Final MYOB Insights Panel Terms and Conditions 2013 PDF

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MYOB Insights Panel Terms of Use

Introduction Welcome to the MYOB Insights Panel. This panel is designed to provide opportunities for MYOB to gain insights into what our customers think about MYOB products and services with the goal of better providing for customer needs. The panel is used for genuine market research services only and participation is voluntary. The panel complements other forms of market research and will provide us with quick turnaround survey results which may be investigated further in online focus group discussions or individual interviews. These on-line focus groups will give panellists a chance to discuss issues with other customers and in some cases get direct feedback from MYOB specialists. Panellists may also be invited to take part in other research activities such as face to face interviews or new product trials. Participation in this panel is by invitation only. MYOB will send invitations to selected customers from time to time based on who we think will be best able to help us with our information needs. The frequency of requests for participation in surveys and other research projects will vary but not expected to be more than once a month, unless by prior agreement. Panellists will be sent invitations by email to take part in surveys, focus groups and other research projects. Benefits of Panel Membership All participants in research projects will be entered into a prize draw each month. The number of entries for each person will be based on the number of surveys or research activities participated in during that month. There will be three prizes of $250 (Aus) each month, with each entry having an equal chance of winning. Full terms and conditions of entry are available here. Please copy and paste in your browser: Insights Prize Draws2013.pdf Panel members will also get to see what we are planning for the future, influence how we develop our products and services and in some cases help us with testing new product ideas. Online Discussion Groups From time to time you may be invited to take part in online discussion (focus) groups. There are some rules around this participation which are intended to protect other participants. MYOB reserves the right to enforce compliance with these rules. Behaviour deemed inconsistent with and in violation of these rules may lead to MYOB revoking MYOB Insights Panel membership. The following are examples of violations that would result in immediate termination of membership: Violating any laws, these rules, or infringing any third party rights; Posting material that is false, misleading, defamatory or invasive of another persons privacy; Posting material that is harmful, obscene, harassing, objectionable or otherwise unfit for publication; Collecting information about others without their consent; Copying, modifying or distributing content from surveys, discussions or MYOB Insights Panel website or otherwise infringing on the rights of MYOB (including but not limited to copyright and trademarks rights), or using and material obtained through participation in the panel for commercial purposes.

Unsubscribing Each email you receive from MYOB Insights will provide an opportunity to unsubscribe and end your membership of the panel. Options for removal include an unsubscribe link in the email or by emailing and placing request removal in the subject line.

Disclaimer Apart from any condition of warrantee expressly required by law, MYOB provides no warranty and makes no claim in relation to the operation of the MYOB Insights Panel. In the event of any breach of a statutory condition or warranty, MYOBs liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law. You assume the risk of acting on any information from any postings on the site or in the on-line focus group discussions. MYOB is not responsible or liable to you for any loss or damage caused by the use of the MYOB Insights website, reliance on information obtained through the website or otherwise arising from unauthorised, inaccurate or unlawful content. Respect Copyright Please do not post any copyrighted material to panel research projects. Keeping Personal Information Private Always use caution when giving out any personally identifiable information in discussion forums. Any postings that you place on these discussions can be obtained and used by other participants. MYOB reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to edit or remove postings to discussions which contain personal information. MYOB reserves the right to take action (legal or otherwise) in the event of breaches to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time at MYOBs sole discretion. Any changes will be posted on the MYOB Insights website and referred to in the newsletter. Any questions about these terms and conditions please contact

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