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Mask Creation

The most important part of fabrication - S. Applin 2006 Wolf, S. Microchip Manufacturing. Campbell, Stephen. The science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication.
Montana State University 1

Type of Photoresist Type of Devices you are creating Good to know the type of mask aligner being used.

Drawing Masks

We use positive Resist Contact aligner The chrome side goes down on the mask

Tool Specific Issues

Maximum Linewidth resolution
Dont design linewidths narrower than aligner capability

Maximum tolerances
BEST case: layer to layer alignment, 20X objectives, vacuum contact, SKILL
~0.6 m for top side ~1.0 m for back side

2 microns is a safe number

Drawing Masks
L- Edit, Cadence, AutoCAD
Be sure to use snap to grid
.5 um, .25 um, or .1 um The grid allow the Mask machine to separate the shapes into pixels. The smaller the grid the more it is going to cost to manufacture The grid should correspond to the smallest feature size

Drawing Masks
Stay away from complex polygons like letters and circles. Most mask manufacturers cant create the three sided polygon. (aka. the triangle) The mask creating machines use squares (pixels) to make the shapes shown below

When drawing the mask use as few polygons as possible
ie. Letters and numbers If you use letters and numbers keep them in rectangular form. Sometimes it is cheaper

Example of a 2

Other Drawing Considerations

No self intersecting lines Always over lap rectangles to ensure the shape you want.

Bad Bad Good

Cadence is Linux based
Commonly used in Industry

L-edit is Windows based

Psuedo Free

Auto Cad
Easy to learn and use Useable files: DXF, DWG, and GDS II

Alignment Marks
Misalignment can happen in three directions

Correct Alignment


Alignment Marks
Classic is the Cross in Box

These should be on both edges of the wafer at least Helpful to have one mark visible to the naked eye Check your process make sure a process step wont remove alignment marks

Alignment Mark Location

Alignment Marks
One must consider if the mask is going to Light field or dark field

Dark Field

Light Field

Alignment Mark Strategies

Layer to layer registration
All targets on one mask convenient
1 2 3

If layer 1 and 3 critical alignment have layer 1 provide target for layer 3
1 2 1

Dark Field Alignment Marks

Shape on Mask

Shape on Silicon Wafer

Light Field Alignment Marks

Shape on Mask

Shape on Silicon Wafer

Other types of Alignment marks

Backside Alignment
camera Mask camera

Top of wafer face down on wafer chuck Infrared source Infrared source

Lithography Considerations

Disparity in feature sizes

Large areas develop faster

Split design into two mask steps Compensate for small features


Lithography Considerations
Dont include fillets unless greater than 10 microns

Waste of time

Draw this

Details make easier Post-Processing

Label die so you know what you are looking at through the microscope
Metal layer is best for labels

P-device 21

Align die patterns for easy dicing and testing

Streets and Die separation

Saw Kerfs Vary 500- 1000 um So make streets 3-5 mm

Probe Pads
Probe pads large
> 200x200 m

Consistent spacing of pads

Wafer Test Areas

Create special devices that are used to debug your process and device
Etch completion Layer thickness Layer Resistivity Capacitance Etc.

Can be placed in dicing streets if tight for space

Wet Etch Considerations

Undercut compensation
Lateral loss is equal to etch depth Compensate mask for desired outcome

Dry Etch Considerations

Nonuniform etch rates
Wafer locations Feature size Loading
Fast Etch Rates

Slow Etch Rates

Use it
Small features on wafer perimeter Large features in wafer center

Ordering Masks
There are a couple good options
Photo sciences -
great for polygons and small feature sizes Good costumer service

University of Minnesota, NFC

Cheap masks Do a decent job for Semiconductor circuits

Good service Good for semiconductors

Typical Questions for Mask Ordering

PSI_ST_MOF.doc Lightfield or Darkfield Right reading or wrong reading Critical dimension size Plots for Approval Number of flashes

Type of machines Used in Mask Creation

E-beam Shown Left or Direct write.
GCA/Mann 3600F Pattern Generator (PG): The PG exposes variably sized rotated rectangles onto the mask blank defined by a set of precision controlled moveable aperture blades. Pattern data is fractured into a format such that the entire pattern can be described by these rotated rectangles. Consequently, pattern write time is entirely dependent on the both the complexity and amount of exposed areas. The rate of exposure is usually in the range of 4000 - 5000 exposures/hour where each exposure is one rotated rectangle. Cornell

Types of masks
Contact Proximity Projection
5x or 10x

Our Masks
Chrome on Soda-Lime Chrome on Quartz if resolution below 2 Microns is important 5x5 length and width Thickness is 0.09 inch Careful of right reading and wrong reading

Other Considerations
Edge Bead Removal
This will increase the accuracy of the Alignment
Our aligner can easily align +/- 3 um

What I would do Differently

Windows Alignment marks Resolution marks Veneer Alignment


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