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Warm up activities Exercise 1: Discuss the following with the class before you read the text.

1. Why do people usually protest? Put these in order from the most to the least frequent austerity measures(high taxes) environmental pollution corrupted politicians lack of freedom and democracy unemployment racism cutbacks in education 2. 3. 4. 5. Have you ever taken part in a demonstration? Why do peaceful protests end up in violence? What do the riot police use to confront the protesters? Use adjectives to describe people who protest for their rights.

Exercise 2: Match the words with their definition.

1. barricade

a) a small group of the most important people elected to government, who make the main decisions about what should happen b) the activity of stealing from shops during a violent event c) to make people spread across or move away over a large area d) a fight or argument between people e) a line or pile of objects put together, especially quickly, to stop people from going where they want to go f) angry or violent behaviour by people who are protesting against something

2. cabinet 3. unrest 4. looting 5. disperse 6. clashes

TEXT More than a million people are reported to have taken part in protests in about 100 cities across Brazil. Violence erupted in many places and an 18-year-old man died when a car drove through a barricade in Sao Paulo state. Protests began more than a week ago over high transport fares but are also highlighting corruption and the cost of next year's football World Cup. President Dilma Rousseff called off a trip to Japan to deal with the crisis. She has called an emergency meeting of her cabinet for Friday to discuss the unrest. In Rio de Janeiro riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at groups of masked young men trying to approach the City Hall late on Thursday. At least 29 people were reported injured. TV images showed gangs looting shops in the city centre - although many Rio shopkeepers and banks had put up wooden hoardings to protect their premises. In the capital, Brasilia, demonstrators started a small fire at the entrance to the foreign ministry and were driven back by police using rubber bullets and tear gas. Other government buildings in the city were attacked and riot police used water cannons to disperse the crowds. There were also clashes outside a football stadium in Salvador ahead of a Confederations Cup match between Nigeria and Uruguay.

Exercise 3: Answer the questions based on the text above.

1. What is so remarkable about the latest protests in Brazil? .. 2. What triggered initially the people in Brazil to take to the streets? 3. How did the riot police react against the protesters? . 4. Were there any casualties? 5. How did the demonstrations affect the foreign relations of the country? 6. What did the Prime Minister call for?

Adapted from (


Warm up activities Exercise 1 1 and 2) Answers depend on the ideas and opinions of students. 3) Some groups of people being masked and hooded destroy property and use violence 4) tear gas, Molotov cocktail, rubber bullets, water cannons, stun grenades, beat people using a truncheon 5) fearless, rebellious, anarchist, romantic, courageous, intrepid, determined Main activities Exercise 2 1 e, 2a, 3f, 4b, 5c, 6d

Exercise 3 1. It was the biggest in years. A million people participated in almost a 100 cities. 2. Because of increases in transport fares. 3. They fired tear gas and rubber bullets 4. 29 people were injured, a person died 5. She cancelled her visit to Japan 6. She has called for an emergency meeting of the cabinet. Follow up activity Imagine that a protest has taken place in your area. Write a news report including the following: Location and time of the protest Reason for the protest Profile of people participating Reaction of the riot police Main events Use vocaroo to record you news bulletin and create audio files!

Created by Eleni Tsagari

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