Contrasting Two Approaches in A Community-Based Nursing Practice With Older Adults: The Medical Model and Parse's Nursing Theory

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Nurs Sci Q. 1997 Fall;10(3):124-30.

Contrasting two approaches in a community-based nursing practice with older adults: the medical model and Parse's nursing theory.
Baumann SL. Source
Hunter College, City University of New York, NY, USA.

This article contrasts the assumptions and concepts of two distinct approaches, the medical model and Parse's human becoming theory, as applied in a nurse-managed capitated community healthcare program for older adults. Many nurses incorporate aspects of the medical model into their practice without fully appreciating the implications or being aware of alternative perspectives. Within capitated health programs a nursing practice based on a nursing theory which emphasizes an intersubjective dialogue with older adults as they move toward different meanings and free choice is seen as more likely to be associated with greater satisfaction and reduced healthcare expenditures than a nursing approach based on the medical model, which relies on the objectification of human experience. Nurses can best balance the problem-focused orientation of a medical model dominated healthcare system by adopting an approach committed to recognizing that persons are the coauthors of their existence.

ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 1992 Dec;15(2):52-65.

Parse's theory as a model for practice: the cutting edge.

Cody WK, Mitchell GJ. Source
University of South Carolina, Columbia.

If nursing practice is the performing art of the science of nursing, then practice is guided by nursing theory and cannot be considered separately from it. Nursing theory based practice is the cutting edge of the discipline. Practice methods reflect the beliefs and values of the theories from which they evolve. Nurses' values and beliefs about human beings and health are incarnated in the way they practice. This article presents Parse's theory of human becoming as a model for practice; explicates the beliefs, values, and ethic of the practice method; analyzes the logical coherence of theory and method; illustrates the pragmatics of the method, and gives evidence of its soundness. The theory-research-practice triad developed by Parse articulates a paradigmatic view of the discipline as a whole with a view of the human being as a living unity freely choosing personal meanings in life situations. Parse's practice methodology provides nurses with a way of practicing with a focus on the quality of life as it is humanly lived. It is

presented here as the practice component of an emergent theory-research-practice tradition on the cutting edge of nursing science.

J Holist Nurs. 2004 Mar;22(1):57-72.

Parse's theory in practice. An interpretive analysis.

Hansen-Ketchum P. Source
St. Francis Xavier University.

Parse's theory of human becoming provides a foundation for understanding holistic nursing practice. The purpose of this article is to provide a description of Parse's theory based on an interpretive analysis of the author's nursing practice experiences. The interpretive analysis is not an outcome of formal study but results from reflective thought and journal writing. Details from reflections on nursing care experiences were analyzed for the concepts, processes, and rhythms inherent to Parse's theory. Praxis of Parse's theory creates the opportunity for nurses, patients, and families to reach profound dimensions of the human experience and participate in multidimensional healing. Outcomes of praxis for nurses also include personal and professional growth as well as discernment of holistic nursing practice.

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