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(1) Age : (2) Sex : Male/Female (3) Type of family : Nuclear/Joint (4) Place of Residence : Rural/ Urban (5) Father's occupation : Mother's occupation: (6) Monthly Income of Parents (a) Below 15000 (c) 25000-50000 (b) (d) 15000-25000 Above 50000 Qualification : Qualification :

(7) What type of School did you attended? (a) Government (b) Private

(8) Stream opted at Graduate level (a) Science (9) (b) commerce (c) Arts

In what grade did you make your decision to towards your career? (a) In 12th (b) 10th (c) elementary

(10) Your Aim in life :

(11) Do you regret registering the course you are currently doing? (a) Yes (please specify) (b) No

(12) In your views, which of the following factor play the most crucial role in career decision-making? (a) Education level of parents (b) Income level of parents (c) Comparison of one's children with Neighbour's/relative's child (d) Influence of friend's choice of career (13) Which sociological factors affects the choice of career? (a) Politics (C) family (b) Government Policies (d) Tribal Sentiments

(14) Does prestige affect career development? (a) yes (Please specify) (b) No

(15) Which economic factor affects the choice of career? (a) Poverty (C)needs (b) wealth (d) Demands

(16) Students, with high income families prefer overseas education, in the chosen field because (a) Perception that the Indian educational system is ineffective (b) Due to influenced by their parents/relatives

(c) As a status Hall mark (d) All of above (17) Which serve, as a better driving force, while making a career selection? (a) Parent's Encouragement (b) Winning awards & medals, (c) Self motivation (d) Prior Exposure (18) Does the present education system provide students with the appropriate skills & abilities for a successful career? (a) No (c) To a large extent (b) Can't say (d) To some extent

(19) Which of the following do you think have had the greatest influence on your career direction? (a) Teacher/Mentor/counselor's (b) career choice of friends (c) Parent's vocation (d) Media influence (20) How much important is the school's /universities vocational Program in the career selection & guidance? (a) Very important (c) (b) Doesn't Play any role (d) can't say

Some what important

(21) Was the 'Doctor/engineer/lawyer's such title important to you choosing your career? (a) Yes (Please Specify) (b) No

(22) Do you think "Dynamic Professions with numerous opportunities are the most attractive professions"? (a) Yes (b) No (c) can't say

(23) Did your Gender influence you in choosing your career? (a) Yes (Please Specify) (b) No

(24) Do you think marriage act as a factor in career decision making? (a) Yes (please specify) (b) No

(25) In your opinion, does the income level of parents has greater impact on career decision making? (fill the respective percentage category. which satisfies your view) (a) Less than 25% (c) 50 75 % (b) 25-50 % (d) more than 75 %

(26) Which of the following satisfies your view that technical education provides for better career opportunities? (a) Technical education provides children with quality knowledge (b) Technical education usually limits opportunities got career development (c) technical education considers to be "Job oriented" one.

(d) It prevents children from continuing in higher education. (27) would you say that university has been helpful in providing necessary information regarding career choice? (a) yes (b) No (c) cant say

Signature of the respondent

Signature of the surveyor

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