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ACT I Scene 1 Floor; fully lit, therapists office, DR. BUMBY swinging key on chain like a pendulum, leaning against his desk. ALICE staring intensely at it, seated in the middle of a two person couch, dressed in dark raggy clothing, hair in a messy bun. Stage; no lights, curtains open Song: Jason Tai - Therapy DR. BUMBY Come now Alice, Its only a dream. ALICE Its not a dream its a.. memory, and it makes me sick. Stage; lights up, Floor; lights dimmed. Enter stage left MR. LIDDELL, MRS. LIDDELL AND LIZZIE, going about normal day. DR. BUMBY Now focus. Wait, your floating again. Weightless, relax. Sound effect: fire/burning ALICE Fire! Im... Im in hell! Smoke on stage, MR. LIDDELL, MRS. LIDDELL AND LIZZIE coughing, choking, fanning flames. DR. BUMBY Forget it, abandon that memory Its unproductive. Go to Wonderland. ALICE I cant, Im trapped in my past. MR. LIDDELL, MRS. LIDDELL AND LIZZIE all collapsed. presumed dead. Enter stage right OFFICER and SARGENT OFFICER Sargent look! Theyre badly burnt, call a doctor! SARGENT waves over DOCTOR Enter stage right DOCTOR




DOCTOR I dont think theyre going to be alright, the epidermis... Its singed to the third layer. DR. BUMBY No Alice, discard that delusion. Forget it, go to Wonderland. Lights down on stage, curtains close. Floor; lights back up. ALICE Id rather not doctor, Its shattered, Its dead to me. DR. BUMBY Alice, listen to me, go to Wonderland. Now. Where are you? ALICE Ah, Ive found it, my beautiful refuge. Mm. Its different somehow. Things have changed... DR. BUMBY Change is good. Its the first link in the chain of forgetting. ALICE Wait, somethings wrong. Oh, no! Not that! (squirming and loosing focus) DR. BUMBY Dont struggle Alice, let the new Wonderland emerge. ALICE Pollution, corruption. The new Wonderland Its killing me! My mind is in ruins! DR. BUMBY Forget it Alice, block that dream. Now. Wake at the sound. DR. BUMBY picks up a bell to wake her Sound effect: "ding" Enter CHARLIE, CHILD 1 and 2 from right wing to floor, children sit cross legged, play amongst themselves and with toys. DR. BUMBY There Alice. Better now arent we?




ALICE My heads exploded and theres a steam hammer in my chest. DR. BUMBY Yes well the cost of forgetting is high. ALICE My memories make me vomit, what can iDR. BUMBY Remember other things. (interrupting her) Let me put a record on to calm your nerves DR. BUMBY starts playing a record through his gramophone on his desk Song: Benny Goodman & His orchestra & Martha Tilton - Bei Mir Bist Du Schon ALICE I want to forget, who would choose to be alone imprisoned by their broken memories? DR. BUMBY Ill set you free Alice. Memory is often more a curse than it is a blessing. ALICE So youve said, many times... DR. BUMBY And ill say again. The past must be paid for. DR. BUMBY sits at his desk, writing a review of the session, reading it out loud as he writes. ALICE still recovering from her memory. "Patient has suffers hallucinatory episodes, even as a child, never recovered from the shock. Patients condition has worsened, no doubt because of the fire resulting in the passing of mister, misses and young Lizzie Liddell". Now before our next session collect your pills from the high street chemist. DR. BUMBY hands ALICE a prescription, CHARLIE walks to the door. ALICE Very well doctor, Ill go do that now.




ALICE opens door to find CHARLIE on the other side CHARLIE Its my turn to forget Alice CHARLIE walks in and sits on the couch DR. BUMBY Now Charlie, your father was hung for killing your mother, who beat you. Lets forget that shall we? The past is dead Charlie. ALICE walks out and shuts the door behind her, curtains open, Enter right stage WHITE RABBIT, hopping about, checking the time. CHILD 1 Wasted doctors time? ALICE I deserve my tears, leave me alone.. CHILD 2 (saying to CHILD 1) 10 years in the loony bin. No mother, no father. Shes an orphan. ALICE ignores the children, walks up right flight of stairs to stage to get medicine. sees WHITE RABBIT. CHILD 1 and 2 exit right wing, DR. BUMBY exit left wing, Lights down on floor. ALICE Rabbit..? White rabbit! WHITE RABBIT runs off stage, ALICE follows. Scene 2 Enter ALICE right stage, looks around for WHITE RABBIT, monsters begin to emerge and encircle ALICE Song: Roisin Murphy - Royal T ENTER NURSE WITLESS left stage, creatures grow closer light grows darker, NURSE WITLESS walks closer to ALICE, creature start to exit stage, NURSE WITLESS puts hand on ALICES shoulder, creatures all exit, lights go up.




NURSE WITLESS My stars and garters, Alice Liddell. ALICE Nurse witless. What luck. NURSE WITLESS Out on your own? You look frazzled deary, your not doing well? ALICE Not really, I was on my way to get some pills and I thought I saw.. NURSE WITLESS Your stuffed rabbit? I think I saw him down the alley. ALICE goes to search for WHITE RABBIT Still a mess, humph, no surprise her kin roasted like chestnuts before her eyes, 10 years in Rutledge asylum wasted every ones time, doctor Bumby wont do better, still hauling out questions about the fire, her memory. I deserve consideration dont I? who got her a place at Bumbys orphanage? Whered she be without me? On the street! Selling her backside! ALICE I cant find him! NURSE WITLESS Come on deary come back with me, theres some chores you can help me with. ALICE and NURSE WITLESS exit stage, lights fade down, lights fade back up, enter NURSE WITLESS, followed by ALICE carrying things for NURSE WITLESS, ALICE puts down items. ALICE Nurse witless do you mean to harm me..? To send me back to the asylum? NURSE WITLESS I wont say no, youre an unappreciative girl arent you? Im the one who got you out of wretched place, got you a place with Dr. Bumby andNURSE WITLESS staggers offstage and comes back on quickly, starts morphing into one of the creatures that were attacking ALICE before


CONTINUED: ALICE What..!? Nurse, no! No! Noooo!


ALICE staggers back, hands out stretched, crouches down hands holding her head as NURSE WITLESS comes toward her, lights fade, curtains close. Curtains open revealing the set to be wonderland. ALICE lying in middle of the stage, arms holing herself together, in blue dress and white apron, hair freed from the bun she had previously. Enter CHESHIRE CAT from left stage, gazes upon ALICE lurking, unseen by her. Song: Lustre - Spirit Alice slowly regains consciousness and gets up slowly, looking around. ALICE Is it mad to pray for better hallucinations.. Alice looks around more Where am I..? At least the place Ive landed is somewhat familiar. CHESHIRE CAT About time, too, Alice. ALICE Blasted cat! Dont try to bully me. Im very much on edge! CHESHIRE CAT Purrfect. When youre not on edge, youre taking up too much space. ALICE Youre no help at all! CHESHIRE CAT But you know I can be. Im the Cheshire Cat CHESHIRE CAT takes ALICEs hand to shake ALICE Ill frighten myself when necessary, Cheshire, thanks very much. I was hoping to escape all that! CHESHIRE CAT Abandon that hope. A new law reigns in this Wonderland, Alice, its very rough justice all round. Were at risk here, you be on your guard! (CONTINUED)



ALICE I havent come here looking for a fight. CHESHIRE CAT Mm pity, ones certainly looking for you. ALICE Wonderlands changed Cheshire.. I dont feel safe here anymore. ALICE and CHESHIRE CAT walk exit stage left, lights fade down, lights fade up ALICE and CHESHIRE CAT enter stage right. A table with a pot and spoon is set off to the side. CHESHIRE CAT Where entering Hatters Domain. Appearances, as you know better than most, can be deceiving, Alice. ALICE Dr. Bumby says change is constructive, that different is good. CHESHIRE CAT Different denotes neither bad nor good, but it certainly means not the same. Id talk to the Hatter Alice, he knows more about different than you. ALICE But does he know the difference between good and bad? CHESHIRE CAT Do you? You ARE mad remember? ALICE (offended) Ive managed without you so far, Cat. Return to whatever hole you reside in, Ill call if I need you. Enter DUCHESS and walks to table, begins to cook. CHESHIRE CAT Predictably rash. Its not a question of if, Alice, its when. CHESHIRE CAT exits stage, ALICE notices DUCHESS, DUCHESS notices her back still stirring her pot. DUCHESS Ah, Its you Alice, you may approach.




ALICE Why would I do that... (stepping on bones on the floor) you want to eat me... youre a cannibal! And how do you know my name? DUCHESS Oh nonsense Alice you dont remember? Well, you have abandoned us for so long i was begging to wonder if you had finally gotten out of that wretched asylum. I am the Duchess, DUCHESS extends a hand out to greet ALICE Charmed. ALICE Why um.. why exactly do you eat people? DUCHESS Pish posh Alice dont be such a kill joy, Ive lost my taste for the insane. Im strictly on a porcine diet, everythings better with a bit of bacon dont you agree? Of course you do. ALICE Duchess Im looking for the Mad Hatter, a friend, to make sense of what Wonderland has become, where can I find him? DUCHESS Why I havent the slightest clue, my alabaster skin needs protection from the harsh environment youre so eager to make sense of, hell be around. This is his domain of course. Now go away. ALICE walks offstage holding her head, curtains close. Enter ALICE right side floor, right side is dimly lit, with a spotlight on ALICE. Song: Air - Highschool Lover ALICE Our lovely library was a fire trap. A disaster waiting to happen! I was the last one in the library, the night of the fire. The log I added to the grate was dead when I went upstairs to bed. Enter MR LIDDELL, MRS LIDDELL and LIZZIE If it wasnt... Im responsible for my familys deaths.. Spotlight moves to center floor




LIZZIE Youre part frog, Alice, I swear. You jump so well! MRS LIDDELL If you leap from that table again, Alice, Ill expire. Youre 2 times too reckless, my girl. ALICE Mother...? Lizzie..? ALICE gets up and slowly goes to inspect if her family is really there. MR LIDDELL Picking up a book off the shelf, opening it and reading from a page Amanita muscaria, Alice, is merely a stinky toadstool. A spongy consistency, but poisonous. You know it as a mushroom. ALICE Father..? LIDDELL family walk over into spotlight, forming a family photo, staring straight, and through ALICE. MRS LIDDELL Lizzie, remember when a burst of steam lifted your dress up around your neck? Just outside Harrods it was. Fortunate your undergarments had just been laundered. ALICE and LIZZLE giggle ALICE Oh Lizzie, it really is you.. and mother and father.. i missed you all so much ALICE rushes towards them, soon realising they cant see her. MR LIDDELL Whoever destroys a soul, destroys the world. There is much wisdom in that, Alice. LIZZIE Papa, your enthusiasm for photography makes the Library smell like rotted fruit. And Im certain those solutions are toxic! MRS LIDDELL Well all roast in our beds, Alice, for the sake of your fathers unnatural devotion to printed paper. This (MORE) (CONTINUED)



MRS LIDDELL (contd) horde of flammables wants only a malignant spark, and poof... Our flesh and blood is smoke and ash. ALICE My.. family... no.. no this must be a memory.. Alice falls to her knees They really are gone.. Lights fade to black on floor Scene 3 ALICE and DR. BUMBY enter floor to therapists office, lights up, ALICE is on the couch, DR. BUMBY leaning on his desk. DR.BUMBY Alice have you been taking your pills you do seem a bit... ALICE Happy? DR. BUMBY Manic. Verging on... ALICE Ecstatic DR. BUMBY Psychotic, I fear youve taken a turn for the worst, want to end up in Rutledge Asylum again? No, and whats this nonsense I head about Wonderland being real? We go there in our sessions ONLY, as a coping mechanism. Youre confusing reality and fantasy. ALICE But it IS real doctor. I saw the White Rabbit and next thing I knew I was there, Cheshire Cat, the Duchess, and talk of the Mad Hatter too! Theyre all scared, somethings threatening Wonderland, but Im close to the truth I can feel it. DR. BUMBY The truth is your beloved cat knocked over a lamp and caused that fire. You suffered terribly because of it, but Im going to help you forget if you just cooperate. ALICE DYNAH DIDNT CAUSE THE FIRE SOMEONE ELSE DID. IM GOING TO FIND OUT WHO AND WHY, AND IT COULDNT HAVE BEEN (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ALICE (contd) ME... I SAW THEM, I SAW MA PA AND LIZZIE, THERES MORE TO THIS STORY! DR.BUMBY Alice calm down this is your survivors guilt talking. Flush the unpleasant from your mind, Alice. Reject the painful as you would the repulsive and depraved. Forgetting is an art. ALICE I need to find the Mad Hatter hell know what to do. ALICE storms off up to left wing. DR. BUMBY Alice, no wait! Lights fade on floor, exit DR. BUMBY. Curtains open to Wonderland revealing MAD HATTER on the floor fixing his hat and a long table containing items for a tea party. ALICE enters Wonderland from right wing. MAD HATTER Forgettings just forgetting except when its not. Then they call it something else. ALICE Hatter Ive been searching for you! What can you tell me about whats happening in Wonderland? MAD HATTER Completes hat and puts it on his head. I feel like an un sprung spring, like an un corroded nail, like an un tarnished piece of metal that sticks in your eye! ALICE Answer me Hatter, Im suffering, and changes here are a cause, or theyre the reflection.. or the effect. Whats going on? What are the new rules? MAD HATTER The law is just. Just a whisper away. Who knows how to measure rules? With a ruler! Cruel rules. ALICE Youre madder than I am, the least you can do is tell me whats going on!




MAD HATTER Do I look like I know? Your judgment must be severely impaired. Come join me for a spot of tea. MAD HATTER grabs a cup off the table and offers it to ALICE, the two hear a a steam train noise and Wonderland starting to shake. Sound Effect: Steam Train ALICE What was that!? MAD HATTER Now its the Infernal train! Never time for tea. Enter DOOR MOUSE and MARCH HARE sneakily, sitting down and enjoying the tea party. While your brains on holiday were ruined! Now were all mad here and thats a good excuse for going to hell in a teapot, but not for forgetting what your senses saw. ALICE The Infernal train? DOOR MOUSE Youll never stop us! Silly Hatter and Alice ALICE and MAD HATTER turn around to see DOOR MOUSE and MARCH HARE at the tea party. MARCH HARE The trains left! Youre too late! MAD HATTER The insolence, the arrogance the execrable table manners! They are destroyers of Wonderland! Defilers! Denuders! Derangers! ALICE The March Hare and the Door Mouse control the infernal train? MAD HATTER No the two are just a slave to its corruption. DOOR MOUSE Enough talk! Abandon false hope! Forget the past! MARCH HARE The damage is done ahahahhaahahahahhaha!! let the madness begin!!




MAD HATTER Enough you two! MAD HATTER strikes DOOR MOUSE and MARCH HARE across the back of the head, knocking them out. All I wanted was another tea party! We can still be friends hahahahaha! MAD HATTER cranes their heads back, forcing them to sip tea although unconscious. ALICE Where is the train going! Whats Its purpose tell me now! MAD HATTER Never mind what you want to talk about Alice its time for some tea. DOOR MOUSE and MARCH HARE regain some consciousness, but are still dazed. DOOR MOUSE The one who lead you here.. MARCH HARE He knows the about the infernal train, and who set it in motion.. ALICE Rabbit? White rabbit lead me here into this mess! ALICE runs off stage, lights fading down behind her. Scene 4 Curtains open, WHITE RABBIT enter stage right, hopping about about and checking the time, ALICE enter stage right running and searching, she spots WHITE RABBIT. Song: Bjork - Army Of Me Enter CARD GUARDS, they march to the song, blocking ALICE from easily making her way to the other side to tlak to WHITE RABBIT The two shout over the guards to ALICE Rabbit i need you to tell me ab-




WHITE RABBIT checks the time one more WHITE RABBIT Im late! Im late Alice I dont have the time! WHITE RABBIT goes to leave ALICE What are you so late for? ALICE takes a step towards WHITE RABBIT, Card guards stop and turn and move in paterned formation forming a maze, making it impossible for ALICE to get to the WHITE RABBIT, the earth starts to shake and there are train noises. Sound Effect: Steam Train WHITE RABBIT For the train Alice, of course! ALICE starts to make her way through the maze, rushing. ALICE What? Please dont tell me youre the conductor! WHITE RABBIT Im not the enemy you seek Alice, we must all play our assigned roles, are you a pawn or a queen? An idiot or a practiced fool? However this turns out consider the prospect that youve been misled Alice. Then ask by WHOM? ALICE Who set that bloody train in motion!? Where is it coming from!? WHITE RABBIT It arrived when you arrived. And its more horrible then you can even imagine, the death of a dream! ALICE The death of MY dream, my Wonderland is shattering! WHITE RABBIT Everyone knows the mischief began among your fathers mountain of paper, Alice; the real question is how? Caterpillar may know! WHITE RABBIT exit stage. ALICE gets out of the maze and reaches for WHITE RABBIT but misses him.




ALICE WAIT! Lights fade, curtains close. Scene 5 Enter CHARLIE, CHILD 1, CHILD 2, seated on floor playing with toys and eachother. Enter ALICE for therapy session with DR. BUMBY, ALICE passes children and enters room to find no one there, resumes the playing of a record already in the gramophone and sits on the couch trying to relax. Song: Todd Rollins - The Boogie Man Enter DR. BUMBY stage seedily, talking and playing with the children, We hear lyrics in the song begin Boo, Im the Boogie Man The terrible, horrible Boogie Man I come in the middle of the night and frighten, bad little girls like you. Beware, better have a pair Im going to follow you everywhere I crawl through the ceiling and walls and fall on, bad little girls like you. ALICE begins to realise significance and become susspicious of DR. BUMBY Ill torture you and hunt you Ive got you where I want you A victim of my dark and dirty plot Lights become brighter over DR. BUMBY and CHARLIE, CHILD 1, CHILD 2 foreshadowing and hinting towards the significnce of the lyrics and DR. BUMBYS characteristics and past behaviours. And at the slightest whim Ill tare you limb from limb In other words Ill put you on the spot (CONTINUED)



Boo, Im the Boogie Man ALICE now has an assumption and is looking for evidence in DR. BUMBYS ofice, scared he may come in, she opens a drawer and is distracted by her search The terrible, horrible Boogie Man I come in the middle of the night and frighten, bad little girls like you! DR. BUMBY enters his office and sees ALICE rumaging, he lets her for a while before turning the record player off, gaining her attention, ALICE is stunned and quickly shuts the drawer. DR. BUMBY Alice. Youre early for our appointment.. he walks to wards ALICE, she backs away seems like youre eager to tell me soemthing.. ALICE Oh! Why no, no not at all doctor.. I do um.. I have to go ALICE goes to leave, DR. BUMBY stands in her way, and then lets her pass, starting at her leave. DR. BUMBY goes to his desk, picks up his phone and dials. DR. BUMBY Yes, hello. Prepare a room, sadly your recently released patient Alice Liddel has taken a turn for the worst, I fear she needs to be commited for more... treatment. Yes thankyou, goodbye. DR. BUMBY hungs up and sits at his desk. lights fade to black, exit DR. BUMBY to left wing.


ACT II Scene 6 Curtains open to ALICE in dim lit mist. Song: Air - Empty House ALICE The cat saved my life! I didnt leave the lamp in the library and she didnt didnt knock it over! She was in the room with me when the fire started! Enter LIZZIE left stage. LIZZIE A locked room is little more than a cage. A prison by another name. I despise concealment of any kind. ALICE Lizzie hated locked rooms. Her room was farther from the fire than mine. Smoke could not have killed her. She never locked her door! And besides, she knew another way out of the house... out of the window! LIZZIE His hand was slimy, Alice; like an eel from the Isis. And his name wont help. ALICE What was his name!? Oh Lizzie.. I wish you could hear me, that I wasnt just seeing you in my head. LIZZIE Claimed Id stolen his heart. Trifling with his affections! Creepy sod. Touching me... Told Papa to never invite him to tea again! Im no toy! He wanted me to do things I didnt want to do. ALICE So.. Someone incapacitated or killed Lizzie, then locked her door, then took the lamp downstairs and started the fire to cover up their crime! Their plan was to kill us all! Exit LIZZIE ALICE Lizzie wait! Tell me what happened to you.. Lights down, curtains close, ALICE exit stage. Lights up floor, floor is set up like asylum. (CONTINUED)



Song: Yoav and Emily Browning - Where Is My Mind? ALICE is in the left corner of the floor in a striaght jacket sitting against white walls, beside her is WHITE RABBIT. WHITE RABBIT I want to take the ears of, but I cant. I hop, and when I hop, I never get off the ground. ALICE Rabbit..? what are you doing here? WHITE RABBIT Its my curse, my eternal curse. I want to take the ears off but I cant! Its my curse! My eternal curse! ALICE Rabbit no! Calm down! Im so sorry! None of you are safe when my mind is in ruins! WHITE RABBIT I want to take the ears of but I cant!! please!!! take them off!!! PLEASE!! TWEEDLE DEE and TWEEDLE DUM, RADCLIFF enters behind them. DR. RADCLIFF In my professional opinion madness is often a curable disease, but not in this case. NURSE WITLESS Cruel to be kind thats my technique as they say, but shes as mad as a hatter poor deary. DR. RADCLIFF Humiliation I say, I approve your release, and you come back like a bad penny, reputation I say, people talk Alice, STAY Alice, SIT. TWEEDLE DEE and TWEEDLE DUM pick ALICE up, DR. RADCLIFF and NURSE WITLESS follow, place her in chair, place head drill on her head. TWEEDLE DUM proceeds to drill the top of her head. TWEEDLE DEE If it isnt whats her name from the idiots ward. TWEEDLE DUM Yeah, its Alice, uncles prize lunatic.




NURSE WITLESS These instruments are gruesome but a hole in the head gives the troubles more space! TWEEDLE DEE and TWEEDLE DUM pick her up again and lay her on a near by bed, NURSE WITLESS and DR. RADCLIFF follow. NURSE WITLESS has a jar of leeches. NURSE WITLESS Some mental conditions are relieved by blood letting, doctor thinks they wont be effective but Im at the end of my tether, and these leaches need the work! TWEEDLE DEE A bakers dozen nurse let me put them on her! TWEEDLE DUM No let me nurse pick me! NURSE WITLESS hands TWEEDLE DEE leeches, he proceeds to put them on her. When finished DR. RADCLIFF throws her stuffed rabbit at her. ALICE What..? You, stole had my rabbit.. I need... to know, what happened.. the truth.. DR. RADCLIFF You abandoned it the last time you were here at Rutledge Asylum you silly girl. NURSE WITLESS, DR. RADCLIFF, TWEEDLE DEE and TWEEDLE DUM move back to chair. Enter from right wing to floor CHESHIRE CAT, DUCHESS, MAD HATTER, DOOR MOUSE, MARCH HARE, WHITE RABBIT, MR LIDDELL, MRS LIDDELL and LIZZIE. All surround and look to ALICE, who is sitting upright, staring at herself in the vanity beside her bed. ALICE Have I gone mad...? DOOR MOUSE Im afraid so.. MARCH HARE But Ill let you in on a secret.. the best people are DR. RADCLIFF In a huff as usual, oozing with attitude and accusations, Ive stolen her rabbit. Ridiculous. She goes on and on about her killing memories, her need to know the truth (CONTINUED)



DR. RADCLIFF gets out paper and reads off it. Well truth from the coroners report is: the families cat knocked over that lamp and caused the fire, the blaze trapped her parents and her sister upstairs, Lizzie never unlocked her door and died in her bed DR. RADCLIFF puts paper away. The guilty cat ALWAYS sets her off she denies it makes no sense it cant be true well I agree, from the get go Alice was my candidate, the girls a pyromaniac obsessed with fire, I once remarked that she had role in her families demise, and she suffered a psychotic episode. ALICE falls back on bed. EVERYONE exit stage, lights fade to black. Scene 7 Curtains open to Wonderland, a small potion labeled "drink me" sitting on a table is to the side of the room, stage is dark except for table, table area is lit. Song: Emilliana Torrini ALICE How am I meant to find caterpillar like this? I have a better chance of squashing him. ALICE notices potion and goes to it, fabric sheet comes in front of ALICE as she drinks it, a light pointed at the sheet growing further away giving us the illusion that she is shrinking. Fabric sheet gets pulled away and lights come up, revealing large set, as if ALICE is small, CATERPILLAR is seen sitting on a beautifuly cusioned platform smoking a hookah. ALICE Dr Radcliff...? CATERPILLAR Yes, but in wonderland I would prefer Caterpillar. But the question on my lips is WHO are YOU?, No dont tell me, the famous Alice, am I correct? and you came to me seeking knowledge? ALICE Yes, my memories are shattered, this infernal train has ruined nearly all I can recall, and Wonderland will perish completely and then ill I loose my mind. I need to save all my friends. (CONTINUED) White Rabbit



CATERPILLAR Youve got it backwards Alice, save Wonderland and youll save yourself. ALICE The White Rabbit told me you could tell me about the infernal train? CATERPILLAR The train isnt the problem Alice its just the result, the Queen has been neglected! She MUST be served. ALICE The red queen? If my head was on properly shed cut it off! What could she know that I dont? CATERPILLAR She is someone you once knew and loved, she knows all, find her Alice, youve left it long enough, she grows impatient. CATERPILLAR blows smoke all round ALICE, fabric sheet comes in front of ALICE a light pointed at the sheet grows closer giving us the illusion that she is growing. Curtains close. Scene 8 Curtains open lights up, RED QUEEN is on throne in corner of stage, enter ALICE followed by CHESHIRE. Song: Jason Tai - Queensland CHESHIRE CAT About time you got here Alice. You and the Red Queen cant coexist, shes meant to be dead, but she cant roll over and do so without telling you what she knows first, this is YOUR hallucination remember? ALICE Youre too little too late Cat, the Caterpillar told me pretty much the same thing.. he also said I once knew her.. who could she be? CHESHIRE CAT Well go over there, and find out. Exit CHESHIRE CAT. ALICE walks over to RED QUEEN. ALICE ...Lizzie?




RED QUEEN You dont know your own mind, ha! You may address me as Red Queen, or your highness. ALICE Its a compete stranger.. RED QUEEN gives ALICE a sour glare ..your highness. RED QUEEN What you claim not to know is merely what youve denied, youve captured your memories, what are you doing with them!? Youve allowed another person to succeed in poisoning it. ALICE Can you give me more than a warning Lizzie? I mean, Red Queen. Caterpillar said youd help, that youre the key, serve you, and ill be free. RED QUEEN You see the pattern of destruction, I know you do, the Infernal Train is destroying all memory of your past and especially the fire, now, who would want that? Who benefits from your madness? ALICE The destruction of Wonderland is the destruction of me and visa versa, Im innocent, someones doing this to me. I didnt kill my family! Im not the reason youre dead.. RED QUEEN Yes, the train must be stopped. Your view conceals a tragedy, the whole truth you cant see confused you because you wont LOOK at whats AROUND you! ALICE A certain doctor opened a practice mere weeks before the fire. I saw him, a preening undergraduate. Now I remember him! Dr. Bumby! That key he uses to hypnotize me belongs to your room! RED QUEEN Go Alice. Do your worst. ALICE Only if you come with me. ALICE and the REd queen run off stage lights fade, throne is moved off stage.


Scene 9 Lights come up revealing children, like live stock, are wondering around in mist, confused, dressed the same, wearing numbers around their necks. DR. BUMBY is standing on the left side of the stage appearing to be waiting for something. Enter ALICE and RED QUEEN right stage, slowly making her way through the children. Throughout the scene all wonderland creatures come on one by one, comforting the children and stading with ALICE and the RED QUEEN. Song: Jason Tai - Moorgate Station ALICE You oozing sore of depravity! Children wearing numbers around their necks, as If they were breeding livestock! DR. BUMBY A declaration on their pedigree. You could use one. Theyre proud. ALICE You monster! They cant remember who they are or where theyre from! How many minds have you twisted to forget!? DR. BUMBY Not enough! Yours would have been a triumph! Still, youre an insane wreck! My work is done. ALICE Youve used me and abused me, but you will NOT destroy me! DR. BUMBY No? The damage is done. You cant even recognize whats happened. And youre powerless to change it or move against me. Ive made certain of that. ALICE You corrupted my memories, but you failed to make me forget! DR. BUMBY I wouldve made you into a tasty bit! Clients out the door waiting for a piece from a raving delusional beauty, with no memory of the past, or no sense of the future. But you wouldnt forget, you insisted on holding on to your fantasies. Youre MAD! Like your sister.




ALICE DONT speak of her! You didnt know her!... You took advantage of my sister, burnt our house down and killed my family to cover your crime! You will PAY! Ill see you charged. In prison, some half-wit bruiser will make you his sweetheart... and then youll HANG! DR. BUMBY Oh really!? A hysterical woman, former lunatic, roaring outrageous accusations against a respectable doctor. My god, Alice, who would believe you? I scarcely believe it myself. ALICE You... MONSTROUS creature... Such evil will be punished! DR. BUMBY Oh, I hardly think so, Alice. Youre powerless against me. In any case, youre well known for you failure to distinguish fantasy from reality. Your imagination will destroy you. ALICE It will save me! Live stock children, wonderland creatures and ALICE all together push DR. BUMBY, their force throws him in front of a train, killing him, and freeing them. Sound Effect: Steam train Live stock children take off their numbers and run around happy. ALICE embraces RED QUEEN, MR AND MRS LIDDELL Enter, the family embrace. Enter CHESHIRE CAT. CHESHIRE CAT Ah Alice, forgetting pain is convenient, remembering it? agonizing, but recovering the truth is with the suffering. And our wonderland though damaged is safe. CHESHIRE CAT turns to audience ...For now. Lights fade to black curtains close.

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