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MS Excel is a window based spreadsheet (worksheet) package. When calculations are made on paper and certain data must be changed, then the entire work must be recalculated and re-written. If a spreadsheet package is used then the re-calculation is automatic. The details of bank passbook, tax, inventory, purchase and sales can be maintained using a spreadsheet packages.


When MS Excel is loaded, the excel window will appear on the screen. Excel window appearance with its parts is given below TITLE BAR Displays the application name, file name and various window controls like minimize button, maximize button and close button. MENU BAR Different options for selection. STANDARD TOOLBAR Displayed by default, allows giving common commands like saving the file, opening the file, printing etc. FORMATTING TOOLBAR Allows the user to give commands related to formatting cells and cell contains like Bold, Underline, Font style, Font size, Color etc. CELL The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. Each cell has a name or a cell address. The cell address consists of the column letter and a row number. For instance, the first cell is in first column and first row. First column name is A and first row no. is 1. Therefore, the first cell name address is A1. First cell is also called as Home cell. Similarly, the last cell address is IV 65536 (column IV and row 65536). Total cells in a worksheet are 256* 65536(total no. of column x rows). At anytime one cell can be active and the address of the active cell is displayed in the name box. A thick black border indicates the active cell. Any cell can be made active by clicking on that cell. Using key combination also it is possible to move quickly to desired cell.

CELL POINTER It is a cell-boundary that specifies which cell is active at that moment. CURRENT CELL It is the cell which is active. This is the cell where cell pointer points to. And it is the cell where the next entry would take place. Always an entry takes place at the current cell. NAME BOX Display the address of the current cell. FORMULA BAR Display the cell content.

ROW HEADERS There are 65536 rows (lines) numbered as 1, 2, 3, ..., 65536. First row number is 1 and the last row number is 65536. To go to cell in last row, press end and down arrow key, to return to cell in first row, press End and Up arrow key. COLUMN HEADERS There are 256 columns numbered as A, B, C, , Z, AA, AB, , AZ, BA, BB, IV. First column name is A and last column header press End and Right arrow key , to return to the cell in first column, press End and Left arrow key. SCROLL BARS Used to scroll through different parts of current sheet. SPLIT BOXES Used to split the window into 2 to 4 parts or to remove the split. TAB SPLIT BOX Used to adjust the space occupied by the sheet tabs and horizontal scroll bar. SHEET TABS Display the sheet names. Each worksheet is named as sheet 1, sheet 2 and sheet 3. STATUS BAR Display on the left side various modes like ready to edit mode. The status of num lock, caps lock and scroll lock keys on the keyboard on the right side.

Excel lets you present numbers in a variety of formats. You can format selected cells using the formatting toolbar from the Format Cells dialog box. NUMBER FORMATTING Excel provides many different number formats like currency, present and comma style for use with different kinds of data. FONT FORMATTING Excel supports a wide range of font formatting that can be used in the worksheet. Choose format- cells to displays the format the format cells dialog box, click on the front tab and make your choice on it and then click OK button. AUTO FORMATTING WORKSHEETS 1. Choose format- auto format to displays the auto format dialog box. 2. Choose a format from the table format list box and click OK. 3. If you want to apply only some of the formatting characteristics, click the options you do not want to apply.

FORMATTING ROWS AND COLUMNS ROW HEIGHT To change the row height for several rows at once: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the rows by dragging the row headings or through cells in the rows. Choose format-row-height to display the row height dialog box. Enter the new height in points for the rows in the row height text box. Click the ok button to close the row height dialog box.

CHANGING THE COLUMN WIDTH To change column width for one column quickly, click on the right hand border of the column height and drag it left or right until the column is of the width that you want. To change column width for several columns at once: 1. Select the column by dragging through the column headings or through the cells in the columns 2. Choose formats- columns width to display the columns width dialog box. 3. Enter the new column width in the column width text box. 4. Click the ok button to choose the column width dialog box. 5. You can also set a default column width by choosing formatting column standard width and set whatever column width you want

Excel identifies any data item as a number, data, time, formula and text. By default, excel applies the appropriate horizontal alignment to each of these. Numbers are right aligned and text is left aligned. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT For horizontal alignment, use formatting toolbar. Merge and centre the contents of a cell across a number of columns. Enter the text in one of the cells; then select the horizontal range of cells across which you want to center the text and click the merge and center button. SETTING HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENTS 1. Choose formats cells to displays the format cells dialog box. 2. Click the alignment tab to bring it to the front of the dialog box. 3. In the horizontal group box, choose the horizontal alignment option you want. Excels default option is left aligned for the text and right aligned for numbers. Justify aligns selected text to both the left or right margins. Center across the selection centre the text across the selected columns. In the vertical group box, specify the vertical alignment for the selected cells by choosing top, center or justify.

Excel offers simple sorting for swiftly arranging the contents of a column and complex sorting for arranging the contents of a table using several sort keys. SIMPLE SORTING To start data in a column or in selected cells quickly, click the sort ascending or sort descending button on the standard toolbar. Sort ascending sorts the cells in the column alphabetically or from lowest to highest value; sort descending sorts the cells into reverse alphabetical order or from highest to lowest value. COMPLEX SORTING To perform a complex sort on the selected cells: Choose data sort to display the sort dialog box. In the sort dialog box choose up to three sort keys for your data.

Charts are the graphic components of excel. The data which is entered as tables can be viewed in the graphical form as charts which makes the figures of the data effective, interesting, easy to understand and easy to analyze and compare. Charts can be of two types: Embedded charts: These charts are included in the worksheet and can be moved, copied and resized as any other graphical object. Their advantages that they can be viewed along with the data and many charts can be inserted. Charts sheets: Separate charts sheets are inserted when a chart is created. It contains only one chart. To create charts sheets, choose insert chart as new sheet. CHART TYPES MS Excel offers fifteen different chart types you can choose the chart type to present your data most effectively and clearly. The various chart types are as discussed below AREA CHART This shows the magnitude the change over time. BAR CART It consists of a series of horizontal bars that allow comparison of the relative size of two or more items. COLUMN CHART This consists of a series of vertical columns that allow comparison of the relative size of two or more items. LINE CHART each of the data series are plotted as lines of different colour and shading. PIE CHART a single data series is divided up into pie slices showing the relative contribution of the various data points. DOUGHNUTS CHART it is a similar to pie chart but it represent more than one data series. RADAR CHART this shows the data values in relation to the centre point and to each other. XY (SCATTER) CHART in XY scatter chart either shows the relationship among the numeric values in several data series or plots to groups of numbers as one series of xy coordinates.

CREATING A CHART The easiest way of to create a chart is to use chart wizard. The chart wizard is a series of dialog box that guide the user through the steps required to create a new embedded chart or modify setting for an existing embedded chart. Following are the steps to create the chart through chart wizard To create a new chart, enter the data Click on chart wizard tool button from standard tool bar or choose insert _chart to start the chart wizard. Choose the chart type in the chart type list box. Excel will display a variety of available sub types. Choose a sub type by clicking on it. Click the next button to display the second chart wizard, the chart source data On the series, adjust the data series as necessary Click the next button to display the third chart wizard, the chart options and select the options as per type of chart. On the guide line tab, choose which guide lines to display On the data tables tab, you can choose to show the data table along with the chart or not. Choose whether to display the chart first as new sheet or second as an embedded sheet. Click the finish button to have the chart wizard create the chart for you.

EDITING CHARTS Once you have created a chart, you may want to update it by adding or deleting more data series or data point from the worksheet, change the chart type, format a chart or draw inside a chart.

FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONS Formulas and functions are extremely easy to use. Formula is recipe for performing calculations on numerical data. It can be anything from simple additions to complex additions. Functions is pre defined formula built into excel PARTS OF A FORMULA CONSTANTS A constant is a number entered directly in the formula. It uses a constant value in every calculation, e.g., you could enter the following formula in a cell to add 5 in 13 = 13 + 5. REFERENCES References indicate to excel the location of the information you want to use the formula. One of the easiest ways to enter references to the formula is to use range names. OPERATIONS The operator is the way in which you tell excel which operation to perform with the data you have supplied by using constant and references. Excel uses four type of operators: 1. Arithmetic operators 2. Logical operators 3. Text operators 4. Reference operators

A function is one of excels built in formulas. Some important functions are discussed below 1. SQRT 2. AVERAGE 3. SUM 4. ABS 5. CELL 6. TODAY

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