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GUN who we are

GUN (Global UInvest Network) is the first world Online Global Equity Exchange. It means that every business in the world is able to offer its shares to individuals from anywhere via Internet. GUN was initiated in 2011 by UInvest Inc, California registered company. In January 2011 the project was in possession of 30 shareholders who developed and managed the project by attending regular online meetings.

GUN the proven concept

The Proven Concept For the last 5 years UInvest has created the online marketplace for more than 60 businesses and 60,000 uinvestors. About $5,000,000 earnings are paid monthly to uinvestors like clockwork. Currently the GUN Project, started in December 2011, includes over 200 agents, who represent our company in more than 45 countries around the world!

GUN in a nutshell

GUN Global Uinvest Network an international marketplace where business owners meet uinvestors. To raise funds for a business we divide the needed amount into shares and offer them for sale through our global network to more than 60,000 uinvestors from all around the world. UInvestors buy shares which build the income for them as each share brings regular payments to its owner. Thus, businesses get money, uinvestors interest from the investment. GUN controls the process and provides safe, convenient and fair business conditions for all participants. For the last years we have successfully listed dozens of businesses just like yours and we will be happy to assist you too.

What Does Your Project Need?

Does your business need investments?

We are the right company to address your needs to!

UInvest will provide your business the funding opportunities from private sources. The process will flow quickly without an excessive paperwork and tedious approval procedures. The best feature is that funds are available under favorable terms and conditions. The flexibility our main competitive advantage!

Why choose GUN?

The options you have are:

Bank Strong rules and a long procedure, a lot of papers Lower interest, but needs a positive balance, not each project purpose will be accepted for financing, especially StartUps Angel Investor Higher interest rate GUN Strong procedure which provides the best security and profitability Flexible scheme of the investment project development

Stable control from this person an angel investor - who will try to control all your business processes as well as a plan how to use the income

Project Submission Procedure

How to present the project to GUN? In GUN we have a precise procedure on how to present a project: 1. Fill in the project Submission form with a GUN Agent 2. Send additional documents to a GUN Agent 3. We will send you additional questions answer them 4. We will request additional documents or explanations send us 5. After the Analysis stage we will call you to clarify all once again be ready for our call 6. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact a GUN Agent or you can call us directly we are always open for communications 7. After consideration we will contact you concerning the offer. At this stage its time for the direct communication between GUN and You

Project Processing General View

Project Procedure General View

As you can see from the previous slide: the approximate terms from the project submission till the moment when it could be financed are 2 4 months. It could be a long period of time, but its difficult to fund the project in shorter terms.
The ways to make terms shorter: 1. A correct and quick communication 2. Precise follow recommendations and prepare the needed documents 3. The documents you prepare at the Can go to Final stage should be updated, translated and notarized you should expect this request at this stage.

Standard Stages of the Project Consideration

The Stages each project goes through are: 1. Pre-review an initial review after the submission 2. Analysis the analysis of the presented data 3. Communication when we contact you to discuss all details 4. Needed details when the presented info is insufficient and the communication level between the BO and Agent is low 5. Can Go To Final the project is ready after the analysis; documents processing 6. Final the projects which are fully ready for listing


How to Present Your Project?

What we will look for: Better Security Better Profitability

What you can prepare:

Executive Summary Business Plan Financial Results and projections Photo-Video Materials Companys Documents Your CV


Amounts, Interests, Terms

AMOUNTS: The minimum amount to be collected is $20,000 The maximum amount to be collected is $3,000,000 for one stage But the flexibility of the system allows us to collect higher amount INTEREST: You need to plan which interest rate you can pay monthly TERMS: The minimum term from project submission till it is funded- 24 months, all depends on the project details and communication level


What is the Filtered Projects List?

The Filtered Projects List is a list of all projects submitted to GUN, Each project there has its Grades, Thus, the filtered projects list is formed by the Grades and Stages, Only project from the Final Stage could be listed next And only project with higher Grade will be on the TOP You can find out the place of your project in the Filtered Projects List from the GUN Agents, whove helped you to submit it


How to get to the TOP?

The way to the TOP of the list is quite simple: 1. Better project security 2. Higher project profitability We can precisely discuss all with a BO with regard to his/her project after signing the NDA * Please note that you cannot discuss any offer details and developed investment project details after you have signed the NDA


How to Promote Yourself?

After your project is listed on and starts to collect money, you will be directed how to promote the project. Thus, you will need to: 1. Participate in the UInvest Online Management Meeting 2. Prepare video-interview hire a professional team from your region. We will send requirements for the interview record 3. Send updates on the project (the use of attracted funds, and result achieved on this basis)


Functions of Participants

I. Business Owner: prepares details of his/her project as well as materials for the analysis II. GUN Agent: a mediator between GUN/UInvest and a BO, helps a BO to submit a project correctly III. GUN Team works with project details analysis, sends an offer, and controls the processes after listing IV. Uinvestors: share purchase; collect the needed amount on the project balance



Thus, weve gone through presentation of GUN to Business Owners. Using this simple information you may reach the huge success as our agent!


Investment for Everyone

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