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SUBJECTIVE: Marigatan ak makaanges as verbalized by the patient.

Ineffective breathing pattern related to disease condition (Community Acquired Pneumonia) as manifested by increase respiratory rate.

After 4 hours of nursing intervention client should be able to manifest effective breathing. From 24 breaths per minute to 20.

INDEPENDENT Monitor vital signs.


Goal partially met.

To serve as a baseline data.

OBJECTIVE: Restlessness Use of accessory muscles Cough

Raise the head part of the bed.

To relieve difficulty of breathing.

Client still manifest difficulty of breathing though it is gradually reduces from 24 breaths per minute to 22. Vital Signs: BP 100/70

Encourage deep breathing exercises.

T0 36.20C To promote proper lung expansion. PR 92 RR - 22

Vital Signs: BP 100/70 T0 36.50C PR 89 RR 24

DEPENDENT Administer prescribed medication. Helps in aiding effective airway clearance.

SUBJECTIVE: Agkakabsut nak, haan ak unay nga makagaraw as verbalized by the patient.

Activity intolerance related to imbalance between O2 supply and demand as manifested by inability to perform ADL.

After 4 hours of nursing intervention the client will be able to participate willingly in necessary or desired activities.

Monitor vital signs.

To serve as a baseline data.

Goal met. Client reveals an increase in activity tolerance.

Asses clients level of mobility.

Aids in defining what activities client is capable of.

OBJECTIVE: Client is mostly lying on bed. Appears to be weak Unable to perform activities of daily living. Asses potential for physical injury.

Injury maybe related to falls and overexertion.

To protect client from injury. Assist with activities.

Vital Signs: BP 100/70 T0 36.50C PR 89 RR - 22

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