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Assignment No.

Subject: Marketing Management

Submitting Date: April 1, 2009


Qarshi Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. is one of the largest natural products
company in Pakistan. Shifa-ul-Mulk, Hakim Muhammad Hassan Qarshi
started Matab Qarshi (clinic) 75 years ago at the behest of the great
poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal. In 1968 his youngest son Mr. Iqbal
Ahmad Qarshi started Qarshi Dawakhana (Cottage Industry), which
has now evolved into Qarshi Organization.

Segmentation(Various Target Markets):

Qarshi has segmented different products. It targeted different
segments of markets. It targeted segments are given below.
• Jam-e-Shirin
• Johar Joshanda
• Mineral Water
• Powder Drink

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mr. Aly Raza Syed Syed Hassan Askari 073605-098
Section: B
Batch: 36
Jam-e-Shirin Johar Joshanda Powder Drink Springley

These are some of the products of Qarshi that it’s targeting. It has
various parts. It’s operating more than one product. One more thing
it’s not only operation in Pakistan but now it’s also operating in
different other countries like Dubai, Saudi Arabia, UK. Etc.

Methods of Segmentation
Qarshi has been using different methods of segmentation of products
in Pakistan on the basis of
• Geographic Segmentation
• Demographic Segmentation
• Psychographic Segmentation
Now I would explain each segment randomly.

Geographic Segmentation:
a) Geographic Region:
Qarshi, 1st of all it targeted its products in Lahore, and then it started
targeting its products into different other cities. Then it targeted whole
country. Now it’s operating in other countries of Europe, East globally.
So its geographic segmentation is large.
b) Density:
Qarshi first operated in Lahore. Then it started targeting urban, rural
and sub-urban areas.
c) Climate:
This is also fact that climate has great effect in targeting different
market segments. Qarshi drink, Qarshi Jam-e-Shirin, has been mostly
targeted in the hot weather countries like Dubai, Pakistan, Saudi
Demographic Segmentation:
A) Gender:
Qarshi targeted all genders including males, females

B) Religion:
As Qarshi is operating in Islamic country. So it makes its products with
“HALAL MATERIAL”. Because it targeted Islamic countries like Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia. As wine, cocaine and different other material that are
prohibited in Islam, so it doesn’t use any kind of materials.

So it targeted Muslim Countries. But now it’s operating at global level

as well.

Psychographic Segmentation:
This is the most important segmentation which Qarshi is using. It tells
us what customer think about our product. It describes point of view of
customer about our product. It’s the science of using psychology and
demographics to better understand customers.
Since Qarshi has fist opened Dawakhana. So they tried to understand
that what customer wants. So when it realized the needs of customers.
Then it started working on different products according to customer
1) Like customer needed a quality refreshing beverages. So it
introduced its product as “Jam-e-Shirin” for those customers. It’s
regularly based product. It’s basically used to set mind refresh.
2) Another example is herbal tea “Johar Joshanda”. It’s basically
used in case of headache, flu etc. So the people who are suffering from
such disease, they use this product. It’s used mostly in cool areas
where climate changes. So it introduces this product. As Pakistan has
also winter season, so this product is used on large scale.
3) Third example is most important. Because it is unique product from
other products. The customers always want a new and quality product.
So Qarshi segmented the people who want pure and natural water. So
it introduced its product as “Springley”, a pure natural mineral water.
It’s basically taken from the mountains. So it has unique
characteristics in this product. That’s why it is being used on large

Behavioral Segmentation:
This method of segmentation is most important. Because it includes
the behavior of customers. Customer behavior is very important for
the company. Because Company has to create long term relationship
with customers. It includes different aspects which are given below.

A) Behavioral Occasions:
As Qarshi has targeted seasonal products. Like “Jam-e-Shirin” in
summer and “Johr Joshanda” in winter. So these products are used
regularly in specific seasons. It’s basically used at seasonal basis.
B) Benefits:
Now here comes the point that what customer want?? Does he want
quality, service or speed? So Qarshi targeted quality oriented
customers. As the people want a reasonable quality product, so it
target quality in terms of customer benefits. Here we can take the
example of Springley. It has quality and purity.
c) User Rate:
As I described above that these products are not being used regularly
because these are not our basic need. These are used at different
season. Because customer use this product generally when they have
a mood or disease. So it focused that how much our product is being
used by different types of customers. These customers can be regular,
potent ional or 1st time user.
d) Loyalty Status:
Loyalty status describes about loyalty of customer. It tells that how
much customer is loyal to the product. So according to my point of
view it targeted medium loyal customers.
e) Readiness Stage:
It tells that is your customer aware about the product or not. It also
tells that is customer interested in our product or not. Since Qarshi
products are available everywhere in the country, so most of the
customers are aware about its products.

f) Attitude toward product:

According to my point of view, customers have positive attitude about
Qarshi products because these products are made up of natural and
herbal materials. It also includes quality.

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