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Proposed Remarks of GENERAL JESSE D DELLOSA AFP Chief of Staff AFP AFPSLAI 40th Anniversary Celebration 3 December 2012

Appropriate Greetings


Acknowledgements Being a member of AFPSLAI myself, I am enjoying the

benefits from the services this institution has been offering for forty (40) years now, it is truly my honor and pleasure to be here and celebrate with the men and women of Armed Forces and Police Savings & Loan Association, Incorporated, or AFPLSAI.

To AFPSLAIs President and CEO, LTGEN CARDOZO M LUNA AFP (Ret), who, in his, six months of leadership has ably led the institution toward the accomplishment of its vision and mission to every member of the Board of Trustees, whose guidance and strategic acumen have always ushered

AFPSLAI to relentlessly pursue competency, efficiency and quality services to its clients.

to each of the personnel, whose vigor to serve never wavers and to all members of AFPSLAI who, by means of their contribution to this institution, have helped AFPSLAI

promote industry, frugality and savings among its members 1;

and achieve its vision of becoming the most preferred and leading provider of financial services among the uniformed personnel HAPPY RUBY ANNIVERSARY TO US ALL!

II. Recognition of AFPSLAIs accomplishments and initiatives They say that the gemstone ruby is rare and precious deep red rubies are said to have been even rarer than diamonds. For ruby to symbolize 40th anniversaries is aptly founded. Because for a financial institution, to have come this far is truly rare and precious. It only bespeaks of the institutions devotion, dedication and compassion to its clients.

AFPSLAIs commitment is manifested on its mission to provide us services that would help uplift our lives; by assuring us its wise investment to take care of our hardearned money.

Through the years, AFSLAI has continuously evolved and expanded its services and products to cater

responsively to its ever growing clients. From a financial institution for the military personnel, it began to extend services to other organizations including the PNP, BJMP and BFP; regular employees of the AFP and DND; dependents of its regular members; PMA / PNPA cadets; and probationary officers of the AFP. Indeed, AFPSLAI has established a strong market presence as an institution that offers stakeholders satisfaction, financial stability, staff

competence and service excellence.

To bring its services and products more accessible to us, AFPSLAI has established branches in strategic locations to widen its reach and services to its clients; thus, enabling us to get access to our money in times of our needs with

less hassle. Now, the institution has 21 branches and 59 extension offices nationwide.

AFPSLAI also guarantees the comfort of both its employees and clients during their daily transactions by ensuring its facilities are operational and in their best of shape. As a proof of which, the new building of AFPSLAI Iloilo was just inaugurated last May of this year. With your new facility in Iloilo, I am pleased to know that our personnel assigned there would be able to make

transactions more conveniently.

Of course, what made AFPSLAI a trusted and preferred savings and loan association is the wide array of services and savings and loan products it offers to its clients. On this note I congratulate you for your continuous pursuit to cater to the financial needs of all your members.

Among your improved and better services, I would like to make mention of the following:

Enhancement of the Emergency Loan; Multi-Purpose Loan (MPL) extended to the Retired PNP and BFP Members;

Removal of co-maker and certificate of pension to retired PNP borrowers for the convenience of member-borrowers;

Implementation of Credit Redemption Insurance (CRI), which is deemed truly advantageous to the beneficiaries in case of a borrowers death;

Integrated Mission Critical System 2 (IMCS 2 Project) to upgrade AFPSLAIs computerized system;

Creation of the Credit Risk Management System for more effective risk management processes, thus cushioning not only the institution, but its clients as well, from high credit risks.

All of the accomplishments I have just mentioned are among the operational highlights of AFPSLAI from 2011 to date. Because of these programs implemented, we enjoy

improved and better services today.








consistently given the highest and tax free dividend rate per annum an interest rate which commercial banks can never offer. For us small investors who would want to get optimum yield from our meager investment, your offer has been truly among our best options. For a soldier with simple needs and lifestyle, savings with AFPSLAI can already provide for his future needs and emergencies. With regard to loans, AFPSLAI is also one who gives low interests; hence enabling us, borrowers, to avail of these without worries of being unable to provide for our families and settle our obligations because of the huge deductions from our salary.

Because of your affordable services and products, the increasing growth of AFPSLAI membership is certainly inevitable. This puts you closer to your vision of becoming the preferred and leading provider of financial products and services by 2015. And as early as now, I am already extending to you my warm felicitations for your success.

I would like to recognize as well that AFPSLAI has been asserting its commitment to be more socially relevant, as it shares with the AFP Community our social

responsibility of being able to extend support to our indigent and marginalized




outreach programs and similar humanitarian activities. AFPSLAI initiative includes the Scholarship Program which provides free tuition fees, books and monthly financial allowance; financial assistance to the bereaved families of our fallen comrades; and other assistance in kind and cash for all members who sought support from this institution.

AFPSLAI has been a very generous and kind partner of the AFP leadership in the advancement of welfare and morale of our troops, civilian employees and their

dependents. For years, this Financial Institution has been donating ambulances for the use of our medical facilities which greatly improved the mobility assets our military hospitals.

Above all, I am most grateful that apart from being our support in times of our financial needs, AFPSLAI has also been an active partner in our Bayanihan campaigns. With this, I thank AFPSLAI for your cooperation and participation in our peace and development initiatives.

For all of your accomplishments, initiatives and programs, all your members, and clients join me in lauding you and the people behind this institution. We recognize these endeavors with utmost gratitude and appreciation.

At this point, I would like to ask everyone to please give each and everyone a round of applause. (pause) III. Acknowledging the winners of the Search for Outstanding Member-Entrepreneurs (SOME) Moving forward, I also wish to acknowledge the winners of AFPSLAIs Search for Outstanding MemberEntrepreneurs (SOME). To the recipients of the awards, winning this competition only speaks that you live by the Association's vision and mission. I must say that for a

financial institution to encourage its members to imbibe


AFPSLAIs beliefs and principles, its employees should be the living examples for the members to emulate. Through this, the institution will be truly successful in promoting industry, savings and investment among its members.

I also congratulate AFPSLAI for launching such a contest. Surely, a lot of your employees and members will be encouraged to be financially responsible, industrious and creative to embark on enterprises that would help them elevate their standard of living.

IV. Challenges Ahead Now that you are treading your path to more successful and glorious years, I know that there will be challenges ahead. But in any case, the Philippine economy is on its way to positive growth; and with this, I am confident that AFPSLAI will capitalize on the new developments our country and the Southeast Asian region are experiencing. With the perfect mix of your sound financial policies and good investments, you were able to weather financial crises our country had gone through. Hence, using the same

formula you have exploited to reach this far, I trust that better opportunities, services and products will be provided by you to your most valued clients.

Ika nga ng inyong anniversary theme Journey to

Greater Heights Begins at 40. And so this is just another beginning for you. With new beginnings come greater

challenges as well as hopes and promises. Hence, may your anniversary theme be your ideals and motivation to move forward.

V.Final Remarks In closing, I once again congratulate the Armed Forces and Police Savings and Loan Association Inc for yet again besting another year.

Congratulations, too, to the awardees of Search for Outstanding Member-Entrepreneurs.

Maligayang pagbati at isang magandang umaga sa ating lahat!


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