Legislature Jatiyo Sangshad Constituencies: Elections in The

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Elections in the People's Republic of China are based on a hierarchical electoral system, whereby local People's Congresses () are

directly elected, and all higher levels of People's Congresses up to the National People's Congress, the national legislature, areindirectly elected by the [1] People's Congress of the level immediately below. Governors, mayors, and heads of counties, districts, townships and towns in turn elected by the [2] respective local People's Congresses. Presidents of people's courts and chief procurators of people's procuratorates are elected by the respective local People's Congresses above the county [2] level. The President and the State Council are elected by the National People's Congress.

Pakistan Since its establishment in 1947, Pakistan has an asymmetric federal government and is a federalparliamentary democratic republic. At the national level, people elects a bicameral legislature, theParliament of Pakistan, which consists of a directly elected National Assembly (a lower house) and Senate(upper house), whose members are chosen by elected provincial legislators. The head of government, that is Prime Minister, is elected by the majority members of the National Assembly while the Electoral College, which consists of both houses of Parliament together with the four provincial assemblies, elects the head of state (as well figurehead), the President. In addition to the national parliament and the provincial assemblies, Pakistan also has more than five thousand elected local governments.

Bangladesh elects on national level a legislature with one house or chamber. The unicameral Jatiyo Sangshad, meaning national parliament, has 330 members of which 300 members are directly elected through a national election for a five-year term in single-seat constituencies while 30 memberships are reserved for the women who are selected by the ruling party or coalition. The Prime Minister is the head of the government. The president who is the head of the state is elected by the National Parliament. The president of Bangladesh is a ceremonial post and he/she does not exercise any control over the running of the state.
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a six-year term by the people. The Parliament has 225 members, elected for a six-year term, 196 members elected in multi-seat constituencies throughproportional representation system where each party is allocated a number of seats from the quota for each district according to the proportion of the total vote that party obtains in the district. The other 29 which is called the national list are appointed by each party secretary according to the island wide proportional vote the party obtains. Nepal has a multi-party system, with numerous parties in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments.

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