Chaos Study and Parameter-Space Analysis of The

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Chaos study and parameter-space analysis of the DGDC buck-boost converter

K.W.E. Cheng, M. Liu and J. Wu

Abstract: An iterative map for the buck-boost converter under current-mode control is developed

as a basis for the chaos and bifurcation study. This discrete model is used to examine the bifurcation phenomena under variations of input voltage, reference current and load resistance. With the help of the loci of eigenvalues of a Jacobian matrix, the first bifurcation point of the buckboost converter is investigated in detail. The theoretical analysis agrees with the numerical simulation. A frequency-scaling theorem and boundary-condition observation are also presented that are useful for the prediction of 1he first flip bifurcation.


Switched-mode DC-DC converters are the most popular power supply in industrial products. The topolo&y of the circuit is changed according to the on or off state of the transistor. This results in a nonlinear time-varying system. It has been reported that DC-DC converters exhibit a wide range of bifurcation and chaos behaviours under certain conditions. Even though the converter is regulated by a control function and no random input is used, the converters may still appear to behave randomly in a deterministic system. This problem must be investigated or predicted in advance so that the power converters can be prevented from operating in these regions. Research on bifurcation and chaos in DC-DC converters has been reported extensively in the last few years. Recent developments are summarised in [ 11. Investigation of bifurcation and chaos in the buck converter [2-81, boost converter [9-121 and Cuk converter [ 13-16] has also been reported. This paper presents a study of bifurcation and chaos in the current-mode controlled buck-boost converter.
Principle of operation


i Fig. 1 Circuit schematic diagrutn of the current-mode buck-boost converter

A buck-boost converter consists of a switch S, a diode D, a capacitor C and an inductor L with the load resistor R connected in parallel with the capacitor. Current-mode control is used for this study. Current mode is one of the important inner current loops that is usually used for buckboost converters because only a voltage-mode control will make the converter experience a right-hand zero that will cause instability. Switch S is controlled by a feedback path that consists of a tlipflop and a comparator. The comparator compares the inductor current i and a reference current Zre,. The switch is triggered to ON when the clock
0 IEE, 2003
IEE Proceedinqs online no. 20030228 doi: 10.1049/ip-epa:20030228 Paper first received 29th January 2002 and in revised form 26th July 2002 K.W.E. Cheng and M. Liu are with the Power Electronics Research Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hong Kong J. Wu is with the Electric Power College, South China University of Technology, China

pulse is received and is triggered to OFF when the inductor current reaches the reference current (Fig. 1). The converter is assumed to operate in a continuousinductor-current mode. The inductance and period of the switching frequency T are so chosen that the inductor current never falls to zero. Hence, there are two circuitswitching states, according to whether S is closed or open. The switch S is closed at the beginning of each cycle, i.e. at t = nT. The inductor current rises linearly until i= Ire? Any clock pulse arriving during this period is ignored. When i = I,.+ the comparator is triggered ( Q = 0) to reset the clock pulse. The switch S opens and remains open until the arrival of the next clock pulse whch triggers S to close again. A sketch of waveforms of inductor current and capacitor voltage under higher than period-2 is shown in Fig. 2. With switch S closed, diode D is reverse biased. The operation of the buck-boost converter is described by two uncoupled first-order differential state equations, one for the inductor current and one for the capacitor voltage:


IEE Prm-Electr. Power Appl. Vol. 150, No 2, Murch 2003

The iterative model for the buck-boost converter can be








derived according to the magnitude of the inductor current, which is in turn determined by the cases of tn2 T and t, < T: (a) Case 1: t, 2 T: The switch S in the converter is in the ON state during a switching period T. The instantaneous values of illand U,, at next clock instant, and vn+I,can be solved from (1) and (2) with in and U, as initial values:


= i,,

+f T

= U , exp(-T/RC)


Fig. 2 Typical waveforms of capacitor voltage and inductor current in the current-mode-controlledbuck-boost converter

(b) Case 2: t, < T. It means that the switch S in the converter is switched from the ON state to the OFF state during a switching period T. The values of i,, and U , at the next clock instant, in+] and U,+], are solved from (3) and (4) with Zref and onep% as initial values. The solution of (3) and (4) depends on the parameters of the circuit values R,L and C. Hence, the iterative model for the buck-boost converter has three possible solutions:

The current i increases linearly and any arriving clock pulses are ignored during t h s period. As soon as the inductor current i reaches the reference current Ircfithen the switch is opened. This is also known as peak-current-mode control. When switch S is open, diode D is changed to forward biased. The buck-boost converter is described by a pair of coupled first-order differential equations: di - - 1 (3) dt Lvc
du, 1 . 1 (4) dt C RC If a clock pulse arrives next, switch S is closed again. This behaviour is illustrated in Fig. 2.


1 - 4R2C >0, i.e. R < 1 2 L



The roots of the characteristic equation of the original differential equations (3) and (4) are real and distinct. The solution is a monotonous increasing function without oscillation, i.e. the iterative map for the buck-boost converter is:
in+i = ci exp {ri(T - t,)}

+ c2 exp { o ( T -



= - L[ciri exp {ri ( T - t n ) }

+ c2r2 exp { Q ( T - tn)>l

Discrete model of the converter

In power-electronics circuits, the famous state-space averaging model is widely adopted by power-electronics engineers in their analysis and design. With the help of the state-space averaging approach, power-electronics circuits are often linearised to yield linear time-invariant models. This makes it possible for the engineers use a standard Laplace-transform domain or frequency domain. However, an averaged model abandons the switching details and only focuses on the envelope of the dynamic motion. It is only useful for analysing the low-frequency characteristics in the power-electronics circuits. Therefore, to explore the nonlinear phenomena which may appear across a wide spectrum of frequency, the exact discrete-time maps must be derived [17,18]. In this paper, the stroboscopic map, the most widely used type of discrete-time map for modelling DC-DC converters, is used to obtain the Poincare section, i.e. the system states, the inductor current and capacitor voltage, are periodically sampled at time instants, t = nT. Assume in and U , to be the instantaneous inductor current and capacitor voltage at time instants t = n T at which the switch starts to close, as shown in Fig. 2. The control of the switch is that the switch S is turned off when the inductor current reaches reference current ZrcpThe on-state time t, of S can be obtained by simple integration based on ( 1 )



4R2C = 0, i.e. R L


1 2


The roots of the characteristic equation of the original differential equations (3) and (4) are equal and real. The solution is also a monotonous rising function without oscillation. Hence, the iterative map for the buck-boost converter is:


4R2C 1 L 1 - -< O , i.e.R> 2 c L


The solutions of the characteristic equation of the original differential equations (3) and (4) are a pair of complexconjugate roots. The solution is damped oscillation. Hence, the iterative map for the buck-boost converter is:
I = exp { a ( T -

The capacitor voltage at t,, is obtained from solving (2):

+ c2 sin P(T

t, ) } { cl cos /3( T - t, )


IEE Proc-Electr. Power Appl. Vol. 150, No. 2, Murdi 2003


Bifurcation and chaos study of the buck-boost 4 converter

Bifurcation and chaos are studied here by using the time waveform of state variables, phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams. In fact, the bifurcation diagram is commonly used because it is easy to observe nonlinear phenomena. In a bifurcation diagram, a periodic steady state of the system is represented as a single point for a fixed set of parameters. During chaos, numerous nonrepeated points are plotted on the diagram because chaos means period infinity and the points never fall at the same position. Any circuit parameters can be used as bifurcation parameters. In the present study, input voltage E, reference current Ire,and load resistance R are used to investigate the change of behaviour in the buck-boost converter. Without loss of generality, the following assumptions have been made:
( U ) The converter operates in the continuous-inductorconduction mode. ( 6 ) The switching devices have no on-state resis.cance or voltage. (c) The energy-storage components have no series resistance.

1.5 1.0 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50

t, s ( ~ 1 0 . ~ )

39 3 4 37 36 -


Bifurcation parameter E

The circuit parameters are fixed at Iref= 4 A, R = 20 Q, L = 0.5 mH, C= 4 pF, T= 50 ps cf= 20 kHz). Input voltage E is varied from 45 V to 7 V in steps of 0.1 V. The circuit is then simulated and its final state-capacitor voltage V,
is sampled. T h e bifurcation diagram of the converter is


35 3433 32 -


30 -

shown in Fig. 3 which is simulated by the iterative map in Section 3. As E varies from 45 V to 7 V, the buck-boost converter goes through period 1, period 2, period 4, period 8 and eventually exhbits chaos as input voltage E reached 24V.

29 I 1.5







i, A

Wuwfornis and phase portruit in the buck-boost converter v\)ith E = 50 V a Time-domain current waveform
b Time-domain voltage waveform

Fig. 4



period 4

c Phase portrait









E, V

Fig. 3 Bijiurcation diagram o j the buck-boost converter with input voltage os parrimeter

When E is between 45V and 43.2V, the stable period 1 is observed. When E is less than 43.2V, the converter enters into a period 2 region. As the input voltage is decreased continuously to 29.0 V, the converter bifurcates to period 4. Further, peroid 4 bifurcates to period 8 at 24.4 V and so on. Therefore, the converter becomes chaos via the perioddoubling route. Although the converter becomes chaos when E is less than 24V, it is interesting to observe that a small periodic window, which also exhibits period-doubling cascade, is embedded in the chaos region. In the periodic window, the converter experiences period 3 to period 6 and so on when the input voltage E is between 12.4V and 11.8 V. Figs.4, 5 and 6 show the waveforms and phase portraits for input voltages of 50 V, 35 V and 25 V, which
IEE Proc -Elects. Power Appl. Vol. 150, No 2,March 2003



4.5 r 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0

1 .o










1.o 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0

t, s (x10-3)

L "




1.3 1.4 1.5 t , s (x10-3)






1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0

t, (xi 0-3)


34 32 30 28

22 20




i, A





16 1.O



i, A





Fig. 5 Wuveforms undphuse portruit in the buck-boost converter with E = 3 . 5 V

Time-domain current waveform b Time-domain voltage waveform c Phase portrait

Fig. 6 Waveforms and phuse portruit in the buck-boost converter bvith E = 25 V


Time-domain current wavefonn

b Time-domain voltage waveform c Phase portrait

correspond to period 1, period 2, and period 4, respectively. Figs. 4a, 5u, 6 4 4b, 56 and 6b show the time-domain waveforms and Figs. 4c, 5c and 6c show the phase portrait. It can be seen that, when E = 50 V, the converter is in stable operation, period 1. However, at E= 35 V, the converter has entered into the bifurcation operation; the waveforms shown in Fig. 5 show the period 2 situation. The corresponding phase portrait exhibits a period 2 loop. Similarly, when E = 25 V, period 4 operation is shown in Fig. 6. When E is further increased to 20V, the waveforms behave randomly, as shown in Fig. 7. There is a strange attractor observed in the phase portrait. The occurrence of a strange attractor means that the converter is working in the chaotic state.
IEE Proc.-Electr. Poiver A,@

The period-doubling bifurcation .is a breaking of symmetry. It represents the sudden appearance of a qualitatively different behaviour for a nonlinear system as the parameters vary. However, the equations governed the circuit are still invariant. As the period doubling repeats, an infinite period will eventually lead to chaos. There are numerous papers on this area of the period doubling and chaos phenomena; readers can also refer to the references listed in this paper.


Bifurcation parameter Iref

In this Section, reference current Zrfr is used as the bifurcation parameter. Reference current Ire,is varied from 0.8 A to 4.5 A with a step of 0.01 A, and all the other circuit parameters are fixed at the same values as before, i.e.


150, No. 2, Murrli 2003




1.5 1.01 ' 1.0 1.5
' ' ' ' ' ' 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 t, s (x10-3) ' '

2.0 2.5















Fig. 8 Bijurcntion in the buck-boost converter with reference current as parunieter



25 20


101 " 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5












t, s (xi o-~)

Similar to Fig. 3, a small periodic window, which also exhibits a period-doubling cascade, is embedded in the chaos region as shown in Fig. 8. In the periodic window, the converter experiences period 3, period 6 and so on when reference current Irej is set between 3.8 A and 4.1 A. At Ire,= 4.5 A, the waveforms of the converter are as shown in Fig. 9a and b and the phase portrait is shown in Fig. 9c. In Fig. 9, it can be observed that the waveforms appear to behave randomly and there is a strange attractor in the phase portrait. Again, the occurrence of a strange attractor means that the converter is working in the chaotic state.

40 35



Bifurcation parameter R

' 2


20 15 10 1.0

I 2.0 2.5 4.0 4.5

1.5 3.0 3.5

i, A

Fig. 7

Wuveforms and phase portrait in the buck-boost converter with E =20 V

a Time-domain current waveform

b Time-domain voltage waveform c Phase portrait

E = 12V, R = 2 0 R , L=O.SmH, C=4pF, T=50ps cf= 20 kHz). The bifurcation diagram has been simulated, and is shown in Fig. 8. Similarly to Fig. 3, the buck-boost convert-er goes through period 1, period 2, period 4, period 8, and eventually exhibits chaos as reference current Iref is varied from 0.8 A to 4.5 A as shown in Fig. 8. The stable period 1 is varied from 0.8 A is observed while reference current Iref to 1.lOA. The first bifurcation occurs at Ire,= 1.1 1 A and the converter enters a period 2 region. As the input voltage is continuously increased to 1.65A, the converter bifurcates to period 4. Further, period 4 bifurcates to period 8 at 1.96A and so on. The converter eventually goes to chaos via the period-doubling route.

As for the previous state, the load resistor R as a bifurcation parameter, is varied from 1 R to 25 R in steps of 0.05Q while other circuit parameters are fixed at the following values: E= 12V, Iref=4A, C = 4 p F , L=O.SmH, T= 50 ps cf= 20 kHz). The bifurcation diagram of the converter has been simulated and is shown in Fig. 10. As shown in Fig. 10, the buck-boost converter goes through period 1, period 2, period 4, period 8, and eventually exhibits chaos as load resistor R is varied from 1 R to 25 R. The stable period 1 is observed while R is varied from 1 R to 2.950. The first bifurcation occurs at R = 3.00 Q and the converter enters a period 2 region. As R is continuously increased to 4.80 0, the converter bifurcates to period 4. Further, period 4 bifurcates to period 8 at 6.20R and so on. Hence, the converter goes to chaos via the period-doubling route. It is interesting to observe in Fig. 10 that several small periodic windows, which also exhibit period-doubling cascade, are embedded in the chaos region. In the biggest periodic window, the converter experiences period 3, period 6 and so on when the resistance is changed from 18.9R to 21.2 R. The chaos state of the converter at R = 150 is shown in Fig 11. This can be illustrated by the strange attractor in the phase portrait. Occurrence of a strange attractor means that the converter is working in the chaotic state.
Numerical analysis of first period-doubling 5 bifurcation

From the simulation study in Section 4, it can be seen that the buck-boost converter exhibits a wide range of nonlinear behaviour when the bifurcation parameter is varied. In t h s Section, on the basis of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the mapping at the fixed point, the onset of the first period-doubling bifurcation point can be located
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl. Vol. 150, No 2, March 2003


35 -


._ 3.0
2.5 2.0 1.5 1 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 . 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 ' 5.0 5.5 6.0 ~

0 40


period 4 10 15 20 25

R, Q

Fig. 10 Bijiurcution in the buck-boost uesistunce us purunieter

converter with load

Therefore the iterative mapping can be written as

5 1 " 1.0 1.5




2.0 2.5

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5


5.5 6.0



35 30 -


2520 15 10 5 1.0

To simplify the calculation, a substitution of kl = &+, k2 = k3 = T is made. Hence t,, t:, c2can be rewritten as










i, A

n the buck-boost converter Fig. 9 Waveforms undphuse portruit i with Irej= 4.5 A

Time-domain current waveform

b Time-domain voltage waveform c Phase portrait

The iterative mapping of the buck-boost converter can be rewritten as


exactly. When one of the eigenvalues equals - 1, the period doubling occurs [19].

=exp{a(k3 +k2ij,)}(l,,~cosP(k3 + k 2 i n )

5 .I

Discrete model

The discrete model has been derived in Section 3. In the present simulation study, the parameters of the buckboost converter satisfy the following relationship because of the condition of the practical circuit for maintaining continuous inductor-conduction mode and low output ripple [lo]:
1 -4R2c <Oi.e.R>

-/1 L

2 c

IEE Proc.-Elrctr. Power Appl. Vol. 150, No. 2, March 2003


4.5 4.0 3.5

a 3.0 . i
2.5 2.0. 1.5-



2.5 3.0




5.0 5.5


t, s (x10~3)

Obviously, (18) are transcendental equations and the analytical solution cannot be obtained, so they can only be solved by a numerical method, such as the NewtonRaphson method [20]. Here, the 'fsolve' in MATLAB is used to solve the transcendental equations.

5.3 Derivation of Jacobian matrix

If the mapping of the buck-boost converter is written as (1 7), the Jacobian matrix of the mapping at the fixed point xe is the following..

51 ' " ' 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5


t, s

" ' " 3.5 4.0 4.5








30 -

where each item in the matrix, i.e. derived by (16) and (17):

2 ,2 ,2 ,2,can be
- in))

3 = - exp (u(k3 + k2in)} din

on exp {-ki(L,

25 -


20 -

b -



g j=
2.5 3.0 i, A



exp {.(a + kzi,)}





Fig. 11 Waveforms andphaseportrait in the buck-boost converter with R = 15 Q

a Time-domain current waveform b Time-domain voltage waveform c Phase portrait

A matrix is usually used to represent the mapping:


[ ionn+ + i' ]

[ ff;:::

' n , on, on,

4) 411


where 4 is the bifurcation parameter. It can be the input voltage E, reference current I,.$ or resistance R.


Calculation of the fixed point

For an n-dimensional system, a fixed point is a vector x* that satisfies the equation x* = F(x*). Therefore, for a discrete model, a fixed point is the solution that satisfies the equation xntl =x, when the steady state is reached. For
IEE Proc -Elecrr. Poweer Appl. Vol. 150, No 2,Murch 2003

5.4 Eigenvalue of Jacobian matrix and period-doubling bifurcation

It is well known that the eigenvalues of Jacobian matrix provides a useful method of evaluating the dynamics of systems. The eigenvalues can be obtained by solving the following polynomial equations: det[l.f

J ( x e ) ]= 0


where J(xJ is the Jacobian matrix found previously. Here, the variation of the eigenvalues as input voltage E and reference current Irefare varied will mainly be studied. If one of the eigenvalues equals - 1 , the corresponding bifurcation value is the first period-doubling bifurcation point when the bifurcation parameter is changed. First, the eigenvalues are examined as the input voltage E is changed. The set of circuit parameters used is the same as in Section 4, i.e. I,.,=4A, R=20R, L=OSmH, C=4pF, T = 50 ps (f= 20 kHz). The calculation result is listed in Table 1. For large input voltage E (greater than 43.08 V), both of the eigenvalues are located withn the unit circle in the complex plane. As E decreases, one of the eigenvalues moves toward - 1. When E = 43.08 V, one of the eigenvalues equals - 1, which implies the occurrence of perioddoubling bifurcation. It agrees with the simulation result in Section 4. Secondly, the eigenvalues are used to predict the onset of flip bifurcation if the reference current Zrcfis changed. Here the set of circuit parameters is also the same as in Section 4, i.e. E=12V, R=20R, L=OSmH, C=4pF, T = 5 0 p Cf=20kHz). The calculation result is listed in Table 2. For small reference current I,.e,(less then I . 1 142 A), both of the eigenvalues lie within the unit circle in the complex plane. As I,.cf increases, one of the eigenvalues approaches - I . When I,.ef= 1.1 142A, one of the eigenvalues is equal to - 1, which implies the occurrence of period-doubling bifurcation. It agrees with the simulation result as shown in Section 4.

the design stage. Because some parameters are fixed and others are changeable, the different combinations of circuit values lead to bifurcation and chaos. Therefore, it is particular important to study when the first period-doubling bifurcation occurs in the E, Z,.ef and R parameter space. Based on the previous analysis, it is clear that the solution of the fixed point cannot be expressed in an analytical form since the fixed point of the buck-boost converter is a set of transcendental equations. Therefore the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the mapping at the fixed point also cannot be expressed as a formula. The only way to study the first period-doubling bifurcation is a numerical method. The following study of the parameter space was the input voltage E as the bifurcation parameter. Other fixed circuit parameters are listed as L=O.SmH, C = 4 p F and J = 20 kHz.

6. I

Boundary equation at R= 20R

When R = 20 R and the reference current is varied in step, the first period-doubling bifurcation point can be calculated via the method stated in Section 5. Hence a series of first flip bifurcation points can be obtained under different reference currents I,ef The calculation result is listed in Table 3. Based on the calculation results in Table 3, the boundary condition can be obtained through a least square method (LMS), as shown in Fig. 12. The buck-boost converter works in the stable region if input voltage E and reference current Irej satisfy the following linear boundary equation (25):

E > 10.77Iref


Contrarily, the buck-boost converter will go to chaos via a period-doubling route if input voltage E and reference current I,., satisfy the following (26):

E 5 10.771,,


Therefore Fig. 12 provides a powerful tool for powerelectronics engineers when they choose the parameters of a buck-boost converter.

Boundary equations and parameter space of the buck-boost converter

6.2 Boundary equation at R= 30R and 40R

The location of the first bifurcation point when R = 30 C 2 and 40 C2 at various reference currents has been calculated using the method in Section 5 and has summarised in Table 3. The boundary condition obtained through LMS to express the stable region has also been calculated and summarised in Table 3. Finally, the family of the parameter

In a power converter, the most probable variable parameters are input voltage E, reference current i and load resistance R. The other parameters, such as inductor L, capacitor C and switching frequencyfare generally fixed at

Table 1: Characteristic multipliers with E as a bifurcation parameter ( f l refers to period one)

E, V
Fixed point:
iL, A



I., -0.9663, -0.9748, -0.9835, -0.9870, -0.9906, -0.9942, -0.9978, -0.9996, -0.9998,

0.3579 0.3578 0.3577 0.3577 0.3576 0.3576 0.3575 0.3575 0.3575 0.3575
Stable Stable

45 44.5 44 43.8 43.6 43.4 43.2 43.1 43.09 43.08

2.0288, 2.0407, 2.0527, 2.0576, 2.0625, 2.0673, 2.0722, 2.0747, 2.0750, 2.0752,

38.2242 38.1792 38.1330 38.1141 38.0950 38.0757 38.0562 38.0464 38.0454 38.0444


Stable PI Stable PI Stable PI Stable PI Stable


Stable PI Stable PI
Period doubling


IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl. Vol. 150. No. 2,Murcli 2003


Table 2: Characteristic multipliers with a , /s

Fixed point:

bifurcation parameter (PI refers to period one)




1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1 .OB 1.10 1.11 1.112 1.114 1.1141 1.1142

0.4900, 0.5052, 0.5205, 0.5359, 0.5514, 0.5669, 0.5748, 0.5763. 0.5779, 0.5780, 0.5780,

9.6173 9.7912 9.9641 IO.1360 10.3070 10.4771 10.5618 10.5787 10.5956 10.5964 10.5973

-0.9182, -0.9327, -0.9471, -0.9615, -0.9758, -0.9900, -0.9970, -0.9984, -0.9999, -0,9999,

0.3582 0.3581 0.3580 0.3579 0.3578 0.3576 0.3576 0.3575 0.3575 0.3575 0.3575

Stable PI Stable PI Stable PI Stable P1 Stable PI Stable


Stable P1 Stable PI Stable PI Stable PI Period doubling


Table 3: First flip bifurcation point with various loads R

Reference current lre6 A

E for first bifurcation point, V R= 20!2 R= 30Q R= 40Q

10.77 21.54 32.31 43.08 53.85 64.62 E > 10.77 lref

13.513 27.024 40.539 54.05 67.56 81.07 E> 13.5115lref

2 3 4 5 6
Boundav condition for stable

15.822 31.644 47.466 63.289 79.11 94.93 E> 15.8217 Iref

Frequency theorem about the parameters

7. I Invariance of bifurcation point under frequency scaling of the energy-storage














reference current, A

Fig. 12 Parameter space with R =20 Cl

space of the buck-boost converter is plotted in Fig. 13 which gives a complete picture of the onset of the first flip bifurcation points. The region under each of the line means that the converter goes period 2, period 4, period 8 and finally to chaos. Therefore if enough boundary equations are obtained in advance, with the help of the parameter space powerelectronics engineers can place the normal operating point far away from the boundary region to maintain a desirable behaviour. Ths is particularly important in power supply design.

Frequency scaling has been used in many circuit designs. Engineers can design a circuit at one frequency and extend the applications to other frequencies.This is usually the case for bifurcation and chaos studies because one design can be extended to check the condition of bifurcation and chaos for other operation frequency. In the simulation study, it has been found that the bifurcation diagram is not changed if the values of inductor L, capacitor C and switching frequency f are proportionally varied while other parameters are fixed. For example, in Fig. 14a, the simulation condition is E = 45: -0.1:7 V (vary from 45 V to 7 V with step = 0.1 V), Zrer= 4 A, R = 20 R, L = 0.5 mH, C= 4 pF, f'= 20kHz; in Fig. 14h, the simulation condition is E=45: -0.1:7V, Irer= 4 A, R = 20 R, L = 0.2 mH, C= 1.6 pF, f= 50 kHz. Their bifurcation diagrams are the same. This phenomenon spurs discovery of the following theorem. Theorem: For the nonlinear iterative mapping G of the buck-boost converter, the first bifurcation point is not changed if the values of inductance L, capacitance C and switching frequency are proportionately varied, i.e. L' = yL, C' = yC, f ' = ( f / y ) in such way that the impedance of L and C at the switching frequency remain constant while other parameters are fixed.
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl. Vol. 150, No 2,March 2003


Substituting (28) and (18), one obtains the equations






215 310 315 410 reference current, A





x sin {P(ki

+ &)})

- in = 0

Fig. 13 Parameter space with uurious loads









E, V a

It is evident from the previous two equations that the fixed point is not changed when the frequency is varied, provided that the impedance of the circuit component is unchanged. Similarly, substituting (28) into (19H23), one obtain the equations





25 E, V





Fig. 14 Bifurccition diagrain of buck-boost converter rviih d#&eni purizmeiers

Prooj From the previous analysis, the parameters of the buck-boost converter satisfy R > $ J$. The nonlinear iterative mapping G is expressed in (16), the fixed point is stated in (18) and the Jacobian matrix J(x,) at the fixed point x , is seen in (19)-(23). It is assumed that the values of inductance L, capacitance C and switching frequency are proportionately varied while other parameters are fixed, i.e.



1 J=-. f


(27 1


IEE Proc-Electr. Power Appl. Vol. 150. No. 2, Murcli 2003


and predicting the corresponding value of the other parameters. The above theorem is only an observation from hundreds of simulation results and is believed to be accurate. The mathematical proof is beyond the study of this paper and is reserved for further work.
Experimental results

The simulation results as shown in Section 2 have been verified by experimental examination for a buck-boost ,, and converter. Although three experiments including E, ,Z R as bifurcation parameters were carried out, here only one set of experimental results with E as bifurcation parameter under the period 2 condition is presented, because of the limited length of the paper. The specification of the converter is: ZIeY= 4 A, R = 20 R, L = 0.5 mH, C= 4 pF, T= 50 ps cf= 20 kHz). The source voltage E is varied from 45 V to 7 V. The experimental results are summarised in the following four sets of waveforms with a range of E. The range is obtained by simulation as described in Section 2. (i) period 1: E>43.3V (ii) period 2: 29V<E<43.3V (iii) period 4: 24.4 V < E< 29 V (iv) chaos: E<23.7V.


a + khiJl)}+ ,exp

{-k{ ( f , ~ ill)}

+ kii,l)} =L exp (a(k3 + hi,)}

x sin {/?(k;


Fig 15 shows the experimental results. The waveform shows a period 2 subharmonic. The value of E in t h s measurement is 35V. Very good agreement between the experimental results with the simulation results can be obtained .

Obviously, the Jacobian matrix J(x,) at the fixed point x, is not changed as the frequency of operation is varied, provided that the impedance of circuit component is fixed. That means that the eigenvalues are the same. Therefore the theorem has been proved.

7.2 Cyclic relationship of the circuit parameters under the boundary condition
In practice, it is advantageous to know the boundary condition for periods 1 to 2 so that the engineer c m avoid designing beyond the period 2 region. Because the simulation of one set of condition for E and Ire, is very time consuming, it is necessary to develop a simple method to obtain the boundary condition for all values of E and Irer. The condition as shown in (25) or Table 3 defines the relationship between E and ZIe1at the boundary of period 1 operation. Although the boundary condition is obtained by the least-square numerical method, it has been also checked by simulation that the boundary condition is valid for all , , , and E. This will generate an (excellent values of Z prediction of the boundary condition between Iref and E which can be summarised as follows: (i) Only a few boundary points can be used to generate the linear relationship between E and Zrej because the boundary condition between them is linear. (ii) This boundary-space line can be used to predict the occurrence of first flip bifurcation by giving either I,.,, or E

It is well known that the topologies of DC-DC converters are changed by the switching operation. This results in a nonlinear time-varying system. Hence, DC-DC converters exhbit a wide range of bifurcation and chaos behaviour under some conditions. In this paper, the bifurcation and chaos phenomena operated under the current-mode control buck-boost converter were studied. Ths paper has derived an iterative map for the buckboost converter under current-mode control. On the basis of the model, the bifurcation phenomena under variations of input voltage, reference current and load resistance have been investigated. Simulation results showed that the buck-boost converter exhibited a wide range of nonlinear behaviour. As the bifurcation parameter was varied, the system went to chaos via a period-doubling route. Based on the iterative map of the buck-boost converter, the fixed point and Jacobian matrix J(xe)of the mapping at the fixed point were obtained. With the help of the loci of eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix, the first bifurcation point of the buck-boost converter was investigated in detail. The theoretical analysis agreed with the numerical simulation. The research about the domains of bifurcation and chaos in the parameter space was particularly important because power-electronics engineers must choose the parameter values in order to obtain the desired behaviour. Moreover, engineers will consciously avoid the bifurcation and chaos domains if they understand thoroughly when the nonlinear phenomena occur. In this paper, based on the numerical analysis, the parameter space and boundary condition of the stable region of operation of the buck-boost converter
IEE Proc -Elmtr Power Appl Vol 150, No 2 .Murcli 2003

Fig. 15 Esperimentd results of period 2 N Inductor current (0.5A/division, 100 ps/division) h Capacitor voltage (4 V/division, 100 ps/division) e V/I trajectory (y axis 4 V/division, s axis 0.5 A/division)

were obtained. The parameter theorem was strictly proved

v i a m a t h e m a t i c s , i.e. for the n o n l i n e a r i t e r a t i v e m a p p i n g G

of the buck-boost converter, the first bifurcation point was not changed if the values of inductor L, capacitor C and switching frequency were proportionally varied in such a way that the impedance was fixed whde other parameters were fixed. This theorem stated a new relationship between the parameters in the converter and the switching frequency. In the parameter space of input voltage E and inductor reference current under different load conditions, the boundary condition followed a linear relationship between them. A cyclic relationship in the boundary condition could be found: If one of the parameters was given, the other parameter value of the onset of the first flip bifurcation could be obtained from the boundary condition.
10 Acknowledgment

The financial support of the Research Committee of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the RGC of Hong Kong is gratefully acknowledged under the project G-T222 and PolyU 5103/01 E.
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IEE Proc-Electr. Power Appl. Vol. 150, No 2, Murch 2003

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