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Turning Back Time By Bea Augustine Time goes by and we seldom sit down to think of what we believed or thought

10 or 20, etc. years ago, or when we were kids. Can you imagine what it would be like to turn back time and live it all through again? It is not only about whether one would make the exact same choices, whether it all turned out well in the end or not. Would you choose the same people in your life, would you say the exact same words that you still remember that you said? Maybe at times, we still believe in what we were taught when we were children. Now, however, it is not so much about treating others like you would like to be treated; it might be about choosing the people that are like you and then, expect them to expect what you believe they will. Then, often times we see impoverished people in the street or unlucky ones, I know many of you will feel sorry about them and, still, we can never know what their life was before and how it turned out for them to be like you see they are. We have read books and stories about how to live a good life and, how to avoid being miserable and there are movies, too, that show us the moments to escape and the situations to avoid and, still, fortune can be quite more resourceful in the ways with which to remind us of herself. Probably, you know about Tyche the goddess of fortune and, this is only a reminder in the case of you believing in the existence of gods and goddesses. Life chances and life choices, and the probabilities for this or that, coupled with the inference that we can make from the samples that we take do you think that you can see what people are, based on your experience and, what is your chance of error (the standard error excuse me for being so punctual on this)? Being punctual and objective are some of the real norms of our times, in our work and in our lives and, maybe, the majority of you are like this Still, sometimes we need to think about the lack of objectivity and the lack of punctuality, covered as always by the aim to impress. I think sometimes we need to stop reading about the different ways to impress or influence others, as realities are different and cultural diversities often pose us with a matter to fathom; yes, we might be all in a group and still, the differences among us can be quite astounding, when we try to reconcile the meanings of communications. Meetings come and meetings go and, then, the time passed again reminds us of what it was before; now, do we need to change our lives and if so, do we understand what we need to keep at all times, like the formulae that one still needs to remember, nevertheless many other formulas are given at the exam time? Exams and learning, and the results of all our efforts, do we cherish the happiness that we have felt upon achieving the goals we have had? Then, after you have maybe realised that the exam is not final and that there will be others more, have you felt overwhelmed? Estando agobiado (preocupado, cansado) feeling exhausted and, then, recharging your battery, like it appears proper to say nowadays might not be an option, when we return to the routine of our lives; yes, maybe you have already read it about the excessive stress after a vacation and, still, it might be quite true at times. Then, on trying to regain our worlds, we might only try to rediscover the tasks we did before.

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