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Demand Dominos Pizza Take Responsibility Now!

Dominos Pizza made $501 million in gross profit in 2012, the highest ever, with nearly 10,000 stores worldwide. Dominos CEO Patrick Doyle alone took home $9.1 million last year, or roughly $4,375 per hour. Workers, on the other hand, who delivered these pizzas, made only $4 an hour, working 60 to 70 hours a week in rain, snow and storms. They had no time to eat. Workers were then fired for speaking out about conditions. They treated us like slaves, said Anatole, a Dominos delivery worker for four years. How does Dominos get away with making so much money by abusing its workers? Mitt Romney probably gave helpful tips when his venture capital firm Bain Capital took ownership of the company in 1998. Dominos Pizza founder Tom Monaghans funding of anti-choice campaigns in past years probably curried favor with key politicians. And Dominos poster boy, franchise owner and millionaire Dave Melton, probably enhanced the Corporations bottom line with his book, Hiring the American Dream: How to Build Your Minimum Wage Workforce Into A High-Performance, Customer-Focused Team. Except that Melton failed to pay his minimum-wage workforce minimum wage. Or overtime pay. Or any pay at all for the 1520 hours over 45 that workers put in every week. Or for their uniforms and bikes. His high-performance team of workers are now speaking out against Dominos sweatshop practices. They are holding Dominos Corporation responsible, and demanding an end to the abuses and labor violations at the stores owned by Melton and all Dominos stores citywide.

Dominos workers, who dont get paid minimum wage or overtime, demanding justice. to use computer systems to track hours and pay, and performance of the workersdown to the number of minutes it takes to deliver a pizza. It details how employees should carry out tasks. It reviews this data, and inspects the stores. However, the corporation is trying to say that it is not responsible for its franchises practices. As workers like the Dominos workers come forward to hold their employers like Dominos Corporation responsible for the sweatshop conditions they faced, we need our government to back us up. Instead of giving millions of dollars to subsidize corporations and employers like Dominos Corporation in his new minimum-wage law, Governor Cuomo should be committing more resources to labor-law enforcement. Instead of funding incentives for bosses to divide workers and slash wages, Cuomo should be supporting workers who want to organize and speak out against abusive conditions. Otherwise, workers will be left hanging. Scofflaw bosses like David Melton will declare bankruptcy, hide assets, and claim poverty. And top entities like Dominos Corporation will hide behind the franchising and sub-contracting system, and claim that, those are not my employees, that is not my business. Enough! Whether we are Dominos workers, students working minimum-wage jobs, young people doing unpaid internships, or office workers at risk for being laid off, we are all being squeezed. What are you going to do about it?

Patrick Doyle, CEO of Dominos, reaps $4, 375 an hour off the blood, sweat, tears of sweatshop labor.

When one Dominos worker went to the Labor DeJoin us in the fight against Dominos sweatshop empartment to file a complaint, he never got a response. pire. If we take down Dominos, the rest will fall. Later, he and 73 other workers sued Melton for laborlaw violations. In response, Melton, who had boasted of annual revenues of $1 million in each of his six Justice Will Be Served! Campaign stores, filed for bankruptcy, claiming that he has no (212) 358-0295 money. Recently, a federal court judge ruled in favor of the workers to include Dominos Corporation in the lawsuit as a joint employer, citing the corporations control of its franchises and promotion of policies and practices. The corporation requires its franchises

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