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by Michael McMillian

Ex 1. Match the words in List A with their definition in List B (Enter the correct letter)

1. An implant 2. A tracking device 3. A deserter 4. To pay a fine 5. An offender

a) an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or a law b) someone who has committed a crime c) an object that doctors put into someone's body during a medical operation d) someone who leaves an area without permission e) an object or machine which has been invented to find a person

Ex. 2 Discuss the following questions with the class before you watch the video.

1. Why should a government implant a tracking device on its citizens? 2. Are there any disadvantages from this use of technology? 3. How would you feel if you were obliged to get an implant of a tracking device? 4. How do you think that people would be treated in case they dissented?

Ex. 3 Answer the following questions from the video. 1. Who is the main character of this video? ................................................................................................. 2. What information do we get about a) the place Charlie lives in . b) Charlies age: .. c) Charlies dad: .. 3. Why does he run away from the clinic? 4. What happens in the end? 5. The story is a metaphor. What does the fence symbolize? ...................................................................................................

Ex. 4 Decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE

1. If you disobey a rule you need to pay a fine in Charlies hometown. 2. At the age of 13 people have a tracking device implanted in their legs. 3. Charlies mum helps him escape and find his dad. 4. There are out of bounds areas in Charlies hometown. 5. Police officers shoot people who try to escape and live outside the fence. 6. People who live outside the fence are violent.

Ex. 5 Tick the adjectives that describe each personality.

independent submissive dutiful resigned Charlie Charlies mum Charlies dad Medical staff Police officer



TEACHERS NOTES AND ANSWER KEYS Watch the video here or on YouTube ( SUMMARY The video is about a boy who lives in a tech society of the future. On the eve of his 13th birthday he is obliged to get a tracking device implanted and get controlled by the government like every other citizen in the city. However, young Charlie refuses to conform to societys rules and chooses a more adventurous path. Exercise 1 1c 2e 3d 4a 5b Exercise 2 1. a) to control and manipulate its citizens b) to protect its citizens (from being abducted) c) to monitor the citizens for diseases 2. a) Infringes on the freedom of citizens b) Citizens could get manipulated by authorities c) Totalitarian regimes could read everyones mind d) Censorship on various fields could be applied 3. I would feel suppressed, angry, feared, scared, hopeless, helpless, relieved.(depends on the point of view of the students) 4. They would extradite them, they would shoot them , compel them to social work, they would make them pay a fine. Exercise 3 1) Charlie is the main character. 2) We find out that a) he lives in a town within a fence where citizens at the age of 13 get a tracking device implanted and are not allowed to leave the protected area. b) he is 13 c) his father is dead. This is what his mother claims to the police officer. Even Charlie says that he doesnt remember his dad. There is a picture with his father and him as a baby next to his bed. Later we find out that his dad is alive 3) He doesnt want to get this tracking device implanted. He has already met a man standing outside the fence. This man proves to be his dad and talks to him about the adventurous life outside the fence.

4) He gets the device implanted by force but later uses a knife and gets the device out. He climbs the fence yelling at the police officer that he is not afraid and just wants to be free. 5) The fence symbolizes the two options an individual can have. It is a symbol of the dilemma a person can face. Inside the fence is a law abiding society sometimes a bit strict- outside the fence an individual is free of all social conventions and can lead a more adventurous life.

Exercise 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 T F F T F F

Exercise 5

independent submissive dutiful resigned Charlie Charlies mum Charlies dad Medical staff Police officer



FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIES Nowadays there are surveillance cameras everywhere, our mobile phones have a tracking device and our PCs can be monitored 24 hours a day. Are we close to the society depicted in Charlie 13? Present a movie where the future is depicted dystopian. RESOURCES

Created by Eleni Tsagari

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