We Don't Become What We Think

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We Don’t Become What We Think……

What We Become is a Mystery

Many years ago I heard that we become what we think about. I was
feeling as though I had heard a great secret. Now though I under-
stand that what we think about is just a small part of who we are,
and become.

In our formative years, (which are all of our life) we have certain
events, conditions, and environments as well as genes that affect
every aspect of our life. Certain people present in our surroundings
also play a key role. Especially when we are in our starting-out
phases – birth to teenage years. Though we now know that even in
our twenties and thirties we have many major crossroads that we
have options to take or abandon. Our decisions of options at these
crossroads is not a simple matter, it is very complex.

The what of a person is defined by the why of the person. What we

do is determined by why we do it. What any of us do, in any
situation, is predetermined by the why we are who we are. The very
understanding an individual has of why they do something is hidden
to even the most aware of us as to what causes the action. Often
we hear on the news people being asked “why?” and they answer “I
don’t know why.”

The kite flying example is useful here. Why does your kite fly and
the person next to you has no way of making their kite fly? There
are many reasons but focus on the source of attention. Imagine that
you are flying a kite and see that the string attached to it is the
concerns you have of keeping your kite in the air. Then trace that
string (concern) back from the kite to the hand of your own body. It
is directed by a mental energy that you focus on to make your hand
work a certain way, that in the next moment allows for your kite to
stay afloat. In addition, there are outside influences as well.
This is a simplification of many complex cross influences, at the
same time, arching and bending the very results an individual is
trying to accomplish. Enjoy flying a kite. If you think about it, that
very moment of trying to fly a kite, is completely dictated by
everything in you, about you, outside your being. Simply put you
can fly a kite because of every influence up to that point, the
collective force of influence.

It has been proven that we are at the controls, only in an illusion put
forth by our own brain, which is divided at least by two - one,
consciousness, and two, unconsciousness.

We know for example people can do many things without a thought,

breath, digest food, and beat our heart and so on. This is taken care
of by our amazing sub consciousness. In addition we do many
things besides as a result of our inner programming.

We know people who react to things in different ways as a result.

One person is scared of snakes another is charmed. Neither person
made a conscious decision to be afraid of or charmed by a snake.
People prefer green as opposed to red. Is there any trace of a
conscious choice? No it is really a matter of the converging
influences up to that point of deciding preference and choice. The
illusion is we are making a conscious decision, but that is an illusion.
Our subconscious has already made that decision for us. Ask
someone why they prefer red to green, or why the dark scares
them. They will come up with a reasonable thought or they won’t
have a clue. This shows how some don’t know why they decided the
way they did. Yet there is their preference, choice, even entire life
choices up to that moment.

People who think they are in control of their choices often say: “If I
can do it, anyone can.” But that is falsehood. If one person can
spend years learning a certain skill like singing, another may try to
spend the same years and never be as good, talented a singer. It is
known that people have predispositions toward skills, abilities, and
drive. That is why everybody doesn’t want to be a star, or
mechanic, or a carpenter.

Have you ever thought about that? Some people actually feel called
to their field, be it coroner or farmer. Others can barely understand
how anyone could stand that work. Yet there it is, the fly wheel of
life, filling every need under the sun or moon.

People will say, if they are “successful” that they are self made. This
cannot be the case. It took all of ancestral living and choices to
empower a “successful” individual to be even able to want to be as
they are. Even their health, diet, exposure to pollutants, or no toxic
exposure. Often we will hear a person say: “Everything I am is
because of my mother.” Alicia Keys has said that. She is an aware
person, at least in this aspect of her own being and person, and all
that includes. It could be possible that who an individual is because
of influential individuals in their lives’, or absent from their lives’.

It is even deeper than we presume. The question “Who am I?”

cannot be answered by any single time, behavior, remark or
moment. Even the entire fulcrum of any humans life does not
explain who they are. There is a lot of truth to the idea that
judgment of another by one or a group is really a projection of their
own unresolved conditions within themselves. To judge another is to
define yourself. Picasso said it well that one looks into a work of art
and finds beauty. But they can’t find that beauty unless it first is
within them.

This why I think, in my own thought contraption, that a great

mystery is always the major player in any single persons life. A
mystery that none can measure, define or understand. How it is
that a single celled living entity can have all the information it
needs to bloom into one of us is stupendous. To think that every
hair was predetermined, every illness, size and weight, looks, and
slant of interest, everything was first in some genetic predisposition
that was handed down from all previous ancestors’, in some kind of
blueprint is almost beyond most people’s comprehension. Where
else could such complex and mysterious data come from?

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