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Business Idioms

:[ align=left] ....... Business Idioms Business Idioms across the board including everyone or everything The computer company decided to give the workers an across-the-board increase in their .salary adjourn a meeting to end a meeting .We adjourned the meeting until the next day at a loss at less than the cost, at a financial loss Everything was on sale but at a loss so the .prices were very low bail a company out to help or rescue a company that has financial problems The government bailed out the bank in order to .maintain stability in the economy

ball park figure/estimate a rough estimate or figure The contractor gave us a ball park figure for the .cost of repairing the new building bang for the buck value for the money spent We were able to get much bang for our buck .when we advertised on the Internet banker's hours short work hours (similar to when a bank is (open My sister's husband owns his own company .and works banker's hours most days bankroll someone to supply someone with money, to finance someone The movie actor bankrolled his son while the .son was producing his first movie bean counter an accountant We asked the bean counters to look at the .figures in the new budget big cheese/gun/wheel an important person, a leader The new director was a big wheel in his previous company but he is not so important .now

bigwig an important person, a leader Some of the bigwigs of our company came to .visit our factory (bottom drops/falls out of (something a collapse occurs and prices fall below an earlier low price When the bottom fell out of the coffee market .many companies had to stop doing business bottom line the total, the final figure on a balance sheet, (the results (of a business After we examined the bottom line of the .company we decided not to invest in it bottom line the central issue of a discussion, the main point My friend wants to open a restaurant but the bottom line is that if we do not do more .research I do not want to invest any money bottom out to reach the lowest or worst point The value of the stock has begun to bottom out .and it should soon begin to increase in value bounce a check to write a check in which you do not have enough money in your bank account The young man bounced a check when he tried

.to pay his rent boys in the backroom a group of men making decisions behind the scenes The boys in the backroom told us that the .factory will close next year break even to have expenses equal to profits After only three months the company was able .to break even and begin to make a profit budget crunch/squeeze a situation where there is not enough money in the budget There is a severe budget squeeze at our .company and we must stop wasting money (buy a stake in (something to buy part ownership of a company or other enterprise The large bank is planning to buy a stake in the .small stock trading company (buy off (someone to use a gift or money to divert someone from their duty or purpose (similar to a bribe and (sometimes illegal The land developer tried to buy off the politician .but he was not successful (buy out (someone or something

to buy the ownership or a majority share of something The large company decided to buy out the small .textile company buy (something) on credit to buy something without paying cash My friend had no money so he decided to buy .some furniture on credit by a long shot by a big difference The soap company beat out the bids of the .other companies by a long shot a calculated risk an action that may fail but has a good chance to succeed The company took a calculated risk when they .put the new computer screen on the market call a meeting to order to start a meeting Our supervisor called the meeting to order when .everyone arrived in the conference room captain of industry a top corporation officer The president of our company was a captain of industry and when he retired he was appointed .to many government boards carry a motion

to support or win acceptance for a motion/proposal/idea in a meeting I was able to carry a motion to cancel the .activities for next week carry over figures/numbers/costs to transfer a figure/number/cost from one column or time to another Our company has financial problems and we .must carry over last year's losses to this year (carry over (something to save or postpone something for another time The department store will carry over their sale .until after the national holiday carry the day to win complete support The manager's new idea carried the day and .everyone supported him with enthusiasm (carry through with (something to put something into action, to do something The steel company carried through with their .plan to restructure operations circulate the agenda to distribute a list or other information about what will be discussed in a meeting We circulated the agenda for the meeting one .week before the meeting

(close out (something to sell the whole of something, to sell all the goods The company decided to close out the store and .sell the remaining stock very cheap close the books to stop taking orders, to end a bookkeeping period The company will close the books at the end of .December close up shop to stop doing business (for a variety of (reasons - not only financial reasons The university bookstore had to close up shop when their rent was increased. [/align [

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