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VIRTUAL Online Party Format Created by Ashley Livermore 1.

Read this ENTIRE guide before startingyoull have some prep work before you start! (Youll need to create a folder on your computer (I call mine Virtual Parties) to store ALL information for easy access! a. Things to create: i. Your VIDEO to hostess coach your hostess (example here: ) MAKE ALL VIDEOS UNLISTED!! ii. Create Daily funnies to keep your hostess and guests ENGAGED (Example:

(Be sure to write something to go along with the picture For example, you could write for this picture Just kidding, but the Super Stretch DOES make life a whole lot easier ) iii. Create a Have it?? Love it !! game for contests (Example: )

(This is a post youll put up a few days before the party to increase traffic and discussions. You can do a drawing at the actual party for those that participate (and are present at the party). iv. Gather any other pictures you want to use (iea clock with your start time, create a photo for the event page. v. Decide HOW you want to do your LIVE demo.

1. Do you want to create a quick 5 minute Youtube demo like this? : (REMEMBER TO MAKE THIS UNLISTED!!) if soCREATE IT! 2. ORwould you rather do a live event and do an actual demo where people click in to watch you LIVE (Via google hangout livestream skype..) (If you decide this option, do note, you may need to pay for these services and you will need to do your own research to set them up). vi. Create a Thank you Video for your guests that attend the virtual party--(example here: vii. Create Tonight is the Party video for your hostess (example here:

2. Gather a virtual hostess -- this could be YOU for your first Virtual party. Set a SPECIFIC date for the partythis is a LIVE PARTY! Virtual Parties should be booked pretty quicklyno more than 7-10 days in advancekeep the excitement UP!! If you need to book more than 10 days in advance, WAIT to create the facebook event until 10 days before the event! 3. Set up the Event on Facebook: NAME OF EVENTcreative: IE: Party in Your PJs Pure Romance Virtual Party Facebook event set up DETAILS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Specific date and time of event Invite guests to stop by LIVE Prizes awarded at the live event Engage themhave them RSVP Tell them how to join you (skype conference call facebook) Put website on there Give instructions to be sure hostess gets credit Current customer incentives Ordering details (deadlines ship to, estimated delivery date..)

WHERE--- ONLINE and LIVE WHENEnd time --- ending the day of the live event (create URGENCY!!) Start time (7 days before the party (live party) Privacy settings: invite only guests can invite friends

Invite FriendsONLY invite hostess (she will invite others)


Send your hostess her first video PRIVATELY (not on her timelinein a personal private message (should have already created this at this point---- reminder-- ) This will give her CLEAR expectations as to HOW to invite her guests and what she gets in return

5. As people RSVP YES-send a personal message -- Work at building rapport before the event by welcoming everyone who joins the event personally. Click on "see all guests" and then "like" and write each a personal message. 6. Every day, post a funny to the page (aprox 7-10 days before the event)

7. Post Have it Love it game 2-3 days before party. 8. Send TONIGHT is the Party video to hostess the day of the party in a private message (already created at this stage--- reminder-- 9. Log in to the page on the day of the event and post MORE to drum up excitement: a. Ie: Ask the guests what they are bringing to the party tonightyou can post a picture to get the ball rolling : example:

b. Post a clock to tell the time of the party againIE:

c. Post pictures showing you are excited and ready. (examples)

10. 9pm---- Post welcome Message!!!

WELCOME everyone! We are going to have so much fun tonight!! If you haven't yet liked my FB page, be sure to head over there to keep up to date on what's happening with PR! (Insert facebook page address here)

11. ROLL CALL have them comment they are here (that way you know how many is in
attendance for door prize purposes and hostess rewards (once againdepending on the format you use (Ie live stream or facebook videosadjust accordingly)

12. DEMO -- Post your 5 minute demo OR do your live demo (depending on the format you are

13. Post if you are having a flash sale (recommended that you do NO MORE than 1 itemyou want them to PURCHASE your items in the catalogbut its a great way to move limited edition inventory. 14. Collect orders!! After the demoyou may want to post a sale to create urgency (ie--- order before 11pm, get 10% off your entire order.. or order before 11pmget half off shipping )

You determine how you want to be paid Do you want to call them to gather cc info?? Do you want to invoice them via paypal?? 15. Post as people order to THANK THEM for their orders (do not tell what they orderedjust thank them!!) This also creates more urgency and keeps the excitement up of the hostess!! 16. Send a PERSONAL Thank you message to everyone that attended the eventeven if they did not purchase. Invite them to host their own virtual party! 17. Post Thank you video to the event page (already created) (reminder--- ) 18. HOSTESS CREDITcontact your hostess and let her spend her credits!! 19. REPEAT!! Hopefully you booked MORE virtual parties from your party!!! ReminderVirtual parties Will NEVER EVER replace what we do in our business. We are all about building relationships and connecting with people. Virtual parties are great for: Ladies on maternity leaveespecially Pure Romance Consultants People that dont have enough space or money to host a party People that say that all of their friends live in different states To fill your schedule for those last few weekdays that you are just having a heck of a time booking e. Notoriously BUSY times of the yeariearound holidays a. b. c. d.

TIME LINE of things to do for Virtual LIVE Parties: 10 days before Live Party Set up the Event on Facebook: Send your hostess her first video PRIVATELY As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny Tell your story on the facebook event. 9 days before Live Party As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny 8 days before Live Party As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny Check in with your hostesssee if she is getting replies to the event

7 days before Live Party

6 days before Live Party

5 days before Live Party

4 days before Live Party

3 days before Live Party

2 days before Live Party

1 days before Live Party


hostess coach as needed. As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny Check in with your hostesssee if she is getting replies to the event hostess coach as needed. As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny Post Have it Love it Game As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny As people RSVP yes, send personal message Post a funny Send Tonight is the party video 1 hour before eventreally post a lot of pictures to show excitement 30 minutes before -- Play a game (what are you bringing to the party Send welcome message (remind them to find you on facebook) Roll call Demo Post flash sale (if you are having one) Take orders (and send invoices) Thank guests as they place order Thank guests for attending (private personal message) Post Thank you video

DURING the Party


Hostess credit time

(These are merely examples feel free to find other you like through a google searchor customize them to fit your needs)

SPECIAL THANKS to Janna Vukelich for ALL of her SUPER awesome videos, pictures, and showing consultants how to customize this and make it work for Pure Romance!!

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