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Jos Vsquez

Giovanny Villao Juan Yepez

Daniel Zhunio

VICENTE ROCAFUERTE Writer, political and diplomatic Ecuadorian, president of the Republic from 1834 until 1839. It was one of the most significant figures of the history of the Ecuador, to whom there owe the organic bases of this Republic. His well-off economic position and the profitable familiar relations allowed him to divide Europe in 1793, to continue his studies, after having fulfilled the first ones in the familiar bosom. This way so, the age of 10 years it left Guayaquil and there went to the college of American Nobles of Granada, Spain, institution in which it decided to embrace the military career. Time later it complemented his humanistic formation in Saint-Germain's college, in France. In this institution he studied classic and modern languages, condition that it allowed him to read several classic authors in his original language. In France it alternated with the Napoleonic nobility and with intellectual and politicians of the epoch, as Simn Bolvar, Carlos Montfar, Humboldt and Bonpland between others. On returning to his country, it began relations with the illustrious ones of August 10, 1809 of Quito and was elected a mayor of Guayaquil. In 1813 it took part like Delegated by Guayaquil in the Spanish Parliament of Cadiz. On having refused to take part in the levee to the king Fernando VII, there was decreed his arrest of which it could escape sheltering in France. He was useful then to cross the whole Europe, included Russia. In 1816 it managed to embark for Havana, and of there it happened to Guayaquil, where it devoted himself to arrange his matters and to give French classes, imposing on his pupils the reading of French authors of revolutionary cut. To take pleasure to his mother, who was not wishing that his son should involve in political problems, in 1819 it moved to Lima. There he devoted himself to the business of the tobacco. Later it happened to Cuba, where it worked as journalist. In 1820 it travelled to Spain, in secret mission of Bolivar, to find out probably again with certainty of the situation in the peninsula. From 1822 his participation in the fight receives documents against the general Itrbide in Mexico, and then as diplomat of this country before The United States, Denmark and Hannver, but especially before London. Here the newspaper founded Leisure of a few Spanish migrs in London, in which there was intervening a group of liberal Spanish.

In 1829 he returned again to Mexico, but he refused to collaborate with the president Bustamante, because he had toppled the legitimate general Guerrero president. For this reason one denied the passport to him to follow trip to Guayaquil. Before the imminent religious clash that was glimpsed in the north of Mexico, he wrote Test on the religious tolerance, by which it was caught and submitted to judgment, of which he was declared innocent. Another literary work, The Phoenix of the freedom, deserved him again month and a half of arrest. Finally he could leave Mexico and come to Colombia. There he held a tart interview with Bolivar (that by then already he was "a usurper"), so that the Liberator wrote to the president Flores of the Ecuador preparing against Rocafuerte, for being an antimilitarist. In 1833 he came to Guayaquil and joined the group "The Free Inhabitant of Quito", the first embryo of the party that then would choose it delegated deputy for the Pichinchas Congress of 1833. In this Congress extraordinary powers were granted to the Government; Rocafuerte protested energetically, and Flores it arranged his capture and his exile. A group of military men liberated him and he was constituted in chief of the military elevation of Guayaquil, which gave origin to a long civil war. On September 10, 1834, Rocafuerte was acclaimed by the people of Guayaquil as president of the Republic, but there put to the orders of Flores the army who had managed to form, and together they obtained the definitive victory in Miarica's battle, near Cuenca. On January 31, 1934 he was proclaimed A Supreme Chief of the State in Quito and on February 1 in Cuenca, with what the national unit was consolidated concerning his person. In February it summoned the National Convention in Ambato, of which it excluded to the clergy. This cost the excommunication him on the part of the ecclesiastic hierarchy, to which he answered with the exile to Peru of the vicarious one and other priests who were opposed to his ideas. In August, 1935 he was elected A Constitutional President, beginning this way a period of four years that he turned out to be one of the most fecund in the history of the Ecuador. His program of government reflected not only the interests owners of a large estate of the Coast linked to the international trade, but also those of other regions of the country. Under this perspective he considered to the productive work as responsibility of the government, in the measure in which this one had to generate the necessary conditions both for the production and for the free traffic of products of the agriculture and of the industry. In what concerns the education, it created the Headquarter of Studies and founded several educational establishments, between which the first

women's college appears; in addition, it reorganized the educational programs of the universities and also his chairs. Finished his mandate, it returned to the Government of the Guayas, where it continued with his admirable administrative management. In 1843 it took part in the Convention of Quito, which reformed the Constitution allowing to Flores to be reelected for six more years. Rocafuerte protested energetically against what he was considering "Letter of Slavery", and chose to go into exile in Lima. From there it attacked hardly the Government of Flores in his famous Letters to the Ecuador, which they contributed notably to put end to the regime of Flores two years later. The new Government, established in 1845, it sent as diplomat to Peru. Of there it returned to act as deputy in the Convention of Cuenca and as president of the Senate in 1846. He died being a plenipotentiary of the Ecuador in Lima.

VICENTE ROCAFUERTE Escritor, poltico y diplomtico ecuatoriano, presidente de la Repblica desde 1834 hasta 1839. Fue una de las figuras ms significativas de la historia del Ecuador, a quien se deben las bases orgnicas de esta Repblica. Su acomodada posicin econmica y las ventajosas relaciones familiares le permitieron partir a Europa en 1793, para continuar sus estudios, luego de haber realizado los primeros en el seno familiar. As pues, a la edad de 10 aos abandon Guayaquil y se dirigi al colegio de Nobles Americanos de Granada, Espaa, institucin en la cual decidi abrazar la carrera militar. Tiempo despus complement su formacin humanstica en el colegio de Saint-Germain, en Francia. En esta institucin estudi lenguas clsicas y modernas, condicin que le permiti leer varios autores clsicos en su idioma original. En Francia altern con la nobleza napolenica y con intelectuales y polticos de la poca, como Simn Bolvar, Carlos Montfar, Humboldt y Bonpland entre otros. De regreso a su pas, entabl relaciones con los prceres del 10 de agosto de 1809 de Quito y fue elegido alcalde de Guayaquil. En 1813 particip como Diputado por Guayaquil en las Cortes de Cdiz. Al negarse a participar en el besamanos al rey Fernando VII, fue decretado su arresto del cual pudo escapar refugindose en Francia. Aprovech entonces para recorrer toda Europa, incluida Rusia. En 1816 logr embarcarse para La Habana, y de all pas a Guayaquil, donde se dedic a arreglar sus asuntos y a dar clases de francs, imponiendo a sus alumnos la lectura de autores franceses de corte revolucionario. Para complacer a su madre, que no deseaba que su hijo se implicara en problemas polticos, en 1819 se traslad a Lima. All se dedic al negocio del tabaco. Posteriormente pas a Cuba, donde trabaj como periodista. En 1820 viaj de nuevo a Espaa, probablemente en misin secreta de Bolvar, para enterarse con certeza de la situacin en la pennsula. A partir de 1822 se documenta su participacin en la lucha contra el general Itrbide en Mxico, y luego como diplomtico de este pas ante Estados Unidos, Dinamarca y Hannver, pero sobre todo ante Londres. Aqu fund el peridico Ocios de unos emigrados espaoles en Londres, en el que intervena un grupo de liberales espaoles.

En 1829 regres nuevamente a Mxico, pero se neg a colaborar con el presidente Bustamante, porque haba derrocado al legtimo presidente general Guerrero. Por esta razn se le neg el pasaporte para seguir viaje a Guayaquil. Ante el inminente enfrentamiento religioso que se vislumbraba en el norte de Mxico, escribi Ensayo sobre la tolerancia religiosa, por el cual fue apresado y sometido a juicio, del que fue declarado inocente. Otra obra literaria, El Fnix de la libertad, le mereci de nuevo mes y medio de arresto. Finalmente pudo dejar Mxico y llegar a Colombia. All sostuvo una agria entrevista con Bolvar (que para entonces ya era "usurpador"), de forma que el Libertador escribi al presidente Flores del Ecuador previnindole contra Rocafuerte, por ser antimilitarista. En 1833 lleg a Guayaquil y se uni al grupo "El Quiteo Libre", primer embrin del partido que luego lo elegira diputado por Pichincha al Congreso de 1833. En este Congreso se concedieron facultades extraordinarias al Gobierno; Rocafuerte protest enrgicamente, y Flores orden su captura y su destierro. Un grupo de militares lo liber y le constituy en jefe del alzamiento militar de Guayaquil, lo cual dio origen a una prolongada guerra civil. El 10 de septiembre de 1834, Rocafuerte fue aclamado por el pueblo guayaquileo como presidente de la Repblica, pero puso a las rdenes de Flores el ejrcito que haba logrado formar, y juntos consiguieron la victoria definitiva en la batalla de Miarica, cerca de Cuenca. El 31 de enero de 1934 fue proclamado Jefe Supremo del Estado en Quito y el 1 de febrero en Cuenca, con lo que se consolid la unidad nacional en torno a su persona. En febrero convoc la Convencin Nacional en Ambato, de la cual excluy al clero. Esto le vali la excomunin por parte de la jerarqua eclesistica, a la cual l respondi con el destierro al Per del Vicario y otros sacerdotes que se oponan a sus ideas. En agosto de 1935 fue elegido Presidente Constitucional, comenzando as un perodo de cuatro aos que result uno de los ms fecundos en la historia del Ecuador. Su programa de gobierno reflej no slo los intereses latifundistas de la Costa vinculados al comercio internacional, sino tambin los de las dems regiones del pas. Bajo esta perspectiva consider al trabajo productivo como responsabilidad del gobierno, en la medida en que ste deba generar las condiciones necesarias tanto para la produccin como para la libre circulacin de productos de la agricultura y de la industria. En lo referente a la educacin, cre la Direccin General de Estudios y fund varios establecimientos educativos, entre los cuales figura el primer colegio de mujeres;

adems, reorganiz los programas educativos de las universidades y tambin sus ctedras. Terminado su mandato, regres a la Gobernacin del Guayas, donde continu con su admirable gestin administrativa. En 1843 particip en la Convencin de Quito, que reform la Constitucin permitiendo a Flores ser reelegido por seis aos ms. Rocafuerte protest enrgicamente contra lo que l consideraba "Carta de Esclavitud", y opt por exiliarse en Lima. Desde all atac duramente al Gobierno de Flores en sus famosas Cartas al Ecuador, que contribuyeron notablemente para poner fin al rgimen de Flores dos aos ms tarde. El nuevo Gobierno, establecido en 1845, lo envi como diplomtico al Per. De all regres para actuar como diputado en la Convencin de Cuenca y como presidente del Senado en 1846. Muri siendo plenipotenciario del Ecuador en Lima.

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