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THE 144,000 When I wrote in my book, How I Clobbered...

, that I suspected that the 144,000, mentioned in the Bible, would be the number of us who had opted out of the Commerce Game (hereinafter, the Debt Game), I was kidding on the square. I meant it because I felt certain that it is true and, yet, I couldn't see how that might be, or even how it might come about, or even why I would trust anything written in the Bible because it has been SO tampered with over the millennia. Since I suspect that Revelations has been written from the future to program those in the past, not to mention the Psych 101' concept that, if you believe that it is God who told you that the "Mark of the Beast" will come to pass, well then, you'll be programmed to behave in a way which manifests that outcome. I concluded, of course, I don't need to know how this event might come about, however, here is how I see it, now that I have more information. Someone sent me an email which mentioned the Verichip and the fact that MasterCard has come up with the card called "MonDex", meaning, money' and right hand'. You know the routine.... they'll put a chip into our foreheads or right hands, all under the guise of "identity-theft prevention" and if we refuse, we won't be able to buy and sell a very frightening concept to those who do not know who they are. So, my thinking was, well, there are several million Christians, right off the bat, who will refuse the "Mark of the Beast" so, what is this 144,000? That number simply cannot be the number of Christians who refuse it. Then, WHO?! It will be we the ones who opt out of the Debt Game who will be the 144,000. According to my calculations based upon what I have gathered from innumerable emails and telephone calls from every country I've ever heard of, there are already several thousand of us probably tens of thousands with more catching onto the truth' every second of every hour of every day. People

whom I never would have suspected would find out the truth are letting me know that they know: men and women, young and old, English-speaking and others, self-employed and corporate suits, those in the West, Europe, the East, the South, Africa, Down Under, and even North of me, as if there could be any north of me' I already feel as I'm living in the tundra. People are finding out so fast and so furiously what is going on in their world that it causes my eyes to pop out. There are meetings in every town and city in every province and state in every country I know and on every afternoon and evening of every week. People are inviting other people to these meetings simply by asking, "Do you hate your job?", or, "Do you know you are not required to pay income tax?", or, "Do you know that you paid your mortgage, in total, the minute you signed the note and don't owe the bank anything because it never lent you anything?", or, "Do you know that YOU funded the credit on your credit card and that the bank took $100,000 of that credit and monetized it and maybe gave you the use of only $10,000 of it none of which you could possibly owe?", or, "Do you know that the name on every governmentissued document you have in your possession belongs to the state/province, not to you, and that this is good news because, since owner always pays', then IT is required to set-off any charge you incur?" etc. and people are agreeing to come to meetings to find out about this information without which they have lived for decades. Some are stunned to learn this; some are enraged, some are grateful, and most are determined to stop being coerced to pay for one more thing, with their lives. WE WILL PREVAIL! Immediately after I read the Verichip/MonDex card story, I didn't feel too great, yet, opted not to give it another flicker of my energy and deleted it. Then I went to another, completely unrelated, email wherein the question just happened to be, "How will we PAY for things?" This had nothing to do with the Verichip story; it had to do with getting the state/province to obey its own laws and pay for any items that it will own and we will use. This is

the way its always been.... nothing wrong with this idea. How to make it work.... Suddenly, my eyes were riveted to the wall and I felt them enlarge as I witnessed my mind that fabulous computer join the concepts of the two emails. They actually clicked' into place. The Verichip will manifest only if we believe it will and if we stop believing it will, it will not make it past our minds. "Thoughts never leave their source." Since everything we see out in the world is only the result, NOT the cause, of what was in our minds in the past (recent or far), then, if we intend to change the world, the only way to do so is to change what is in our minds and project a different image onto the screen. Remember, again, that the world is the RESULT of our thinking and if we don't like it, changing the world' will NOT change the world'; changing our minds is what will change the world. Accordingly, those who continue to project their fear, e.g.: those who send out emails about Verichip', are, in fact, thwarting those of us who intend to make the world a better place. Their fear energy, albeit not as strong as love energy, nevertheless must be countered by love and, ergo, will simply take more time for those of us putting love energy out into the world' to change the world'. Please believe me when I tell you.... you who are sending out fearful emails: you are only wasting the time and energy of those of us who want the world to be a better place for all of us. You might CLAIM to want the world to be a better place, yet, your actions tell me otherwise. If it were true that you want to make the world a better place' you would be projecting love, not fear, onto it. I ask that you discontinue putting out emails which suggest that the world is bad because this makes you responsible for making it thus. You will be held accountable for your contribution which, via those emails, is fear-induced. NONE of us needs any more information about how bad the world is; we GOT IT! So, please stop telling people. You are only making it more

real, granting it more energy, and creating that which you claim not to want. Please stop the hypocrisy! Either you want love or you want fear. Make the choice and stick to it. If you want fear, feel free to continue to send out emails which show that, yet, do not send them to those of us who want love. We will be forced to spend more energy on the matter at hand - not only energy to create things the way we want them but also energy to counter that which you are putting into the mix. Please quit thwarting us. You know that they' want you angry because then they can control you. "They" cannot control love; love causes them to back away as it conflicts with their nature. They' want and need energy which matches their energy in order for them to function and so, when you offer up fear and anger, they thrive on it and this only makes our work a bit more difficult. We will prevail, however, and you will not, so it truly is only a matter of time, now, not a matter of win/lose for us. So, your sending out negative information is only delaying the manifestation of love which will win-out. Even more important than your holding up those of us who intend to manifest a happy dream' and take us out of the nightmare' of life on this planet is the fact that you are delaying your own personal spiritual evolution. Why suffer any longer than you need to suffer? For every negatively-charged thought you entertain and every email you send out, you are harming yourself more than anyone else. For your own sakes, please stop this. I know it is difficult because your ego mind is patting you on the back for taking on the daunting and honourable task of waking up the masses to what is really going on in the world. Please stop this self-grandiosity. This task' has now become completely unnecessary because there is not one soul on the planet who does not know that something is amiss. Please do not state the obvious. Please spend your time and energy implementing some action to change your mind and heart and, hence, the world.

That being said, here is my explanation of the click'. Those of us who will refuse the chip, if it even ever gets to that point... because we CAN undo this right now, will be of various philosophies, principles, beliefs, etc. however, those of us who refuse it with an alternative solution in mind will have NO FEAR. We will not be wondering how we will pay for' our food, shelter, etc. and, no, we will not be relying upon the second coming of the Christ to save' us. Since that promise was made 2,000 years ago, as Sam Kinison used to ask, "When are you going to get it, he isn't coming back!?" The second coming' always refers to a man coming to save us. This is idiocy. We can be saved by only ourselves. The only way to do so is to take on the concept of the Christ. It is about love and forgiveness, not about a man who will come to save us. What puerile thinking that is! This entire matter is simply about taking responsibility for ourselves and this is all that love and forgiveness is. Once we take on accountability for having created this mess and we all agree to change the nightmare into a happy dream via changing our minds from fear to love, we will prevail. This is the Christ Consciousness. It is not a man who saves others. How disempowering! Since there will always be those who prefer fear to love, these are the ones who will continue to look for someone to take care of them and/or blame for not doing so, and they will simply reason that the Verichip makes sense. The government/ God will take care of me; I can't function without the chip; the government tells me to take the chip; A=B, B=C, therefore A=C. Easy math. However, those of us who choose to take on the responsibility of having created the world precisely the way it is and opt to take on the responsibility for changing it via the ONLY means possible that of changing our minds and hearts from fear, dependency, irresponsibility, and blame to that of love, self-reliance, accountability, forgiveness, and Christ Consciousness will have a slightly different perception of what is actually going on. Since the Debt Game was designed for the purpose of perpetrating debt in

order to control others, the Illuminati want us to continue to pay for', everything that we use, with our labour. As we owe' more, we must labour more. Since all we have of life are time' and energy', the less we have for our own purposes, then the less life we have to do what we have been created to do - create a world of the happy dream'. As long as we are giving our time, energy, and lives to the corporations/ banks/ Illuminati, then the more time we are devoting to their plans - that of the nightmare. Its your life; choose. Isn't it better to live your life under your own time, energy, and principles than to give your life to faceless, heartless corporations the plan of which is to destroy not only the lives of you and your family but also the life of our planet. Many of us have caught on that the rules of the Debt Game actually include a few clauses which describe how they' have agreed to be responsible for any debt that we incur. Hence, they agree that they will pay' it. Since there has been, for the past 75 years, nothing with which to pay any debt, it stands to reason that we cannot possibly incur any debt. It is THEIR debt and they simply want us to step forward to pay, via our jobs/labour, aka our time and energy, aka our lives, a debt which is not ours to pay. All we have to do is kindly remind them that they have agreed to set-off their OWN debt and we will happily assist them via signing, FOR them, and allowing them access to our account of unlimited credit in order to do so. The reason it is their debt which appears to be difficult to understand when we see ourselves buying a new car is because it is they who own the car the second we register it. Many of us have tried to avoid this by not registering the car and found way to much trouble accompanying such resolve so, it is easier to go with the program and simply have them pay for their car. We are permitted to sign for them because the Birth Certificate is the credit card they gave us to use. So, we buy the car for the state/province and we use it. If we get a ticket, whilst on business for that corporation which is ongoing due to our having put many years of our lives, albeit unwittingly,

into said corporation they also agree to pay the ticket. Somehow, they have tricked us into believing that it is our car and, therefore, we are required to pay for it, insure it, pay for registration, plates, licence, etc. if we want to use it. All we have to do is not fall for the trickery any longer. Once we know that we can (kindly) allow them to recall that they agreed to pay, we can then direct any and ALL charges over to them to handle and, PRESTO!, we no longer have to give one more minute to the corporations/ banks/ Illuminati/ Crown/ Vatican and we can get our lives back. Those of us in love and forgiveness and responsibility will be able to do this kindly without anger, fear, and vengeance. Those who are still in fear, anger, resentment and trying to change the world, as opposed to changing their belief system, will inevitably be those who either opt for the Verichip or refuse it with a vengeance and then live in fear over how to get what they need to survive. As this is a daunting task changing the world via changing our minds and hearts via taking on responsibility, love, and forgiveness for the insanity that we see every minute of every day in a world of duality most .... in fact, all but 144,000, will opt not to do so. The chip is about "paying for". When we wake up to the alarming realization that we were never meant to spend our lives labouring to pay for', we will realize, only at that precise instant, that we will have NO NEED to accept the chip. The main reason people struggle financially is because in school they learned to work for money but never learned to have money work for them. Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad). My comment on that is, and dont think that wasnt by design. You might well ask, what can one do in the meantime while others are catching on to the fact that slave-labouring for a corporation or government can only make the problem worse for ALL of us.

If you are interested in a interim, non-commercial, financial remedy to the imminent economic shift, go to: This is the easiest, fastest, most equitable, fairest, and most ethical way to get cash into your mitts without involving the banks control over our lives. In his book Stop Being a Victim, the author discusses the myriad of Internet and Home-Based Business Opportunities and concludes that a One-Up program, such as the one I offer, is the only biz-opp which is fair and equitable to everyone not just those at the top. This program began over 5 years ago and never a glitch ... because it is private. This article and subsequent articles will ultimately be made into a book: Remember Who You Are; Remember Who They Are, a sequel to: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic CashConfiscatory Agency Known to Man A Spiritual Economics Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are March 3, 2008 Source: ***

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