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Analysis of neural and fuzzy-power electronic control

B.-R. Lin

Indexing terms Neural networks, Fuzzy-logic control, Inverter, UPS, DC-DC converter


Abstract: Current-controlled voltage-source inverters offer substantial advantages in improving motor-system dynamics for highperformance AC-drive systems. The controller switches follow a set of reference current waveforms. Fixed-band hysteresis and sinusoidalband hysteresis controllers have been studied. Neural network and fuzzy-logic-based currentcontrolled voltage-source inverters are developed. The models and learning techniques have been investigated by simulation. The implementation of neural networks is described, and simulation UPS results are presented. The new (uninterruptible power supply) with a fuzzy-logic compensator is then proposed. The proposed fuzzy-logic compensator is used to prevent voltage drop from nonlinear loads. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the proposed scheme is better than that of the conventional deadbeat control method for linear and nonlinear loads. Finally, the application of fuzzy control to DC-DC converters, operating at finite switching frequency, is studied. Several control methods currently used for buck, boost and buckiboost converters are compared to the fuzzy-converter control. The fuzzy-logic and neural-network controller for a unity power-factor rectifier are also discussed. The simulations presented show that the fuzzy-control method has better dynamic performance and less steady-state error.


X A,

= inductor current = capacitor voltage = state vector

= hysteresis current band

= the bias of the ith neuron at the pth layer = a small error value CI = variance of current error Aik = current error during kth interval pA = membership function of fuzzy set A pB = membership function of fuzzy set B p(AuB)= membership function of the union A U B &nB) = membership function of the intersection A n B pi = membership function of the complement of a fuzzy set A p, = membership function of fuzzy relation R = membership function of resulting output fuzzy set B' from basic inference rules AT(k) = pulse width at the kth sampling time



List of symbols

Op,i = the ith neuron output at the pth layer Op-l,k = the kth neuron output at the (p - i)th layer wp,j,k = the weight from the kth input of the (p - 1)th layer to the ith neuron output of the pth layer A.) = logistic function
im,ref = m-phase reference sinusoidal current lm = m-phase actual current v r 6 = desired reference voltage

= output voltage

0IEE, 1997 IEE Proceedirzgs online no. 19970516 Paper first received 12th December 1995 and in revised form 19th March 1996 The author is with the Power Electronics Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Yunlin Institute of Technology, 123 University Road, Section 3, Touliu City, Yunlin 640, Taiwan, Republic of China
IEE Proc.-Sci. Meus. Technol., Vol. 144, No. I , Junuurv 1997

The current-control technique has a most important role in current-regulated PWM inverters which are widely used in AC motor drives, reactive power compensators and active power filters. The basic requirements of such applications are low harmonics and fast response to provide the high dynamics of the system. There are two types of inverter, the voltage-source inverter (VSI) and the current-source inverter (CSI). In the voltage-source inverter, the DC input appears as a DC voltage source (ideally) to the inverter. For the current-source inverter, the DC input appears as a DC current source (ideally) to the inverter. VSI drives generally have superior variable speed performance to CSI drives. The VSI drive has a fast response, low cost and power-conditioning ability. If a high dynamic response is required, the load current should be fedback and compared directly with the reference value. Fast current control for AC motor drives with excellent transient response can be realised with VSI drives. A current-controlled PWM voltage-source inverter, which controls the output current directly, provides high performance AC motor drives. Several current-control strategies have been proposed in recent years [l-31. A hysteresis-band current controller [l] has a simple structure and the capability to limit the peak current. Hysteresis comparators select approximate inverter output voltage vectors based upon the output current error. However, the switching frequency of this method is not fixed. To overcome this drawback, a constant switching frequency predictive current controller [2],

that features an optimised performance in the steady state, by systematically predicting the voltage vector that keeps the current in its hysteresis band, was proposed by Holtz. The problem with this scheme is that complicated calculations are needed. Adaptive hysteresis band current controllers were proposed in [3]. This scheme has the simple structure of the hysteresis-band current controller and the capability of current limiting, but the method of [3] is difficult to implement because of its complicated algorithm. Presently, the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) has two basic topologies: off-line and on-line. All UPS approaches use an internal battery that produces AC power via an inverter. An off-line UPS is the simplest form of backup power. The inverter is normally off, and off-line UPS is also known as a standby power source (SPS). The on-line UPS continuously converts AC utility power to DC, by an AC-to-DC converter to provide battery charging. The DC bus is supported by the battery, and feeds a DC-to-AC inverter with appropriate filtering. An on-line UPS provides the highest level of protection, since clean AC power is continuously supplied regardless of utility line condition. The heart of the UPS system is the DC-to-AC inverter. There are several inverter control topologies [4] for sinusoidal output waveform applications. The drawbacks of most of these methods are high total harmonic distortion (THD) for nonlinear loads and poor transient response. The deadbeat-controlled PWM method [5] has a very fast response for load disturbances and nonlinear loads. The disadvantage of the deadbeat control method is high THD for nonlinear loads. The deadbeat-controlled PWM inverter, with a current-source compensator load, has low THD for nonlinear loads. The problem with this approach is that additional hardware is needed which increases the UPS cost. The modelling of networks which contain switches has drawn much attention, because of the unusual properties of switches in comparison with other circuit elements. The difficulties in modelling switched networks are mainly owing to the nonlinear and time-varying nature of switches. Most modelling in power electronics is intended to convert the nonlinear and time-varying model to an ideal or non-ideal switch model [6]. Then, the state-space method is used to solve the state equation for the system. Neural network techniques have grown rapidly in recent years. Extensive research has been carried out on the application of artificial intelligence. Artificial neural-network technology has the potential to provide an improved method of deriving non-linear models which is complementary to conventional techniques. Neural networks are intrinsically non-linear, and the actual algorithmic relevant set of training examples is required which can be derived from operating plant data. In contrast to other machine-learning techniques, neural networks can modify their behaviour in response to the environment, have the flexibility of easily handling different problem sizes, and have the potential for hardware implementation. Fuzzy-set theory is a theory about vagueness and uncertainty. This theory provides an approximate, and yet effective, means of describing the behaviour of systems which are too complex or ill-defined to permit precise mathematical analysis. The fuzzy control is also nonlinear and adaptive in nature, which gives it a

robust performance under parameter variations and load disturbances. Fuzzy-set theory uses qualitative techniques instead of the conventional quantitative (numerical) techniques. Automatic control theory has developed from an empirically oriented technique, requiring precision well defined concepts and exact data. Conventional control techniques provide good performance when the optimal control strategy is given. In modern control techniques, vagueness still does play a role. The fuzzy control system provides control through a set of membership functions quantified from ambiguous terms in the control rules. Fuzzy control features a short initial development period, because it can be implemented by a small number of rules. The number of rules depends on the required accuracy. New power electronic control approaches, based on neural-network and fuzzy-logic techniques, are presented in this paper. First, the current-controlled pulse width modulated (PWM) VSI based on the neural network method and fuzzy set theorem is presented. Second, the application of fuzzy logic to UPS systems for low THD is investigated. Third, the DC-DC converter control using a fuzzy logic controller is studied. Finally, the artificial neural networks for the unity power-factor rectifier are reviewed.
2 Current-controlled PWM VSI based on the neural-network approach and a fuzzy logic controller

The inverter AC motor drive has many advantages over the conventional DC motor drive and, therefore, high-performance AC servo motor drives have increased in popularity. It is well known that precise current control is a key technology in high-performance AC drives. In the current hysteresis-controlled PWM, hysteresis comparators are used to impose a dead band or hysteresis band in a small range from the reference current. The hysteresis control scheme provides an excellent dynamic performance because it acts quickly. The disadvantage of this method is that the switching frequency changes according to the operating condition of the motor. Recently, several researchers have used a sinusoidal-band hysteresis current controller, where the hysteresis bands vary sinusoidally over a fundamental period rather than being fixed.

Fig. 1 Structure of an elementary neuron

2. I Current-controlled PWM VSI based on ne uraI-n et work approach

There are many artificial neural-network architectures that have been proposed. One architecture has been predominant; that is the feedforward neural network (FNN). The standard neuron structure, illustrated in Fig. 1, is adopted, which is comprised of a summer and
IEE Proc.-Sei. Meas. Technol, Vol. 144, No. 1, January 1997

a logistic functionf(net,J that can be either a sigmoid or a linear function. The equation for the ith neuron of the pth layer structure is

netp,, =


+ Qp,i


o p , z = f(netp,z) (2) where Op,iis the output, Op-l,k is the kth output at the (p - 1)th layer, wp,i,k is the weight from the kth input of the (p - 1)th layer to the ith output of the pth layer, and Op,i is the bias. These neurons are organised in layers, as shown in Fig. 2. Scaled data enters the network at neurons of the input layer, and is propagated to the output through intermediate layers. Each connection has associated with it a weighting, which modifies the signal strength. There are various techniques for optimising criterion functions to train the neural network. One important characteristic of neural-network classifiers is that their training usually requires iterative techniques. The backpropagation classifier is the most popular technique, trained by using the gradient descent method. The advantage of this method is that it is simple and easy to understand, but the disadvantage is that the speed of convergence is slow. One way of overcoming these limitations is to use numerical analysis and stochastic methods. The RLS (recursive least square) method [7] uses an extended Kalman estimation to optimise a function which is only known through random samples. This approach can be applied to linear or nonlinear problems. The power of the RLS is obtained at the price of a fairly large amount of computation O(N2)for every update, where N is the dimensionality of the input vector. The conjugate gradient algorithm [8] optimises a criterion function, by assuming that it is locally quadratic. This algorithm requires O(N) computations per iteration. Although the backpropagation classifier is not so robust, it is easy to understand.

with the three reference currents. The error signals are multiplied by a given coefficient, G, and then input to the neural network. The neural network is trained to have minimum output error. The training rule is =+ keep 0, at the same state if li,,ref - l , i <E =+ let 0, = 1 if im,ref - i, >E if im,Tef -, i < --E =+ let 0, = 0 (3) where m = a, b or c, and 0, is the output of the neural network. PS is the pulse separation circuit that will keep two output waveforms of PS from overlapping. If the two output waveforms from PS overlap, the upper and lower transistors in one inverter leg will conduct at the same time, which will damage the transistors. Finally, as expected, the three current output waveforms of the VSI will follow the three sinusoidal reference currents.


' b, ref
layer layer
hidden 'layer

Fig.3 Neural-network current controlled inverter drive G = gain; Ps = pulse separation



Fig.2 Fee.dforwurdneural-network architecture

In the neural-network method, training is required to learn something about the plant behaviour. The inputs to the neural network are three-phase current errors, and the outputs are the voltage vectors. Current errors can be randomly generated at the neural-network input, and the backpropagation method is used to update the weights so as to decrease the current errors. Since the hysteresis current control for the voltagesource inverter (VSI) is known, the neural network must learn the dynamic behaviour of the hysteresis current control. It can be on-line or off-line learning. Fig. 3 shows the neural-network inverter control. The three sinusoidal reference currents are ia,refi $,ref, ic,ref. Reference currents ib,Yef and ic,,ef are phase shifted 120" and 240, respectively, from First, the three-phase currents from the VSI are measured and compared
IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas. Techno[., Vol. 144, No. 1. January 1997

To perform a comparative evaluation of fixed-band hysteresis, sinusoidal-band hysteresis and neural network methods, a simulation model is developed. The system parameters in Fig. 3 are DC bus voltage V = 75 volts Inductance L = 0.01H Resistance R = 2Q Switching frequency = 19.8kHz Simulation results for the output current waveforms of the VSI for a change in frequency command are shown in Fig. 4.

200 300 400 500 600 time 1119800,s Fig.4 Inverter out ut current wave orms for change in frequency command based on neurafnetwork metho




Fig.5 Closed-loop control configuration

2.2 Current-controlled PWM VSI based on fuzzy logic controller

The fuzzy set theory, based on fuzzy sets and fuzzy algorithms, provides a general method of expressing linguistic rules so that they may be processed quickly by a computer. At the same time, it is usually possible for an experienced operator to express the strategy or protocol for control of a plant, using linguistic variables, as a set of rules to be used in the different situations. Fuzzy conditional statements are expressions of the form IF A is then B I S -. A fuzzy algorithm is an ordered sequence of instructions which may contain fuzzy assignment and conditioiial statements. The execution of such instructions is related to the compositional rule of inference. Fig. 5 showy the basic closed loop fuzzy control configuration, S i n e the plant produces nonfuzzy measurements, these have to be fuzzified. Similarly, since the plant cannot respond directly to fuzzy controls the fuzzy control sets generated by the fuzzy algorithm have to be defuzzified. The fuzzy control algorithm consists of a set of fkzzy control rules which are related by the concepts of fuzzy implication and the compositional rule of inference. These fuzzy control rules are combined by using the sentence connectives and and also. A fuzzy variable is expressed by natural language. For example, the error of the output voltage can be defined by linguistic variables zero (Z), positive small (PS), positive medium (PM), positive big (PB), negative small (NS), negative medium (NM), negative big (NB), etc. The basic fuzzy set operations are union. intersection and complement. Let A and B be two fuzzy sets in U with membership function p , and pB, respectively, where U is the universe of discourse. The universe of discourse is a collection of fuzzy variable possible values { x}.The membership function of the union A U B is max{pA(x), ,uB(x)}. The menibership function ,qAnB) of the intersection A n B is min{pA(x),pB(x)}. The membership function p.1~ of the complen;cr!t of a fuzzy set A is 1 - pA(x). Normally, the fuzzy rule has the if .. then .. structure, such as If x is L and y is M then 2 is N where x and y are input fuzzy variables, z is the output fuzzy variable; L, M and N are fuzzy subsets in the universe of discourses X , Y and Z , respectively. A fuzzy subset can be NB, NM, NS, Z , PS, PM and PB. If there are y1 fuzzy rules (R1 to Rn), then individual rules are combined by using the union operator. R = R1 U R2 U R3 U . . . U R, (4) From fuzzy control rules, the corresponding control table can be as shown in Table 1. For example, if the error is Z and the change of error is P, then the change of control output is P. A fuzzy controller should compute the actual output control signal for a specific input signal from a given set of fuzzy rules. The com-

positional operator is applied to infer the output from the given process states x, y and the fuzzy relation R.
Table 1: Fuzzy control table showing change in control output
error Aerror







N = negative, Z = zero, P

A fuzzy relation R from A to B is a fuzzy subset of the Cartesian product U x V, where A E U and B E V. The fuzzy relation R can be defined as follows:
P R ( U , V ) = min(PUA(U),PU());UE U, E (5) Once the relation R is defined, the actual input fuzzy set A can be used to compute the resulting output fuzzy set B. There are two basic inference rules to compute the resulting output fuzzy set B, max-min and max--product.

The inference rule can be extended for any number of fuzzy inputs and outputs. Since the control action z cannot directly control the plant, the defuzzification operation can be performed by the mean of maximum or centre of gravity method. The mean of maximum generates a control action, which represents the mean value of all local control actions whose membership functions reach the maximum. In other words, if the set possesses a single maximum, this value is the control action taken. If several local maxima appear in the set, then the control action to be executed is the mean value of these maxima. The control action is expressed as
(8) where z, is the support value when its membership reaches the maximum value, and n is the number of such support values. The centroid defuzzification method is uniquely determined from the fuzzy response set R as follows
t=1 z , = __ n


z, =

J z 4 2 ) dx J dz)dz (continuous case)


(9 1


(discrete case)

zo =

cA (4


IEE Proc -SCEMeas Techno1 Val 144, No 1, Junuary 1997

Then the output signal zo is applied to control the converter. The principal fuzzy-control algorithm is described as follows: Step 1: Sample the output signal of the plant Step 2: Calculate the error and change of error Step 3: Determine the fuzzy subset and membership function for error and change of error Step 4: Determine the change of control action according to the individual fuzzy rule Step 5: Calculate the actual change of control action by defuzzification operation Step 6: Send the change of control action to control the plant Step 7: Go to step 1

Table 2: Fuzzy control table showing change in control output














NB = negative big, N M = negative medium, NS = negative small, Z = zero, PB = positive big, PM = positive medium, PS = positive small


Simulation results for the output current and PWM waveform of the VSI controlled by the fuzzy-logic method are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 with the hysteresis band, Ai = 0.06A. In the proposed fuzzy-logic control method, the peak to peak current error of phase A is 0.5524A and the variance of current error is 0.1132A.

Ic,ref 'b,ref




150 200 time f 1119800,s



Fig.7 Proposed fuzzy-logic current-controlled P WM VSI: three-phase

- 'a,ref
fuzzify ehhT)

Fig.6 Fuzzy-logic current-controlled inverter drives

Fig. 6 shows the fuzzy-logic current-controlled inverter drive. The three-phase currents from the inverter output are sensed and compared to the threephase reference currents. The error signals are multiplied by the coefficient GE and fuzzified to fuzzy sets. Fuzzy subsets NB, NM, NS, Z, PS, PM and PB are used in fuzzification. According to the input fuzzy variables, the fuzzy-logic controller determines the appropriate control output based on fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules used in this proposed scheme are shown in Table 2. The fuzzy control output cannot control the inverter directly. The defuzzification converts the fuzzy data into numeric data and output control action to the inverter-based on the centre of gravity method. The coefficient GU can be used to adlust the output control signal from the defuzzify output. To perform an evaluation of current-controlled PWM VSI based on the fuzzy-logic method, a simulation model is developed. Assume the induction motor was represented by three identical L-R circuits in three balance output waveforms. The system parameters in Fig. 6 are DC bus voltage = 75 volts Inductance L = O.OlH Resistance R = 2 Q Switching frequency = 19.8kHz
IEE Proc SCI Mea$ Technol, Vol 144, N o I . January 1997

.,. . . , . . . . . , . . . .


100 150 200 250 300 time 1119800,s Proposed fuzzy-logic current-controlled P WM VSI phase


( I

UPS system with fuzzy-logic compensator

The basic single-phase PWM inverter for the UPS consists of the single-phase full-bridge inverter, L-C filter and load. The controller controls the inverter switches
. L


T - 1L


linear load or nonli neor

Fig.9 Single-phasefuzzy-inverter control circuit


so that the output voltage follows the reference sinusoidal waveform. The load voltage and inductor current are defined as state variables. The appropriate pulse width can be computed in order to obtain the sinusoidal output voltage. The basic deadbeat control law [5] includes two parts. First, the state variable at the next sampling instant is estimated. Second, the deadbeat controller controls the inverter switches so that the output voltage follows the reference sinusoidal waveform. In order to derive a discrete time model, the three-level PWM pulse pattern [5] is considered. Based on the measured signal at the (k 1)th sampling instant and the estimated state variable at the kth sampling instant, the required pulse width AT@) can be computed, according to the deadbeat control law, to make the output voltage vo(k + 1) equal to the desired reference voltage v,,f(k+ 1) at t = (k + 1)T, where T is the sampling time. A T @ ) = a1 0 U , , f ( k + I) + a2 0 wo(k) + a3 0 ZL(k) (11) where a l , a2 and a3 are determined by the circuit parameters. The disadvantage of the deadbeat control law is the sensitivity to load variation.

where vrer(k + 2) and vrer(k+ 1) are reference output voltages at t = (k + 2)T and (k + 1)T, AT@) is the PWM time interval at t = kT. The proposed control algorithm was simulated by using MATLAB software running on a 80486 microprocessor. The following circuit parameters were used in the simulation: Vdc= 40V, L = 0.5mH, C = 400mF, T = 50ms, R, = 3 Q (rated) = 15V. Since the UPS performance is evaland VFeJpeak uated by total harmonic distortion, the comparisons of the proposed scheme and deadbeat control method are shown in Fig. 10. From the simulations, the proposed fuzzy-logic compensator has a better transient performance, low total harmonic distortion for nonlinear loads and robustness for circuit-parameter variations.
DC-DC converter control

4. I

Fuzzy logic approach

Fig. 11 shows the boost converter system with a fuzzylogic controller [9]. The actual output voltage Vo is compared to the reference voltage VYe)to produce an error signal that is used to determine the switch duty

deadbeat control UPS fuzzy-logic compensator UPS




7 "DC

R ,


0 15

I d(nT)
60 output voltage Vo,V


fuzzy control



120 (V)

Intel L_---_-_-- - 80196MC ---------J


Fig. 11 Fuzzy logic boost converter control

Fig. 10 THD comparisonsfor nonlinear load (firing angle = 8S0)

To overcome the deadbeat control-law drawback, the output-voltage control scheme with a fuzzy-logic compensator is proposed in Fig. 9. The circuit consists of the single-phase full-bridge inverter, L-C filter and load. This scheme measures the output voltage vo(t) and the inductor current iL(t). To derive a discrete-time model, the PWM pulse pattern is considered with a sample period T. The output voltage at the next time interval is predicted for real-time digital control. In order to compensate for the voltage drop for the nonlinear load, the fuzzy-logic compensator is used. The load voltage is sensed as the control variable for controlling the PWM pulse width. If a sudden change in load voltage is sensed, the fuzzy-logic controller will adjust the pulse width to compensate for the effect of the nonlinear load. First, the output-voltage error and change of error are obtained by comparing the load voltage and reference voltage. The nonfuzzy variables are changed to fuzzy variables by fuzzification. The fuzzy controller compensates the PWM pulse width according to the fuzzy rules. The defuzzification changes the fuzzy variables to a real control signal, Zo(k),for nonlinear load compensation. Eqn. 12 shows that the next control PWM time interval AT(k + 1) can be obtained if v,(k), iL(k)and AT(k) are given. AT(k 1) = f l W v e f ( k 2) f 2 U , , f ( k 1)

cycle. The state-space averaging method is very useful for analysing the low-frequency, small-signal performance of switching circuits. It is applicable when the power switching period is short compared to the response time of the output For subsequent discussions, the averaging method is used by considering the bucklboost converter with a second-order filter, and assuming continuous current in the inductor. Switch on:

Switch o f f
= A~

* 5 + B~ * vDc

The average-state equation is then a weighted average of the two state eqns. 13 and 14, based on the duty cycle ratio.

+ +

$ = A*x+B*V&!
A = d * Ai

+ + f5

f3 0 2L(k)

+ %(k) A T ( k )+ & ( k )

+ (1 - d )



B = d * B 1 + ( 1 - d ) *Bz


IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas. Technol.,Vol. 144, No. I , Januavy 1997

Then the small signal linearised behaviour of the boost converter is used [lo] to solve the problem. Another approach is to use difference equations for the mathematical models of discrete systems to solve the problem. To reduce steady-state error and improve transient performance, the switching duty cycle, d, is updated by a fuzzy-logic controller. The actual converter output voltage v, is compared to the reference voltage V,,, to produce an error signal that is sent to the fuzzy-logic controller to determine the switch duty cycle. Figs. 12 and 13 show the output-voltage transient behaviour with a step input-voltage change and load change, respectively, in the boost converter. The experimental results show that the fuzzy-control method has a good performance. This control scheme can also be used in buck and buck/boost and cuk converter control.

characteristics of the DC-DC converters. Chan [ 111 performed the NN DC-DC converter control system, which provided a good performance under highfrequency, a pulsed supply voltage and a reference signal. From the discussions in [10-121, both the fuzzy logic and neural networks can learn and identify the DC-DC converter dynamic characteristics.



D = delay

Fig. 14 Indirect NN control system for a DC-DC converter

Conduction mode : *continuous conduction discontinuous conduction Control mode : constant frequency control -constant tolerance-band control *variable tolerance-band control * discontinuous current control

Circuit techniques: *boost converter buck-boost converter *cuk converter -5yback converter zeta converter sepic converter

Fig. 15 Basic power factor correction control approaches

Fig. 12 Fuzzy boost converter transient response showing input voltage

V, = 1 I V to 16V, V, = 20V


I 0


DC, ref

Fig.16 ANN unity power;factor control circuits

Unity power-factor rectifier based on a neuralnetwork controller and a fuzzy controller

Fig. 13 Fuzzy boost converter transient response showing output load

io = 1A to 2A, V,, = 20V

4.2 Neural-network approach Fig. 14 shows the indirect NN control system with a series-parallel model for a DC-DC converter. The NN1 is used to learn and identify the nonlinear DCDC converter behaviour and parameter variations. The 2 is used to generate a proper control signal in order to force e2 to be as small as possible. Since the neural networks have learning capability, both NN1 and 2 can automatically learn the dynamic
IEE Proc.-Sei. Meas. Technol., Vol. 144, No. I , January 1997

Basically, unity power-factor AC-DC converters can be realised by several techniques. Fig. 15 shows the basic control approaches. Recently, single-phase [ 131 and three-phase [ 141 unity power-factor converters, based on artificial neural networks (ANN) have been proposed. Fig. 16 shows two basic ANN unity powerfactor control circuits. The output voltage, according to the load demand, is regulated by the DC voltage loop. The amplitude of the current reference is varied by the voltage error and the PI controller. The current error between the actual line current and the current reference is the input to the NN controller. After online NN learning, the input line current is waveshaped, and provides unity power-factor operation. Since the

neural networks have self organising capabilities, the overall system is robust and insensitive to the load or parameter variations in the Insleay [141 simulations. The steady-state waveforms and a transient response under load changes are also obtained [14]. Recently, a fuzzy power-factor correction rectifier has been proposed by Lin [15]. The basic circuit configuration is shown in Fig. 17. The current reference is varied by the voltage error, between the actual output voltage and the voltage reference, and the fuzzy-logic controller. The input voltage and the current for the fuzzy powerfactor correction circuit obtained by experimental tests, are presented in Fig. 18. The same control approach can be applied to the buck-boost, cuk, sepic or zeta type unity power-factor rectifier.



ti m i ter

Fig. 17 Basic fuzzy unity power-juctor correction control circuit

significant advantages in power electronic applications. The proposed fuzzy-logic current-controlled PWM voltage-source inverter has a better performance than a conventional hysteresis current-controlled approach. The switching frequency is fixed in the fuzzy-logic current-controlled scheme. Since the switching frequency is fixed, it is easy to reduce the total harmonic distortion by designing an appropriate filter. Although the performance of the fuzzy-logic current-controlled method is not as good as that of the neural-network currentcontrolled scheme, the proposed fuzzy-logic currentcontrolled scheme is easy to implement by a high speed microprocessor such as a DSP chip. Since neural-network current control needs off-line model training and complicated calculations, it will decrease the control speed This paper also describes a new algorithm, which applies a fuzzy-logic compensator to real-time control of the single-phase PWM inverter for UPS application. The next interval pulse width is computed to eliminate the pulse width limitation owing to the computation time of the microprocessor. The fuzzy-logic compensator is used to compensate the nonlinear load. Simulations are performed for various cases including nonlinear loads, sudden load changes and circuit parameter variations. From simulations, the performance of the proposed scheme is shown to be excellent. The applications of a fuzzy-logic controller to DCDC converter control are also studied in this paper. The switching duty cycle is changed, using the fuzzylogic method for improving transient response and reducing steady-state error. An examination of the data for the curves shows that the fuzzy-control method has less steady-state error and better transient performance. The fuzzy-control method has good performance compared to the other methods in this simulation. The proposed power electronic controls, based on neural network and fuzzy-logic approaches, can be used in motor drives, UPS systems and switching power supplies. The fuzzy logic and neural-network controller for a unity power-factor rectifier are also reviewed in this paper. The performance of the power converters, based on neural networks and fuzzy-logic controllers, is robust and insensitive to the parameter variations, as shown from the simulations.
7 References

Fig. 18 Experimental waveformsfor fuzzy powerzfuctor correction (v, = 50 V/div; i , = 2Mdiv)


Neural-network control of a sinusoidal current-controlled VSI is presented in this paper. Three different controller structures are considered; first, the fixed-band hysteresis controller, second, the sinusoidal-band hysteresis controller and finally a neural-network controller. Simulation results are presented for all the three types of controllers and comparison shows that the neural-network control has good characteristics, compared to conventional fixed-band and sinusoidal-band hysteresis current-control methods. The neural network also has a fast processing speed and fault tolerance. The fault-tolerance property will allow the neural network to work well, even if one of the three current sensors fails. Thus, neural networks appear to have

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IEE Proc -Sci. Meas. Technol, Vol. 144, No. 1. January 1997

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IEE Proc.-Sci. Meus Technol., Vol. 144, No 1. January 1997


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