for me or anyone else to disclose the assets and liabilities of all companies in which I am a shareholder or to disclose the assets and liabilities of my other relatives as I am not in control of any of them. It is important that all of you note that I disclosed my ownership stake in Ziqitza Health Care Limited in my name and in the name of Mather and Company Pvt. Ltd. in my letter to the Hon. Chief Minister, Kerala dated 2nd July, 2013 requesting inquiry into the allegations raised by Shri. V S Achuthanandan in regard to 108 Ambulance Service and further disclosed that I provide legal adviser to the company whenever I am called to do so similar to my other legal clients. The same was also mentioned in my corresponding Press Release. Over 25% shareholding in Ziqitza Health Care Limited is with me and my family and that my family is the biggest shareholder in Ziqitza Health Care Limited. This is a patently false allegation. Mather and Company Pvt. Ltd.s and my effective shareholding in Ziqitza Health Care as it stands from 31st March, 2010 is less than 12%. The biggest shareholder in Ziqitza Health Care Limited at present (from April, 2008) is Acumen Fund, New York, USA, one of the worlds best known social venture funds. Please find attached herewith the shareholding list and effective diluted shareholding list of Ziqitza Health Care Limited as on today.

Sweeping Statement of Shaffi Mather having Investment in Companies Abroad. Specific Statement of 5% holding in Impact Investment Partners based in UK. I have investment in ONLY one company abroad Impact Investment Partners, UK. The website is http://www.impactinvestmentpartners.com. You will find details of the firm in the website. I hold 5% in the firm as a founding partner when the firm was founded in the financial year 2010-11 before I joined Government of Kerala. This investment is also disclosed in my Asset Disclosure on the Government Website. Please note that I have Foreign Bank Accounts in both USA and UK. These have also been disclosed on the Government Website as well as in my Income Tax Returns as required under the rules. The Speaking Fees that I have received from foreign organizations (USD 14649.10 approx. Rs. 8.78 Lacs) and US Tax refund (USD 600.00 approx. Rs. 36,000/-) have been credited to my Foreign Bank Accounts. Due to security issue and potential misuse, I am not attaching the copies of my Bank Statements herein but if any of you require copies of the same, you are welcome to come and review it in my Office in Cochin yourself or through an authorised representative. I am bracing myself for another expose by someone who will claim to have investigated and found Shaffi Mathers Foreign Bank Accounts!

2. My Foreign Travel: 16 Countries 114 Days Government did not bear Expenses All Foreign Visits for Private Purpose Received invites to the Conferences only because of my Position as Economic Advisor to the Chief Minister, Kerala Please refer to my letter to all of you dated 23 July, 2013 wherein I have listed details of all my foreign travel while in Government of Kerala. I have also informed all of you that any of you may take photocopies of my Passport for my entire life if any of you want it to cross verify y foreign travels with Government of Kerala permissions for the same. If any of you need copies of the letter dated 23rd July, 2013 and the enclosures therein, it is published on my facebook page Shaffi Mather. Every foreign trip of mine was to participate in globally renowned conferences with respected organizations or to attend events of Kerala NRIs organizations / St. Pauls College (where I studied and 20+ of my class mates are in UAE) Alumni events. One trip was purely personal to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage (Umrah)

reason. I have also mentioned that I received over Rs. 9.00 Lacs in Speaking Fees in the financial year 2012-13 which is part of my Income Tax Return. These were detailed in my letter dated 23 July, 2013 to all of you including to the Editor of Reporter TV. I was appointed with one specific task of changing Keralas negative image in the Indian and Global Investment community. It required travel and meeting people who form opinions. So, I utilized my invites to various events and conferences to evangelize about Kerala without any expenditure for Government of Kerala. What wrong did I do? Last allegation in respect of my foreign travel is that I received the invites to participate in these conferences and meeting ONLY because of my position as the Economic Advisor to the Chief Minister, Kerala. If you read my letter dated 23rd July, 2013, you will realize that I have long standing relations with the organizers of the conferences and meetings that I attended which pre-date my appointment as the Economic Advisor to the Chief Minister, Kerala and have also attended similar or previous versions of these events before my appointment to Government of Kerala. 3. Relations with Businesses I have tried my best to evangelize Kerala as an investment destination both in India and abroad during my term in office as the Economic Advisor to the Chief Minister, Kerala. Infact, I am known across networks for promoting Kerala as a destination even before I became the Economic Advisor to the Chief Minister, Kerala. One of my strengths is my national and international network in business, civil society and legal circles where I am valued as an entrepreneur, lawyer, transparency rights activist and public policy analyst. While in office, I used both my national and international network to the best of my ability to campaign for Kerala as an investment destination. After close to one year's hard work in office, I recently achieved my first major success for Kerala with World Economic Forum coming to Cochin in Nov, 2013.... Also, my being a member of Mather family which has been in business for over five generations is a known fact across Kerala society including media. I dont understand how a News Channel suddenly found this out on 28th July, 2013 that too on account of a report by a non-credible website. 4. GoK providing Rs. 40.00 Crores in Budget and NRHM providing Rs. 117.46 Crores for 108 Ambulance Service under influence from Shaffi Mather This is a great example of reporting without INTEGRITY to sensationalise news and defame organizations and individuals as you will understand from the following:

Almost immediately after providing for this amount, new EOI (Expression of Interest/Tender Process) was called for by the authorities on 05 Sep, 2012 to provide the service across the State. Ziqitza Health Care Limited was one of the multiple parties who submitted the proposals. The bulk of the budget provided for was for capital purchase of Ambulances which was directly purchased by Government of Kerala in the past and which I would assume would be purchased by the Government directly in future also. The current UDF Government did not expand the 108 Ambulance Service under the contract with Ziqitza Health Care Limited beyond the original plan as proposed by then LDF Government when the contract was awarded to Ziqitza Health Care Limited in 2009. More importantly, current UDF Government refused to give any price increase to Ziqitza Health Care Limited in the last two years (in spite of multiple requests) though the contract had a provision for annual price increase.

Mr. K M Shahjahan of www.indianreader.com took my Asset Disclosure Statement from Government website and put it up on his website with a tinge of sensationalism as though he discovered it through his efforts. I have pointed out time and again that my Assets and Liabilities have been disclosed by me in Sep, 2012 and directed all of you to go through the same. The News Channel sensationalised this in the current negative reporting about the Solar Scam and quite possibly succeeded in casting aspersions on me. At the least, the Channel could have reported that Shaffi Mather has disclosed all this in his Asset Disclosure Statement and shared the same with media several times. AS I ASKED IN MY PREVIOUS EMAIL TO ALL OF YOU, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT WRONG HAVE I DONE? TO KERALA, GOVT OF KERALA, KERALITES OR ANYONE IN ANY OF THE ABOVE FOREIGN TRAVELS OR IN REGARD TO MY WEALTH (ASSETS)..... I would like to repeat again that the difficulties and differences in my family are widely known in the Kerala Society especially in Ernakulam. It is most unfortunate and emotionally traumatic in any family. Similarly, it is traumatic for all members of my family also including, I believe, for my brother, his wife and his kids. Please note that the dispute with my brothers is not about wealth at all, at least from my father's and my end. It is about how they managed / mismanaged businesses, is managing / mismanaging businesses, misused family name and network and continue to use / misuse family name and network. I have made this also clear in my resignation letter to CM and the corresponding Press Release which is also enclosed herewith again for your perusal. I hope and dont wish to discuss my family dispute in news channels and newspapers unless situation demands it. This is the crux of the issue with my brother and why I resigned when my brother and sister in law's complaint to Hon. CM, Kerala was brought to my notice by the Hon. CM....

The financial tightness under which my family and family company Mather Projects Pvt. Ltd. (in which I hold 20% of shares) is going through post the traumatic separation by my brother (and cousin brother) Mather Projects Pvt. Ltd. is well known in Kerala (Cochin) commercial circles. My father is working as hard as a 73 year old can to stabilize the business and deliver on the commitments made by Mather Projects Pvt. Ltd. to its customers. Having stepped out from the Government, I intend to extend my full support to my father in his efforts to get Mather Projects Pvt. Ltd. back on rails though my plans for my future per se are being firmed up. I shall inform all of you of my next steps as soon as I am clear as to my next steps. Last several days have been spent collecting information from Government of Kerala, Ziqitza Health Care Limited, Public Domain and Other Sources to defend myself against the sensational media onslaught against me for having resigned from Government of Kerala upholding the highest principles of public life when my brother and sister-in-law filed a complaint against me to the Hon. Chief Minister, Kerala. Infact, the treatment meted out to me by the Kerala News Channels reaffirm the case of UDF and the Hon. Chief Minister very strong that the Hon. Chief Minister should not resign when confronted with such trumped up allegations as has been in the instant case. I am still working on putting the record straight on other baseless allegations against me by Shri. P C George, Shri. V S Sunilkumar and Shri. K Surendran who does not mind destroying credibility and credentials of individuals and organizations built through sheer hard work and commitment...... Shall share it with you as soon as I have records to establish truth beyond doubt.... I would like to request all of you to have the basic decency of checking facts with me before sensationalising news about me especially those which have been proactively disclosed by me. Regards,

Shaffi Mather Enclosures

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