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WHY DOESNT THIS TEAM WORK? As Santosh Singh, Chief General Manager of Divine Glass Ltd.

, prepared to leave for office early to attend a meeting with the 5 GMs, he felt the frustration that had started building during his first meeting a month earlier when he took over the affairs of the Company. There had been 3 meetings so far of the management team, however, Santosh had not even been able to get everyone on the same side of an issue. The Company had General Managers heading (1) HRD, (2) Production, (3) Finance, (4) Marketing, (5) Production Planning & Designing departments. When Mr. Santosh Singh took over, the Chairman told him, Your primary goal should be to put together a team of our top people, the General Managers, and have a comprehensive plan for the Companys strategic realignment up and running within 6 to 8 months. Santosh Singh had immediately called a meeting of the GMs. For the meeting he had carefully prepared a structure for group discussion, disagreements and decisions. Santosh Singh did expect some resistance as the GMs were unaccustomed to the team process. But, he had to forge ahead; as he wanted to make the traditionally managed company into a professionally managed one, committed to excellence; particularly in view of the background of the Company. Divine Glass Ltd., was a 30 years old Company established in Rohtak. The products of the company include attractive glass bottles, glass-ash trays, glass lamp shades and other glass novelties which are used for giving gifts etc. The work force and the management are perceived by customers and competitors as committed to excellence. The company is owned by a family and the day to day working is entrusted to 5 General Managers, headed by a Chief General Manager who reports to the Board of Directors. The Company, year after year made decent profits by achieving higher and higher sales targets. However, in the last 18 months, the sales have started declining steadily. In the last quarter, Sales reduced considerably compared to quarterly average of the last 6 quarters. This is attributed by some quarters in the Company to the new technologies adopted by its competitors. While driving to office Santosh Singh started thinking about Ramesh, GM (Production). Ramesh had run the furnaces for 15/20 years following in his fathers footsteps. Ramesh was a former high school football player and known for his sense of humor. Ramesh did not say much in the meetings citing his lack of higher education as the reason. Santosh thought that he can somehow tackle Ramesh and encourage him to participate in the team process, but Samant, he considered, is a wild card. Samant was enormously intelligent, energetic and good humored. Samant had a humble beginning as a security guard and while pursing his studies, participated in social functions in the Company. Because of his jovial nature, he was absorbed in marketing department and over the years rose to the position of GM (Marketing). When Samant was introduced to Santosh by the Chairman of the Company, he said, Samant is the future of this Company. If he cant help you, no one can! However, Santoshs experience has been very different. In meetings, Samant always seemed to find a way to disrupt the team spirit. Time and again he shot down other peoples ideas or he simply didnt pay attention. When somebody asked Samant to list five largest customers of Divine, he said I will ask my assistant to find out it he gets some time. However, some times, he demonstrates extra-ordinary knowledge about competitors or glass technology or customers buying patterns. In the last meeting, when Kumar, G.M. (Finance) proposed a plan to cut wages cost by 5% and raw material costs by 3%, thereby making products price competitive, Salim, GM (Production Planning &
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Designing), apparently praised Kumar for his suggestion, but strongly argued that the company must invest in new artists and spend in research and design to help match with the excellent products of the competitors. When Sunil, GM (HRD, mentioned that the Company has to improve its distribution system and after sales service. Samant laughed and said, Let us just do everything, why dont we look in to HRD carefully! This tense remark left every one nervous, and all the GMs left one by one quietly. The other meetings were no better and Santosh had started doubting his own ability to make all GMs into a working team. When Santosh called all GMs today for a meeting. Samant came and told him, I just dont believe, this is how change should be made! A brilliant idea never came out of a team. Brilliant ideas come from brilliant individuals, who than inspire others in the organization to implement them. I believe passionately, that groups are useless. Consensus means mediocracy I am sorry, but it does. Santosh said, But then, Samant, it means that you dont care what all say. We cant work alone for a solution we need to understand each other. This is a team; you are part of it. Probably we have to start afresh. Samant left the room with a groan Forget it. This is never going to work. It is a waste of time for all of us

Questions for Discussion: (1) (2) (3) Why doesnt this team work? What should be Santoshs (Chief General Mgr) approach? What should he do? Can Team Work Approach succeed in this Company? Should Santosh confront Samant?

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