Erosion Behaviour of Nano Filled Silicone Elastomers

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Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005


Erosion Behaviour of Nano Filled Silicone Elastomers

Stephanie Rätzke*, Josef Kindersberger

Lehrstuhl für Hochspannungs- und Anlagentechnik der Technischen Universität München, Deutschland;

Abstract: The effect of nano sized particles compared Fraction of interfacial layers
to micro sized particles is explained by the high surface
to volume ratio. The influence of different types and To illustrate the highly increased fraction of interfacial
concentrations of nano and micro sized fillers on the layers, one has to dwell on the consequences of the
erosion resistance, the thermal conductivity and the smaller particle size. On the one hand a spherical
dielectric properties of an unfilled silicone elastomer is particle with a diameter of 1 µm has approximately the
investigated. The dispersion of the filler particles in the same volume as one billon particles with a diameter of
matrix material seems to play a decisive role. 1 nm (Fig. 1).
Key Words: Nanodielectrics, nanometric fillers,
advanced insulation materials, erosion behaviour


In polymeric materials for outdoor insulation fillers are 1 nm

used for various reasons, e.g. to improve the mechanical
stiffness, the resistance to arcing, resistance to tracking
1 µm
and erosion, etc. The contact area between filler and
matrix material is called interfacial layer. The size of Fig. 1 Illustration of dielectrics with µ- and n-fillers
typical conventional filler particles is 1 - 150 µm. These
filler materials shall further be called µ-filler. One can see from this example that as a result of the
The potentials of new nano structured materials, in smaller particle size the absolute number of particles is
which the properties of the interface layers dominate the highly increased at the same volume fraction.
volume effect, which today is called interface effect, Furthermore, with decreasing particle diameter the
were already indicated in 1992 [1]. fraction of surface atoms is increased. In particles with a
It was illustrated in 2001 that the interface effect can be diameter of 20 nm already 10 % of the atoms in the
used for tailored materials [2], for instance by using particle are surface atoms (Table 1). At a particle size of
nanometric fillers. Nanometric fillers are defined as 1 nm nearly all atoms are located at the particle surface.
particles with a size between 1 – 100 nm. In this paper Therefore, nano particles have a highly increased
they are called n-fillers or nano particles and the fraction of surface atoms.
materials consisting of n-fillers in a dielectric medium
are called nanodielectrics. Particle Number of Fraction of
Several publications point out in past years the potential diameter atoms in a surface atoms in a
of n-fillers [3, 4, 5]. It is remarkable, that the published [nm] particle particle [%]
improvements already occur at a filler loading of 1 – 10 20 250 000 10
wt. %. By using conventional fillers usually a large 10 30 000 20
amount of filler material (55 – 65 wt. %) is necessary to 5 4 000 40
achieve the required properties [9]. 2 250 80
The present work investigates the influence on the 1 30 99
resistance to HV-arcing (according to IEC 61621) by
using n-fillers and µ-fillers in a silicone elastomer. Table 1 Relation of particle diameters to contained
Furthermore the dielectric properties were measured. atoms as well as to the fraction of surface atoms

FUNDAMENTALS OF THE NANO EFFECT Thus, for a constant filler fraction in the material it is
found that with decreasing particle size
In materials with µ-fillers the volume effect is - the absolute number of atoms in the particle is
dominating, i.e. due to the high volume fraction the highly increasing and
filler material contributes to the properties of the whole - a larger fraction of the atoms in the filler particle
material. Contrary to that the properties in belong to the interfacial layer.
nanodielectrics are affected by the interfacial layer As a result the fraction of the interfacial layers is
between the filler and the matrix material. The reason increased enormously.
for that is the highly increased fraction of interfacial
layers in the material.

Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005

Physical Fundamentals of the Nano Effect interfacial layers is large enough, the properties of the
whole material are neither the properties of the matrix
The binding structures in interfacial layers are very material A nor the properties of the particle B (Fig. 3).
different in comparison with the filler or matrix
material. Beside the classic physical effects quantum
physical effects are also possible. The interfacial layers I
present a range between macroscopic and quantum
mechanical properties. This is evident if one compares IB d is reduced
the size of a nano particle (1 – 100 nm) with the radius
of an aluminium atom (0.25 nm) or the single bond
length between two carbon atoms (0,154 nm) [2].
In a homogenous material, like the matrix material or
interior of a particle, the atomic constitution is also
homogenous. That means every atom is surrounded only
material A particle B material A
by atoms of the same type and therefore the interactions
are equal for all directions. But, atoms of the interfacial
layer interact with atoms of the matrix material and the
filler material likewise. This means that the forces Fig. 3 Intensity I depending on the particle diameter d
acting to the atoms of the interfacial layer are different (according to [7])
from those in a homogeneous material.
The interfacial layer can have a thickness of only 1 nm These changes are not limited only to the macroscopic
if only strong interaction is acting or can be more than properties: The higher intensity in the area of the
10 nm thick if charge carriers are situated in the particle B can for instance be a barrier for an electron
interfacial layer [7, 15]. (in the tunnel effect), for a photon or a phonon. If
The effects in the interfacial layer may be explained by always just the energy quantity of an electron, photon or
a model [7]. The interfacial layer between two different phonon can be transported across the energy barrier, the
materials defines also a transition of an intensity of a electrical conductivity, the light or the thermal
special property (for example concentration or energy) conductivity becomes quantised.
in material A (IA) to another in material B (IB). An example for this effect is the fluorescence behaviour
There must be a continuous transition between the two of CdTe nano particles. Dilutions with nano particles in
intensities at the border (Fig. 2). This transition can have a range from 2 – 5 nm change their fluorescence with
different slopes (a) or even a maximum (b) is possible, increasing particle diameter from green to red [12].
which is higher than the intensities of both materials IA Another example is the quantisation of the thermal
and IB [6, 7]. conductivity, which was detected by Schwab 2000 [13].


Degradations of insulations for outdoor application are
IB basically caused by high energy stresses. The most
(a) important stresses are:
- Pollution initiated discharges,
IA - Arcs and
- UV-radiation.
Usually the stresses of the pollution initiated discharges
material A material B and arcs are dominating for polymeric materials for
Fig. 2 Transition of an intensity I of a property in outdoor insulation. They can lead to tracking and
material A to material B with a continuous slope (a) or a erosion. Tracking can be presumed as a special form of
maximum (b) erosion. It is characterized by a continuous conductive
path, which is caused by local erosion on the surface of
An example for (a) is the electron-hole concentration in the material [14].
a p-n-junction of a diode. For instance the characteristic The resistance to erosion and arcing of materials for
of (b) represents the potential barrier at the tip of the high voltage outdoor insulation is evaluated by two
electrode of a scanning electron microscope. It will be standardized tests, the IEC 60587 and IEC 61621 [14,
tunnelled by electrons, which are needed to determine 21]. Within a material family a high resistance to
the distance to the sample. tracking and erosion usually corresponds to a long
It is assumed, that a particle of material B is dispersed in duration of the arcing test [11]. Therefore the
the matrix material A. If the particle diameter is small considerably faster arcing test according to IEC 61621
enough no constant value IB is reached. The intensity of suffices for exploratory analysis in terms of a screening.
the property is a value on the curve. If the fraction of the

Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005

There are different studies on the impact of the particle

size of silica in RTV silicone elastomers. Particle sizes
of 1.5 – 12 µm were investigated at filler loadings of
10 -50 % wt. The studies show a better resistance to
erosion and a higher thermal conductivity by using
smaller particles at the same filler fraction [8, 19]. It has
to be studied if this behaviour continues at nanometric


Investigated materials
Fig. 4 TEM picture of the matrix material with 4 wt. %
Unfilled HTV silicone rubber with a filler content of n-SiO2, 10 000-times magnified
(2), 4, 10, and 40 wt. % was investigated. Table 2 shows
medium primary particle diameter of the used filler
materials. Furthermore, samples without filler material
were investigated.
Primary particles are mostly spherical clusters of
amorphous filler material. The primary particles can not
be split up (sheared) at the dispersion process.
Aggregates are formed by chemical bonds between the
primary particles. Several aggregates can form
agglomerates by weaker surface forces. They are
sensible to shear at the dispersion process.

Filler Medium diameter of

primary particle Fig. 5 TEM picture of the matrix material with 4 wt. %
n-SiO2 7 nm µ-SiO2, 10 000-times magnified
µ-SiO2 212 nm
n-Al2O3 13 nm
µ-Al2O3 4100 nm
Table 2 medium diameter of primary particles of the
used filler materials

Fig. 4 to Fig. 7 show the TEM (Transmission Electron

Microscope) pictures of the investigated materials. All
samples were manufactured in the same way. To avoid
agglomeration strong shear forces were applied at the
dispersing process. As it can be seen from the TEM
pictures the agglomeration could not be avoided
completely, anyway.
The best dispersion was achieved with n-SiO2 (Fig. 4). Fig. 6 TEM picture of the matrix material with 4 wt. %
The filler particles are equally dispersed and partly form n-Al2O3, 10 000-times magnified
aggregates or agglomerates. Nevertheless the particles
mostly have a size of 10 – 50 nm, which are nano
particles by definition.
It can be seen in Fig. 6 that n-Al2O3 tend to form large
agglomerates, which are not nano particles. The particle
dispersion is well in some parts but not satisfying in
general. Due to their not sufficing dispersion the
particles and agglomerates are not interspersing the
matrix material contrary to the n-SiO2. Because of this it
is to be expected that the n-Al2O3 behave generally as µ-
Both types of µ-particles are obviously larger and do not
form aggregates or agglomerates (Fig. 5 and Fig. 7).
They have a medium diameter of approximately 250 nm Fig. 7 TEM pictures of the matrix material with 4 wt. %
and 4 µm, respectively. µ-Al2O3 8000-times magnified

Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005

In general it is more difficult to achieve a good 0,23

dispersion of n-fillers than of µ-fillers because of their n-SiO2

thermal conductivity [W/mK]

high specific surface and their resulting affinity to form µ-SiO2
aggregates or agglomerates. Furthermore it is important 0,21 n-Al2O3
to consider the combination of filler and matrix 0,20
material. If the binding structure of the filler material is
similar to the one of the material, the tendency to form
aggregates is less pronounced. It is assumed, that the 0,18

dispersion behaviour of the filler types is similar at 0,17

higher filler concentrations. Unfortunately the contrast
of the TEM pictures at higher filler concentrations is 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
filler concentration [wt. %]
Resistance to HV-Arcing
Fig. 9 Thermal conductivity of investigated materials
The resistance to arcing was tested according to IEC
61621. The size of the samples was 15x30x6 mm. For Dielectric Properties
each material a test series was made consisting of 12
measurements. Fig. 8 shows the mean values of the test The dielectric loss factor and the relative permittivity of
duration (arcing time) and the associated minimum and the investigated materials were measured at 3 kV and
maximum values in dependence on filler type and filler plotted in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11. For both SiO2-fillers and
concentration. The results show increasing test durations the n-Al2O3 filler there is no significant difference for
with increasing filler concentrations. The graph for both the loss factor at 10 and 40 wt %. The value of 10 wt %
µ-fillers and for the n-Al2O3 exhibit no significant µ-Al2O3 is smaller than the value of 40 wt %. The loss
differences. But the test duration of the n-SiO2 is factors of the SiO2-fillers are smaller than for the Al2O3-
significantly higher at 40 % wt. fillers.
There is a remarkably peak for three of the filler types at
a filler concentration of 4 wt %. Only the value of n-
Al2O3 is smaller for 4 wt % than for 10 wt %.
250 µ-SiO2
test duration [s]

µ-Al2O3 n-SiO2
loss factor [10^-3] at 3 kV

10 n-Al2O3
100 µ-Al2O3


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
filler concentration [wt. %] 2

Fig. 8 Duration of the arcing according to IEC 61621 0

for different filler materials and filler concentrations 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

filler concentration [wt. %]

Thermal conductivity
Fig. 10 loss factor of the investigated materials
To investigate the influence of the thermal conductivity
on the resistance to arcing, measurements of the thermal A similar but slighter peak is found for the relative
conductivity were undertaken. Fig. 9 shows the thermal permittivity (Fig. 11) of n-SiO2 and µ-Al2O3. In general
conductivities of the investigated materials. the relative permittivity is raising slightly with higher
The values for all filler materials rise approximately filler concentrations. All values lies between 2.8 and
linear to the filler concentration. There is no significant 3.2.
difference between the four filler materials.

Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005

3,6 suggested that the nano particles restrict chain

n-SiO2 movement [3].
µ-SiO2 The behaviour can not be confirmed for the Al2O3
relative permittivity at 3 kV

n-Al2O3 fillers. The reason is probably the unsatisfactory
µ-Al2O3 dispersion of the n-Al2O3. Here the agglomerates have a
similar size as conventional µ-particles.
An explanation for the peak of the SiO2-fillers at 4 wt %
3,0 can not be given at the moment.


2,6 - The interface effect is based on the high fraction of

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 interfacial layers in the dielectric. The fraction of
interfacial layers becomes dominant by using n-
filler concentration [w t. %]
Fig. 11 relative permittivity of the investigated materials - Theoretically the properties of the interfacial layer
do neither match the properties of the matrix
DISCUSSION material nor the properties of the filler. If the
fraction of interfacial layers is high enough, the
The erosion behaviour of filled silicone elastomers was properties of the whole dielectric are changing.
investigated with the HV arcing test according to - A good dispersion of the filler in the matrix material
IEC 61621. The test durations increase approximately is decisive for the fillers to make an impact, in
linear with increasing filler content. This is in good particular for n-fillers. Only if the whole matrix
correlation with the thermal conductivity, which is material is interspersed with filler particles, one can
supposed to improve the resistance to erosion. An expect a change of the properties of the n-filled
influence of the particle size at lower filler dielectric contrary to the µ-filled dielectric.
concentrations becomes not apparent. The graphs for - The necessary dispersion was only achieved with the
both Al2O3 fillers and the µ-SiO2 show also no n-SiO2 filler, which improves the resistance to arcing
significant difference at higher filler concentrations. significantly at higher filler contents contrary to the
Only the test duration of the n-SiO2 is remarkably corresponding µ-filler. Also the loss factor and the
higher at 40 wt %. relative permittivity are decreasing slightly.
This result is plausible considering the filler dispersion. - n-Al2O3 acts as a µ-filler because of its large
Only the particles of the n-SiO2 exist as nano particles aggregates. That is the reason why there is no
in the matrix material. The n-Al2O3 act as a µ-filler remarkable effect on the resistance to arcing or the
because of its large aggregates. Therefore its behaviour dielectric properties by using n-Al2O3 instead µ-
is similar to both µ-fillers. Al2O3.

Another fact to discuss is that the enhanced resistance to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

arcing by using n-SiO2 is achieved only at high filler
concentrations. The published improvements of material The authors thank to Dr. H.-J. Winter for his
properties mostly deal with mechanical properties like cooperation in manufacturing samples and for valuable
surface degradation caused by partial discharges and discussions.
they already occur at low filler concentrations (1 - 10
% wt). In this case the strong interfacial bonding and REFERENCES
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