Assignment 3: Personal Article Review: Economics of Multiple-Use Forestry (3513040) Autumn 2011/jukka Matero

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Economics of Multiple-use Forestry (3513040)

Autumn 2011/Jukka Matero

Assignment 3: Personal article review

This is compulsory!!!! Estimated time budget: about 10 hours (not much more!)

Guidelines: 1. Select one scientific article (peer reviewed or a technical report) analyzing/considering some ECONOMIC aspect of multiple-use forestry. The article has to be written in English and available electronically in the web. 2. Send your article suggestion (title) to Jukka Matero by email to be accepted (at maximum 2 students can work with the same article). 3. After the acceptance, prepare a personal review about the article following the structure below (length 1-2 pages, no more). 4. Return your review by email to Jukka Matero by Tuesday, Dec 20 16:00!

Structure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Article title and source Your name and student number Description of the case, context and/or aims. Summary of 1-3 specific economic themes/details in the article (according to your interests. So, no need to go through carefully the whole (possibly 100-page) report) 5. Self reflection, linking the summary and case to your previous studies and/or to the contents of the lectures (there should be some links if you have succeeded in the article choice!) Language of the review: English or Finnish. No need to worry too much about the language (but you still have to show that you understand the key concepts).

Grading (2 categories): PASSED (5% of the total) - the review fulfills the technical requirements, but contains some misunderstandings. The links to previous experiences and course contents are very minimal. GOOD (10% of the total) - No clear misunderstandings. The review shows that a student can logically link the summary (themes/details) to the course contents and/or previous experiences. Exercise 3 (Mon 5th Dec 12-14, room N100): No pre-assignments, attendance not necessary BUT if you have questions related to your review or problems in the article selection, you can get some further tips from the teacher. please try an article search from the Web of Science reference database!

Economics of Multiple-use Forestry (3513040)

Autumn 2011/Jukka Matero

Some sources from where you can find several original/other articles: Elsasser P., Meyerhoff J., Montagne C. & Stenger A. (2009) A bibliography and database on forest benefit valuation studies from Austria,France,Germany,and SwitzerlandA possible base for a concerted European approach. Journal of Forest Economics, 15, 93107 Zandersen M. & Tol R.S.J. (2009) A meta-analysis of forest recreation values in Europe. Journal of Forest Economics, 15, 109-130 The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity (TEEB case collection) ( Lindhjem H. (2007) 20 years of stated preference valuation of non-timber benefits from Fennoscandian forests: A meta-analysis. Journal of Forest Economics, 12, 251-277 Loomis J.B. & White D.C. (1996) Economic benefits of rare and endangered species: summary and meta-analysis. Ecological Economics, 18, 197-206 State of Forest Carbon Markets 2011 Olander, J. & Ebeling, J. 2011. Building Forest Carbon Projects: Step-by-Step Overview and Guide. In Building Forest Carbon Projects, Ebeling, J. & Olander, J. (eds.). Washington, DC: Forest Trends. Pukkala T., Lhde E., Laiho O., Salo K. & Hotanen J.-P. (2011) A multifunctional comparison of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management in a boreal region. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41, 851-862 Pukkala T. (2011) Optimizing forest management in Finland with carbon subsidies and taxes. Forest Policy and Economics, 13, 425-434 Munoz -.P., C., Guevara A., Torres J.M. & Brana J. (2008) Paying for the hydrological services of Mexico's forests: Analysis, negotiations and results. Ecological Economics, 65, 725-736 Pagiola S. (2008) Payments for environmental services in Costa Rica. Ecological Economics, 65, 712-724

and thousands of other articles

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