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Geshmak: The Inside Story


ESHMAK is not just used in reference to a herring Kiddush. Nor is it limited to a cholent loaded with kishke and meat. What does the word geshmak truly mean? At first attempt, one instantly comes to the realization that its incredibly hard to define, simply because it is just one of those words that is defined by the word itself. In other words, if one came up to another and asked him what the word geshmak meant, the person would reply, you know, (hesitation) it is like a geshmak food (another big hesitation) or a geshmak guy. The word itself, when asking the general populous, would be used in the definition. So what does the word geshmak really mean? According to Yiddish dictionaries and Yiddish language databases alike, it either means yummy, extremely tasty, or delicious. Immediately the question arises, then why do people use the term geshmak to describe a person? To deliver the message that a person is edible? Assuredly not! In order to comprehend the answer to what really lies behind the word, Id like to go back to the original exam(Continued on page 2)

Week in Review


arrived and you cant miss ts a beautiful them! They are safety green! day in the neigh- Thank you, Daniel Goldborhood, so stein, for your hard work says Mr. Rogers and so say and fabulous design. Two is the campers of Camp better than one. Great Achdus. The grass is always minds think alike. Rubber greener on the other side. Ducky, Youre the one and So say campers in other so on and so forth! camps, but not campers in

SP E CIAL F E ATU RE S Get an Achdus Kipa! page 3

Masmid of the Week: Shloimy Ribiat page 4 Exclusive Interview with Binyomin Rosskamm page 5 Counselor Road Trip to Canada page 7

Camp Achdus. Better a shirt in the hand than two in the bush. So say campers of other camps, but here in Camp Achdus we have all the shirts! Thats right, the new Camp Achdus T-shirts have

Monday It is the first day of the second half of the 15th year of Camp Achdus and there are so many new faces! Staff and campers happy smiley
(Continued on page 2)

From Niagara to Elkins Park


GESHMAK: THE INSIDE STORY (continued from Page 1)

ples given of a timely herring and a loaded cholent. When one merely smells either of these foods, his physical senses react immediately. Ones taste buds may begin to tingle, another may become the rebounder he always dreamed of being by boxing everybody out in order to get to the table of his desired food. Others wait calmly externally, but internally leaping with excitement. The point is, ones body, senses and emotions react immediately when they see something yummy, or geshmak. Within this example we can see what it really means when one calls another person geshmak. shmak guy leads by example; he doesnt tell others what is wrong, rather, he shows them what is right. As a result, he causes others to be happy when they To be a geshmak person see him because they means to facilitate a posi- know that this guy is real tive emotional sensation in and this guy is someone another. Its to be the type that he can look up to and of guy that others want to be friends with. That is why the number one requirement of the camp achdus staff is to be geshmak, because be around and everyone being geshmak doesnt looks up to. To be the rea- mean to be yummy, its to son that people smile out put a good taste in othof reflex rather than force ers mouths when they see when they see you. A geyou.

This past Wednesday, I had the great zchus of driving to Zevi Carlebachs chasuna in not-so-local Toronto, Canada, together with Akiva Logue and Yos Ribiat. We made up for the long and difficult journey with some incredible sightseeing on the way, including the rolling Poconos and Catskills, and the spectacular Great Lakes. On the way back, we topped it off with a half hour stop at Niagara Falls, to observe the stunning majesty of Hashems handiwork. There, at the worlds most powerful waterfall, 4 million cubic feet of water crash down into Lake Ontario each minute in a breathtaking spectacle of Gevuras Hashem. Kol Hashem al Hamayim! Having seen such wondrous sights, I return to camp. Can you believe it? The most beautiful sight of all is actually right here, in the Camp Achdus auditorium! What?, you ask. But whats so amazing about that? I will tell you. Every morning, when our pride and joy, the tens of campers in Vuv and Suf, sit for an hour with their chavrusas and Rebbeim, and learn Toras Hashem, the sound is the sweetest in the world, and the sight is blinding! The learning that happens in camp, every day, outshines Niagara Falls like a flashlight next to the sun! As we begin the second half of camp, Vuv and Suf are also off to a fresh start in their learning. This week, we began the seventh perek of Brachos, which deals with benching with a Zimun. In addition, the learning is intensified by the all-new point system. Here is how it works: Every Gemara is printed with chazara questions after each daf. At 10 points per question, plus lots of bonus points along the way, those points add up fast! Every day, chavrusas fill out the points earned on a little blue slip, and the points are entered into the campers point bank. To redeem points, all campers have to do is fill out a check, conveniently available at the canteen, andvoil! The balance is deducted from the campers point bank. Daled is off to a new start, too. They have, finally(!), begun the third perek of Avoda Zara! Much hatzlacha on finishing this important and exciting mesechta!

Week in Review

(Continued from Page 1)

faces await their new missions of enjoying Hashems world in a fun and toirahdike environment. As always the day and the week start off with Tefilah and Torah! In fact Moshe Badush and Yoni Galen were learning so well that the malachim in Shomayim stopped to listen to their beautiful Kol Torah! As gishmak as learning groups were, the blissful children of Camp Achdus had to pull themselves away from their respective Shiurim and dedicate themselves to the gashmiyus part of Hashems world. Game room, Hockey, Bas-

ketball, Baseball, and A&C (Not to be confused with AC, that was last weeks newsletter). Lunch is delicious as always! Today my Mommy gave me an entire jar of Hearts of Palm to finish off all by

Dr. Yehuda 10&Baum had his hands full! He is working with mats, computers, projectors, and wires. What could he be up to? Its Step it Up! For the first time in 2013, Camp Achdus will have a Step It Up competition in 100 square feet of living color!!! The remarkable campers of Camp Achdus dance their hearts out to such greats as The Chevra and Yeshiva boys Choir. What a marvelous competimyself! I know, a little too tion! After Lunch, the much oilam hazeh is nev- staff of Camp Achdus try a er healthy, but those brand new system for Hearts of Palm are so getting wet. Rabbi Goldhard to resist! (Continued on page 3)

Week in Review

(Continued from Page 2)

stein stood before the entire 600,000 members of camp Achdus, Staff in hand (not the counselors, the stick) and proclaimed: No longer shall the children of Unity (ACHDUS) be forced to swim against their will. Here to fore, each camper shall choose their own adventure during swim time. Pool or Park my children! Choose wisely, as the sun only sets once a day. And with those words, each camper now will either go to the park or swimming. The system worked well today. Let us see how it works tomorrow!

division of Camp Achdus went for their Wonderful Weekly Wayfaring Expedition! Tuvia Rosen was so excited to go that he started to jump up and down! He was jumping so high that Chuck E. himself had to literally raise the roof! Daniel Brenner and Aviad Ben David crowded around the big Cheese as he threw tickets out to the crowd. The youngins played video game after video game until there were no more Tuesday games! At that very moment, Chuck E. Cheese is where a unbeknownst to those trigger happy children (in a safe video kid can be a kid! And that is type way of course), the elders exactly where the younger

of Achdus were getting to know their counselors just a little bit better. Thats right, you guessed it folks, they were playing Know Your Counselor! Does Tzvikie roll right over after hitting the snooze button each morning? His campers think so. Musical chairs was another highlight of the day. But in Camp Achdus, nothing is just a game. A.D. made sure to play a crazy game of musical chairs with kids crawling, waving their hands, and walking backwards! And if they landed on the special chair they had to

This super-cool yarmulka was designed by Rabbi Yaakov Abraham. To order one, email! do whatever it said on the paper. Moshe Goldman had to do 50 pushups while reciting the Star Spangled Banner. As the day comes to an end, the elders do not go with their carpools home! Daled thru Suf
(Continued on page 4)


This Week in Sports

This week, Aleph Kattan and Gadol shone on the soccer field. It was Kattan vs. Gadol and what a hard-played game it was. The ball went up and down the field with good shots and great saves on both teams, but the Great-Save-of-the-Day goes to Motty Brennan who refused to let the ball get behind him. When Ches Kattan took the soccer field, two players took the field by storm. Yaakov Nisenfeld and Gefen Efrati hustled from the opening tap until the end of the game. Gefen was in every play and showed tremendous energy running up and down the field, stopping opponents, passing to teammates and even getting of a shot or two on goal. At the same time but on the opposite team was Yaakov Nisenfeld showing great hustle the entire game, so much so he inspired the counselors to cheer for him! In one play, the ball was passed to Yaakov who let the ball go through his legs to an open Yonah Tzvi Miller who shot and almost scored. On the other side of the field, Yossi Rosner made a splendid stop on defense as opponent Chaim Schwartz wove in and out of opponents and took a great shot only to be stopped by a lunging Yossi. (Raise your hand if you think Chaim played a great game!) In net, Yossi Gabay made back-to-back saves, first a kick save immediately followed by a knee save greeted by cheers from teammates and counselors. Later,

out of net, Yossi stopped a breakaway and Dovi Goldman saved a penalty shot. Ches Gadol played a tough, but lopsided, game as Shua Bauminger racked up 5 goals! Thats a hattrick plus two. Yonatan Lubel was the next big scorer with two goals

while Adam Harari made a terrific save under pressure from these two goal scorers. Eli Bell and Yehuda Nadav also made nice saves as goalkeepers and Yishai Yemini made save after save to preserve the shutout for his team.


Week in Review

(Continued from Page 3)


1) Shloimy Ribiat

are staying. They just never want to leave the confines of Achdus. After a delicious BBQ by the one and only Mordechai Phelps and friends, Mincha is prayed and off we go to watch the first game of a double header with the Trenton Thunder Vs. the Altuna Fish, I mean Curve. Although no one has ever heard of the Curve, they never the less present a formidable oppo-

2) Aharon Nulman

led! They traveled to the Holy Camp Achdus grounds for an incredible sleepover! It was an intense game of Capture The Flag that followed. Flashlights shined through the pitch black night as Daleders ran through field #s 3-4. Teams were made and campers were jailed. Lines were crossed and flags were guarded. Bedtime followed but not before some scary stories and soft scary music! Most children were asleep by 1:30 am but there were a few who held out till 2:45 am. Then there was Meir Weiss who just forgot to go to sleep. Hey, it happens. Wednesday

3) Hillel Friedman

4) Dovid Weiss

5) Eliyahu Bucholtz

6) David Kallush

Kashrus Policy
By following the link below, please find collections of kosher supervision organizations accepted in camp. Please note that foods with kosher supervision provided by the Triangle-K may not be brought to camp.

Texting Update
Camp will no longer be using Sendhub to send texts. Rather, texts will be sent from my gmail account. To receive these texts, text from all cell phones that you wish to receive texts on and write "add (your name)." Thanks! 4

Its only 6:00 am, but somehow the campers of Bunk Daled are starting to wake up. They probably are used to getting only four hours of sleep. We daven a beautiful Tefilah, with a minyan and the participation of both bunks! Breakfast is served and we are ready for a brand new day! The great Mr. Sommers has joined nent. The mighty Thunder truly have their us again to teach the children the proper work cut out for them! Trenton is used to way to play Soccer. Lunch follows and cheap housing and incredibly catchy then CAMP TIME!!! A.D. and friends come phrases like Trenton Makes The World up with the funniest play in Camp Achdus Takes. What they are not used to is a history (according to Rabbi Goldstien Jewish Day Camp with a penchant for himself!). The Director has the actors act cheer leading! The game was secondary out a scene of two friends meeting and to the crazy songs and cheers of Camp one getting into a small altercation with Achdus. We were on the screen numerous a bus. They act it out time and time again. times and got a picture with the TD Bank Mascot! Unfortunately due to an unhealthy upbringing, the Thunder Mascots Boomer and Strike refused to visit our section. Binyomin Rosskamm was particularly distressed that the Mascots refused to visit. He is still brooding. In the end, the Thunder broke a 2-2 tie on the final out of the bottom of the ninth. It was thrilling to watch and even more thrilling to disturb all the other fans with the Camp Achdus version of Kaddish (Yitgadal Viyitkadah Shmei Rabbah Slow, Fast, Yeshivish, girly. Oh is it funny! Ooh ah Ooh ah ah). Most of the older divi- A classic play with some really great acsion who had attended the game, retors (If I do say so myself!). Swimming is turned to their abodes. But not bunk Da(Continued on page 7)

The Completed Chart!

unch had just ended and we were about to bentch. All proceeded RABBI GEDALIA GOLDSTEIN customarily until, suddenly, Rabbi Goldstein walked purposefully into the room, Dovi Goldman following excitedly at his side. Rabbi Goldstein whispered something into Rabbi Pollacks ear and, in a moment, Rabbi Pollack understood exactly what to do. After many weeks of hard work, Rabbi Pollack announced, a boy has completed his Gevurah Chart! Cheers erupted from all corners of the room and, without delay, little Dovi Goldman, seated on a chair, was lifted into the

air, high above his friends. Jubilant song spread throughout the room as Dovis proud counselors and friends sang Yamim al yimei Melech tosif, a song whose lyrics beckon Hashem to grant extended life and vibrancy to those who fulfill His will so dutifully. Since that day, Achdus campers of all ages walk the hallways and strut the fields with an ideal on their minds: to use our gevurah to vanquish the evil inclination that seeks to destroy us. To remain calm and confident in the face of adversity, to be more kind, compassionate, and caring for our friends, to show greater respect and, thereby, to be more worthy of respect - all of these are our goals, all of these are our achievements. All of these are the life of a devoted Camp Achdus Gibor!

Here is a gevurah note for Camp Achdus! Camp Achdus displays a remarkable love for their campers. It is unusual for a day camp to take the campers on trips that are after hours. Camp Achdus does it! They bring the kids back late and that makes the campers the happiest children. There is nothing as fun as those late trips or the sleepovers that lack sleep. Thank you for continuing to make Achdus "Keif" fun. May the Goldsteins continue to have the "boy" energy to continue as such!

Even today (July 22) when there were only seven guys, Hillel rallied everyone and led a great bentching!

Yaakov Glatt didnt throw rocks at the creek even though his friends were doing it!

Yehuda took his baby brother out of the crib this morning. What a help for Imma!

Zach Greenberg
Tuvia Rosen running to the field to play sports when his yarmulka fell off. He stopped right away and picked it up!

L Goldman
When Aviads friends dollar fell, he ran to pick it up!

Mrs. Nadav
Avrohom Zev washed Ntilas Yadayim and didn't want to dry his hands with a towel but he had Gevurah and did it anyways. He was playing with his toys and didn't want to clean up but he had gevurah and cleaned it up when he was asked to by his Tatty. He was playing with his toys after camp and his mother reminded him that it was his Zeidy's birhday and when he was asked to call his Zeidy to wish him a happy birthday Avrohom Zev used Gevurah, stopped playing and called his Zeidy and did a big mitzvah!

Y Tenenbaum
Yaakov Bell gave his seat to a friend who wanted it!

B Rosskamm
Daniel Krispin davened nicely during Shacharis after the overnight, and cleaned up the straws and connectors even though he had not made the mess!

A Goldstein
Yonatan Shalom Elstein, you have been an remarkable sport for cleaning up multiple times after your toddler cousins wrecked the family room. Yasher Koach to you for giving up your bedroom for them and for acting calmly after they broke your Lego creations.

Mrs. Elstein
Shloimy B. has been sharing his Bop-It Smash with his siblings (and parents) since he got it!! Yehoshua B. agreed to go to Lakewood a different week when we were only able to send one of them even though he really wanted to go!

S Gamoran
Yishai Yamini shared his Chumash with a friend. Shlomo Feldman finished davening early and sat quietly and patiently, waiting for his friends to finish! After all the other campers left after clean up, there was still garbage on the floor. Aviad came to the rescue and helped clean up, leaving the room spotless! Daniel Izhakov fought with all of his strength against peer pressure not to clean and helped clean up! Yossi Rosner bentched really nicely!

Mrs. Elstein
Simcha Kaplun did chores with zrizus without having to be asked twice, did the most-hated trying-on-of-the-clothes before the Nine Days without complaint, and gave everyone chizuk to walk to shabbos dinner at our cousin's home in a mabul even when we got drenched on the way. (We arrived as drowned rats, but we arrived!)

Rabbi & Mrs. Abraham

Shlomo Yitzchok Phelps helped buckle a younger camper in the van on the way home from camp! Dovid Nulman came back to the lunch room during lunch even though he wanted to chill in the bunk room! Tzvi Ganz gave a good report about a boy to Rabbi Goldstein even though that boy had previously been mean to him! Yoni Galen was eating a chocolate graham cracker in front of another boy, the other boy wanted one, so he brought one in for that boy the next day!

Mrs. Bauminger
There was a kid who came to late to roller blading and they didn't have blades in his size. Yechiel Greenspan saw this, said he already went blading and then gave up his blades for the rest of the time so this kid could go skating with blades. During Color War, during the Grand Bechinah, someone on the red team didn't know an answer and walked off. Chaim Leib Miller, even though he was on the blue team, yelled out, good try, you'll get it next time! Hillel Friedman has been one of Vav Kattan's best bentcher.

A. Logue
Yonah Tzvi told Mommy that his younger brother threw something at him instead of throwing something back and getting wild!

Simchas Mommy
Simcha Kaplun has been doing beautifully learning this summer. We are more than 2/3 finished with the book of Tehillim.

Mrs. Miller

Simchas Dad

Rabbi Gedalia Goldstein


ning on being with us this Summer. I was even more shocked when some of the new head counselors (Ahem, Ahem) had a hard time comprehending who A.D. was. I explained to them that if you AT: What time do you go to sleep at dont know A.D. then you dont know night? Camp Achdus. Al Kol Punim, its underBinyomin: To recharge myself for anstandable that it wasnt the same and other action filled day, my body dehard to pull through. Obviously, when I mands I go to sleep anywhere beaccidentally, by mistake, unintentionally tween 11:30 pm and 12:30 am. I then Achdus Times: Whats your name? and uncharacteristically glanced up durwake up to say Tikun Chatzos as I sit on ing learning groups and saw the one and Binyomin: Whats my name? My names the floor and cry over the loss of last only A.D., my heart skipped a beat and a Binyomin. *Chuckle chuckle* years campus for an hour and a half evehalf. It took all the exponential self conAT: How long have you been working in ry night. I awaken for the last time trol I had (and I have a lot) in order not Camp Achdus? at 6:00 am to prepare myself for camp. to jump out of my seat and give him a Binyomin: Three awesome years minus AT: Why do you walk around with a big hug. a few days I took off to attend my sisters stuffed mouse all day? AT: How much time has passed since Chasunah. you joined us on Earth? AT: So what do you do here in Camp Binyomin: Well to tell you the truth I Achdus? was born at a very young age. Back Binyomin: I hog the microphone. then things were very different. I mean AT: Is that all you do here in camp? I wasnt born. Every once in awhile I wondered how the world managed Binyomin: In between hogs, I stimuwithout me. late and electrify the atmosphere that

The Times met this week with one of Camp Achdus most popular staff members, Binyomin Rosskamm second only to Benji. Here is a synopsis of their provocative dialogue.

13 acre estate, 5 professional playing fields (except for the hole in middle of field # 1) do add a bit of a touch over last years campus.

engulfs (not to be confused with golf) the amazing territory that camp has inhabited this year. AT: What is your first thought when you come to camp in the morning?

AT: Whats your earliest memory? Binyomin: Im not sure if its sitting on the deck of the mayflower watching seagulls or listening to the Gettysburg address. AT: So it sounds like youve been around awhile. What advice could you give to a young Camper growing up in such a big world? Binyomin: Dont forget your suspenders and dont drink from the fire hydrant.

Binyomin: I found a camper stuck in a Binyomin: Well the first thing is banana mouse trap under the canteen storage freezer holding it, and now we have bepudding of course but then my brain come close friends! cells feel over exhausted from comprehending the extreme intensity of the AT: What is your favorite food? ruach in camp! Binyomin: Chulent with a pinch of chocAT: What in your opinion, causes the olate syrup and cold mustard on the ruach in camp? side. Binyomin: Two bowls of Wheaties and a cup of orange juice! AT: What do you think of our new campus? Binyomin: The gorgeous greenery of the trees and the rolling hillside of our

AT: Well it looks like weve run out of AT: How did you manage working in the time. Any last remarks before we go? beginning of the Summer without A.D.? Binyomin: I believe the official language of Camp Achdus should be changed to Binyomin: When I came at the beginning of the Summer, I was full of dread, Yiddish. horror and disappointment when I learned that A.D. Shlita was not plan-

Counselor Road Trip to Canada

A K IV A LO G U E , S p ec i a l T i me s C o r r e s po n d e n t

Week in Review

(Continued from Page 4)

re any of you curious where two counselors and one head staff member were for two days this week? Well, Ill tell you. We went to the chasuna of our very own Zevi Carlebach, and it turned into quite a road trip. We started our trip a little late at 10:45, our destination: Toronto, Ontario.

up two passengers: Meir Lowey, a bochur from Brooklyn, and a new Rebbitzen Garmin (who was more familiar with the neighborhood than our wellmeaning, but misguided, GPS)! That night, we had the honor of staying by Rabbi and Rebbitzen Ribiat of Toronto where we witnessed hachnosas orchim in its highest form. Thank you very much! After Shachris at the Toronto Kollel and a geshmake breakfast, courtesy of the Ribiats, mounds of food were given to us for the trip heharim maayin yavoh ezri took on a new meaning!

We soon realized the zman for mincha was upon us and Shkia was quickly approaching. We were left with few options. The trip was long, but we The most appealing, and easiwere prepared with food from est, was obviously to stop on Mrs. Siegel. After about five the side of the road and daven hours of driving, we stopped biyechidus, but our learning off at our local Nice N Easy director Rabbi in Tully, NY for Michelsohn did gas and drinks, its work, and and then we we set out trywere back on ing to find a the road. minyan for As we drove mincha in upacross the borstate NY. We der bridge we first paid a visit got our first to Camp Rayim, glimpse of the and took a Niagara Falls quick stroll mistbut more around the about that later. campus. Then, At customs, we with little time were grilled by until shkia and a the border blinking gas guard. After light we put the persuading her that we werent home. At around 9:30 we were petal to the metal and arrived going to Canada to blow anyon our way back. First stop: in the one-cow-town of Swan thing up, and learning that less Niagara Falls. Lake, NY. We stopped to ask a than $5000 is not considered friendly chassid is es a minyan WOW!!! Thats the word a lot, we were once again on faar mincha (Is there a minyan that comes to mind at the sight our way and thats when the for Mincha), to which he amiof the falls. We were witness trouble started. cably responded ich tun nit mamesh to niflaos haborai. Our trusty Global Positioning Back in the car, we ate a quick visin check de shul (I dont System got a Machla and we lunch and were once again on know, check the shul). Baruch Hashem, we arrived just in were lost! We drove for almost our way. time for mincha, with a minan hour up and down unyan! charted highways in the Toronto area, including a private Our next stop was New toll road! In the end, as alSquare, NY to drop off Rabbi ways, Hashem guided us, and Michelsohn, Meir, and Rebwe arrived at the chasuna, in bitzen Garmin. After a suca local shul called BAYT. cessful unloading of the car, After quickly changing into clothes more befitting of a chasunah (suit, tie, Camp Achdus shirtwhat else?), we went to be misamayach hachasson vehakallah. Baruch Hashem, the chasunah was beautiful and very pumping with not two, but three, dances! By the end, we had picked Crossing the border back into the U.S.A. was quick and easy. The next hours were some of the most beautiful driving we had done yet. Listening to Carlebach with the stunning Catskill Mountains surrounding us, the words of Dovid HaMelech Esa einay el we were left with just two passengers, and after a quick stop at 7-eleven for coffee with cholov yisroel milk, and a glatt kosher wrap, we were on our way for the final leg of our journey. After kmat 15 hours in the car we were finally home. A long, but thrilling, adventure ends at last.

split once again and water is very soggy today. How strange. The kids who stay in camp go straight to the park and have the time of their lives playing on the playground, fielding on the fields, and having a ball at the ballpark. Another fabulous day at Camp Achdus. After camp is over, the campers and staff cannot help but wish that we were all able to travel across the boarder for just one night in order to attend the Chasuna of the eternal Camp Achdus Staff member, the great Zevi Carlebach! Mazel Tov Zevi! Camp Achdus will always feel like a part of your family! Thursday After a restful night, the campers and counselors of Unity (Achdus) are ready to once again tackle the day! Newcomb is played by bunk Daled Gadol. We are still not sure what that is but they

seemed to have fun! A.D. is up to his wild antics again! This time he starts out his game with a short play about a woman coming home to find her husband playing video games, so she sends him to China to buy Chinese food of course. A.D. must now act out a buyer buying some hearts of palm made in Camp Achdus while eating a baseball, to Yehuda 10&baum who has no idea what hes trying to say. The Chinese may have great Chinese food but their hearts of palm are just terrible! The pool follows and once again its between damp and sopping. Whats with this pool anyway? The other half goes to the park and 7

Week in Review

(Continued from Page 3)

Upcoming Events
MONDAY A&C, Sports, and Swimming. Bunks Alef, Ches, and Daled are bouncing to Bounce U! (If you have not yet completed and re-

chooses their own games. Like horse racing. Well another day has passed and we just cant wait until tomorrow! Friday Its Tomorrow! And the fun starts again. As much as we love our parents, we also love coming each day to Camp Achdus. Choices, choices, choices. Whats a camper to do? Learning, Sports, Gaga. Mr. Sommers, Mr. Pechter, Mr Rogers. Challah Braiding, Challah baking,

Cholidaying. Camp time, Canteen time, Camel time. Sing about Shabbos, Sing about Hashem, Sing about two octaves too high! What a great day in Camp Achdus!

Bunks Vuv and Suf will leave to Camping at Tobyhana State Park and Camelbeach Mountain Waterpark on Monday at 12 pm and return on Tuesday at about lunch time. See attachment. TUESDAY A&C, Sports, Swimming

turned the Bounce U waiver, please do so ASAP. See attached.) WEDNESDAY A&C, Sports, Swimming


This Week in the Arts

Alef Kattan & Gadol

THURSDAY A&C, Swimming

hat can you make with a straw and a 3x5 card)? How about a hoop glider? The 3x5 card was cut into 3 strips & boys had fun decorating them. They glued 2 of the strips to make one big circle and with the remaining strip they made a small circle. When the circles were dry they were taped to the ends of a straw. Boy, some of those gliders flew really far! How about taking some paper and cutting it and making a whirlybird? You should see how they spin around and around! (I'm noticing a flight theme this week...) 8

ake a styrofoam plate, rubber band and a straw, what could we do with all those things? Of course we can make a foam glider! By cutting out a plane shape from the plate and attaching the rubber band to the straw and the straw to the plane we were able to make our gliders fly. Ches Kattan were also able to finish their beautiful Kosel Mizrach signs. Last week, we mixed different colors of paint to make many shades of brown. We then painted the Kosel's bricks one by one. They really worked hard to make the wall look like the Kosel.

Ches Kattan & Gadol FRIDAY Sports, Challah Baking

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