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Metastorm e Release 6.

July 2004


Installation Prerequisites

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Metastorm e-Work Release 6.5

Copyright 1996 - 2004 Metastorm, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed software and documentation. Use, copy, and disclosure restricted by license agreement.

e-Work is a trademark of Metastorm, Inc., Columbia, Maryland. Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 SQLServer, Oracle, MSDE, IIS, Internet Explorer, COM+, MMC, GroupWise, Outlook 2000, Outlook XP, Netscape Communicator, Java Runtime, eDirectory, Active Directory, Netware, ConsoleOne, Adobe, Acrobat, BizTalk, Intel Pentium, SharePoint Server, Virtual Machine, GroupWise Post Office, WordPad, Microsoft Mail are the trademarks (or property) of their respective owners.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the features and techniques presented in this publication. However, Metastorm accepts no responsibility, and offers no warranty whether expressed or implied, for the accuracy of this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission of Metastorm, Inc. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Metastorm, Inc., makes no warranty of any kind in regard to the contents of this document, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability quality or fitness for any particular purpose. Metastorm, Inc., shall not be liable for errors contained in it or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this document.

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Release 6.5

Installation Prerequisites
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Product Version Numbers................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Getting Further Information.............................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Installing e-Work in a Standalone Configuration ............................................................................ 2 Upgrading e-Work .............................................................................................................................3 2.1 Upgrading from e-Work 5.x.............................................................................................................. 3 2.1.1 Database Schema ...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Procedure Files.......................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Transaction Protocol................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.4 Web Client ................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.5 Public Access ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.6 NDS Single Sign On................................................................................................................. 5 Installation Prerequisites and Site Preparation ............................................................................6 3.1 Redistributed Software...................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Hardware/Software Requirements.................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Registering the Microsoft XML Parser ............................................................................................ 9 3.4 Engine ................................................................................................................................................ 9 3.5 Databases ......................................................................................................................................... 10 3.5.1 Database Preparation .............................................................................................................. 11 3.5.2 Using Oracle ........................................................................................................................... 11 3.5.3 Using SQL Server................................................................................................................... 11 3.5.4 Using MSDE........................................................................................................................... 12 3.5.5 Database Configuration.......................................................................................................... 12 3.6 e-Work Designer.............................................................................................................................. 13 3.7 e-Work Administrative Tools ......................................................................................................... 13 3.8 Web Server ...................................................................................................................................... 13 3.8.1 IIS Security and File System Security ................................................................................... 14 3.8.2 IIS configuration for Classic Mode support .......................................................................... 15 3.9 Sun Java System Web Server for Windows Support..................................................................... 15 3.10 Web Browsers.................................................................................................................................. 16 3.11 Portal Client Integration .................................................................................................................. 17 3.12 Client Components .......................................................................................................................... 17 3.13 Email ................................................................................................................................................ 17 3.13.1 Sending email via GroupWise........................................................................................... 17 3.13.2 Sending email via Microsoft Mail or Outlook .................................................................. 18 3.14 Default Input Locale........................................................................................................................ 19 3.15 Directory Extraction Installation..................................................................................................... 19 3.15.1 Install Sun JRE ................................................................................................................... 19 3.15.2 Install Metastorm Directory Extraction Service................................................................ 20 3.16 Active Directory Property Page ...................................................................................................... 20 3.17 NDS Single Sign On........................................................................................................................ 20

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3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27

BizTalk Data Web Service.............................................................................................................. 20 e-Work BizTalk Rules Services...................................................................................................... 21 WebSphere MQ............................................................................................................................... 21 e-Work MSMQ Triggers ................................................................................................................ 21 Business Activity Monitoring Administrative Procedure ............................................................. 22 Web Services Import Wizard.......................................................................................................... 22 Web Services ................................................................................................................................... 22 Classic Mode ................................................................................................................................... 22 Documentation Materials................................................................................................................ 22 External PDF Forms........................................................................................................................ 23

Appendix A Metastorm e-Work Release 6.5 Installation Prerequisites Checklist ....................24

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Release 6.5

Installation Prerequisites


This guide is designed to help you ensure the right environment is in place before installation of e-Work. Customers working with an e-Work consultant can use this guide to prepare the environment prior to the consultants arrival. This enables the consultant to install the e-Work software in the minimum time then move on to training or design work. The guide is intended to provide prerequisite information for installing e-Work on Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP Professional, or Windows Server 2003 and discusses the following topics: How to upgrade e-Work from a previous version Prerequisites for the e-Work installation.


Product Version Numbers

The Version number for a release of e-Work modules uses the format a.b.c.d, for example where: a is the Version number b is the Service Release number c is the Maintenance Release number d is the Build number.
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You can see this Version number by selecting the Help | About menu item from most e-Work modules. You may need this number if you ever need to contact e-Work Technical Support.


Getting Further Information

This manual does not cover the e-Work installation process itself or how to configure the thirdparty database that will be used with e-Work.
For detailed information on installing e-Work, refer to the Installation Guide. For details of the versions of environments supported by e-Work, refer to the Supported Environments Guide.


Installing e-Work in a Standalone Configuration

You can install a complete e-Work system on a standalone (i.e. not part of a domain) personal computer running Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003. A standalone installation is designed to support no more than one user, and should be used only for review of product features; training; or standalone development and testing. In addition to SQL Server and Oracle databases, a standalone installation can run against MSDE. If you are installing the e-Work Engine as a service on a standalone computer running Windows XP, you must ensure that: The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ForceGuest registry value is set to 0. The account that you nominate during installation has a password that is not blank.

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Installation Prerequisites


This section contains prerequisite information for upgrading from e-Work Version 5 to e-Work Version 6.
For detailed information about migrating to Version 6, refer to the Migration Guide.


Upgrading from e-Work 5.x

Before installing e-Work Release 6.5, e-Work Version 5 must be completely uninstalled. The installation will not update an existing installation.
e-Work 6.x uses different configuration settings to e-Work 5.x. For further details, refer to the Installation Guide.

e-Work Release 6.5 is largely compatible with e-Work Version 5. Where there are some incompatibilities, we have delivered tools to assist your upgrade. If you are upgrading from eWork 5.x, we advise you to study the Migration Guide which provides information on migrating Version 5 procedures to Version 6. The remainder of this section outlines what needs to be done to ensure a smooth transition from e-Work 5.x to e-Work 6.5.


Database Schema

Please note e-Work Version 6 does not support: Oracle 8.1.5 and 8.1.6, which were previously supported. If you use one of these, you must upgrade to a supported version of Oracle before installing e-Work 6.x. MSDE as a production database. However, it can be used for design, testing, and demonstration.

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You should not run an e-Work Version 6 Engine against an e-Work Version 5 database, as the database schema has changed to support new features. The Migrator tool within the Services Manager application converts an e-Work Version 5 database to the e-Work Version 6 schema. It also converts all published (live) procedures. The Migrator tool works on Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i, SQL Server 7 and SQL Server 2000 databases.
We strongly recommend you backup your e-Work 5.x database before migrating. For details of the Services Manager, refer to the Administration Guide. For full instructions on database migration, refer the Migration Guide.


Procedure Files

e-Work Version 6 stores all procedure components (maps, forms, roles, flags, etc.) in a single procedure (.epc or .xep) file. Library components are stored in a single library (.elb or .xel) file. Version 5 procedures can be opened in an e-Work Version 6 Designer but, once the procedure is saved, it can no longer be opened in the Version 5 Designer.
We strongly recommend you back up all your procedure files before opening them in e-Work 6.x Designer.

e-Work Version 6 has enhanced validation on procedure publication. It may therefore find errors not found by e-Work Version 5, and fail to publish a procedure. In this case, you must correct the errors before re-publishing.
Before migrating existing Version 5 procedures to Version 6 or publishing Version 5 procedures in Version 6, we recommend publishing them to a test system, and correcting errors.

e-Work Version 6 has more reserved words (which cannot be used in variable names) than eWork Version 5. So, if a variable in an e-Work Version 5 procedure uses any new reserved words, it must be renamed before the procedure can be published in e-Work Version 6.
For a complete list of reserved words, refer to the Reserved Words.txt file. This file is located in the Metastorm e-Work\Designer folder.


Transaction Protocol

Version 6 of e-Work introduced a new Transaction Protocol. However, the Version 6 Engine supports the old Version 5 Transaction Protocol. Programs using the Metastorm e-Work Version 5 Transaction Protocol may be amended to use the new Metastorm e-Work 6.x Transaction Protocol. The e-Work Version 5 Windows clients continue to work with e-Work Version 6. This is because the Version 6 Engine supports Version 5 Transaction Protocol.

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Installation Prerequisites


Web Client

Users of the e-Work Version 5 Web client who are upgrading to the e-Work Version 6 Web client: Should be aware that Netscape browsers are not supported by the new Version 6 Web client. However, the e-Work Version 6 installation allows you to install in Classic Mode, which means a Version 5 Web client may be installed alongside the Version 6 client. To access e-Work with Netscape, you must use Classic Mode. Should clear their temporary Internet files before using the e-Work Version 6 Web client. May need to delete the bookmark (Favorites list item) for the Web Client login page and create a new one using the URL provided by the e-Work administrator Should remove the e-Work Version 5 cookie file. The filename has the following structure: <Your Windows Account>@<Your Server Name/IP Address>.


Public Access

The anonymous user in e-Work Version 5 was hard-coded as eGuest. In Version 6, the name of the guest user is read from the eGuestUserName Column of the e-Work Version 6 database eServer table.
For instructions on configuring Public Access, refer to the Installation Guide.


NDS Single Sign On

In Version 6, the Sun Java Runtime Environment is required for Novell eDirectory Single Sign On. The Microsoft Virtual Machine is no longer supported.

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This section summarizes the preparation required for a Metastorm e-Work installation. It covers: Redistributable third-party software Hardware requirements, with particular detail on the requirements for the: e-Work Engine Databases e-Work Designer e-Work Administrative Tools Web server Registering the Microsoft XML Parser Web browser preparation Clients and email-related preparation Preparation for e-Work System Administrator and Services Manager Default input locale Directory Extraction Service installation BizTalk Data Web Service Reporting administrative process Web Services
For an Installation Prerequisites Checklist, refer to Appendix A.

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Installation Prerequisites


Redistributed Software

The following redistributable software is available in the Redist folder on the e-Work installation CD. The following table highlights the e-Work components and features for which the software is required:
Redistributed software Sun Java Runtime Environment Adobe Acrobat Reader SOAP Toolkit Microsoft .NET MSDE MMC MDAC (English, French, German or Spanish) e-Work component or feature Directory Extraction Service and NDS Single Sign On Documents Web Services Engine and Web extensions MSDE may be used only for stand-alone or test use of e-Work in product demonstrations, training and application development System Administrator and Services Manager tools e-Work database

Table 1: Redistributed third-party software


Hardware/Software Requirements

e-Work consists of a number of modules that can be installed on the same or different computers under different operating systems.
For details of Service Packs and supported versions, refer to the Supported Environments document.

The following table lists operating system, minimum memory, and disk space requirements for each module:
Module Engine

Environment Windows (2000, XP, 2003) COM+ .NET framework Windows (2000, XP, 2003) .NET framework Windows (2000, XP, 2003) Windows (2000, XP, 2003)

Processor 2 GHz

Memory 1 GB

Disk Space 30 MB + OLEDB


500 MHz

256 MB


Users and Roles System Administrator

500 MHz 500 MHz

128 MB 128 MB

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Module Services Manager e-Work Client for Novell GroupWise1 e-Work web part for SharePoint Server

Environment Windows (2000, XP, 2003) Windows (2000, XP, 2003) Novell GroupWise Windows Server (2000, 2003) SharePoint Portal Server Microsoft Internet Explorer Windows (2000, XP, 2003) Microsoft Outlook Windows (2000, XP, 2003) Windows (2000, XP, 2003) Windows (2000, XP) Internet connection for HTTP access Microsoft Internet Explorer Windows (2000, XP, 2003) Web server4 .NET framework Windows (2000, 2003) Sun Java runtime Novell eDirectory and/or Microsoft Active Directory and/or ODBC datasource Console One

Processor 500 MHz Min required for GroupWise 500 MHz

Memory 128 MB Min required for GroupWise + 70 MB 128 MB

Disk Space 6 MB + OLEDB 20 MB

20 MB

e-Work Client for Microsoft Outlook2 Client Components Notify e-Work Client for Internet Explorer3

Min required for Outlook 500 MHz Min required by OS

Min required for Outlook + 70 MB 128 MB 128 MB

20 MB

10 MB 20 MB 0

Web Server Extensions

Min required by web server

256 MB (required for web server) 128 MB

11 MB

Directory Extraction

500 MHz

4 MB

Metastorm Novell ConsoleOne Snapin Metastorm Microsoft Active Directory Property Page

200 MHz

64 MB

1 MB

Windows Server (2000, 2003) Microsoft Active Directory

500 MHz

64 MB

1 MB

1 2

Disk space and RAM requirements include those of Client Components. Disk space and RAM requirements include those of Client Components. 3 No e-Work software needs to be installed on the computer running the e-Work Client for IE. However, a web server must be available. 4 Details listed are for IIS. For the Sun Java System web server, an additional 16MB of RAM and 5MB of disk space are needed on the web server computer. An additional 16MB of memory and 1 MB of disk space are also needed on the Engine computer.

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Installation Prerequisites

Module PDF as external forms

Environment Adobe Acrobat Reader

Processor Min required for Acrobat Reader Min required for Acrobat Reader -

Memory Min required for Acrobat Reader Min required for Acrobat Reader 256 MB (required for web server)

Disk Space Min required for Acrobat Reader

Documentation materials

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Min required for Acrobat Reader + 25 MB 320 KB 250 KB 2 MB

Sample Procedures Adminstration Procedures BizTalk Data Web Service and Samples

Windows (2000, 2003) Web server .NET framework BizTalk

Min required by web server

Required components5: ODBC MDAC

DB-dependent SQL or Oracle

22 MB 21 MB

Table 2 Hardware/Software Requirements

The .NET framework install can be found in the Redist folder on the CD. The .NET framework should be installed prior to e-Work installation.


Registering the Microsoft XML Parser

The Metastorm e-Work Installation automatically installs the Microsoft XML Parser whenever any e-Work component is installed. For the XML Parser to be registered successfully, the computer on which the e-Work component is installed must have IE 5.01 or greater.



The e-Work Engine is the connection point for all e-Work clients. It provides access to the eWork database and performs the bulk of the processing. It is also the integration point for external applications, such as email systems and other applications. The e-Work Engine should be installed into the following environment: Intel Pentium (any version, minimum 2GHz). 1 GB memory. Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003.

Only one installation of MDAC or ODBC will be made on any computer.

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30 MB of disk space for the e-Work Engine itself, but more is required for the database and temporary files if they are to be stored on the same server. Actual disk space required depends on the number of e-Work folders that will be created. Account with administrator privileges, logged into Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003 during the installation. Windows 2000/Windows XP Professional/Windows Server 2003 account (usually called ework), set up before the e-Work installation, under which the e-Work Engine will run. This is normally a domain account. If you have set up e-Work administration groups, ensure this account is added to the e-Work Admins group.
For instructions on setting up e-Work administration groups, refer to the Administration Guide.

The .NET framework should be installed prior to the e-Work installation.

The .NET framework install can be found in the Redist folder on the CD. DCOM must be installed on any computer running the e-Work Engine. However, if installed on a separate computer, the e-Work Designer and utilities do not require DCOM.



The e-Work database holds all configuration details for the procedures and folders. It can be on the e-Work Engines server or a separate server, so long as the e-Work Engine can communicate with it via ODBC and OLEDB. For the e-Work Engine to read from or write to an external database, appropriate ODBC and OLEDB drivers must be installed on the Engines server PC. The e-Work Engine can communicate with a number of different ODBC and OLEDB-compliant databases.
For the list of supported database and driver configurations, refer to the Supported Environments document.

You can install all e-Work elements on the same computer or on separate computers, so long as each element can access the database information via an ODBC connection and a OLEDB connection. The following table shows the database access requirements:

DATABASE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS directly to Database directly to Database directly to Database through Engine through Engine through Engine to Database to Database to Database

Engine Designer Administrative Tools e-Work Client for Microsoft Outlook e-Work Client for Novell GroupWise e-Work Web Part for SharePoint Server

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Installation Prerequisites


DATABASE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS via Web Server through Engine to Database

Web Interface

Table 3: e-Work Component Database Access Requirements

The e-Work Web Interface requires access to the database through the Web Server and e-Work Engine, and will not function if you bypass either.


Database Preparation

The database should be installed and the following accounts set up before you begin the e-Work installation: Account with administrative privileges, so the required e-Work database tables can be created Account with read and write privileges, so the e-Work Designer and administrative tools can modify tables, and publish information to the database; and the Engine can read and write from the database.


Using Oracle

The e-Work Engine and Oracle can run on the same server, but performance may be affected. We usually recommend that the Engine and Oracle database are installed on separate servers. If Oracle is on a different computer to the e-Work Engine, the Oracle Client must be on the eWork computer so the Engine can communicate with the database via ODBC and OLEDB. It is recommended that you avoid running an Oracle 8.1.7 database with Oracle 9 drivers. This combination limits use of the Euro symbol.
Depending on your system configuration, you may decide to use different ODBC drivers than those listed in the Metastorm e-Work Supported Environments document, but remember their functionality with e-Work is not supported. Oracle Provider for OLEDB and the Oracle ODBC drivers can be downloaded from the Oracle web site:


Using SQL Server

If the e-Work database is running on a separate computer to the Engine and is running on Windows Server 2003, network DTC access must be enabled. To do this: 1. 2. 3. Start Add/Remove Programs from the Windows Control Panel. Select Add/Remove Windows Components. Under the Application Server option, select Enable network DTC access.

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Restart Windows.
If the Engine and web server are running they will need to be restarted.

MSDE is:

Using MSDE

Recommended only for stand-alone or test use of e-Work in product demonstrations, training and application development. Not supported for production use of e-Work.
MSDE is available in the Redist folder on the CD.

Checking the Version Number of MSDE e-Work runs against MSDE 2000. Ensure that this is the version on your workstation if you plan to install the e-Work Engine on a server with MSDE already installed. To check the version number of MSDE: 1. Use Find files to locate the Sqlservr.exe file. 2. Right-click the file name and select the Properties menu option. 3. Select the Version tab. You see the File version number. This should be in the format
If you plan to use MSDE, do not install any e-Work components on a workstation running MSDE earlier than MSDE 2000.


Database Configuration
For configuration information for each database, refer to the relevant Appendix in the Installation Guide: Appendix A Setting up SQL Server to Work with e-Work Appendix B Setting up Oracle to Work with e-Work Appendix C Setting up MSDE to Work with e-Work.

If you are using a SQL Server or MSDE database, it is possible to automatically run the database scripts to set up the e-Work database during installation. If you intend to do this, MDAC must be installed in advance.
MDAC is available in the Redist folder on the CD.

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Installation Prerequisites


e-Work Designer

The e-Work Designer is a client application.

For details of supported operating systems, refer to Table 2 Hardware/Software Requirements.

e-Work Designer is used to create a business process. It should be installed on a computer, which can connect to the e-Work database via ODBC and OLEDB.


e-Work Administrative Tools

The e-Work administrative tools are a set of tools used to perform a variety of administrative functions within e-Work. The administrative tools are: Users and Roles, which registers users with e-Work and associates them with roles Services Manager, which enables the database administrator to delete procedures, maps, forms, or folders from the system; and perform other administrative functions. This component also migrates e-Work 5.x databases to e-Work 6.x databases

System Administrator, which provides a single point of administration for all e-Work systems in an enterprise. It enables the e-Work administrator to start and stop e-Work Engines, specify authentication processes, run SQL queries, change e-Work Engine settings and examine e-Work error messages. These administrative tools can be installed on the same computer as the Designer or on different computers, as required. If they are installed on: Different computers, the requirements for each computer is the same as for the Designer computer. The same computer, each utility requires 3MB of disk space (above the requirements for the Designer computer) Either one or multiple computers, it must be possible to set up ODBC connections allowing both e-Work Designer and the e-Work administrative tools to communicate with the eWork database.


Web Server
For a list of supported web servers, refer to the Supported Environments document.

The e-Work web server extensions operate with Microsoft Internet Information Server. The web server and web server extensions must run on servers running Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003, in the same domain as the server on which the e-Work Engine is running (if connection to the e-Work Engine is via DCOM, but not necessarily if it is via HTTP); however, the web server does not have to be on the same server as the e-Work Engine.

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If the web server is to be installed on a different computer from the Engine, either: The web servers anonymous user must point to a network visible domain account

An account of the same name (as the IWAM launching account of the web server) with the same password must be set up on the server on which the Engine is running. In either case, this account must itself be present on, or be a member of a Windows user group which is present on the Client role list of the e-Work Engines COM+/MTS package.
For further information, refer to the Security subsection of the Engine section of the Administration Guide. For details of web server requirements, refer to Table 2 Hardware/Software Requirements. The web server should operate through s specified port, for example port 80.


IIS Security and File System Security

There are two levels of security that affect software applications installed under IIS: IIS security File System (e.g., NTFS) security on the folders which IIS uses to map to its web site directories and virtual sub-folders

IIS Security For each virtual folder or real folder on an IIS web server there are settings affecting whether you can read, write, browse folder contents or execute scripts and executables. To check these settings refer to the IIS MMC console: 1. 2. 3. Right click on the virtual folder. Select Properties Review the Directory Security tab for the settings.

For e-Works purposes, to have read rights on the e-Work virtual folder is a minimum requirement. The escripts folder is where the eweb.dll file and other ISAPI extensions are installed. This folder does not need read, write or directory browsing permissions. It only requires that scripts or executables can be run.

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Installation Prerequisites

File System Security It is a requirement that the IIS anonymous user (which defaults to IUSR_<machine name> account) and the IIS launching user (which defaults to IWAM_<machine name>) have read rights on the following folders/files: Program Files\Metastorm e-Work\Web6\eWeb and all sub-folders Program Files\Metastorm e-Work\Web6\eScripts folder (IIS launching account only) The system registry


IIS configuration for Classic Mode support

If e-Work is to be installed in Classic Mode on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, ensure that the Scripts virtual folder exists. By default Windows XP does not install IIS with the Scripts virtual folder. Either check the option during IIS installation or create the Scripts virtual folder manually before installing eWork in Classic Mode. On Windows Server 2003 you must create the Scripts virtual folder manually before installing e-Work in Classic Mode.


Sun Java System Web Server for Windows Support

The computer on which the e-Work Engine will run must have the following installed: .NET. This is available on the Redist folder of the e-Work Installation CD. It can also be downloaded from JDK. This can be downloaded from Microsoft Windows The e-Work Engine. Java 2 Extensions for Metastorm e-Work

The web server computer must be running: Microsoft Windows Sun Java System web server The Sun Java System web server default installation configures its Servlet 2.2 compliant container to use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which ships with the web server. Metastorm Web Extensions for Sun Java System for Windows JDK

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Depending on the version, it may be necessary to configure the Sun Java System web server to use JDK. To do this: 1. Open the Sun Java System Web Server Administration Server by clicking the Sun Java System Administration Web Server link. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select the Global Settings tab. Click the Configure JRE/JDK paths link. The Path variables for locating JAR/Class files for Servlets page is displayed. Click the JDK radio button. In the JDK Path field enter the path to the JDK installed on the computer. By default this path is c:\j2SDK1.4.1_02. Click the OK button. Restart the web server.

For more information about configuring Sun Java System, refer to the Sun Java System Web Server Administrators Guide. For more information on installing and configuring the Java 2 Extensions for Metastorm eWork and Metastorm Web Extensions for Sun Java System for Windows, refer to the Sun Java System Web Server for Windows Support guide.


Web Browsers

Client computers that are to participate in processes using a web browser must have privileges to access the web server on which the e-Work web server extensions are running. Test this by connecting to the web server. The Version 6 Web client does not support the Netscape browser. However, the installation does offer the option to install in Classic Mode if Netscape support is required. Installing in Classic Mode installs the Version 5 Web client
For a list of supported browsers, refer to the Supported Environments document.

No e-Work software needs to be installed on a computer where a browser is being used to access e-Work, however: Browsers must be set up to always accept cookies. This is because e-Work uses cookies to remember e-Work settings, for example, the To Do list sort order. Browsers must be set up to check for newer versions of stored pages automatically. This prevents a number of issues. Do not set the browser to never check for newer versions of stored pages.
For further prerequisites to using the Business Activity Monitoring process, refer to section 3.22.

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Installation Prerequisites


Portal Client Integration

To use the e-Work web part for SharePoint Server, the following must be installed: Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server. MDAC.
Metastorm typically provides MDAC when the Client Components are installed from the e-Work installation CD (the Client Components include it as a dependency). Instead of performing the standard installation from the CD, users working with the e-Work web part for SharePoint Server have the Client Components installed automatically for them when they navigate to the e-Work portal web page hosted within Microsoft SharePoint. The browser detects whether the Client Components are already installed and, if not, downloads and installs a CAB file containing the Client Components and any additional required files. However, since MDAC is significantly large (over 10MB), it is not bundled into this downloadable CAB file. MDAC ships as standard with Windows and is very likely already installed. If it is not installed, there are several options for installing it. It: Can be installed from the e-Work installation CD Is available for download from Microsofts web site.

Microsoft IIS


Client Components

The following e-Work clients make use of the e-Work Client Components: Outlook client GroupWise client e-Work web part for SharePoint Server Notify



If you want the e-Work Engine to send email via MAPI, the Engine computer must have the following installed: Windows messaging components

For MAPI, an email client such as Microsoft Outlook or Novell GroupWise. The mail client on the Engine computer must also be able to send email via a Post Office. If you want the e-Work Engine to send email via SMTP, the SMTP service must be installed and started on the Engine computer.


Sending email via GroupWise

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To send email via GroupWise, the following conditions must be fulfilled: Windows messaging must be installed on the e-Work Engine computer and must be available to the e-Work Engine account The GroupWise Client running on the e-Work Engine computer must be able to locate the GroupWise Post Office you want to use to send email through via TCP/IP The e-Work Engine user account must have a mailbox. This typically requires a NetWare user account with the same name as the e-Work Engines Windows Domain account, and a mailbox for this NetWare user. GroupWise client software must be installed on the e-Work Engine computer. No password must be set for this account unless the server requires a Novell sign-on when it is booted.
When sending mail (through either email client) the Engine uses the default profile name on the computer for its account. By default, it does not specify a password to perform its MAPI logon for that user, but you can change this, if required. For example, on a Windows domain, when trying to communicate with GroupWise from a computer that does not communicate with NDS, you may need to specify the password. You can do this by editing the MAPI key in the e-Work Engine's part of the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Metastorm\e-Work\Engine\MAPI The values are Profile and Password (both of type string). As with the database password, you can secure the registry key to prevent unauthorized access, although the e-Work Engine account must have at least read access to this key. GroupWise will use the password only if the server on which the e-Work Engine is running has a Novell network log on.

We recommend you send test email messages from the e-Work Engine computer while logged in as the e-Work Engine account, to verify that: The e-Work Engines default user profile can use the GroupWise client software The Engine computer can connect to the GroupWise post office computer using a TCP/IP connection. A mapped (direct) connection is unsuitable, as it will not be reconnected if the e-Work Engine is run as a service. Emails can be sent from that computer to all intended email recipients. A good way to send a test message is to open Microsoft WordPad and use the File | Send menu option.


Sending email via Microsoft Mail or Outlook

To send email via Microsoft Mail or Outlook, an appropriate version of Mapi32.dll must be available on the e-Work Engine computer.
Some early versions of Microsoft Outlook use an early version of this DLL and cannot send mail unless the Outlook client is open.

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We recommend you send test email messages from the e-Work Engine computer while logged in as the e-Work Engine account, to verify that all components for sending email are available on the computer. A simple way to send this test message is to open WordPad and use the File | Send command, since, like e-Work, Microsoft WordPad uses simple MAPI to send email.


Default Input Locale

The e-Work Engine computers default input locale must be from the same language group as the default for all connected client computers. For example, if an e-Work Engine's default input locale page is set to English (which uses the Latin1 (Western European) Code Page) all client computers must have default input locales that use the Latin 1 code page. The code pages, and the languages that use them, are: Latin 1 (Western European) which covers most West European languages: French, Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Portuguese, Italian, Albanian, Rhaeto-Romanic, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Faroese, Icelandic, and English. Latin 2 (Central European) which covers the languages of Central and Eastern Europe: Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Croatian, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian.


Directory Extraction Installation

If you are using eDirectory, when setting up your directory ensure that it contains at least one Organization object. This is needed for selection in the Container dropdown of the Extraction Context Wizard when you are configuring the Directory Extraction Service.

Directory Extraction installation is a multi-step process: 1. 2. Install the Sun Java Runtime Environment. Install Metastorm Directory Extraction Service.

Back up your e-Work database before you begin installation.


Install Sun JRE

To install the Sun Java Runtime Environment: 1. 2. Locate the Java Runtime Environment installer on the Redist folder on the Metastorm e-Work CD. Perform the default installation, accepting the default settings.

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Install Metastorm Directory Extraction Service

The remainder of the Directory Extraction Service installation is accomplished when you perform the e-Work installation process.
For the Directory Extraction Service to be installed, there must be a functioning installation of a supported Java Runtime Environment. The Directory Extraction component should be included in the list of options on the installations Custom Setup dialog. If not, this indicates that the Java Runtime Environment has not been installed or has been installed incorrectly. Verify that the JRE is present, run the installation if necessary and try again.


Active Directory Property Page

The Directory Integration Suites Active Directory Property Page must be installed on the domain controller machine of the domain you want to manage with the property page. This is where Active Directory Server is installed.


NDS Single Sign On

NDS Single Sign On is designed to allow automatic authentication of users whose details have been exported from a NDS directory service into e-Work using the Directory Extraction Service. In order to make use of the NDS Single Sign On facility, the following must be present: Novell classes for Java and JNDI Providers (NJCL). Sun Java Runtime Environment (including Sun Java Virtual Machine).
The Java Runtime Environment is available on the Redist folder of the CD.

Sun Java Plug-in.

Novell Netware Client In addition, the NDS user ID should not be longer than 255 characters.


BizTalk Data Web Service

To utilize BizTalk in e-Work, the following conditions are required: Microsoft BizTalk Microsoft Windows Server 2000 or 2003 Microsoft XML (MSXML) Parser MSMQ, if required, on the machine running BizTalk Server
For detailed BizTalk requirements, refer to your BizTalk documentation.

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e-Work BizTalk Rules Services

When this feature is selected during the e-Work installation, and the: e-Work Engine is also selected, then e-Work Engine BRE support files are installed. e-Work Designer is also selected, then e-Work Designer BRE support files are installed.

When this feature is selected during the e-Work installation and: the BizTalk 2004 Rules Composer or BizTalk Rules Engine are detected on the system, then e-Work Folder Data for BizTalk files are installed. the BizTalk 2004 Rules Engine is detected on the system, then e-Work BizTalk Web Service files are installed. none of the above combinations are present, then only documentation for BRI is installed.

.NET must be installed on BizTalk Rules Composer and BizTalk Rules Engine machines.


WebSphere MQ

WebSphere MQ requires Java Messaging to be installed in order for JMSAdmin to be able to define the required Deadletter and Retry queue definition (as MQ Queue & MQ Queue Connection Factory).


e-Work MSMQ Triggers

Installation of e-Work MSMQ Triggers requires the presence of: IIS The MSMQ Triggers service. Under MSMQ versions 1 and 2, this service is called MSMQ Triggers. This is available as a separate download utility from the Microsoft web site. Under later versions of MSMQ this service is called Message Queuing Triggers. It can be installed as a standard system component (Windows Components | Message Queuing | Triggers) via the Control Panel (Add or Remove Programs) The Microsoft .NET Framework.

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Business Activity Monitoring Administrative Procedure

e-Work ships with an administrative procedure called Business Activity Monitoring. Once published, this allows the e-Work administrator to run a number of reports. In order to view the report information via a choice of graphs: Microsoft Graph must be present on the client computer. This is included as part of Microsoft Office. If used the web browsers: Internet settings must be set up to allow ActiveX Intranet settings must be set to low security. Adjust the custom levels of security in the browsers Internet Options.


Web Services Import Wizard

To use the Web Services Import Wizard, the Microsoft SOAP Toolkit must be installed on the: Designer computer, for importing Web Services Engine computer, for using Web Services.


Web Services

When using a web service on a Windows 2003 Server, the account the Engine runs under must have full access to the Windows Temp directory. This is a known Microsoft issue.


Classic Mode

When installing e-Work web extensions in Classic Mode, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine or the Java Plugin (1.4 or higher) must be installed and enabled. These options can be found in Internet Explorer under Tools|Internet Options|Advanced.
For information about configuring IIS for e-Work in Classic Mode, refer to section 3.8.2 IIS configuration for Classic Mode support.


Documentation Materials

e-Work documentation in PDF format is provided with the installation. Adobe Acrobat Reader is not required to install the documents, but is required to access these files.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is available in the Redist folder of the CD.

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External PDF Forms

In order to open PDF attachments in the browser window when using e-Work with Internet Explorer, Adobe Acrobat must be installed on the computer hosting the web server.

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Appendix A Metastorm e-Work Release 6.5 Installation Prerequisites Checklist

The following table should be completed by the customer and handed to the consultant when they arrive on site:
# 1 2 3 4 Item Name of Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003 server for e-Work Engine installation. Windows or Active Directory Domain account under which eWork will run. Confirm this account is a member of the Power Users group if running under Windows 2000. Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003 Account with administrative rights to use for eWork Engine installation. Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003 installed. Windows Messaging installed on Server for user named in 2. Only required if e-Work Engine is to send email via MAPI. 7 Mail Client installed (name and version). Only required if e-Work Engine is to send email via MAPI. 8 9 Confirm that the client in 7 can send mail to other users. If GroupWise is being used, confirm there is an IP connection between the server in 1 and the server running the post office. Yes No Yes No Yes No Oracle 8i Oracle 9i Oracle 10g _____ MS SQL Server 7 MS SQL Server 2000 12 Confirm Microsoft SQL Server Service Pack and ODBC/OLEDB/MDAC versions (refer to the Supported Environments document). Yes No Account Password Yes No Account Password Yes No Yes No Completion Details

5 6

10 Confirm WordPad can send mail to other users when logged in as user in 2 if the e-Work Engine is sending mail via MAPI. 11 Database with which e-Work Engine will run. You must have your database set up prior to installing e-Work.

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Completion Details

13 Name of server on which database runs. 14 Service name for Oracle 15 Account to log on to server in 13 if the server is different from that named in 1. 16 Database account with administrator rights to create tables when software is installed. 17 If an ORACLE database is being used, confirm that system privileges for database account have been provided. Account Password Account Password

18 Database account, User ID, and password of e-Work Engines database account (if different from the account in 14). This must be able to write to tables. 19 Database Account that Designer and Administrative Tools will use (if different from the account in 14). 20 Web server installed.

Account User ID Password Account Password IIS5 for Windows 2000 IIS5.1 for Windows XP Prof. IIS6 for Windows Server 2003

21 Name of Windows 2000/Windows XP Professional/Windows Server 2003 computer on which web server will run (if different from that in 1). 22 Windows 2000/Windows XP Professional/Windows Server 2003 Account with administrative rights for installation of eWork web server extensions software (if different to that in 2). 23 Confirm web browsers can connect to server in 19. 24 Confirm the Designer computer can connect to the Engine database via OLEDB and ODBC. 25 Confirm the Administrative Tools computer can connect to the e-Work Engine database via OLEDB. 26 Confirm the e-Work Engine server can connect via ODBC and OLEDB to any external database necessary in the application. 27 If Outlook client is to be used, confirm that Outlook is installed on each client computer. 28 If GroupWise Client is to be used, confirm that GroupWise is installed on each client computer. Account Password Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

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Completion Details Yes No, other Yes No Yes No

29 If you are using IIS to provide an HTTP Listener service for e-Work, confirm that port 80 is available for the web server, or specify another port. 30 Confirm that the .NET framework has been installed. 31 If installing the Directory Extraction components, verify the Sun Java Runtime Environment is installed. 32 If installing the Directory Integration Suites ConsoleOne Snapin, identify the ConsoleOne directory with administrator privileges where the Snapin will be installed. 33 If installing the Directory Integration Suites Active Directory Property Page, verify that Active Directory and MS2000 Server are installed. 34 If installing the BizTalk Data Web Service, verify that BizTalk is installed. 35 If installing the Web Services Import Wizard, verify that the SOAP Toolkit is installed.

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Table 4:Installation Prerequisites checklist

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