Martin Luther

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FRUSTRATION?:By William F Matters Jr.

Martin Luther’s reputed insanity of self abuse as penance hidden in self imposed rituals as
early OCD are interesting to study in reference to the accounts of his life. However it seems
his lack of appreciation for grace found in Catholic sacramental systems especially confession
form the basis for his selection of scriptures for sacred cannon possibly subconsciously. Although
from his 95 thesis it is mainly concerned with the commercial aspects of redemption for his day
in plenary indulgence, although he may have done so seeking his own cure and in so doing as any
human found exoneration in others being wrong. Overjoyed at this occurrence with the confusion
of his being sought out by Catholicism later as by inquisition may have fueled his basis for a new or
reformed religion for Christ’ sake. As most of the schisms found in Catholicism especially after 1054 AD
, there is a need for schism based on the tradition possibly of priest celibacy. Much of Luther’s
difficulties disappear after his marriage as it does for common males.
Although one may dismiss this as Luther not having the “call” of the religious life, it is a common
unspoken occurrence. Protestants and Orthodox alike promote marriage for priest and pastors. Luther
may have as others been trapped in this pressure cooker where in the 10th century and thereafter priest
were forbidden to marry. As a Catholic I know priest are more committed to Christ’ body without
distraction of family concerns yet this tradition may have found its birth not in its justification, but in
forbidding the transfer of real estate to others outside the church’s interest. Priest who have no
offspring then transfer gains to the church as with these inheritences after the tenth century. Later
saints were beggars for Christ contrary to Paul’s example yet similar to faiths as Hinduism or Buddhism
until caste systems become involved.
Now I have my theories as to promotion of rumored pediophaelia in the church being spread or
inspired by people who are enemies of the mother church, but it does occur even in Protestant or
other circles. The same cause of schisms may have been the root of child abuse being this now
millennia old tradition of celibacy. This article is not suggesting Luther as a pediophael, but the
family born imposed sentence to be a religious was not God’s call for Luther per say. He was a man
in need of God’s grace and common provision where lay person and religious had a social dividing line
in Catholicism. I am saying personal need gave birth to the Lutheran Church and opened Pandora’s
box further than the ethnic Orthodox schisms. Jesus wanted us to be united and I see this one
tradition being now contraproductive especially accounting for the divisions that would follow the
next 500 years+. Luther was human and not an evil man, but cultic opportunist have grown out of the
confusion born of these two previous states of confusion.I myself am Catholic and find this most
troubling if I am to do to my part for Jesus prayer to be answered in John 17. The Nestorians & Oriental
Orthodies occurring around 500 AD are the only exception this picture that I can see. Much of the
schisms that followed were in reference to church government relations or government structure of
the church or finance as especially with John Calvin and finally levels of individual preferred piety.
Looking in confusion today’s teenager just goes with the flow of demands mocking war and perceived
holy contradictions with the rock n’ roll style of the street supporting his slavery in growing government
as he makes mistakes necessary for his knowledge yet as an excuse for government over him to grow.
So drugs, teenage pregnancy, STD’s, family issues as well as welfare issues become more complicated
as well as the issue of self government. Add fantasy or RPG markets and the confusion of dependence
on personal technology and institutions that have grown in place of the church and we have the mess
we have today.

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