Paper 2 SPM Trial2007

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SULIT 4551 Chemistry 2012 1 Hour NAMA CALON


PUSAT TUISYEN ERA PELANGI PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN SPM 2012 CHEMISTRY 1 Hours 30 Minutes DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO 1. 2. Tuliskan nama dan angka giliran anda pada ruangan yang disediakan. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan atau sebahagian soalan sama ada dalam bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris.


FULL MARK 13 1 2 3 10 10 10 20 20







OBJECTIVES [13 MARKS] 1. When 1.52 g of a metal oxide of Z is reduced, 1.04 g of the metal is obtained. Determine the empirical formula of the metal oxide. [RAM: O,16; Z,52]. A B C D

ZO2 Z2O Z2O3 Z3O2

Which of the following chemical equation is balanced? A B C D 2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2 + 2NH3 + H2O 2CuO + 4NO2 + O2 2Cu(NO3)2 heat KI + Pb(NO3)2 PbI2 + KNO3 CuCO3 + HNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + CO2 + H2O

In a chemical reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid, 36cm 3 of carbon dioxide gas is collected at room temperature. What is number of mole of carbon dioxide collected? [1 mole of gas occupies a volume of 24 dm3 at room temperature and pressure] A B C D 0.0015 mol 0.067 mol 1.50 mol 1.61 mol


Which noble gases given below is used to fill airships and weather balloons ? A B C D Helium Neon Argon Xenon


Table 5 shows the electrolysis of two solutions using carbon electrodes.

SULIT Electrolyte Product formed at Anode Sodium chloride solution 1.0 mol dm-3 Silver nitrate solution 1.0 mol dm-3 P Oxygen Cathode Hydrogen Q


What are the products P and Q? A B C D P Chlorine gas Chlorine gas Oxygen gas Oxygen gas Q Silver Oxygen gas Hydrogen gas Silver


Which of the following statements is true about an acid? I II An acid turns blue litmus paper red. An acid contains hydrogen ion in aqueous solution

III An acid has a pH more than 7 IV A B C D


An acid reacts with metal to give off hydrogen gas. I and II III and IV I, II and IV II, III and IV

Two experiments are carried out as follows: Experiment I 100 cm3 of 1.0 M HCl is added to 10g of marble chips at 30oC.

Experiment II : 50 cm3 of 1.0 M HCl 1.0 M is added to 10g of marble chips at 50oC. Which of the following graphs shows the volume of carbon dioxide (V) collected against time (t) in both the experiments?




Excess zinc metal is added to 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid. The hydrogen gas evolved is collected at 20 second intervals. The results are tabulated in Table 6: Time /seconds Total volume of H2/cm3 0 0 20 30 40 55 60 75 80 90 100 90

What information can you obtain from the result of the experiment? I No hydrogen gas is given off at time 100 seconds.

SULIT II The average rate of reaction is 0.9 cm3 s-1. III The total volume of hydrogen gas collected is 340 cm3. IV The rate of release of hydrogen gas decreases with time. A B C D


IV only I and IV I, II and IV I, III and IV

The general formula of an organic substance that can decolourise the purple colour of acidified potassium permanganate(VII) solution is A B C D CnH2n+1OH CnH2n+1COOH CnH2n CnH2n+2


Which of the following pairs of substances are not isomers ? A B C D Hexane and 2,3-dimethyl pentane 1-butene and 2-methylpropene Pentane and 2,2-dimethylpropane 2-chloropentane and 3-chloropentane


In which of the following compounds is the oxidation number of nitrogen the highest? A B C D KNO2 NH4Cl N2O HNO3


Magnesium ribbon, tin foil, copper foil and zinc foil are coiled around four different iron nails. The metal pairs are then placed in a test tube containing aqueous sodium chloride solution. Which of the test tubes will contain the highest concentration of iron(II) irons after 2 days. A B C D


When a mixture of carbon and copper(II) oxide is heated strongly

SULIT I II III IV the oxide ion loses two electrons.. the oxidation number of carbon increases from 0 to +4 the copper(II) oxide acts as the reducing agent.. the copper(II) ion accepts two electrons


A I and III B II and IV C II, III and IV D I, II, III and IV STRUCTURE [ 30 Marks] Answer all questions in this section. 1 Table 1 shows the number of protons and neutrons of three atoms. Atom S T U V a) (i) Number of protons 16 16 17 18 Number of neutrons 17 18 18 17

What is meant by the proton number and nucleon number of an atom? Proton number Nucleon number [1 mark]


Represent atom S in the form of


[1 mark] (iii) Which of the atoms are isotopes? (iv) State a reason for your answer in (d)(i) [1 mark] (b) An organic compound Q has of 64.87% of carbon, 13.51% of hydrogen 21.62% of oxygen. [Relative atomic mass: H,1 ; C,12 ;O, 16]



(i) Determine the empirical formula of compound Q.

[1 mark] (ii) If the relative molecular mass of compound Q is 74, find the molecular formula of compound Q.

[1 mark]


Atom A Atom B Write the electron arrangement for atom A and B. [1 mark]

(d) i)

A and B can form a compound. What type of bond holds atom A and B together?


What will happen to atom A during the formation of the compound with atom B? [1 mark]

iii) Draw the electron arrangement of the compound formed in (b)(ii)



[2 marks]

iv) State two physical property of the compound formed ...... 3 [1 mark]

A student carried out three experiments to study a factor that affects the rate of reaction. Diagram 1 shows the result for the experiment. Experiment I II III Eksperimen

Set-up hydrochloric acid apparatus for the experiments

1.2g magnesium ribbon


Excess hydrochloric acid Excess hydrochloric acid

1.2g magnesium ribbon 1.2g magnesium ribbon

Temperature / 0 C




Time taken for all the 50 20 15 magnesium dissolved/ s (a) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. ................... [ 1 mark] (i) Name the gas produced in the experiment above. .................... [ 1 mark ] Calculate the maximum volume of the gas produced in the experiment. [Relative atomic mass : Mg,24;Volume of 1 mole of gas at room temperature = 24 dm3 ]





[1 mark] (c ) Calculate the average rate of reaction for: (i) Experiment I


Experiment II


Experiment III


[ 2 marks] Diagram shows the set up of the apparatus to investigate electron transfer through a distance. Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas suatu eksperimen untuk mengkaji pengaliran elektron melalui satu jarak.

Magnesium electrode


Silver Zink electrode Argentum Zinc Silver nitrate solution nitrateLarutan argentum sulfat
Sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric acid

Magnesium Magnesium sulphate nitrate solution Larutan magnesium sulfat

Asid sulfurik cair a) b) Label the negative terminal of the cell on in Diagram. State the function of the dilute sulphuric acid. c) Name the reducing agent in the experiment [1 mark] d) Write the half equation for the reaction that occurs at silver electrode [1 mark] [1 mark]



[1 mark] f) What is the change in oxidation number of magnesium? [1 mark]

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